Download - Feedback presentation



Monster – Imagine Dragons

The Narrative

The collective verdict from the feedback in terms of narrative is that it is very clear right from the start of the video and that the progression of the story through the different scenes are made vivid.

“The narrative is a bit clear from the beginning just could show who the girl in the video actually is.” –SamIn response to this we inserted a lot more shots displaying the actress’ relationship with the protagonist to make her role as the love interest clearer to the audience.


The overall thinking is that we have used a huge range of shots and at varied angles. However, more close up shots are needed.

“I think there needs to be some more close up shots when the band is performing, maybe some shots from different angles.” – PhoebeIn response to this piece of feedback, we have taken close up shots of each band member at three different angles.


“Lip synching is in synch. The cuts are in synch to the beat of the song” - Maya

The general thoughts on the editing are that the shots match the beat of the music and also there is a good balance between performance based scenes and narrative.


In reference to the mise en scene, the feedback indicates how the outfits, lighting and settings were implemented very well. A drawback, however, is the body language of the band in terms of performance.

“Be careful of the drumming because the ride cymbal, splash cymbal and hi-hat is not in synch and that can make it look a bit funny and obvious that you are not actually playing.” – Hafsah

“The performance could be a bit livelier” - Sam We will be re-taking the band scenes and ensuring the performance looks realistic and is suitable.

“Location choices were good – it fits the mood of the scene. Overall, it’s a very good first draft” – Maya

“The lighting and costumes make it clearer to the audience the message you are trying to get across, can’t wait to see the finished video ” - Phoebe