Download - February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Page 1: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Delphi United Methodist Church – Feb. 2018

Ash Wednesday

Service February 14th

12:00 P.M.

Have you signed up for a Spring Growth Group?

New classes start February 4th

How will YOU continue to grow in your faith?

February Sermon Series

Page 2: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Letters to Home

Hello Mom and Dad We just finished the 21-day prayer challenge and the Prayer Vigil at Delphi UMC. We prayed for our com-munity, our church, and for the United Methodist Church. The theme was “Take an exit off the High-way of life to spend time with God.” I can tell you that I was forced onto an exit recently as I, along with many others, encountered the Flu Virus. My ability to work, visit, connect, and plan went out the window for five days. Even as I attempted to get back to a routine, I was stymied with fatigue, dizziness, and achiness. So once again, I was given perspective. I thought and prayed for all those who are dealing with an ongoing illness or treatment regimen that brings on these same elements. I am grateful for wellness, and mindful of those who experience hardship on a day-to-day basis. During the month of February, we are going to explore the Holy Love of God. I like to call it “Sola Sanctus Caritas.” It is the deep love that God has for us, and will go to any lengths to reach us. Love is the crux of the Gospel: the highest possible Christian aspiration and the burning center of the mission. This is why our vision starts with “Delphi UMC will be a church who ‘Loves Enough...’” The whole aim of our mission is to love. During the month of February, we will celebrate Valentines Day, which happens to be Ash Wednesday. We will look at this Holy Love and live in this place that God created for His creation to show us infinite love. Have a good day.

Todd, Rhonda, Jordan, Elijah, Hannah

They’ll visit

and learn that God is so BIG!

This February... in…

We’ll highlight the

Olympics while learning

God’s truth!!

Sunday mornings 10am!

Come and watch the

as they perform on February 25th.

4th Sunday ~Youth For All February 25th 5:15-6:45pm

Kids in Grades 2-5

Games, food, a message, and fun

with friends!

Room 211

Page 3: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Winter Retreat 1pm, Saturday, Feb. 24


until 6pm, Sunday, Feb. 25th

For all 7th to 12th graders. Cost is $50 per student.

(Need a scholarship to attend? Talk to Micah. Sign up by Feb. 11th!)

At Camp Friedenswald (just inside Michigan) We will have worship times, free time,

snow tubing (if there is snow), and sleep in cabins. SpeakerJosh Ercoli, from Souled Out International.

Sunday, Feb. 11th Dodgeball game night

Students will be randomly put on MS and HS teams and will compete in

games for fun and prizes!

Back to the 90’s Night Friday, Feb. 2

nd at Main Bldg

6:59pm to 10:29pm For all 6th to 12th grade students!

90’s Games, 90’s Music, 90’s Snacks, 90’s Air Band Contest, Laser Tag, and

prizes for best dressed up girl/boy!

Meets Sunday, Feb. 4th, from 4pm to 5:30pm (Super Bowl Sunday),

and Sundays, Feb. 11th and 18th, from 5 to 7pm. No meeting on Feb. 25th

due to Winter Retreat. New Series = Dating Game!

FINANCES: Thank you for caring so much!

For the first 3 weeks of January 2018:

General tithes/offering: $23,124.50 Debt Reduction: $ 4,032.00

Giving Online Quick

Important Dates for 2018 Listed below are some scheduled 2018 Delphi UMC events. Mark your calendars now to see how you can get involved.

February 4: FDD tickets go on sale** February 14: Ash Wednesday

March 10: Father-Daughter Dance March 25-April 1: Holy Week

**Tickets sold out last year on the first day!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be glory in the church by

Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” ~Ephesians 3:20

I love our prayer vigils! I could spend hours in that quiet, holy atmosphere communing with the Holy Spirit. Our prayer team does a fabulous job creating an environment that invites the Creator and the

creation to mingle together. Prayer, it’s a powerful thing! This verse is a great testimony to the power of prayer. The promise in

this verse is that God can do ‘exceedingly, abundantly’ more than all we can ask or imagine. Those are serious adjectives! A take-away for us is

this: in all our prayers, be aware of not limiting God, not just by unbelief, but by thinking we know what He can do. This verse tells us that we can

expect unexpected things far ‘above all that we ask or imagine!’ We worship a God of abundance: abundant love, abundant resources, and abundant mercy! And that my friends, is good


Monthly Morsel

Page 4: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

United Methodist Women All ladies are invited to the UMW Pledge Service Circle meeting Tuesday, February 6th at 7PM (weather permitting) here at the church. This meeting will explore programs nationally, and from around the world to show how the money and talents from working as a supportive community is used for mission. 2018 Program books will be available.

February Food Pantry Item: Canned Meat

For many, right here in our community, hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no

season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”

2018 Reading Program An integral aspect of our organization is providing educational literature

to inform members of issues facing women, children, and youth. Each year, over 35 books are selected which promote Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social

Action, and Spiritual Growth. Twelve new books have been purchased and are on the

UMW reading shelf. To read about Rifqa Bary’s remarkable spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity,

check out Hiding in the Light. If you are Interested in the program, see Kathleen Ukstins or Janet Smith.

Funeral Dinner Chair and Rotary Dinner Chair (once a month)

Do you enjoy meal planning and preparation? The kitchen needs you! We are still looking for

volunteers to help with these meals. Please call Linda Mylet @ 574/652-3611.

Community Garden

As the snow and temperature falls, the soil is resting. But in time, the soil and ground will be ready for growing plants and vegetables. This is the second year the church and the Delphi High School are partnering up for the community garden. The Creation Care Ministry Team is reaching out to individuals

and families who are willing to assist in caring for the community garden. It is located on the far end of the church’s property next to the high school. With this, the Creation Care Ministry Team is asking for volunteers to help weed the garden, harvest the crops, and care for the plants during the summer growing season. The High School FFA, will prepare and plant the seeds.

We need support to care for the garden. If you or your family is interest-ed, please contact Dawn Frank @ 765/491-6690 (Creation Care leader). As the spring season comes, the Creation Care Ministry Team will have additional information on assisting with the garden, usually once or twice a week during summer.

God has called us to be stewards of His creation, and this garden is one small gift that God has provided for this church. The crops will go to the food pantry and other ministries of helping the needy in the community. In our inaugural year, we were able to deliver 900 pounds of produce to the food panties (Delphi and Flora). With a little more help, we feel like we could double that in 2018. The more help we get, the greater the bounty will be!

The Creation Care team meets the first Sunday of each month in Room 202 after second service. Feel free to stop by and get involved.

**Creation Care is a ministry at Delphi UMC focusing on caring for our earth for generations to come to enjoy and appreciate. For more information, see members Dr. Dawn Frank, Wanda Duff,

Anita Force, Jill Clothier, Keith Kalish, or indicate your interest on your Orange Connect card .

Page 5: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Cinderella Ball

This year’s

Father Daughter Dance will be held on Saturday

March 10th from 5:00 – 8:30 pm

for girls ages 3 – 18

Tickets will be on sale Sunday February. 4th –

February 25th for this year’s event or until

seats are sold out.

There will only be 300 tickets available.

Tickets will be $6 for Girls and $8 for Dads

Get your tickets early. Don’t forget to tell

your friends and neighbors.


(13 weeks)

“And let us consider how we may spur one

another on toward love and good deeds, not

giving up meeting together, as some are in

the habit of doing, but encouraging one

another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

SUNDAY MORNING GROUPS 10:00—10:45AM Feel free to jump in any time!

ToolMen of God Bible Study, led by Dan LePage. Hallway 1C. Women’s Group, led by Pastor Sheri Rohrer. Children’s Wing. Men’s Group, led by Robert Rohrer. Children’s Wing. Co-ed Seniors: Wesley Weds Class. Rooms 202-204 Co-ed All Ages, led by Sheila Wilimitis. Room 200. Co-ed All Ages, led by Gary Duff & Marty Mears. Room 100.

For more info, contact Sheila Wilimitis 765-201-5575

1. Who could be your 1? A spiritual “running partner”.

2. Who could be your 2-3 others? (A “band” or “squad”.)

3. Who could be your 10-12? (A growth group or class.)

4. (Your 100+ would be your Worship Service.)

5. How will you spur others on and grow in 2018?


ONE-ON-ONE, GROUP OF 4 (Peter, James, John, Jesus),


Page 6: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Prayer Ministry

Congregational Ministry: Caring for mind, body and spirit of all

Blood Pressure checks When: Sunday, February 4th, between services Where: Church office area Why: Numbers are a key factor in “knowing our bodies.” If we don’t know our bodies and the signals it gives when something is wrong, how are we going to know when and how to reach out for help with health issues?

I have always tried to “know my body and its signals” when something is not right. This paid off for me last month when I had to call “911” and go to the ER for that “feeling” that something wasn’t right; it probably saved my life. Please get your numbers checked in 2018 so that you can partner with your physician for a healthy year. —Connie Hughes, Parish Nurse

Take this character test: VIP test taken from a devotional by the Reverend Billy Graham.

This test is not the usual understanding of VIP which is “Very Important Person.”

V—VISION: This means seeing what can be done, what ought to be done, and how to get it done. The best vision we can have is to glorify

God by discovering His will for our lives—and then doing it. PRAY ABOUT IT

I—INTEGRITY: This means that we are the same person on the inside as we appear on the outside. WALK YOUR TALK!

P—PRESENCE: Only with God’s presence in our lives, and feeling His presence working within us, can we find out who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. Live in the presence of God and know

that special closeness with Him as we spend time in PRAYER and MEDITATION each day.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

Nurture Your Marriage

Learning to forgive your spouse is critical for a healthy marriage.

Forgiveness isn’t easy, but it is necessary. The truth is, you are

married to a flawed person, but so is your spouse. When two

imperfect people come together in marriage, you can bet there’ll be

times when we need to forgive one anther. Forgiveness opens the

door for healing and deeper intimacy. Forgiveness doesn’t mean the

hurtful action is ok, it means that you are not going to let it get

between the two of you. Talk about it, share your feelings, but don’t

let it stay in your heart. Let your love and commitment to one another

prevail and come out stronger as one.

Parent Corner Follow through on your commitments to your children. When

we do so, we display integrity and teach them that they can

trust us. Children need to know they can count on us to do

what we say we will do. It gives them a sense of safety and se-

curity. It also communicates that they are important and worth

our time. Here are a few principles to remember:

1) Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep.

2) Don’t hold back from making promises—it can provide

much needed security.

3) If you drop the ball, seek forgiveness from your child.

Page 7: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something

Marriage and Family Life Ministries Pastor Sheri Rohrer

Growth Group for Men Study : TBD

A time for men to

support and encourage each other

During the Sunday

School Hour*

Growth Group for Women Broken and Blessed

We’ll use the book of

Genesis to look at how God used one imperfect family

to change the world.

Will meet during the Sunday School Hour*

Growth Groups Coming Soon

*Sunday School hour is 10:00AM-


Our Congregational Care Visitation Staff is always

on call to aid with medical and spiritual needs:

transportation, home visits, hospital visits,

individual prayer, doctors appointments, medical

equipment, and listening ears. Contact the church

office (765/564-3791) to find out who is on call that particular day.

Having surgery? Please notify the church office (765/564-3791) or

Connie Hughes if you or a family member is having surgery and would like a church staff member to visit

at the hospital or home.


The next class will be Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 8am to noon. Learn how you can make a difference in saving a life. It will be St Patrick’s day, so don’t forget to wear your green! More information to come regarding the fee.

For those who have updated CPR certification cards, please give a copy to Connie Hughes to maintain our compliance with our commitment to have AED equipment.

Caregiver Support Group

Thursday, February 15th, 2018 1:30-2:30PM Room 202 — 204 Caregiving Is A Season

Join us for an afternoon with an Old Fashioned Sing Along - “Music Memories of the Heart.”

Come learn and share different aspects of being a caregiver. It’s hard work and we all need an encouraging word as we care for someone

close to us. That’s the purpose of this group: to care and share. INVITE A NEIGHBOR, FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER!

Page 8: February Sermon Series - Delphi UMC · hunger is real, every day. Hunger knows no season. Thank you for your continuing, generous donations. “For I was hungry and you gave me something