Download - February (corrected) news

Page 1: February (corrected) news

Family Times

On the cover: 5 year old Camp Garland,

son of CW4 Tony Garland, SC National Guard

All About Soldiers. Veterans. Families.

South Carolina National Guard Family Programs

Facebook! Get Connected.

Honoring MG Stanhope S. Spears

& MG Robert E. Livingston Jr.

Adjutant General of S.C.

Never Alone.

Issue No.1 February 2011

New Yellow Ribbon Requirements Salute to Soldiers

SSG Kimberly D. Calkins

Page 2: February (corrected) news


Director’s Cut

G reetings to all Soldiers, Airmen and especially, Families of

the South Carolina National Guard:

I hope you‟ll enjoy our first edition of the Family Times.

We‟re excited about being able to share information with you about

what‟s going on in, not only Family Programs, but your units as well.

So with that, I hope that everyone had a Happy Holiday and you are

ready to bring in the New Year. There‟s a lot going on in the South

Carolina National Guard in 2011, so get ready for a great year and a

busy one.

First, I‟d like to welcome our new Adjutant General and his

wife, MG Robert E. Livingston, Jr. and Barbara Livingston. MG Livingston took command of the South

Carolina National Guard on January 9, 2011, in a ceremony at the Carolina Coliseum. MG Livingston and

Barbara bring a great deal of experience to the office of the Adjutant General as MG Livingston deployed to

Afghanistan as the commander of the 218th MEB from 2006 to 2008. Barbara has a deep understanding of

what many of you are going through now with your family member deployed. Congratulations to them


We are happy to tell you that you can now access our new and improved web page, at, through public access without going through AKO. This is something that our

communication‟s division has been working on for several years. This new breakthrough doesn‟t mean that

security standards are weakened, only now there is a way to protect information that needs to be secured

(like social security numbers) without putting that information at risk. This is great for Family Programs

because we have wanted to be able to share so much information with you easily and now we can.

I invite you to visit our new website, and there you will find links to important resources that are available to

you. I‟d also like to have your feedback on how we can do things better. This is your web page and

newsletter and we want to publish the things that are important to you. We have also set up a Facebook

page (SCNG Family Programs) and we look forward to hearing from you. Just click the like button and get


Mark your calendars for April 2, 2011. The McEntire Joint National Guard Base is hosting the first

Military Appreciation Day. There will be fun, food, music and entertainment for all. This should be a

spectacular event that you do not want to miss. Please let us know what is going on in your unit, your

Family and your community. We are all in this together and together we are stronger.

Happy New Year,

Debbie McNamee State Family Programs Director

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I t is wonderful to have our first newsletter! I look forward to the

opportunity for each of our dedicated staff members to express the

great work they are accomplishing on a regular basis. Hopefully

those who see this newsletter will take the time to read and appreciate the

impact Family Programs has on readiness, our true concern for Soldiers

and Families, and the efforts put into providing an ever better system of


I also hope that we will educate Soldiers and leaders about the

importance of utilizing the available resources for them and their families.

We continue to struggle, at every command level, to connect solutions to

the needs of those in our care. We cannot afford to lag behind the

changes that are sweeping through our organization in response to the

lessons learned since 9/11.

There is a clear and life-altering difference between the Soldiers who get the support they need and

those who dismiss as useless the support network available to them. This network includes the Family

Assistance Specialists, Military and Family Life Consultants, Family Readiness Support Assistants, Yellow

Ribbon, Youth Programs, Family Readiness Groups, Commanders, NCO‟s, Battle Buddies, and the list

goes on. No one should doubt our commitment as individuals or as an organization to the welfare of each

Soldier and Family member.

Thank you to those supporting our Soldiers and Families! I look forward to seeing your stories in

our newsletters.

SFC John Peavy

Family Programs NCOIC

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Coming Soon





By Kathy Dent

Event Coordinator


A Special Appreciation Day is scheduled to be held on April 2, 2011 at McEntire Joint National Guard Base

in Eastover, South Carolina. This day of festivities is all about our families. It will include a children‟s play area

with bounce houses, an F-16 demonstration and tank static displays, horse rides for the children, food, and a concert

with local bands to end our event. There was no entrance or parking fee and all expenses were covered by

concession sales. We enjoyed our share of burgers and hot pretzels.

We are excited about our day to give a big “Thank You” to our families and to show them how much we

value what they are doing to support our military, our state, and our country.

All SC National Guardsmen, Air and Army, their families, retirees, and sponsors are invited to attend.

Please save the date April 2, 2011.

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We Honor

BG Darlene M. Goff

1st Female General Officer

In 1977, a young Lander College student drove by the Greenwood National Guard Armory

routinely on her route to classes and wondered what life in the Guard might be like.

That life turned out to be a pretty good fit for the then 21-year-old Marie McKee. Some 33 1/2 years

later, Marie Goff will be pinned with a silver star making her the first female General in the S.C. National


Promoted by outgoing Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Stanhope S. Spears and approved by the White House

and the U.S. Senate, Brig. Gen. Darlene Marie Goff, 54, becomes one of three assistant Adjutant

Generals over the 11,155 members of the state National Guard.

Goff joined the ranks of female officers in June 1981 and has been a Colonel at the Guard's headquarters, where her

latest duties have included being Director of Human Resources and Vice Chief of the Joint Staff. Goff recalled her drives by the

guard building near her hometown of Ninety Six. "I would see the armory every day, and I said, “I'm going to go in there and see

what they do.” That casual curiosity put her on a career path one September day in 1977. "Once they presented the information to

me, I said, where do I sign?''

Goff received her degree in Sociology and later earned master's degrees from Webster University and the Army War

College. Though her career spans more than three decades, Goff said she has never been in war or deployed overseas.

She has been married three years to Col. Eddie Goff, 51, whom she met while they were at Officer Candidate School. Col. Goff is

Chief of Coalition Development at Central Command, at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.

Goff said her chief goal in her new position will be to expand a medical directorate for keeping track of medical records

and medical needs of all Guard members from the time they join to beyond their retirement. It's a quality of life issue that Goff

said is close to her heart. The project is likely to take several years to become a reality, she said.


MG (RET) Stanhope S. Spears


MG Robert E. Livingston, Jr

Adjutant General of SC

South Carolina‟s Adjutant General, Army Maj. Gen. Stanhope S. Spears, relinquished leadership of the South Carolina

National Guard to Army Maj. Gen. Robert E. Livingston, Jr. in a ceremonial change of command January 9, 2011 at the University

of South Carolina Coliseum. Soldiers and Airmen from the South Carolina National Guard stood in formation with a massing of

colors and representatives from each of the Major Subordinate Commands, and units from around the state. More than a thousand

Soldiers, Airmen, and their friends and family members witnessed the ceremony.

Addressing many of those he commanded for the past 16 years, Spears said being the Adjutant General was extremely

gratifying. “Being your Adjutant General for the last 16 years has been a highlight of my life,” he said. “All of you did your jobs

extremely well. As I leave here today, I offer my congratulations to Maj. Gen. Robert Livingston.”

Livingston was officially sworn in as the state‟s 27th adjutant general on January 12, 2011. Unique among his fellow

Adjutants Generals, he is the only elected Adjutant General in the nation. He was elected in the November statewide election, and

becomes only the sixth since 1926, following Spears and other legendary SCNG leaders, including World War I Medal of Honor

recipient Lieutenant General James C. Dozier, who held the post for 33 years.

During his tenure, Spears led the South Carolina National Guard through numerous deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, the

Balkans and other hot-spots around the world. Under his leadership, the South Carolina Army and Air National Guards have

maintained a renowned reputation as elite combat forces, evidenced by the many combat deployments the South Carolina National

Guard units have completed.

During his remarks, Livingston expressed confidence in those he is about to lead.

―As I look out on this formation, I see great Palmetto Warriors – strong with integrity, mindful of the past and looking to the

future. ―If you’re ready, tough times mean opportunities. Knowing what I know about the SCNG and the Military department, we

are ready.‖ Source:

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News From Above

T he Army Chaplaincy has a rich tradition and it is simply described as “service to both God and

country.” The Chaplains here in the South Carolina National Guard work closely with Family

Programs to enhance the services rendered to Soldiers and their Families. Available to those we

server 24/7, we are always ready to serve in a capacity of strong support, good faith and prayers.

Let us reflect and thank Him for loving us and in doing so, God would have us to also love one

another. Most of us have messed up somewhere along life‟s journey. God loves us just the way we are.

Can we not do any less for our brothers and sisters?

As the holiday season passes and the new year is underway, please allow me to invite you to renew

your relationship with God and then He in turn will help you to love one another. I have a short motto that

I use often “Love everybody you see today!”

May God richly bless our soldiers on foreign soil and build a hedge around them and bring them

home safely. May He bless their Families as they go through the counted days without their loved one

being by their side.

Hope you had a great Christmas and as we continue into the New Year, may God bless all that you

do for Him!

Yours in prayer,

CH (MAJ) Martin E. Riser

CH (2LT) Cecil Costadani Chaplin

(803) 806-1799

SFC Brandon Brown Chaplin Assistant

(803) 806-2247

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Youth Services Team

W hat a year 2010 was for our youth!

The SCNG Annual Youth Camp, held the last

part of July, was a hit and plans for the 2011 Camp are well

under way. We are planning to be at Camp Bob Cooper again

with lots of activities along with the

favorite...PARASAILING! Keep an eye on and the SCNG Family Programs

Facebook page for the latest information and ways to apply.

Our Youth Program is designed to provide resources

and referrals to our State Families and Youth. The

development and planning for these programs, affecting the

quality of life issues for our Family members, is challenging

and rewarding. Being able to contribute to the wellness of our

military Families and members by improving their lives

before, during, and after deployment is our mission! Reaching

out to the school districts bringing awareness to them of the

unique challenges faced by our children during the time

through our team presentations has been rewarding and well

received across the state.

Our goal of being the best we can be for the SCNG is

being accomplished by planning and hosting events such as:

NGB Lead on Mentoring Team for the National

Professional Development event in early February

Bringing awareness to the resources and challenges for our

military youth

Youth Squirrel Hunt and Deer Hunts

Youth Duck Hunt, Fishing Rodeo, and Turkey Hunt with

the SC Department of Natural Resources as our partner

Partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of America

We look forward to an exciting new year with our

youth and the military Families we serve.

James Harris Youth Services



Upcoming Events

Youth Camp Dates: 24-30 July 2011

Place: Camp Bob Cooper

8001 M.W. Rickenbaker Rd

Summerton, SC 29148

Who: Campers; ages 10-13

Jr Counselors; ages 14-17

Cost: $150- Includes lodging, 3 meals a

day, evening snacks, AND all activities.

Scholarships are available.

Scheduled Activities:

-Swimming -Fishing -Nature Trails

-Wall Climbing -Talent Show -Tubing

-Planetarium -Model Rocketry

-Campfire -Paintball



Kathleen DaCamara Youth Services



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Yellow Ribbon Team The Yellow Ribbon team has had an extremely busy time in

January 2011. We coordinated, and held 5 Yellow Ribbon events.

They consisted of three 60-Day events, one Family Reunion event,

and one Pre-Deployment event.

Yellow Ribbon is the program developed to aide Soldiers and

Families in the deployment process to make the Soldiers‟

reintegration easier for everyone the Soldier touches as part of their

everyday life. The issues addressed at these events are centered on

understanding and overcoming the impact of the Soldier‟s absence

and return. These issues include planning for changes in

responsibilities, understanding of available resources, unexpected

changes, and many others. Soldiers often argue that they are fine and

do not need this help. These Soldiers have not paused to consider the

impact their deployment had on their friends and loved ones. It is for

this reason that we strongly encourage Families to attend Yellow

Ribbon events.

At each event, community partners are invited to participate and

provide information for the Soldiers and Families. These partners

include representatives from the Department of Veteran Affairs,

TRICARE, Military One Source, Blue Star Mothers, Veterans of

Foreign Wars Post, American Legion Post, American Veterans, and

various colleges. The list of partners changes as new sources of

support are identified.

It is also important for Families and Soldiers to participate

because of the impact they have on Yellow Ribbon events. Our

instructors seek input from participants to tailor the presentation to the

needs of the audience. But we also take feedback at each event to

improve for future events. This is done because the best experts on

the needs of our Soldiers and Families are our Soldiers and Families.

Terry O’Connor Yellow Ribbon Coordinator


Larry Crowe Yellow Ribbon Team


SSG DeAnna Bizette Yellow Ribbon NCOIC

Jason Marsh Yellow Ribbon Team

(803) 577-9611

Date Event Unit

Start End Name Type Location Name

25 Feb 27 Feb 90 Day Event Post Georgetown,




25 Feb 27 Feb 90 Day event Post Manning,




25 Feb 27 Feb Post Deploy-

ment Seminar

Post Clark’s Hill

26 Feb 26 Feb 30 Day Event Post Anderson,




2011 Upcoming Events

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Survivor Outreach Services

T he Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)

Program is designed to provide dedicated

and comprehensive support to Survivors of

deceased Soldiers. The team ensures the SCARNG

fulfills its covenant with Survivors through

sustainment of a comprehensive multiagency

program that:

improves Soldier and Family preparedness in the

event of a catastrophic loss

maximizes cooperative efforts within

organizations and agencies,

ensures Survivors receive all the benefits to

which they are entitled

and encourages Survivors to remain an integral

part of the SCARNG Family for as long as they


The SOS Program provides financial

counseling referral and long term support to

surviving Family members, ensuring the surviving

families' concerns are addressed expeditiously in a

holistic approach. The

SCARNG SOS Coordinator provides the state with a

subject matter expert

supporting programs and services to Survivors of

fallen Soldiers. The SOS

Coordinator will develop, administer, and coordinate

SOS programs and

services within the SCARNG.

Ms. Elizabeth Carney SOS Coordinator


“Never Forgotten...Never Alone”

Mrs. Ashley Young SOS Coordinator



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Military One Source

Webinars on, New Year’s Strategies for Success, Dealing with Debt, Couples and

Money, among others

Moderated chat Penny Pinching Strategies for Military Families

Personal Budget management (booklet)

Tips for Managing Holiday Stress Moderated Chat

Credit Card Realities video

Taking Charge of Your Money CD

Financial Calculators

„Tis the season for resolutions, longer days, W-2‟s, 1040‟s, and getting the bills in the mail from

the pre-holiday splurge shopping. The overall financial situation continues to be historically challenging,

and while Military OneSource can‟t give you that raise you had been hoping for, we can help you cope

with the stress of your financial situation, formulate a plan to make it better, and keep you on track with

industry leading tools. It is also not too early to start thinking about Tax Day. Beginning January 17th,

Military OneSource will once again be providing customized tax preparation and filing services through

our website. Let Military OneSource help you celebrate a new year and seize the opportunity to make

2011 a better year.

Please click on

3d&tabid=165 to access a one-page flyer featuring:

We hope this pre-packaged list of materials and services will help you refer service members and

families to Military OneSource through your own newsletters, on your Web sites, and at your

events. For more information on our calendar as well as past and future themes, please visit the Service

Provider Home Page -

To request a Military OneSource representative at your event, visit or

call anytime 1-800-342-9647. Access online at

LaTarsa R. Williams

Military OneSource

South Carolina MOS Joint Family

Support Program Consultant Cell: 803-873-8333

Fax: 803-806-4347

[email protected]

Check Y

OUR financia

l hea


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Salute to Soldiers

S SG Kimberly D. Calkins comes highly recommended from the 218th MEB in Charleston, S.C. SSG

Calkins was named Veteran of the Month by the Rotary Club of Charleston for her volunteer work

she does with the Good Neighbors Center for Veterans based in North Charleston. She is currently a

Board member and is very involved in the new expansion of the program.

SSG Calkins works full-time as a Public Affairs Specialist for the Headquarters Company, 218th

Maneuver Enhancement Brigade in Charleston, S.C.

The Veteran of the Month award is a distinction that is given to military veterans who give back to

their community and continue to serve. Calkins was presented the award by Medal of Honor recipient,

(RET) Major Gen. James E. Livingston on November 30, 2010.

In 2009, Calkins was deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Unit Public Affairs

Representative .

Her military awards include; Army Commendation Medal, two Army Achievement Medals,

Humanitarian Service Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal and the Global War on

Terrorism Service and Expeditionary Medals.

SSG Kimberly Calkins, WE SALUTE YOU!!

SSG Calkins receives The Veteran of the Month award from (RET) MG James E. Livingston.

―Whether you think you can or you think you can’t-you’re right.‖—Henry Ford

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Get...Stay Connected!

T he South Carolina National Guard and Family

Programs would like to invite you to get

connected with us on Facebook. Social media

is a growing alternative in sharing information and

every advantage to get the word out increases the

measures of success. On Facebook, you will find an

array of helpful information and links to services such

as, sexual assault assistance and prevention, suicide

prevention, financial aide, child care assistance, health

care information, community events, and so much

more! You are also welcome to share your event photos

and information that will benefit other Soldiers,

Families, and Veterans. We look forward to connecting

with you and extending the lines of communication into

the world wide web. Connecting with us is easy!

1. You must have a Facebook account of your

own. It is free to sign up.

2. In the search box simply type: SCNG

Family Programs

3. We are the Government Agency with the

green Palmetto tree

4. Click the “Like” button and you‟re now

apart of our Facebook family.

Get the latest updates on Facebook

Search ―SCNG Family Programs‖

Email us at:

[email protected]

Page 13: February (corrected) news


In Action

Terry O’Connor passionately speaks to Soldiers concerning

drugs and alcohol along with the support staff of Keystone

Substance Abuse Services in Fort Mill, SC on 08 Jan 2011

SGT Ryan Barnes gathering toys to distribute to families

during the holiday season at the West Columbia/Cayce

Parade on 5 Dec 2010.

LaTarsa Williams (Military One Source) speaking with MSG

Foley and other Soldiers at a 30 day event in Spartanburg, SC

on 4 Dec 2010.

SFC Peavy and Sherry Marsh working hard to get the

Soldiers of the 742nd SMC and their families informed

about pre-deployment on 29 Jan 2011

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In Action

Michelle Sprouse (Family Readiness Support

Assistant) helping families at a 30 day event

on 4 Dec 2010.

Latarsa Williams (Military One Source) speaking with MAJ

Brown and MAJ Bulwinkle at a 30 day event in Spartanburg, SC

on 4 Dec 2010.

Debbie McNamee (Family Programs Director) speaks

with CPT Pope and CPT Keller at a 30 day event on 4

Dec 2010 in Spartanburg, SC.

Support staff from Keystone Substance Abuse Services informing

our soldiers on the affects of drugs and alcohol concerning our

youth on 8 Jan 2011. Fort Mill, SC

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Meet Our Team

Admin Team

SSG Steven Jackson

Administrative Assistant/

SGLI Coordinator

(803) 806-2889

SGT Sabreana Anderson

Budget Analyst

(803) 806-2666

SGT Ricardo Rivers Freedom Salute/ Supply

(803) 806-1054

SPC Felicia Thomas

Defense Travel System Clerk

(803) 806-1865

SPC Bonita Patrick

Family Programs Assistant/

Multi-Media Illustrator

(803) 806-4400

Family Assistance Specialists (FAS)

Sherry Marsh

Family Assistant Coordinator

[email protected]


Nancy Jordan

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


Rose Lemmons-Berry

Family Assistance Specialist

Rock Hill

[email protected]


Nora Messick

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


Tommy Myers

[email protected]



Elliott Powell

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


T.C. Speaks

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]



Steve Sinclair

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


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Meet Our Team Jimmy Smithey

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]



Debbie Wyckoff

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


Yvette Woodall

Family Assistance Specialist


[email protected]


Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSA)


Senior Family Readiness

Support Assistant

Michelle Sprouse

Family Readiness Support Assistant

228th TTSB

[email protected]


Mona Johnson

Family Readiness Support Assistant

218th MEB

[email protected]


Dennis "Dino" Robinson

Family Readiness Support Assistant


[email protected]


Rochelle Tindal

Family Readiness Support Assistant

FRSA- 59th Trp Cmd

[email protected]


Military & Family Life Consultants (MFLC)

Tina Brown

Military & Family Life Consultant

[email protected]



Lisa Mustard

Military & Family Life Consultant

[email protected]


Kelly Earley

Military & Family Life Consultant

[email protected]


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Meet Our Team Air Force Support

Terry DeLille

Airmen & Family Readiness

Program Manager


[email protected]


Melissa Mitrik

Yellow Ribbon Support

Specialist Coordinator


[email protected]


Tsgt Heather McNeil

Family Programs

Support Assistant


[email protected]