Download - February Newsletter 2012



Taking the Gospel to Every Home

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Reaching a Nation with the Good News


TRINIDAD & TOBAGOReaching a Nation with the Good News

EHC's Prayer Corps team prepared the

packets of materials that the local

volunteers used to evangelise and


Every Home for Christ has recently launched

a new work in the Caribbean nation of

Trinidad & Tobago

After the training, ten teams canvassed the

neighbourhood home to home, sharing the

Gospel and love of Jesus.

The response was overwhelmingly

positive as many were open to listening, with

some even joyfully receiving Jesus as Lord

and Saviour on the spot!

At the first house visited (pictured above) the young man prayed to receive Jesus and was eager to attend a service at a local church. This undoubtedly encouraged the teams and increased their faith to see God move in their nation.

Special children's books and literature were distributed in addition to materials for adults.

With many churches across Trinidad & Tobago, teams will continue going home to home with the Good News.

Through strategic planning, and with the resources and workers available, we believe that the entire nation can be reached within less than two years.

Every Home for Christ Australia: PO Box 168 Penshurst NSW 2222 Telephone: (02) 9570 8211 Facsimile: (02) 9570 4738

New Zealand: PO Box 31-260 Milford North Shore City 0741 Telephone: Free call 0800 900 200 Facsimile: 0061 2 9570 [email protected]

Dick Eastman Tells


Dear Partners in the Harvest,

You are probably aware that in many nations the penalty for sharing the Gospel is persecution, imprisonment, and even death. In these “Creative Access” nations, sharing the Gospel is illegal, and EHC’s National Directors and pioneer missionaries must be creative in how they go about telling others about Jesus.

What is happening is an answer to many years of prayer. In the past two years, God has opened the door for EHC to go into seven new Creative Access nations, bringing our current total at the outset of 2012 to 17. He is opening doors that no man can shut!

God is not only opening doors, but He is also opening hearts in profound ways. In the past year alone we have been blessed to receive millions upon millions of responses to Christ from these closed nations. The growth rate is unprecedented—the harvest plentiful indeed.

Let me share with you two powerful testimonies from recent months:

I used to be a Muslim imam, highly respected for my ability to fluently read the Koran. I had many faithful followers. However, deep in my heart I felt empty. I needed something Islam could not offer me: forgiveness.

Just when I felt most distressed, a brother from Every Home for Christ came to visit me. He listened to me and did not argue or interrupt. He simply explained to me a simple truth: God loved me and has forgiven all my sins. He prayed for me, and something wonderful happened: I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

Since then a number of my Muslim friends have joined me in forming a new Christ Group, where we gather to worship God.

Another sister wrote:

Growing up unmarried in a society that neither respects nor protects single women, I have suffered many hardships. My family has often neglected me, and I have been abused by several men including my own fiancé.

In despair, one day I went to the market to buy a rope to hang myself! At the door, a young boy handed me a booklet entitled, “Salvation, But How?” He looked cheerfully in my eyes and said, “Sister, God loves you! Please read this.”

I put the booklet in my purse, bought rope, and returned home. I got on a chair and fastened the rope to the ceiling fan. This was when my eyes fell on the gospel booklet. I decided to read it, and the hope it gave me was just enough to keep me from committing suicide.

As I slept later, Jesus met me in a dream. He spoke gently to me, saying, “My daughter, I love you.” He stretched out His hand and touched me, and my eyes opened. I woke up and knew I had met my Saviour. I wept tears of thanksgiving and kissed the booklet.

My life is full of hope, now that I know Christ!

As you can see, God is moving on behalf of His children in many such areas of the world, despite barriers to the Gospel. And yes, we can play a part. We can ask the Holy Spirit to sweep through these Creative Access nations. As courageous men and women of God march forth against all odds, we can send them on their way with prayers and finances.

We currently have an urgent need to assure the pioneer missionaries and EHC offices in these restricted nations are fully equipped to evangelise and disciple new believers. Would you ask God how you can share financially with our pioneer missionaries in Creative Access regions?

Thank you for partnering with Every Home for Christ. I am so grateful.

Yours for the harvest,

AMAZING BANGLADESH!2 Million Gospel Tracts Distributed

Daniel Sarker Bangladesh Executive Director writes...

"We want to thank God that in 2011 we have been blessed by God in many ways. The kingdom of God is expanding, new churches are established. People are coming to know Jesus from various backgrounds. We thank God for all His blessing in our EHC ministry as well as other ministries in Bangladesh.

We had a target to distribute 1,500,000 pieces of gospel literature in 2011. It looks like the final tally will be more than 2,000,000. It is really a blessing of our Almighty Lord God.

In one month, the month of June 2011, we reached 142,370 homes and received 6,399 response cards from the seekers, they want to know more about Jesus. Recently we came to know from our previous pioneer evangelist (who is an ordained Pastor) that, from January 2011, more than 6 churches have been established and in the last three years a total of 13 churches have been established. Our pioneer evangelists planted the seed and now the fruits are coming as a result of the EHC ministry.

We praise God for all His blessing here in Bangladesh.

I request you to pray for our nation as the political situation is getting warm. But now the situation is going from bad to worse.

The opposition are calling strikes frequently, burning buses and taxis, general people are beaten just like a beast, many are in hospital.

Please pray for our country Bangladesh."

Also in Bangladesh EHC has 4 schools with some 1,200 children as well as sewing classes for the women and a micro - enterprise rickshaw program to get men self supporting to be able to have enough money for their families' food and children's education.

Challenges facing the children of


• Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child-marriage in the world. 66 percent of women (aged 20 to 24) were married before they turned 18.

• 13 per cent of children are involved in child labour. Child labourers are frequently denied an education and are vulnerable to violence and abuse.

• Bangladesh has one of the lowest rates of birth registration in the world. This makes it difficult to protect children from trafficking, child labour and child marriage.


• Only 80 per cent of students enrolled in grade one complete primary school.

• While many parents do play with their youngest children, they have little or no understanding of how play and other informal learning helps prepare children for school.


• High drop-out rates and poor quality teaching and learning are serious problems for primary schools.

• Only 46 per cent of boys and 53 per cent of girls attend secondary school.

Health and nutrition

• Neonatal death and maternal mortality rates remain high, primarily because most deliveries take place at home without access to proper medical care.

• Health facilities lack qualified staff and suffer from shortages of supplies.

• Under-nutrition contributes to child mortality. 22 per cent of infants are born with low birth weight. Up to 46 per cent of children under-five are underweight.

• Drowning and injury is the leading cause of death among children older than one year.

• Major prevention efforts are needed to keep HIV prevalence rates low.

Water and sanitation

• Only 53 per cent of the population use improved sanitation facilities.

• Only 80 per cent of the population has access to safe drinking water, primarily because of naturally occurring arsenic contamination of groundwater in some areas.

• Safe hygiene practices, especially proper hand washing, remain a challenge in the fight against disease.

Emergencies and conflict

• Development is hampered by annual

floods and other natural disasters, including

cyclones and tornadoes. Bangladesh is also

susceptible to earthquakes.

• Avian influenza continues to threaten lives

and livelihoods in Bangladesh.

• Low-lying Bangladesh is extremely

vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

• The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in south

eastern Bangladesh, where ethnic minorities

make up half the population, have suffered a

slower development rate than the national

average, due primarily to a history of civil

conflict and difficult terrain.

• The health and wellbeing of Rohingya

refugee children, whose families fled from

Myanmar to the south-eastern part of

Bangladesh following internal conflict,

remains a concern.

How to sponsor a child in Bangladesh

For $30 or $44 (gold) a month you could sponsor a poor child from a Bangladesh slum area in an Every Home for Christ School. $30 will pay for their schooling, clothing, lunches, study material and medical help, and the gold sponsorship allows for additional community development work.

We will send you a photo of the child you support. You can write to them and treat them as a member of your own family.

Please be encouraged to sponsor a child in Bangladesh.

Children who are sponsored then have an opportunity to go to School, they get a good hot lunch every day and get special medical attention and all it costs is as little as $30 a month.

With $30 a month we can do our part to eliminate child exploitation in the world. We can start by sponsoring a child.

See Reply Slip.


ISRAEL"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God."

Amos 9:15"It was a very moving experience to sail on the Sea of Galilee and recall the many references in the Gospels where Jesus and His disciples spent time on this sea and the times that Jesus had spoken to the crowds on the shores of the lake. It was like travelling back in time and imagining that we were there with Him and His disciples." Fay & John Whimpey

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