Download - Feed Em Fred tria

Page 1: Feed Em Fred tria

Story by Dustin BrooksIllustrated by Betty Le Bon

Page 2: Feed Em Fred tria

First published in Hardback in Great Britain by Digital Leaf in 2012.

ISBN: 978-0-9573087-8-7

Text copyright © Dustin Brooks 2012. Illustrations copyright © Betty Le Bon 2012. The author and illustrator assert the moral right to be identified as the author and illustrator of the work.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Digital Leaf Ltd,

London SW14 7BN United Kingdom

Book printed in China.

For my William. Perfect just the way you are. DB

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Page 3: Feed Em Fred tria

Story by Dustin Brooks Illustrated by Betty Le Bon

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There was a boy quite scared of food,His carrots made him nervous,To him fruits simply had no use

And veggies lacked all purpose.

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He dined on chips and coco popsAnd fish (in breadcrumbs just)

Avoiding trying other foods,Most so when told he must.

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His mother was a healthy sort,So tireless in her mission

To get her boy to eat good foodAnd give him some nutrition.

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But William, as the boy was called,Rejected every plateful.

Sometimes he even threw it back- I don’t think he felt grateful!

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And so it went in William’s houseUntil a neighbour said,

‘If you want your boy to eat good foodJust call in Feed-’Em Fred’.

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And so they dialled Fred’s number,Oh-Eight-Hundred Eight-Eight-FourAnd then they waited half an hour

Until Fred knocked at the door.

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Dressed in black chef’s apronAnd smelling of high heaven,

He said, ’I’ve got some recipesTo feed you till you’re seven’.

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Then Fred came in and cooked for Will.The first dish that he made

Was roasted snake with artichokesIn sheep-blood marinade!

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UK £7.99 ($12.99 USD)

Feed-’Em Fred is a chef on a mission - to help

children everywhere appreciate healthy, home-cooked food. But his recipes are a little

unusual. Unless of course you’re used to roasted snake with artichokes...’’

‘A fun way to get kids to think differently about food...’ - T Moore

‘A perfect, feel-good, family delight...’ - C Jeffries.

‘A fab, new weapon for parents to deal with picky, little eaters’ - A Amelines.