Download - Feedback and Coaching Dr Andy Wilson UK Staff Development Advisor to the BUE.


Feedback and Coaching

Dr Andy WilsonUK Staff Development Advisor to the BUE

Purposes To share some coaching concepts that

may be useful to you when giving feedback

To practise some of these ideas.



What is coaching?




Definitions “…unlocking a person’s potential to

maximise their performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

J. Whitmore

What do coaches do? They help the coachee answer three

questions:1. What is going on?2. What do I want?3. What will I do to get it? Coaches challenge You can insert a “really” in all of these.

Change We need to recognise that we are asking

people to change And change is not always comfortable Shaw, “You have learned something. That

always feels at first as if you had lost something.”

Force-field Analysis

Forces against change

Forces for change

Dilbert on change Change is good. You go first.

Senge on change People don’t resist

change. They resist being

changed. Peter Senge

Organisational change1. Establish the case for change2. Visualise how the new world will be better3. Establish a set of shared values4. Resource the change initiative

appropriately5. Lead by example6. Assess capability and capacity7. Engage the team in the change process8. Communicate the change in a timely and

sensitive way9. Ensure senior management commitment

is visible.

Dealing with negativity

Rational Explain the planConsider what happens without changeInvolve people and demonstrate effectivenessReorganise systems from the bottom up

Personal Stress future benefitsPresent exciting possibilitiesAccept management responsibility for past failures


Provide concrete examples of the needCommunicate details face-to-faceDemonstrate long-term commitmentExplain honestly, and promise involvement

Change and loss Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, On

Death and Dying (1969) Often applied to change,

sometimes in a rather simplistic way, but…

People don’t neatly followthe model

The downs and ups arenot straightforward

But loss is often a part of even “good” change.

The stages ~ DABDA(M)1. Denial ~ They can’t do that! 2. Anger ~ They can’t do that to me!3. Bargaining ~ Well, if they’re going to do

that then I want…4. Depression ~ It’s awful and I feel

miserable.5. Acceptance ~ OK, it’s going to happen6. Moving on ~ Well it’s not so bad, I can

deal with this.

On Death and Dying

Emotional responses

Egan's “skilled helper” model

A 3-stage model to help people solve problems and develop opportunities

An emphasis on empowerment Seeks to move the person towards action

leading to outcomes which they choose and value

3 main questions : 'What is going on?' 'What do I want instead?' 'How might I get to what I want?'

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Style

Current Scenario

Preferred Scenario

Action Strategies

Don’t follow slavishly

The StoryWhat's going on?

PossibilitiesIdeally, what do I want instead?

Possible ActionsHow many ways are there?

Expansive, exploratory and creative

Blind SpotsWhat's really going on?

Change AgendaSMART goals

Best Fit StrategiesWhat will work for me?

Challenging, reality testing, and selecting


CommitmentCheck goals are right

PlanWhat next and when?

Focussing, committing, moving forward

The coaching conundrum What do I do next? There are so many options that, at least

in the early stages of your coaching career, some guidance is helpful.

Metaskills and monitoring Metaskills = skills about skills The key skill is to know what skill to use Monitoring, but how many things can

you monitor?

Style Am I maintaining a good rapport?Situation Do I understand their situation?Structure Am I structuring the session OK?

Ownership Advice is dangerous! People are more likely to change if they

own their actions So getting commitment is key It’s easy to manipulate people Remember Meno’s slave.

“Yes Minister”H Mr. Woolley, are you

worried about the number of young people without jobs?

B YesH Are you worried about

the rise in crime among teenagers?

B YesH Do you think there is

a lack of discipline in our Comprehensive schools?

B Yes

H Do you think young people welcome some authority and leadership in their lives?

B YesH Do you think they

respond to a challenge?

B YesH Would you be in

favour of reintroducing National Service?

B Yes

Or possibly “No Minister”H Mr. Woolley, are you

worried about the danger of war?

B YesH Are you worried about

the growth of armaments?

B YesH Do you think there is

a danger in giving young people guns and teaching them how to kill?

B Yes

H Do you think it is wrong to force people to take up arms against their will?

B YesH Would you oppose the

reintroduction of National Service?

B Yes



Open questions are good for the early stages and options

Closed questions are

good for confirmation

Feedback Feedback is a business term which refers to

the joy of criticizing other people’s work. This is one of the few genuine pleasures of the job, and you should milk it for all it’s worth. Dilbert

Feedback is arguably the most effective tool in any manager’s toolkit, as well as one of the cheapest. It can be used to encourage people to learn, to raise their morale and motivation, and to improve their performance. Penny Swinburne, 2001

Feedback 2 Experience without feedback is useless Self-reflection is the most powerful form of

feedback A culture of reflection helps any team

perform Feedback needs to be owned, initially by

the giver and then by the receiver Feedback can hurt A mix of positive and negative feedback

gives meaning to both Feedback must aid improvement.

build trust and rapport encourage self-analysis be specific be honest put yourself in their shoes own your feedback describe behaviour use “I” statements ask for upwards feedback too…

(“What can I do better to support you?”)

Giving feedback

be open listen carefully avoid filtering ask questions be prepared to contribute decide to take action

Receiving feedback

Johari window

Known to self

Known to others

Yes No








Public Blind

Private Hidden

Joseph Luft &Harry Ingham