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Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers www.McNabbAssociates.comFriday, October 19, 2012

Husband and Wife, Aaron Michael Hymas andTiffany Kim Hymas, Plead Guilty to Wire FraudMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 1:01 PM October 19, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 18, 2012 released thefollowing:“ Part of Ongoing Crestwood MortgageFraud BOISE— Aaron Michael Hymas, 38, andTiffany Kim Hymas, 37, former TreasureValley residents now living in Bountiful,Utah, pled guilty today in United StatesDistrict Court in Boise to one count ofwire fraud, U.S. Attorney Wendy J. Olsonannounced. According to the plea agreements, thedefendants admitted that on March 28,2007, they schemed to defraud a lender byhaving Tiffany Hymas submit aresidential loan application for $295,600,wherein she misrepresented that she wasemployed by OPM Enterprises with 2.6years on the job; that she had income andcommissions of $72,500 per month; andthat she had gross rental income of$14,600 per month from four propertieslocated in Meridian, Nampa, and Boise.Based on these misrepresentations, theloan was funded by Taylor, Bean, andWhitaker Mortgage Corporation. Thedefendants admitted that Tiffany Hymas’statements were false and material to theloan application and that they knew thestatements were false at the time she madethem. The defendants face up to 20 years inprison, a maximum fine of $250,000, andup to three years of supervised release.Sentencing is set for January 14, 2013,before U.S. District Judge Edward J.Lodge at the federal courthouse in Boise.“False statements to banks and lenders inorder to obtain home loans haveundermined the integrity of our nation’shousing financing system,” said Olson.“These pleas move us closer to theconclusion of the long term investigationinto the mortgage activities of thoseassociated with Crestwood Homes.Federal and state law enforcementagencies and prosecutors in the District ofIdaho are committed to working togetherto ensure that those who fraudulentlyobtain home loans for personal gain are

punished.” In a related case, sentencing is set forOctober 25-26, 2012, for Travis RichardHymas, 29, of Cedar Hills, Utah, formerlyof Meridian, Idaho. A federal juryconvicted Hymas on June 22 on fivecounts of wire fraud related to mortgagefraud. During the eight-day trial, the juryheard evidence that between November2006 and March 2007, Hymas defraudedfive lenders on nine residential loansvalued at approximately $1.7 million.According to court documents, Travis andhis wife Season filed a bankruptcy petitionon July 17, 2008, in United StatesBankruptcy Court for the District ofIdaho. On March 19, 2009, a substantialamount of the debt they owed on thefraudulent loans was discharged by thebankruptcy proceeding. Season Hymas isset for trial in Boise on November 13. The cases are part of an investigation ofmortgage fraud activity related toCrestwood, which involved multipledefendants who bought and sold realestate in order to “flip” it, or gain profitsfrom the sales. The financial institutionsand mortgage lenders incurred substantiallosses on the loan transactions. To date, nine people have been sentencedin related cases, including Michael J.Hymas, Shauntee K. Ferguson,Christopher R. Georgeson, Stanley J.Ferguson, Brent Bethers, Shane MerlinHymas, Laurie Krechelle Hymas, MelodyC. Redondo, and Paul Redondo. The cases were investigated by theFederal Bureau of Investigation andInternal Revenue Service-CriminalInvestigation, with assistance provided bythe Office of the United States Trusteeand the Idaho Department of Insurance.The case is being prosecuted by the U.S.Attorney’s Office for the District of Idahoand the State of Idaho, Office of theAttorney General. Today’s announcement is part of effortsunderway by President Obama’s FinancialFraud Enforcement Task Force (FFETF),which was created in November 2009 towage an aggressive, coordinated andproactive effort to investigate andprosecute financial crimes. With morethan 20 federal agencies, 94 U.S.

attorneys’ offices, and state and localpartners, it is the broadest coalition of lawenforcement, investigatory, and regulatoryagencies ever assembled to combat fraud.Since its formation, the task force hasmade great strides in facilitating increasedinvestigation and prosecution of financialcrimes; enhancing coordination andcooperation among federal, state, andlocal authorities; addressingdiscrimination in the lending and financialmarkets and conducting outreach to thepublic, victims, financial institutions, andother organizations. Over the past threefiscal years, the Justice Department hasfiled more than 10,000 financial fraudcases against nearly 15,000 defendantsincluding more than 2,700 mortgage frauddefendants. For more information on thetask force, visit”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

2 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

DuPont vs. Kolon fight results in indictments oftop executivesMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 1:08 PM October 19, 2012 on October 19, 2012released the following:“BY: JOEL HENDON An FBI news release on Oct. 18, 2012contains the latest developments in anongoing legal fight over a suit filed byDupont. On Feb. 3, 2009, DuPont filed suitagainst Kolon for “for theft of tradesecrets and confidential information”relating to its product, Heracron. Afterconsiderable legal moves and actions, onSep. 14, 2011, a jury in the U.S. DistrictCourt for the Eastern District of Virginiafound in favor of DuPont who wasawarded damages of $919.9 million.Kolon appealed, which now appears tohave been a grave mistake. The FBI press release explains the resultsof their investigation since that decisionwas made. They report that KolonIndustries Inc. and several of itsexecutives and employees have beenindicted for allegedly engaging in a multi-year campaign to steal trade secretsrelated to DuPont’s Kevlar para-aramidfiber and Teijin Limited’s Twaron para-aramid fiber. The indictment seeksforfeiture of at least $225 million inproceeds from the alleged theft of tradesecrets from Kolon’s competitors. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea,Kolon was indicted by a grand jury inRichmond, Virginia. The indictmentcharges Kolon with one count ofconspiring to convert trade secrets, fourcounts of theft of trade secrets, and onecount of obstruction of justice.“Kolon is accused of engaging in amassive industrial espionage campaignthat allowed it to bring Heracron quicklyto the market and compete directly withKevlar,” said U.S. Attorney MacBride.“This country’s greatest asset is theinnovation and the ingenuity andcreativity of the American people. Thegenius of free enterprise is that companiescompete on the excellence of their ideas,products, and services—not on theft. Thisindictment should send a strong messageto companies located in the United Statesand around the world that industrialespionage is not a business strategy.” (FBIpress release)“By allegedly conspiring to stealDuPont’s and Teijin’s intellectualproperty, Kolon threatened to underminean economic engine at both companies,”said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.“Developing Kevlar and Twaron was

resource-intensive work and requiredstrategic investment and ingenuity. Kolon,through its executives and employees,allegedly acted brazenly to profit off thebacks of others. The Justice Departmenthas made fighting intellectual propertycrime a top priority, and we will continueto aggressively prosecute IP crimes allover the country.” (Ibid)“It’s critical that law enforcementaggressively investigate crimes ofintellectual property theft, such as thisone,” said FBI Special Agent in ChargeMazanec. “If not, intellectual creativityand our economy will be compromised.As a member of the Department of JusticeTask Force on Intellectual Property, ouroffice will investigate any company,domestic or international, that stealsconfidential proprietary information fortheir own benefit. We will pursue thosethat prey on the originality and vision ofhardworking businesses who conduct theirown research, obtain patents, and market asuccessful product.” (Ibid) Kolon makes a product called Heracron,which is a recent entrant into the para-aramid fiber market as a competitor toproducts called Kevlar and Twaron. Para-aramid fibers are used to make, forexample, body armor, fiberoptic cables,and automotive and industrial products.Kevlar is produced by E.I. du Pont deNemours and Company (DuPont), one ofthe largest chemical companies in theUnited States. For decades, Kevlar hascompeted against Twaron, a para-aramidfiber product produced by Teijin Limited,one of the largest chemical companies inJapan. According to the indictment, from July2002 through February 2009, Kolonallegedly sought to improve its Heracronproduct by targeting current and formeremployees at DuPont and Teijin andhiring them to serve as consultants, thenasking these consultants to revealinformation that was confidential andproprietary. The indictment alleges that in July 2002,Kolon obtained confidential informationrelated to an aspect of DuPont’smanufacturing process for Kevlar, andwithin three years, Kolon had replicated it.This successful misappropriation ofDuPont’s confidential information, theindictment alleges, spurred Kolonleadership to develop a multi-phase planin November 2005 to secure additionaltrade secret information from itscompetitors by targeting people withknowledge of both pre-1990 para-aramidtechnology and post-1990 technologies.

Kolon is alleged to have retained at leastfive former DuPont employees asconsultants. Kolon allegedly met withthese people individually on multipleoccasions from 2006 through 2008 tosolicit and obtain sensitive, proprietaryinformation that included details aboutDuPont’s manufacturing processes forKevlar, experiment results, blueprints anddesigns, prices paid to suppliers, and newfiber technology. In cases where theconsultants could not answer Kolon’sspecific and detailed questions, Kolonallegedly requested the consultants toobtain the information from currentemployees at DuPont. In addition to the corporation itself, thefollowing Kolon executives andemployees from Seoul were charged withconspiring together to steal trade secretsand obstruction of justice for deletinginformation from their computers: Jong-Hyun Choi, 56, was a seniorexecutive overseeing the HeracronBusiness Team. He allegedly met withother top executives at Kolon to developthe directives to secure consultants anddirectly participated in carrying out thedirectives. In-Sik Han, 50, managed Kolon’sresearch and development related toHeracron and was allegedly responsiblefor overseeing the “consulting” sessionswith ex-DuPont employees. Kyeong-Hwan Rho, 47, worked forKolon for more than 25 years and servedas the head of the Heracron TechnicalTeam beginning in January 2008. Heallegedly participated in the consultingsessions. Young-Soo Seo, 48, reported to Choi andserved as the general manager for theHeracron Business Team beginning inNovember 2006. He allegedly participatedin the consulting sessions. Ju-Wan Kim, 40, was a manager on theHeracron Business Team from September2007 through February 2009 and reportedto Seo. He was the main point of contactat Kolon for at least one of the ex-DuPontemployees. He also participated in theconsulting sessions. The conspiracy and theft of trade secretscounts each carry a maximum penalty of10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000or twice the gross gain or loss forindividual defendants and a fine of $5million or twice the gross gain or loss forthe corporate defendant. The obstructionof justice count carries a maximumpenalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of

Federal Criminal

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3Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Two-Count Hate Crime Indictment ReturnedAgainst Indiana Man for Alleged Attack onToledo-Area MosqueMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 12:47 PM October 19, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 18, 2012 released thefollowing:“A federal grand jury returned a two-count indictment charging an Indiana manwith hate crimes stemming from the arsonof the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo,law enforcement officials announcedtoday. Randolph Linn, 52, of St. Joe, Indiana,was charged with (1) intentionallydefacing, damaging, and destroyingreligious real property because of thereligious character of that property; and(2) using fire to commit a felony.“The Department of Justice willaggressively prosecute persons whoattack, deface, or damage houses ofworship because of racial or religiousanimus,” said Thomas E. Perez, AssistantAttorney General for the Civil RightsDivision. “We appreciate the cooperationof state, local, and federal lawenforcement in their efforts to ensure thatno one in this country is hindered in theirability to worship freely in the manner oftheir choosing.”“As this department and this communityhave repeatedly said, we will have zerotolerance for such violent acts ofintolerance,” said Steven M. Dettelbach,United States Attorney for the NorthernDistrict of Ohio. “Religious freedom is atthe core of our country, and we willcontinue to aggressively prosecute suchhate crimes whenever and wherever theevidence warrants. Local, state, andfederal law enforcement are to becommended for the speed with which theyidentified and arrested the suspect.” Wood County Prosecutor Paul Dobsonsaid, “This case has been a cooperativeeffort, with state and local lawenforcement initiating the investigationand federal agents subsequently steppingin to assist. It is time to take the next stepand seek federal prosecution with theactive participation of the same state andlocal investigators. Additionally, anAssistant Prosecutor has been appointedas a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney.” Stephen D. Anthony, Special Agent inCharge of the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation’s Cleveland office, said,“Today’s charges should send a clearmessage to anyone who chooses to usefire and hate to destroy a place of worship.The FBI commends the collaboration

between the local and federal agencies intheir efforts to bring Randolph Linnswiftly to justice.”“This senseless act of arson against ahouse of worship is incomprehensible andwill not be tolerated, as ATF will activelypursue and bring those responsible tojustice,” said ATF Special Agent inCharge Robin Shoemaker, ColumbusField Division. “The individual(s)responsible for this act will be heldaccountable. ATF will continue to work incollaboration with our federal and localcounterparts to ensure that justice isserved.” Count one charged Linn withintentionally damaging religious realproperty because of the religious characterof that property. In this case, Linn drove on September 30,2012, from Indiana to the Islamic Centerof Greater Toledo in Perrysburg, Ohio,and, after unlawfully entering the center,used gasoline to set fire to the IslamicCenter’s prayer room, according to theindictment. Count two charged Linn with using fire tocommit a felony. The Perrysburg Township FireDepartment was notified at about 4:58p.m. on September 30 of a fire at theIslamic Center. Officials and officersdiscovered a red plastic gas can in themiddle of the Islamic Center’s prayerroom and the carpet underneath had beenburned. The fire was extinguished by asprinkler system and there was significantdamage to the prayer room and other areasof the Islamic Center. Officials andofficers determined the fire had beenintentionally set, according to an affidavitfiled in U.S. District Court. Security cameras at the Islamic Centercaptured images of a red, SUV-typevehicle in the parking lot at approximately4:11 p.m. They also captured images of anolder man, dressed in blue jeans andcamouflage, who approached the frontdoor of the Islamic Center, according tothe affidavit. Security cameras also captured images ofthe man walking around the inside of theIslamic Center with what appeared to be afirearm and a gas can and then leaving theIslamic Center at approximately 4:54p.m., according to the affidavit. Law enforcement officials released stillphotos of the surveillance video to themedia on October 1. On October 2, a woman contacted lawenforcement and identified the man in the

photos as Randolph Linn. The womanstated that she knew Linn and that he hadrecently made anti-Muslim comments.Specifically, she stated that Linn hadcomplained about the internationalMuslim community’s reaction to the anti-Muslim video on Youtube; recent attackson United States’ embassies; and thedeaths of U.S. military personnel in theMiddle East. She further stated that Linncomplained that Muslims in this countryget a “free pass,” according to theaffidavit. The woman recognized the sweatshirt asone Linn owned and stated that the threemonths earlier, Linn had purchased a red,SUV-type vehicle that matched thevehicle in the surveillance footage at theIslamic Center, according to the affidavit. Linn was arrested at his place ofemployment on October 2. Linn’s vehicle,a red Chevy Sonic, was in the parking lot,according to the affidavit. Linn stated that he had three firearms inhis parked vehicle, according to theaffidavit. While being booked and after being readhis Miranda rights, Linn stated,“[expletive] those Muslims,” according tothe affidavit. This case is being prosecuted byAssistant U.S. Attorneys Bridget M.Brennan, Ava Dustin and SpecialAssistant Gwen Howe-Gebers. This is an ongoing investigation and thiscase is being investigated by thePerrysburg Township Police Department;the State of Ohio Fire Marshal; the Bureauof Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, andExplosives; and the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involving

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4 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Feds charge Cherryville cops with allegedlyaiding ‘crooks’McNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 11:21 AM October 19, 2012

“Ray Gora / Lincoln Times-News FBI agents seize computers and othermaterials from the Cherryville PoliceDepartment on Wednesday.” Lincoln Times-News on October 19,2012 released the following:“JENNA-LEY HARRISON Staff Writer An undercover federal investigation isshaking up the Cherryville PoliceDepartment this week, amid claims thatsome police officers were operating on thewrong side of the law. Four law enforcement officers and twoother men who are accused of conspiringearlier this year to safeguard stolenproperty and proceeds from their sale, areset to make their second appearance in aCharlotte courtroom today, following anFBI raid on Wednesday. The officers have also been accused ofsecuring monetary bribes for their legalauthority in the operation, the U.S.Attorney’s Office in the state’s WesternDistrict said. According to federal authorities, the menmade a serious blunder – their partners inthe conspiracy, whom they believed to becriminals, were actually undercover FBIagents. As a result of the arrests, the city ofCherryville has also suspended its policechief and captain. Federal officials are not saying who elsemight be a target of the ongoinginvestigation. Two federal indictments were unsealedearlier Wednesday in the case. One indictment from Tuesday chargedCherryville Police officer FrankieDellinger, 40, Gaston County Sheriff’sreserve officer Wesley Clayton Golden,39, and Cherryville resident Mark RayHoyle, 39. Each man faces one count each ofconspiracy to extort under color of officialright, money laundering conspiracy,conspiracy to transport and/or receivestolen property, four counts each oftransportation of stolen property, moneylaundering and aiding and abetting andthree counts of possession of a firearm inrelation to a crime of violence, accordingto a press release. Federal authorities also charged Dellingerwith with an extra count of extortion. The three men are accused of protectingthe men they believed were co-conspirators by allowing them to safelytransport tractor trailers filled with stolen

property through the area, the U.S.Attorney’s Office said. Hoyle, Dellingerand Golden also protected thetransportation of more than $400,000,proceeds from the merchandises’ sale, therelease said. Goods included televisions andgenerators worth nearly $160,000. A second indictment from Aug. 21charged Cherryville patrol officers CaseyJustin Crawford, 32, and David PaulMauney III, 23, along with Cherryvilleresident John Ashley Hendricks, 47, withone count each of conspiracy to transportand/or receive stolen property andconspiracy to extort under color of officialright. Crawford additionally faces one count ofprogram fraud bribery. Since May, Crawford, Mauney andHendricks similarly worked withundercover agents they thought werecriminals in protecting the transport ofmore than $300,000 in stolen merchandisealong with more than $300,000 inproceeds from the items’ sale, the releasesaid. Hoyle’s role in the conspiracy included“representing himself as a lawenforcement officer,” the U.S. Attorney’sOffice said. On the other hand, Hendricks,Crawford and Mauney used counter-surveillance to ensure other officerswouldn’t discover the illegal operation,the release said. FBI officials launched the investigationfollowing allegations last year thatDellinger had been involved in illegalactivity, an indictment said. The phony criminals requested assistancefrom law enforcement officers who wouldbe willing to provide protection for stolenitems in exchange for cash bribes. Dellinger accepted the offer and soon“recruited” Hoyle and Golden, accordingto the indictment. The three men received $17,000 in thescheme in exchange for keeping the stolengoods away from thieves and the detectionof other law enforcement agencies andeven agreed to use violence, if necessary,to carry out such duties, the U.S.Attorney’s Office said. All six men appeared in a Charlotte

courtroom today on the charges. They each face up to 20 years in prisonand hundreds of thousands of dollars infines, if convicted, the release said. Interim City Manager and CherryvilleFire Chief Jeff Cash released a separatestatement late Wednesday announcing thatPolice Chief Woody Burgess and Capt.Mike Allred, a Lincoln County resident,have been suspended with pay pending theoutcome of the investigation, thoughneither has been charged to this point.“As interim city manager, I will benaming myself interim police chief withthe day-to-day operational activities to besupervised by Sgt. Cam Jenks,” Cashwrote. Cash said safety of the citizens would notbe compromised by the investigation intothe police department and other lawenforcement agencies were assisting asneeded. Individuals with emergencies can call 911or police dispatch at (704) 435-1717. The Gaston County District Attorney’sOffice was quoted by other area newsmedia saying they may drop pendingcriminal cases relying on any of chargedofficers’ testimonies, though the Times-News was unable to independentlyconfirm this. Just how many cases thatwould include is also unclear. Five of the six suspects remain withoutbond behind Mecklenburg County bars.The location of John Hendricks iscurrently unknown. He was not listed as acurrent Mecklenburg County inmate anddoes not even have a record in the county,an employee with CharMeck CitizenServices told the Times-News Thursdayafternoon. The State Bureau of Investigation hasalso been looking into the city ofCherryville since last year for misuse oftown funds.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members of

Federal Criminal

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5Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

F.B.I. Arrests Second Suspect in Bomb PlotAgainst BankMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:22 AM October 19, 2012

The New York Times on October 18,2012 released the following:“By MOSI SECRET The Bangladeshi man who was arrestedWednesday on charges that he plotted toblow up the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork had an accomplice in San Diego,who was arrested later on unrelated child-pornography charges, a law enforcementofficial said on Thursday. The man described as the accomplice,Howard Willie Carter II, was arrestedafter an agent with the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation found 1,000 images andthree video files containing childpornography on a laptop and hard drive inthe trash near Mr. Carter’s apartment,according to a government document.Officials used material stored on thecomputer to trace it back to Mr. Carter. The computer also contained e-mailsaddressed to “Yaqeen,” a name thatBrooklyn prosecutors said Mr. Carter hadused in the plot to bomb the FederalReserve building. On Wednesday, federal prosecutors inBrooklyn charged the Bangladeshi man,Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul AhsanNafis, 21, with conspiring to use weaponsof mass destruction and with providingmaterial support to Al Qaeda. They saidhe had tried to detonate what he believedwas a 1,000-pound bomb hidden in a van

parked near the Federal Reserve building,on Liberty Street, in the financial district. Mr. Nafis had been under surveillance formonths as part of an elaborate stingoperation. An undercover officer gave himfake bomb material that could not haveexploded. Mr. Nafis met several timeswith the undercover officer to plan theattack, and mentioned that he wascollaborating with Yaqeen, who wasidentified in the complaint as a co-conspirator. In July, the complaint against Mr. Nafissaid, he told the undercover agent thatYaqeen had told him about a military basein Baltimore, with only one guardstanding outside, that they could attack. Mr. Carter had been placed undersurveillance in San Diego as early asAugust, according to court documents inthe pornography case. A federal agentthere found the computer involved in thatcase on Aug. 16, but officials waited untilafter Mr. Nafis’s arrest to arrest Mr.Carter. Mr. Nafis arrived in the UnitedStates in January on a student visa.Prosecutors said he later tried to recruitpeople to form a terrorist cell andcontacted a confidential informer whointroduced him to the undercover agent. On Wednesday morning, Mr. Nafis andthe agent parked a van filled with whatMr. Nafis was led to believe was a bombin front of the Federal Reserve building,according to the complaint against him.They went to a nearby hotel, where Mr.

Nafis tried to detonate it by dialing anumber on his cellphone, the complaintsaid. Then he was arrested.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Former Steelers doctor accused of prescribingillegal steroids; team, players not namedMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 11:05 AM October 19, 2012

The Washington Post on October 19,2012 released the following:“By Associated Press PITTSBURGH — A doctor releasedfrom the Pittsburgh Steelers medical stafffive years ago after investigatorsquestioned his bulk purchase of anabolicsteroids has been indicted for illegallyprescribing the muscle-building aids. Authorities are not listing the team or anyof its players as among the recipients. Sixty-two-year-old Dr. Richard Rydze(ridz) is expected to appear before afederal magistrate Friday. Rydze left the Steelers in June 2007. TheFBI accuses him of conspiring todistribute steroids and human growthhormone from September 2007 through

March 2011. He also is charged withillegally prescribing painkillers during aslightly longer time frame — including afew months when he was still with theteam. A Steelers spokesman declined tocomment Friday. In 2007, President ArtRooney II said Rydze denied givingplayers steroids.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing————————————————————–

To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Federal Criminal

6 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Federal Authorities Arrest Maverick County CommissionerRodolfo Heredia and Two Others in Alleged Connection witha Money Laundering and Bulk Cash Smuggling SchemeMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 12:56 PM October 19, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 18, 2012 released thefollowing:“Scheme involved the sale of vehicle to aknown associate of the Los Zetas DrugTrafficking Organization In Eagle Passthis morning, federal agents arrestedMaverick County Commissioner RodolfoBainet Heredia and two accomplicescharged in connection with a moneylaundering and bulk cash smugglingscheme announced United States AttorneyRobert Pitman and Federal Bureau ofInvestigation Special Agent in ChargeArmando Fernandez. A four–count federal grand juryindictment, returned yesterday andunsealed today, charges Heredia, age 54;62-year-old Jose Luis Aguilar of EaglePass; and 28-year-old David Gelacio ofEagle Pass with one count each ofconspiracy to commit money laundering;aiding and abetting money laundering;conspiracy to commit bulk cashsmuggling; and aiding and abetting bulkcash smuggling. According to the indictment, on January4, 2011, Heredia had Aguilar travel to aranch in Mexico owned by a knownassociate of the Los Zetas Drug

Trafficking Organization for the purposeof selling Heredia’s Ford F-250 KingRanch truck for $13,000. Following thesale, at Heredia’s bidding, Aguilar andGelacio, carrying $7,000 cash and $6,000cash, respectively, crossed the moneyfrom Mexico into the United States via theEagle Pass Port of Entry. They are allegedto have divided and concealed the moneyin order to avoid a reporting requirementat the Port of Entry. Upon conviction, each faces up to 20years in federal prison for each moneylaundering-related charge and up to fiveyears in federal prison for each bulk cashsmuggling-related charge. All threeremain in federal custody pending adetention hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdayin Del Rio before U.S. Magistrate JudgeCollis White. This case was investigated by the FederalBureau of Investigation, DrugEnforcement Administration, and theTexas Department of Public Safety.Assistant United States Attorney MichaelGaldo is prosecuting this case on behalf ofthe government. An indictment is merelya charge and should not be considered asevidence of guilt. The defendants arepresumed innocent until proven guilty in acourt of law.”————————————————————–

Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

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$250,000 or twice the gross gain or lossfor individual defendants and a fine of$500,000 or twice the gross gain or lossfor the corporate defendant. The indictment seeks at least $225million in forfeiture, which represents theapproximate gross proceeds of the sale ofHeracron from January 2006 through June2012, along with $341,000 in paymentsmade to former DuPont employees inexchange for trade secret information.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————–

To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

FEDScontinued from page 4

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Federal Criminal

7Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

A Rosebud couple and their son have beenindicted by a federal grand jury for alleged fraudMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 12:51 PM October 19, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 18, 2012 released thefollowing:“Family Members Indicted for Fraud U.S. Attorney Brendan V. Johnsonannounced that a Rosebud couple andtheir son have been indicted by a federalgrand jury for fraud. Shannon Running, age 53; NormanRunning, Sr., age 54; and NormanRunning, Jr., age 34, all of Rosebud, wereindicted by a federal grand jury onOctober 10, 2012, for conspiracy tocommit wire fraud. Shannon Running wasalso charged with six counts of wire fraud,and Norman Running, Jr. was alsocharged with structuring currencytransactions. All three appeared before U.S. MagistrateJudge Mark A. Moreno on October 17,2012, at Pierre and pled not guilty to theindictment. The conspiracy count and each wire fraudcount carry a maximum penalty uponconviction of 20 years in prison and/or a

$250,000 fine, plus restitution. Thestructuring currency transactions countcarries a maximum penalty uponconviction of five years in prison and/or a$250,000 fine. If the structuring currencytransactions count is found to be part of apattern of illegal activity involving morethan $100,000 in a 12-month period, uponconviction the maximum penalty ofimprisonment and fine will double to 10years and $500,000, respectively. Thecharges are merely accusations, and thedefendants are presumed innocent untiland unless proven guilty. The investigation is being conducted bythe Federal Bureau of Investigation.Assistant U.S. Attorney Ann M.Hendrickson is prosecuting the case. Allthree defendants were released pendingtrial. A trial date has been set forDecember 18, 2012.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful

Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

TWO-COUNTcontinued from page 3

Federal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “Red

Notice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

U.S. Sanctions South AfricanWoman for Aiding Gadhafi’sSon – Corruption Currents –WSJMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 11:14 AM October 19, 2012

U.S. Sanctions South African Woman forAiding Gadhafi’s Son – CorruptionCurrents – WSJ.

Bangladesh quizzesfamily of alleged U.S.bomb plotter | ReutersMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:44 AM October 19, 2012

Bangladesh quizzes family of allegedU.S. bomb plotter | Reuters.

Justice Department toMonitor Early Voting inTexas(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 10:31 AM October 19, 2012

The Justice Department announced todaythat it will monitor portions of the earlyvoting period for the Nov. 6, 2012,general election in Dallas and HarrisCounties, Texas, to ensure compliancewith the Voting Rights Act of 1965. TheVoting Rights Act prohibitsdiscrimination in the election process onthe basis of race, color or membership in aminority language group. Early voting inDallas and Harris Counties begins onMonday, October 22.

Justice Department Files Complaint Against WarrenCounty, North Carolina, Board of Education for Violatingthe Employment Rights of an Army Reserve Sergeant(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 12:42 PM October 19, 2012

The Justice Department and U.S.Attorney Thomas G. Walker announcedtoday the filing of a complaint in U.S.District Court for the Eastern District ofNorth Carolina against the Warren

County, N.C., Board of Education forviolating the employment rights of ArmyReserve Sergeant Dwayne Coffer underthe Uniformed Services Employment andReemployment Rights Act of 1994(USERRA).

Federal Criminal Justice

8 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

U.S. v. MOL LogisticsCo.(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 2, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.Eastern

U.S. v. Kintetsu WorldExpress(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 1, 2012 at 12:00 p.m.Eastern

U.S. v. VantecCorporation(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 2, 2012 at 12:00 p.m.Eastern

U.S. v. NissinCorporation(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 2, 2012 at 11:00 a.m.Eastern

U.S. v. Nippon Express(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 1, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.Eastern

U.S. v. Nishi-Nippon(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 7:57 AM October 19, 2012

Sentencing hearing has been rescheduledfor November 1, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.Eastern
