Download - Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Page 1: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Jaime (Jaime A. Diaz Chairman of the Board, CEO. World Wide Asset Protection, Wall Street, New York) called me and he was DELIRIOUS over your presentation. He repeated "amazing" at least three times! He said the guys loved it and he loved it and he received great ideas from you! He said he spent some alone time with you afterwards, and for a guy that busy -- it's saying a lot. Thanks, John, for coming up with the idea; thanks Merriah for suggesting Derek go in person . . . and THANKS DEREK FOR DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB!!!!! Candace Mayeron

Regional Vice President, Northeast, DBSI Securities Derek, I just finished speaking with Paul on the phone. He RAVED about the session. Paul is truly a no “BS” guy and a marketing machine. He really enjoyed and benefited from your session. He‟s looking forward to further conversations with you. Thanks nice work! John Mayeron Principal, Executive Vice President Marketing & Product Development, DBSI Securities Derek this was so great and we really appreciate you! Thanks! Merriah Harkins Vice President National Sales, DBSI Securities Derek, I told John, your training was the best I have ever attended and is well worth the time spent. I am looking forward to working with you in the future to perfect my presentation skills. Paul White, CES CEO, Professional Investment Advisors INC I don‟t even know what to say Derek other than thanks for all the great work you do. You are an example to many when it comes to being world class in everything we do. Gary Bringhurst, COO, DBSI

In answer to the question, “What was the most valuable aspect of

Speak Up! Stand Out! ™

Compete When You Speak By Derek Johnston?” participants and facilitators from recent programs and seminars

who worked with Derek Johnston replied.


Page 2: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Samsung Electronics Shanghai, China I never thought I could make it at this level. I think this is because of your help and coaching. It made me feel much

more confident and proud.

Grant Zhou

Vice President/General Manager. China Mobile Phone Operations, Samsung Electronics

Beijing, China

Spectrus Investment Real Estate, San Francisco This is simply terrific! This BLOWS the DOORS OFF anything I have seen, and it offers clear, easy to understand explanations to both our sales team and prospective clients. Well done! Lee Broome DBS Securities, Director of Business Development

I want to express my appreciation for the fine work that Derek Johnston provides. I had a special need for a presentation coming up and he assisted me in understanding how we can customize our current version. I have gone from worry to peace of mind. Thanks, Ron Richardson Spectrus Real Estate Group You are amazing Mr. Derek! THAT says it all! Thanks for the great presentation tool. Susan Kipper Spectrus Real Estate Group Thanks again for doing such a great job deconstructing and then rebuilding our conception of "public speaking". To take on a subject that is so complex in its subtleties and then provide us with the stepping stones of success was just remarkable. Thanks again! Wayne Gregori Sales Executive FOR 1031, LLC Thanks so much. As it turned out, I had very little time to prepare. That said, it was one of my more successful presentations. I definitely, used your “Format”. Several people complimented my presentation afterwards. Sheryl Onopchenko Sales Executive FOR 1031, LLC I would like to thank you for lending Derek to us, frankly we would not have pulled this off with out him. His coaching and help with on the fly content changes was fabulous. Rob, Robert, George, Gary and I all utilized his coaching and instructions, which aided in making the presentations be the best they could be. I could not have done this with out him. Peter Rosenthal Regional Vice President, San Francisco

Page 3: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Derek, I just want to let you know how positive the feedback from my team was after our day of the Speak Up! Stand Out! training. Everyone not only appreciated your expertise in the subject matter, but also really enjoyed the methods you used to teach us the different tools and reasoning behind public speaking. We were all impressed with your knowledge and no one was “afraid” that they would somehow be embarrassed in front of their peers. Each team member not only understood the immediate benefit from the seminar, but they all also understood that this kind of training and follow up work will help them succeed in whatever they do for the rest of their lives. Being able to speak in front of a group doesn‟t get the attention it deserves, and we all felt fortunate to be able to have the opportunity to learn from you. Thanks again! Jeff Taylor Director of Land Development, DBSI

International Data Corporation (IDC) Derek has been a wonderful partner in providing professional presentation skills training to IDC Asia/Pacific. I'd worked with more than 10 vendors in the past decade but no one came as close to LIPS as in providing professional training, after-sale services as well as mentoring and counseling services to their trainees (Even after the training and contract were over) Indeed, our research analysts and events' speakers have benefited tremendously... They became more confident in their presentations; made less errors; and have been closing more deals for the company ever since they attended the training. I would not hesitate to recommend LIPS to any organization keen in providing professional presentation skills to their employees." Mike Giam Regional HR Manager, IDC Asia / Pacific

Page 4: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe



Changing my comfort zone. Hui-Min Tzeng, Research Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific The best of „To Do‟ things and tips. Loh Hwuei Foong, Senior Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific New perspectives on the role of the presenter, content structure editing, polishing up delivery techniques. Puni Rajah, Vice President Consulting, IDC Asia / Pacific The training has given me more confidence to go out there to present. Thanks Derek. Michael Widjaja, IDC Hong Kong Provides frame works & templates for approaching presentations. Practicing with Derek and the ability to have immediate feedback from him. Nathan Midler, Research Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific The importance of audience perception over content. Osman Tora, Research Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific The training helped me come out of my shell and use creative tools to a natural and powerful effect. Martin Kralik, Consulting Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific One-to-one –Technique/training strong exercises that all sync up at the end. Tim Crowley, Senior Analyst IDC / Asia Pacific Helped identify my short comings to be an excellent presenter. Gave me the confidence that excellent public speaking can be achieved by anyone. Rajnish Arora, Associate Director, IDC / Asia Pacific Structuring presentations making myself aware of moment of delivery aspects. Suresh Singh, Research Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific One-on-one coaching. Opportunity to try new things and experiment with new techniques. Daniel McHugh, Senior Analyst, IDC / Asia Pacific The systematic approach to the problem and ability to break to topic into specific/finite issues. Venu Reddy, Research Manager, IDC / Asia Pacific Being able to put theory into practice, key points learnt. Reuben Tan, Senior Analyst Personal Systems, IDC / Asia Pacific

Page 5: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Aberdeen Asset Management / Sydney, Australia

Bringing attention to the importance of small things such as effective use of pauses, inflection and adding structure to the overall speech. Ky Van Tang, Investment Analyst, Aberdeen Asset Management The before and after video‟s really allow you to see the difference of a combination of small factors that can tremendously improve your delivery. The experimentation idea gives you the freedom to try things without „failing‟. I really like the slice of bread theory. Stuart James, Business Development Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management The training quickly gave me the tools to improve my presenting technique. Thank you, Derek!” Ted Leschke, Portfolio Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management Subtle techniques on delivery & body language. Marcelo Saez, Portfolio Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management Confidence building as well as making me aware of my movements. Neil Hegarty, Associate Director, Aberdeen Asset Management

The whole lot! Excellent course – not only did the training provide us with the basic „speaking‟ skills but it also dealt with other aspects of public speaking not covered in my previous training with Toastmasters (body language, speech, variations, etc..) I also liked how the course was designed to work around our day-to-day tasks. Brett Jollie Associate Director – Sales & Marketing

Highlighted the need to spend time preparing! Charlie Macrae Director

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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited / Singapore

Practical exercises. One-on-one sessions: able to work questions, covers more than in a group. Elaine Koh, Institutional Accounts Executive, Aberdeen Asset Management Overall very useful; Critique of our speaking – for someone to give hints / suggestions, point out flaws, etc. Alton Gwee, Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management The One-on-One training. Andrew Gillan, Aberdeen Asset Management The personal attention I get from One-on-One coaching. Made me more focused on structure. Chua Chee Keong, Client Service, Aberdeen Asset Management The instructor‟s ability to isolate problems and work on them one by one. Ranjiv Raman, Aberdeen Asset Management Derek has been doing a great job. Great concept for the seminar. Pascal Masse, Fund Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management Practice. Both one-on-one and with a group. Steve Robinson, Investment Director, Aberdeen Asset Management

How to have confidence. Ogawa Masaru, Assistant Investment, Manager Aberdeen Asset Management Focus on practical aspects of „performance‟, improvisation and toolbox. Patrick Corfe, Director Marketing, Aberdeen Asset Management One-on-One coaching. Practical. Not just nice. Cynthia Yaw, Manager Intermediaries, Aberdeen Asset Management Ability to provide one with an array of techniques in their presentation. Christopher Wong, Investment Manager, Aberdeen Asset Management

Page 7: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


I appreciated the ability to tailor the content depending on the skill of the presenter. Derek spent a lot of time trying to understand the current limitations and addressed them. He was also very persistent in following up and very supportive along the way. Dane Anderson VP, Internet & Computing Systems, IDC Asia / Pacific

The employees who attended the previous session have seen tremendous improvement and I am confident you will

see the same improvement in your presentation skills given the same commitment.

Christophane Foo Chwan Shin

Manager, Strategic HR, NEC Solutions Asia Pacific

Hi Derek, Just wanted to drop you a thank you for the extra mile you went to help me with my Directions presentation. After loads of practice in the hotel room, it was the best presentation I have put on, and that is largely down to you. Phil Fersht Director, Bio-IT and Life Sciences, IDC Asia / Pacific

What did you find the most valuable aspect of the one-on-one Speak Up! Stand Out! training? That'd be the "get you on your feet" part. The hands on training, where Derek gives you pointers as you're presenting, highlighting what can be done to improve on your presentation, was very useful. It makes you more aware of all the elements of your presentation, such as posture, tone, movement, and of course, your speech. The philosophy of establishing the speaker as the host, and not as a "guest" is another valuable point to remember, to help the speaker manage the environment and stay in control. The one-on-one coaching is invaluable to anyone who wants to refine their presentation skills. More of the one on one would be good to help the student break the bad habits and acquire the good habits. Puyi Tam,

Business Manager, Sing Telecommunications Singapore

Thank you for the insightful session. Although, I'm not from the Sales Department. I've benefited immensely

from your one-on-one coaching. I've acquired skills, techniques and language tools to be more competitive in

any business environment. I highly recommend it.

Ms Patty Lim,

Legal Counsel (Asia Pacific), Invensys Software Systems (S) Pte Ltd

Page 8: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Heineken Int. Lawyers Meeting (Europe) Amsterdam, Holland

Dear Derek, Just a little message to let you know that you have more than met my expectations with your presentation on Friday June 11th. (2004) I have listened with all of my attention for the full 3.5 hours and that is rather unique. The general feeling afterwards amongst the Dutch was that it was a very good show indeed. My toolbox is filled up. Rob Neijenhof Head Legal Council, Heineken


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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


International Data Corporation (IDC) Asia

Learned how to add value to the presentation by overcoming limits. Rachel Lo, Senior Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific One-on-One coaching – personalized Justin Santiago, Senior Research Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific Good notes and reminders – Good expansion on notes. Maria Juhir, Research Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific The understanding of using body language and little tips and best practices advice. Daphne Chung, Senior Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific The review of basics as well as the focus on new techniques. Lain McNeil, Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific The One-on-One session. The thing that made a difference „commit to it‟. Richard Jacobson, Manager, IDC Asia / Pacific Clear and without pretense or a need for „face.‟ From a base of zero, I felt a marked improvement. Douglas Jeffe, Senior Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific One-on-one coaching is the most valuable, particularly looking at how we can improve the look of the content and also introducing new techniques for our presentation. Davina Yeo, Research Manager, IDC Asia / Pacific Lots of pointers and techniques. Andrew Chan, Market Analyst, IDC Asia / Pacific Improvements on content and suggestions for delivery. David Yew, Manager, IDC Asia / Pacific Sharing of their views on Directions. Natasha Tan, IDC Asia / Pacific Key pointers to improve delivery of presentations. Focus on weak areas and provide recommendations to improve. Sandra Ng, Vice President Communications Research, IDC Asia / Pacific

I feel highly motivated and more confident than ever before

Goh Sin Bin, Superintendent Production Engineering

Eagle Services Asia

I left better equipped.

Francis Tan, Customer Support Engineer

Eagle Services Asia

Body language, gestures and delivery power.

Tan Heng Peck, Customer Support Manager

Eagle Services Asia

Page 10: Feedback On Delivered Programs Nov 09

Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Derek's presentation was lively and highly informative. For working within a short time-slot and for having to retain the students' attention as the final speaker, Derek did a fantastic job. In a survey conducted after the seminar, 97.5% of the students found Derek's presentation style interesting and easy to understand; 99% found Derek to be knowledgeable in his topic; and 98.5% found Derek to be enthusiastic in his presentation. Overall, Derek has given our students an understanding of the crucial competitive advantage of confident, dynamic oral communication. Khoo Boo Leong Lecturer, Nanyang Polytechnic School of Business Management, Singapore

Port Dickson Manager Meeting Schenker Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. It was nice meeting you and after getting some feedback from the colleagues over the last three days, it seems that everybody enjoyed your "Speak Up! Stand Out!" seminar. Thank you very much! Kai Kudenholdt General Manager, Schenker Malaysia. Sdn Bhd. I will remember all techniques illustrated and try to implement it whenever possible on my next presentation. PC Wong

IT Manager, Schenker Malaysia. Sdn Bhd.

NEC Asia Pacific, Singapore Presentation skills, e.g. pronunciation, reflective, etc. Candy Lai, Sales Manager, NEC Techniques of presentation. Muliani Liong, Senior Officer, NEC “Everything! Good if everyone can attend this because it is very handy when there is need like sales, meetings…etc.” Alvin Yeo, Deputy Manager, NEC During practice session, I realized a lot of other people‟s common weakness, such as fear. Wynce Keh, System Engineer, NEC I like the One-on-One session best. It was very helpful that we could have 2 One-on-One sessions to find out my personal weak points and improve my presentation skills. Yuka Shimosaka, System Engineer, NEC

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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe



AE ASIA 2002 – Malaysia

Key Note: Live Marketing Opportunities For the Industry / Speak Up! Stand Out! ™ Training Asian Automotive Conference 2002 What did you like about Derek Johnston’s workshop?

Reinforcing the power of effective presentation versus the use of one-on-one contacts. Mr Abdul Wahab B Md Khalid, Proton Bhd

Can implement the new contents I‟ve learned for myself, my work, and for my company. Mr Ahmad Faizal B Ahmad Shahar, Proton Bhd

Very practical examples. Mr Hood Abu Bakar, EON

Some interesting revelations. Mr LM Tee, Kumpulan Jesco

Presentation skills. Mr Lee Beng Shing, Atotech

Tips & new ideas presented. Ms Wan Dan Wan Din, Proton Bhd

Style of presentation leads to effective content communication. Ms Freda Hiew, Compaq Malaysia

Clear & effective presentation. Mr Poon Tuck Wai, Proton Bhd

Interesting new experiences & knowledge, full of life & the courage to speak up, stand out! Ms Nur Eslynda Bte Ismail, Proton Bhd

Invite more lively and good speakers such as Derek Johnston. Mr Ahmad Faizal, Proton Bhd

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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


United States of America

I wanted to let you know that my presentation was awesome!! It created lots of discussion & questions and I don‟t believe I left anything out. It was great, thanks so much for your help!! Brittain Fatzinger Inside Sales, Spectrus Real Estate I want to thank you again for making me look good! Jeff Taylor Director of Land, DBSI Development Thanks for your time today. I picked up several tools that should help. Brian Olsen C.O.O., DBSI Discovery Real Estate Services Being forced to try something different and having some options provided to be successful. Cheri Guerrero DBSI Securities Hey Derek its John from your class last Friday. Just wanted to thank you again for your time. Your class was spectacular. Paul commented that it was the best business decision he ever made (attending). I am doing my homework! John Klett Professional Investment Advisors Hi Derek: Thanks again for Thursday. I am excited to prepare for my first presentation now. I have much work to do, but feel I am armed with the right stuff to be great, thanks to you. Jonathan G. Burman Account Executive, Speactru Real Estate Group

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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Derek, Thank you so much for the training session that day. When I did my presentation on our new fund the very next day I was feeling more confident. Suzanne Obolsky Regional Vice President, Mid-Atlantic DBSI Securities Corporation Derek, If I didn‟t I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate the time you spent with our group. The time was so valuable and you are a true asset to this organization. Thanks again!!! Merriah Harkins President-DBSI Securities Derek, Thanks for spending the morning with us yesterday. You are / have a wealth of information to share and I‟m excited about utilizing it! I can‟t remember if it was in my dreams, or before I was fully awake, but this morning I was thinking about my roles for my oral brochure. Obviously, your information had an impact! Thank you! Lori Sullivan Internal Wholesaler, South-Central Region DBSI Sorry for the delay in expressing my thanks for a great job. Its very reassuring that we have someone with all your talents, and knowing you can fill in at so many levels. Hopefully this will go further and we can employ a little Derek magic to the marketing of the project. Thanks again for a great job! John Mayeron Principal Executive Vice President Marketing & Product Development Derek, Just wanted to thank you again for a very informative, valuable, day we spent with you. Thanks for sharing all your experiences and information that you have gathered over the years and helping us to become professional speakers such as yourself. Meredith Smith Investment Manager DBSI Discovery Real Estate Services Derek, It‟s like the exclamation point of my intro – thanks for hitting home how IMPORTANT this step is. Every time I say it it‟s like it becomes more true and more mine. SUSO – PRICELESS! Pam Matthews Sales Support Spectrus Real Estate Group Motivated!!! Derek I really appreciate you giving some of your incite and tricks in trade of public speaking. As a result, I have an energized confidence of conveying thoughts to investors and brokers over the phone now! Jason Szolomayer Inside Sales Rep Spectrus Real Estate Group

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Speak Up! Stand Out! Compete When You Speak ™ By Derek Johnston

is Available in Asia - North America - Australia -Europe


Derek, I have been meaning to send you a note about the company meeting and the role that you played. You did a fantastic job, you are so talented!!!!!! Your enthusiasm and the controlled order over the speakers were very much appreciated. I got nothing but positive feedback on the organization, your leadership of the meeting from various groups. Thank you. Happy holidays!!!!! Larisa Kryachkova, CPA, MBA Assistant Controller I met with Derek today and I‟m thrilled about the tools we are going to have!!! He is an amazing asset to this company!

Merriah Harkins President-DBSI Securities Derek, Thanks for the excellent job at the party and meetings. Well done! Charlie Hassard Principal DBSI Securities Corporation Derek – it was a pleasure spending time with you. Thanks so much for taking the arduous journey to my fair coast. I know you have a full schedule so I am glad to have been high on the totem pole I will certainly let Merriah and John know what a worthwhile day we had and how gracious you were. Suzanne Obolsky Regional Vice President, Mid-Atlantic DBSI Securities Corporation

Speak Up! Stand Out! ™ Compete When You Speak By Derek Johnston

Business Presentation and One-On-One Coaching