Download - February 26, 2010

Page 1: February 26, 2010



Students sit in class in Automotive Lab 1 Tuesday at the School of Transportation Automotive Technology in Carterville. Despite being one of the best automotive schools in the nation, the program uses facilities built in the 1940s, said Blaine Heisner, an assistant instructor in ASA Automotive Technology. (LEFT) Automotive technology professor Dr. David Gilbert speaks to the media at a press conference Thursday in his office in Carterville.


Bidding to begin on transportation facilities

Scott Weber said the 10-year wait is about to come to an end.

Weber, the supervising architect for the Physical Plant, was one of several speakers present � ursday in the Student Health Center Audi-torium as contractors from around the region planned � nal prepara-tions for bids to construct three new facilities for the department of aviation and   ight and the automo-tive department.

“� is has been a project that has been a long time coming,” Weber said. “It’s been over 10 years since we’ve been planning and moving this project forward all the way to this point.”

� ursday’s presentation allowed more than 30 contractor groups to hear engineers, architects and members of the Capital Develop-ment Board explain the details of the project before turning in bids next month.

Marci Boudet, project manager for the state of Illinois, said because the construction is a state project, all bids must be approved by the CDB. She said contractors must

send in their bids for the project by 2 p.m. March 25.

Boudet said prospective bids must have a team consisting of 10 percent minorities and 4 percent fe-males, or the bid would be rejected by the state.

Tony Holsey, a representative of Do-All Construction group in Caneyville, Ky., said the problem was organizing that sort of team within a month.

“It would be great if this job was six months down the line, get to know one another and how our work skills would go together,” he said. “But one month to do all that will be tough.”

Boudet said she was aware how di� cult it could be to organize a team so quickly, but every contrac-tor was required to do so anyway. She said groups may be exempt if they could show a documented “good faith e� ort” to hire minori-ties and women.

The CDB will spend about four weeks reviewing all the bids be-fore awarding any contractors the project.

RYAN VOYLESDaily Egyptian

SIUC automotive professor Dr. David Gilbert said at a press conference in his o� ce � ursday he will continue to research un-intended acceleration in Toyota vehicles.

Gilbert, who has more than 30 years of experience in the automo-tive � eld, spoke to reporters a� er presenting his preliminary � nd-ings to the House Subcommittee of Oversight and Investigation in Washington, D.C., Tuesday.

In what he described as a “whirlwind a� air,” Gilbert was swept from SIUC’s automotive campus in Carterville to Wash-ington, D.C., less than two weeks a� er he and Omar Trinidad, an assistant automotive technology professor, began testing vehicles for   aws Feb. 11.

Gilbert said continuation of his and Trinidad’s research would help the automotive department obtain grants and other � nancial support.

Toyota donated $100,000 Nov. 6, 2008, toward the planned SIUC Transportation Education Center and major equipment purchases,

including hand-held diagnostic equipment. � e company has also donated several vehicles to the university’s automotive technolo-gy department, which is currently housed in the barracks facility in Carterville.

Bidding is set to begin next month for the Transportation Education Center and two other buildings that would replace the barracks facility, said Phil Gatton, director of the Physical Plant, at a separate press conference � urs-day.

“� ere’s a real good possibility that we’ll see some real good re-sults from this (research),” Gilbert said.

At the hearing, Gilbert testi� ed that he and Trinidad found that a “fault,” an instance of SUA, could be introduced to the computer sys-tem in Toyota vehicles without the computer reporting it as an error. Without an error code, the vehicle would not enter fail-safe mode, an emergency mode that reduces power to the engine, and accelera-tion would continue, Gilbert said.

Toyota has recalled more than 6 million vehicles over the past sev-eral months because of instances

of SUA, and Congress held three hearings this week to evaluate the carmaker’s response to the prob-lem.

Gilbert said he and Trinidad only tested four cars, and even though all four reacted in the same manner, more research needs to be conducted.

“� is research is far from over,” Gilbert said. “We need to see how Toyota’s systems compare with other manufacturers. We need to see how their systems work on other models.”

� e manufacturer � rst blamed oversized   oor mats, then sticky accelerator pedals, for the poten-tial of SUA in 11 of its models.

But that doesn’t explain SUA, Gilbert said.

“� ose circumstances don’t � t what people are saying,” said Gil-bert, who teaches a class on elec-tronic engine control. “You’re not just going to be driving down the highway and suddenly a   oor mat gets jammed underneath there and you take o� . � at’s not the way it works.”

Professor hopes to work with company to solve problem, � nd truth

Toyota research ‘far from over’ at SIUC

NICK JOHNSONDaily Egyptian

W e need to see how Toyota’s systems compare with other manufacturers. We

need to see how their systems work on other models.

Please see GILBERT | 2 Please see FACILITIES | 2



Page 2: February 26, 2010

Daily Egyptian News Friday, February 26, 20102ALUMNI ADD TO UNIFORM FUND

JESS VERMEULEN | DAILY EGYPTIANEden Thorne, left, of Carbondale, sells raffle tickets to John Timmermann, of Herrin, Wednesday at Tres Hombres in Carbondale. Thorne and Timmermann, both alumni of the SIUC band, gathered with other alumni to help raise money to purchase new uniforms for the Marching Salukis. “We’re here to support the current Salukis so they can get the new uniforms they deserve,” Thorne said. “Once a Marching Saluki, always a Marching Saluki.”

About Us� e Daily Egyptian is published by the students of Southern Illinois University Carbondale 50 weeks per

year, with an average daily circulation of 20,000. Fall and spring semester editions run Monday through Friday. Summer editions run Tuesday through � ursday. All intersession editions will run on Wednesdays. Spring break and � anksgiving editions are distributed on Mondays of the pertaining weeks. Free copies are distributed in the Carbondale, Murphysboro and Carterville communities. � e Daily Egyptian online publication can be found at

Publishing Information� e Daily Egyptian is published by the students

of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. O� ces are in the Communications Building, Room 1259, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbon-dale, IL 62901. Bill Freivogel, � scal o� cer.

Copyright Information© 2010 Daily Egyptian. All rights reserved. All

content is property of the Daily Egyptian and may not be reproduced or transmitted without consent. � e Daily Egyptian is a member of the Illinois Col-lege Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press and College Media Advisers Inc.

Additionally, Gilbert said every time he tried to introduce a similar “fault” in a Buick model on cam-pus, the GM computer system picked up the fault every time and put the vehicle into fail-safe mode.

� ree Toyota executives — Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota Motor Corporation, Jim Lentz, COO of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., and Yoshimi Inaba, CEO of Toyota North America — have since said they are “con� dent” that the com-puter systems are not at fault.

Gilbert repeatedly said he has nothing against Toyota and would

“do anything he can” to help the manufacturer.

“I’m simply trying to make sure that this problem gets taken care of in such a way that we don’t get anybody else hurt,” he said. “� is is my � eld, this is my area, and this is what I do best and I would like to get to the bottom of this.”

Gilbert said he recently traded in his Ford pickup truck for a Toy-ota truck and has a notice of recall for his new vehicle’s ¥ oor mat hang-ing on his o� ce bulletin board.

A¦ er examining his own vehi-cle, he didn’t see the potential for ¥ oor mat entrapment, he said.

“I tried every which way in the world to get it to jam up, and I just

couldn’t do it,” Gilbert said.Gilbert said Toyota will ulti-

mately become a more transpar-ent and better company a¦ er it resolves its current issues.

� e safety standards of the au-tomotive industry in general will also improve, he said.

Gilbert said a brake pedal over-ride system, in which a vehicle will go into fail-safe mode when the gas and brake pedals are pushed down at the same time, is what he expects to be developed by the in-dustry.

Nick Johnson can be reached at [email protected] or

536-3311 ext. 263.

� e three prospective buildings — the Transportation Education Center, the Test Cell Building, and the Fleet Storage Building — would replace the barracks facility located in Carterville for the automotive department and provide state-of-the-art resources for the aviation department, said Phil Gatton, di-rector of the Physical Plant.

� e new facilities will be located in the Southern Illinois Airport.

“� is is a great project for the university in the fact we’re getting rid of dilapidated structures,” he said. “We have a world renowned transportation and automotive technology (department), yet we

have buildings that are practically World War II structures that should have been torn down about 20 years ago.”

He said because the construc-tion is considered a state project, the school will have little input on handling the bids and construction.

Kevin Meyer, senior associate of FGM Architects — the group assigned to design the buildings — said the plan is to start construction soon a¦ er the CDB awards the proj-ect to a contractor, with an estimat-ed construction time of 24 months.

Members from FGM created de-signs for the three buildings, while several other groups have laid out the engineering aspects of con-struction.

Some contractors expressed

concern during the meeting about the fair employment practices re-quired for the bids. Contractors originally were allowed to put to-gether their work group a¦ er send-ing out their bids, but a new Illinois law requires contractors to have their team together before turning in bids.

Boudet said a¦ er years of wait-ing, the state and university are � nally seeing everything come to-gether.

“� is is a much, much anticipat-ed day for the university and for the project team,” she said. “We’re really excited to get this started.”

Ryan Voyles can be reached at [email protected] or

536-3311 ext. 259.



Page 3: February 26, 2010

Daily EgyptianNewsFriday, February 26, 2010 3

The Green Fee is about to sprout.

The Green Fund Committee began to review 23 proposals for sustainability projects Thursday as it decides how it will use the $180,000 at its disposal. This will be the first time the money col-lected from the $10 student Green Fee will be used for projects.

Ryan Klopf, chairman of the committee and research assistant in the plant biology department, said he was excited and impressed with the diversity of the requests.

“What we’re trying to do is pick the most polished proposals that we think will have the biggest impact on improving sustainabil-ity,” Klopf said. “But we’re taking a very broad definition of sustain-ability, so there are lots of ways to improve on that.”

Some of the proposals the com-mittee has reviewed include elec-tric-powered cars for the Depart-ment of Public Safety, research

for the potential construction of a wind turbine, a greenhouse to grow organic produce for dining halls and assistance for a senior design project, said Jon Dyer, vice chairman of the committee.

Dyer said the senior design proposal — an electrical engi-neering project that aims to de-velop a low-cost, solar-powered water heater prototype — is one of the main reasons the Green Fee was implemented.

“One of the initial visions for the Green Fee was to really spur student-led innovation projects,” Dyer said. “It’s great to see stu-dents getting involved and taking advantage of the opportunity.”

One of the most comprehen-sive proposals was for a green-house to grow organic produce for the dining halls to use year-round, Klopf said.

William Connors, chief chef for University Housing, said the greenhouse would provide oppor-

tunities for multiple departments on campus. The biology depart-ment could help grow the pro-duce, the agriculture department would have the greenhouse on its property and University Housing would be able to offer fresh, local produce, he said.

“This would be a huge step for-ward and is a great thing for the whole university,” Connors said. “The idea is out there on the table and if we can make this work. I think we could get people behind the idea of one or two more.”

� e Green Fee could also help

one of the largest potential projects on campus in the wind turbine.

Phil Gatton, director of the Physical Plant, made a request for funding to continue research on the fiscal and environmental ef-fects of building a wind turbine on campus. He said the request did not ask for any money toward construction costs, but hoped the committee would be interested in funding continued research.

He said the Green Fee is just another way for students to be in-volved with the project, as he has already had discussions with the

engineering department about as-sisting with the technical aspects of the turbine.

“I think the students participate through the research and the fund-ing of the project,” Gatton said. “I think part of the reason for submit-ting it is to establish a bond with the Green Fee committee because I want them to be involved all the way through.”

Klopf said the committee would meet again Monday to review the second half of the proposals and hopefully come to a decision about which projects will receive money by the end of next week.

“We don’t have a speci¢ c date right now for when we will decide what we’re funding, but we started review-ing proposals eight hours a£ er the deadline so we’re trying to turn this around as fast as possible,” he said.

Je� Engelhardt can be reached at [email protected] or

536-3311 ext. 254.

Green committee reviewing 23 proposals for innovation

Projects developed by Green Fee to receive $180,000JEFF ENGELHARDTDaily Egyptian

W hat we’re trying to do is pick the most polished proposals that we think will have the biggest impact

on improving sustainability. But we’re taking a very broad definition of sustainability, so there are lots of ways to improve on that.

— Ryan Klopfchairman of the Green Fund Committee

Page 4: February 26, 2010

A� er years of trying to get Kevin Willmott to Carbondale, the � lmmak-er judged Big Muddy Film Festival a worthy endeavor.

Willmott is one of the festival’s three judges, along with an experi-mental � lmmaker and a costume de-signer.

Big Muddy, which began Feb. 19, will come to a conclusion Sunday with the “Best of the Fest,” which will take place at 7 p.m. in Murphysboro at the Liberty � eater.

Big Muddy Film Festival faculty advisor Michelle Torre said the pro-cess to select the judges for the festival was determined by � lm students.

“What they do is compile a list of people they want to see as judges for the event and we try to select from that � eld,” Torre said. “It’s sometimes tough because these are all busy people, but we are very happy with our panel this year.

Willmott was the most desired person on the list of potential judges, Torre said.

Willmott said this is not the � rst time the festival has shown interest in him.

“� ey have been a� er me for a couple of years now,” Willmott said. “I’ve wanted to do it, but I would al-ways be busy. I’m happy I was � nally able to come down here for it though.”

Willmott said he plans on looking at the � lm as a member of the audi-ence and not as a director or a � lm-maker.

“Watching a movie is an experi-ence, and the best way to soak it all in is to attack it as a member of the au-dience,” Willmott said. “I will just be someone trying to enjoy the show.”

Torre said the costume designer, Kristin Burke, was not originally a stu-dent request. To bring her on board, Torre said cinema and photography professor Howard Motyl gave her a list of people that he thought would be in-terested in doing the event.

“� e students were really inter-

ested in Kristin,” Torre said. “� ey thought she would be a great � t. We got a hold of her and she said she would be thrilled to do it, so we are thrilled to have her.”

Burke said she has worked with costume design since she was very young.

“� e clothes somebody wears can tell a lot about a person,” Burke said. “� e wardrobe of a cast can help make or break a movie.”

Films such as “Beverly Hills Chi-

huahua,” “� e Grudge 2” and “Run-ning Scared” scatter Burke’s costume design résumé.

In judging the event, Burke said unless the movie called for it, she would not judge on wardrobe, but would instead watch the movies from the eyes of a � lmmaker, paying special attention to dialogue and the plot’s � ow.

� e � nal judge, Sasha Waters Freyer, is an associate professor at the University of Iowa. Freyer’s most re-

cent � lm, “Chekhov for Children,” a retelling of the Broadway show “Uncle Vanya” with public school � � h grad-ers, will be shown at the festival but will not be part of the competition.

Waters Freyer is a former partici-pant in the Big Muddy Film Festival, and said she did not come to southern Illinois to see her � lm screened.

In her judging, Waters Freyer said she would watch for habits students tend include in their � lms.

“With student � lms, they think

they have to put everything they pos-sibly can into the � lm,” Waters Freyer said. “I want to show them that less is more.”

� e judges will collectively decide on the winners in a variety of catego-ries, including best documentary and best drama, Torre said.

Burke will screen and discuss “Running Scared” from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. today in Morris Library’s John C. Guyon Auditorium. Waters Freyer will screen and discuss “Chekov for Children” from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat-urday in Parkinson Hall’s Browne Auditorium. Willmott screened and discussed “Bunker Hill” � ursday.

Derek Robbins can be reached at [email protected] or

536-3311 ext. 273.

Daily Egyptian News Friday, February 26, 20104

� e Alumni Association will look to past students to help recruit new ones with the help of a recently launched Web site.

� e Alumni Association has be-gun plans to market a new Web site,, which will go a long way toward re-cruiting new students, said Michelle Suarez, executive director of the as-sociation.

Gene Green, assistant director of alumni communication, said the goal of the site is to make it easier for prospective students to � nd what they are looking for at SIUC. He said almost every college and department would have a link on its site to the in-teractive homepage.

“It’s a partnership that we see with the colleges and various depart-ments,” Suarez said. “We’ll manage this side of it, and they’ll manage their volunteer side of it.”

� e site, which has been up since

December, is still in its early stages with several features still needed, said Shannon Wimberly, a typesetter in the printing service and creator of the Web site. He said he expects the page to live up to its full potential within the next several months.

“Basically it is just a portal right now, but we want to add a lot more in the future,” he said. “Maybe create a blog, people adding their web pages for their chapter clubs — keep every-body informed on what is going on with alumni.”

Wimberly said the only major cost to the site is his salary. He is the only one working on and maintaining the

site a couple hours a week, he said.Tim Marlo, assistant director of

alumni services, said the most im-portant feature of the Web site is its ability to allow alumni to volunteer to help recruit prospective students. Alumni who sign up have several choices of how to help, including go-ing to local high schools in their area and being referred to students inter-ested in a certain � eld.

He said the colleges and depart-ments would have a say in exactly what they want their volunteers to do.

Suarez said more than 100 people have volunteered in the two months the Web site has been active.

She said advertising for the site would increase in the coming weeks, including mass e-mails to alumni, links on the SIUC homepage and TV advertisements during the men’s bas-ketball Missouri Valley Conference Tournament in March.

Chancellor Sam Goldman, dur-ing the Faculty Senate meeting Feb. 9, said the launch of Saluki Interactive would play a key role toward increas-ing enrollment and retention.

� e total enrollment for spring 2010 came in at 19,134 students, a decrease of 255 students from last spring.

Suarez said the site could help with retention by allowing current students to search for alumni across the world to make work connections.

“Say you’re looking for a job in Los Angeles, you can use the Web site and search for alumni out there and � nd job opportunities,” she said. “� is site will help current students as well as interested students.”

Suarez said the idea for the Web site came from a meeting two years ago with several top members of the SIUC sta® , including SIU President Glenn Poshard.

“� e president said to us, ‘Is there a way for our alumni to help us out with recruitment?’” Suarez said. “It was from there where Saluki Interac-tive began.”

Wimberly said Suarez contacted him soon a� er the meeting to help the Alumni Association create the site.

Marlo said the new site would go a long way toward attracting new stu-dents to SIUC.

“It seems simple, but (recruit-ment) was being done like this before this initiative,” he said. “� is is a uni-versity-wide e® ort and so far, every-body seems behind it.”

Ryan Voyles can be reached at [email protected] or

536-3311 ext. 259.

Alumni going “Interactive” to recruit studentsNew Web site to allow alumni to volunteer towards recruitment

Kristin Burke, right, from Orange, Calif., converses with Kevin Willmott of Lawrence, Kan., and Sasha Waters Freyer of Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday at Morris Library. Burke, Willmott and Freyer were

chosen by a group of SIUC film students as this year’s judges for the Big Muddy Film Festival.


RYAN VOYLESDaily Egyptian


Judged by Hollywood: Big Muddy draws big names

‘‘T hey have been after me for a couple of years now. I’ve wanted to do it, but I would always be busy. I’m happy I was finally able to come down here for it though.

— Kevin Willmottfilmmaker and costume designer

‘‘I t’s a partnership that we see with the colleges and various departments. We’ll manage this side of it, and

they’ll manage their volunteer side of it.

— Michelle Suarezexecutive director of the alumni association

Page 5: February 26, 2010

Editorial PolicyOur Word is the consensus of the Daily Egyptian Editorial Board on local, national and global

issues a� ecting the Southern Illinois University community. Viewpoints expressed in columns and letters to the editor do not necessarily re� ect those of the Daily Egyptian.


Letters and guest columns must be submitted with author’s contact information, preferably via e-mail. Phone numbers are required to verify authorship, but will not be published. Letters are limited to 300 words and columns to 500 words. Students must include year and major. Faculty must include rank and department. Others include hometown. Submissions can be submitted via or to [email protected].


� e Daily Egyptian is a “designated public forum.” Student editors have the authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. We reserve the right to not publish any letter or guest column.

Recently Michelle Obama ini-tiated the “Let’s Move” campaign targeting childhood obesity. The initiative is aimed at providing access to healthy food and to pro-mote increased physical activ-ity for today’s youth. That doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

Well apparently it does as sev-eral people have scolded Obama, claiming the campaign is “anti-obesity” and that the campaign is “an attempt to stereotype and eradicate” what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have classified as overweight and/or obese individuals (body mass index of 25 or >30 respectively).

� e National Health and Nutri-tion Examination Survey (1989-1991) found that more than 33 percent — one-third of the coun-try — of the U.S. population is obese. Research by the American Heart Association has shown that obese individuals have a higher risk for conditions such as coro-nary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension and several other diseases (Poirier et al., 2006).

So why are we resisting an initia-tive to improve the health and well-being of our children? Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign states that we currently spend $150 billion a year on the obesity-related diseases listed above. � e incidence of these diseases can be dramatically re-duced if we make educated choices regarding our nutritional intake

and physical activity.� e CDC identi® es the keys to

achieving a healthy lifestyle that in-cludes eating healthier, increasing physical activity and balancing cal-ories in with calories out. A number of factors may in� uence our health and well-being, which may be broadly categorized into two areas: environment and genetics.

Although genetic traits do play an important role in the develop-ment of our body type, they may only increase the susceptibility of an individual to become obese. As a nation we must direct more at-tention to factors we can control,

such as our eating habits and lev-els of physical activity.

American society has become characterized by environments that promote increased intake of unhealthy foods and limited physical activity. The National As-sociation for Sport and Physical Education recommends school-aged children accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

� is can be in any format and should be encouraged by schools, parents and the community. Sever-al other initiatives are also currently in place to provide fruit to students

during the school day, o± en a± er physical education, in an attempt to educate children on the bene® ts of leading a healthy lifestyle.

� is message has to be contin-ued in the home with parents pro-viding balanced nutritious meals and encouraging their children to be physically active. We all make choices regarding our lifestyle ev-ery single day and more o± en than not choose the “easier option.” Try to make positive health choices throughout your day, stairs instead of elevator, salad instead of burger and begin to reap the bene® ts of a healthier you.

Michelle Obama is not “anti-obe-sity” — far from it. She simply cares about the health and well-being of the people of the United States. Since when was that a bad thing?

TOM PARRYDirector of physical/teacher education


Physical activity and balanced nutrition: A path to healthy livingT ry to make positive health choices throughout your day,

stairs instead of elevator, salad instead of burger and begin to reap the benefits of a healthier you.


Do you think you do your best work under pressure and then procrastinate about doing home-work or other projects? Think tomorrow would be better than today to get it done? Many stu-dents complain of poor time management habits and put off studying, cleaning, exercising or other tasks. This often results in feeling stressed and overwhelmed later. Motivating yourself to be more organized involves changing mental habits as well as behaviors.

A way to approach your think-ing habits is to recall other times you felt motivated and interested or active in reaching goals. Visu-alizing yourself doing the task and

imagining success can help and is a strategy Olympic athletes use to reach goals. You can use this too.

Self-talk is a key component in behavior change. If you ® nd yourself thinking “I don’t want to do that” or “I feel too lazy. It’s too hard,” you are discouraging your-self. How would you encourage a good friend to “go for it?” You might say to them, “You can do it. You’re good at this. You have done hard things before and you will do this too.” Stating encouragement internally to yourself can be useful.

One time management strategy is to tell yourself to do the dreaded task for just 10 minutes, whether it involves reading a chapter, exer-cising or picking up your clothes. Getting yourself to do something for a very short period of time can

interrupt the avoidance habit. Of-ten once you start a task, you may continue. Getting started is the hardest part for many people.

Another technique is to reward yourself for getting something done. Observe how you typically “waste” time: Do you watch TV, sit on the couch or surf online? If so, direct yourself that you are not allowed to check e-mail, look at text messages, etc., until you accomplish at least 10 minutes of an avoided task. The reward is to give yourself your favorite time killer (TV, eating) after you ac-

complish something rather than before.

Labeling yourself as lazy is not helpful and not entirely true. If you are a college student you have already read hundreds of pages of studies, you have taken many tests and other things you did not care to do. Remind yourself that you do have some qualities for success.

Research has shown making a list helps people to get things done. Writing down tasks in a schedule book or “to do” format helps to keep them focused. It is impor-tant to break down the list to the

smallest possible components. For example, instead of writing down “Do 10-page English paper” you might list:

• Go to library or search on-line for topic.

• Write down ideas.• Create an outline.• Write one paragraph or page.And so on. By breaking your

list down, you can accomplish small pieces of the task instead of facing the entire scary prospect at once or putting it o� endlessly until you panic. For more tips and help with time management, con-tact the Wellness Center.

Barb Elam is the Wellness Coordinator of Stress Management

programs and can be reached at [email protected].

How to get a “Get ’er done” mindsetBARB ELAM, MSWellness Center G etting yourself to do something for a very short period can

interrupt the avoidance habit. Often once you start a task, you may continue. Getting started is the hardest part for many people.

Gus Bode says: Send us more letters! If you can write coherently and would like to share your perspective with the world, please consider lending your voices to our pages.

To submit a letter, please go to and click “Submit a Letter” or send it to [email protected]. Please make your submissions between 300 to 400 words. If you have questions, give us a call at 536-3311 ext. 281.

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Daily Egyptian Study Break Friday, February 26, 201010

Thursday’s answers

(Answers tomorrow)

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,one letter to each square,to form four ordinary words.





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e Bo












SWASH TABOO DROPSY SOCIALJumbles:Answer: What the history professor did —


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold boarders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit

� e



Thursday’s answers




Thursday’s answers

By Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements

Across1 Predatory group5 Grifter’s ploy9 Jerk14 Stadium near Citi Field15 Pear, for one16 From the other side17 Topical treatment18 Bring down19 Has coming20 Taking pictures of pota-toes and pasta?23 Has a connection with24 Diamond brothers’ surname25 DJIA part: Abbr.26 PC key under Z27 Circuit30 Trapdoor in an Old West saloon?35 “Baudolino” novelist36 Massage target37 Lee who founded the

Shakers38 Ink holders39 Sixers, on a scoreboard40 Group of show-offs?44 “Kidding!”45 Project’s conclusion?46 Meat seasoning mixture47 Chiseled abbr.49 Like radon54 Spiel from a maestro?56 Talia of “The Godfather”57 Harrow rival58 Sound after ah59 Less brusque60 Kevin’s “Tin Cup” co-star61 In a bit, poetically62 “Brigadoon” composer63 Sibling, in dialect64 Casual dissent

Down1 Brewer Frederick

2 Leading Japanese brew-ery3 Lover of Daphnis4 Friend in old Westerns?5 Elastic6 Matter7 Plácido’s pal8 Retail store department9 Tiger’s asset10 “Cuchi-cuchi” entertainer11 Requiring superhuman effort12 Ho Chi __ City13 Hosp. areas21 Record, in a way22 Powder source26 “... __ additional cost to you!”28 Elec. designation29 Ritzy30 Crunch’s rank31 Cuatro doubled

32 Jambalaya basic33 Find repugnant34 So-so center?38 Tavern keeper40 “Howdy!”41 Shoppe modifier42 Pun, often43 Tupperware sound48 Thread site

49 Weasel relative50 Mindless worker51 Prefix with centric52 Exclusive story53 Performed superbly54 Wheeling’s river55 Balkan native56 Show with a “Weekend Update” segment, briefly

Level: 1 2 3 4

Today’s birthday — Expect drama in your life this year. Power plays occur all the time, but you’ll be at the focus. An older associate knows the score and has good ideas for handling strangers who act like friends. Consider first impressions two or three times. Trust your instincts.Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is 7 — Flavor your activities with some element from a dream. Get creative early and leave adjustments for later in the day.Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — If you have a big weekend planned, start early and take care of arrangements. Check details as something changes -- in a good way!Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is a 6 — Remain open to all offers that come your way today. Can’t say yes to everything? Ask for rain checks. Adapt wisely when others change their minds.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 6 — Begin a new day with renewed energy. Take an early walk to get the juices flowing. Remain flexible. New ideas tip the scales your way.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — Exaggerate if you must just to get it out of your system. Then devise a practical way of achieving the desired result. Planning saves time in the end.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — You tend to take off in all directions at once. Not helpful! Focus on yourself first, then have a private conversation. Share responsibility for a key decision.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is an 8 — Never think that the project is complete. Someone can always make changes. The question is, do these little adjustments really help?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 5 — Plan on more sorting and organizing. Another person may need your assistance here. Yes, you are better at it! And helping actually gets you out the door faster.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — If you weren’t so busy today, you’d have more time to hang out with friends. As it is, you need to focus to keep from getting scattered.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Busy doesn’t begin to describe it. A few major changes occur early on, and you shift gears to accommodate an associate’s ego. It had to happen sooner or later.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — You’ve passed a milestone. Associates pose a question that you answer easily. Your position in the workplace moves forward.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 5 — Go there. Do that. Come back. Leave again. Today is all about movement in and out of your space.

Page 11: February 26, 2010

Daily EgyptianSportsFriday, February 26, 2010 11

SALUKI TOP PERFORMERS:SS Haley Gorman: .464 BA, .545 OBP, 12 runs2B Alicia Garza: .370 BA, .438 OBP, nine RBIsP Danielle Glosson: 5-1 W/L, 2.30 ERA, opponent’s BA .248

SIU:Singles Play against Tennessee Tech Melanie Delsart def. Leydi Zora: 6-1, 6-1Emily Whitney def. LauraPorras: 7-5, 6-3

AUSTIN PEAY: Singles Play against ChattanoogaVanja Tomic def. Jenna Nurik: 6-3, 6-4Carolin Weikard def. Emily Hangste� er: 6-2, 6-2

Leado� Classic against � ve teamsWHEN: 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Friday10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday11:30 a.m. SundayWHERE: Columbus, Ga.TOP MATCHUPS:Friday vs. No. 22 ranked Florida StateSaturday vs. No. 4 ranked MichiganSIU RECORD: 8-2



Freshman pitcher Alex Peters talks with trainer Meghan Reid Wednesday during softball practice at Sports Blast in Carbondale. The Salukis will take on five teams this weekend in the Leadoff Classic in Columbus, Ga.


Sophomore Emily Whitney returns a volley Saturday in her win against Laura Porras at Sports Blast in Carbondale. The Saluki women take on Austin Peay State University today. The men’s team will take on the University of Illinois-Chicago Saturday.


SALUKI CONTRIBUTORS:SP Randy Hoelscher: (2009 at Spring� eld College) 9-1, 1.62 ERA, 101 KsRP Bryant George: 23 Career saves

GAMECOCKS’ CONTRIBUTORS:SP Austin Lucas: (2009) 7-3, 3.93 ERA, 52 KsOF Daniel Adamson: .476 BA, 10 RBIs, 6 runs

SIU at JSUWHEN: 1 p.m. Friday1 p.m. Saturday1 p.m. SundayWHERE: Jacksonville, Ala. — Rudy Abbott FieldRECORDS: SIU: 0-2Jacksonville State: 1-4

SIU:Singles Play against Tennessee TechFalk De Beenhouwer def. Oscar Pachon: 7-6, 3-6, 10-6 Brandon Florez lost to Alex Chen: 6-3, 1-6, 6-4

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-CHICAGO:Singles play against University of Missouri-Kansas CitySebastian Lystad def. Bret Barryman: 6-3, 6-4Bastian Harbo def. Patrick Smith: 6-2, 4-6, 6-3

WHAT: Men at University of Illinois-ChicagoWHEN: 6 p.m. Saturday

WHAT: Women at Austin PeayWHEN: 2 p.m. Today


Dawgs hit the road

Page 12: February 26, 2010

SALUKI TOP PERFORMERS:Christine Presswood: 15.8 points per game (2nd in MVC)Stephany Neptune: 10.8 ppg, 10.7 rebounds per game (only player inconference averaging double-double)

LADY BEAR TOP PERFORMERS:Casey Garrison: 19.2 ppg, 5.5 assists per game (both are tops inMVC), 7.6 rpgJaleshia Roberson: 14.3 ppg, 2.7apg

SALUKI TOP PERFORMERS:Kevin Dillard: 13 points and 5.3 assists per gameCarlton Fay: 11.9 points and 3.5 rebounds per game

SHOCKER TOP PERFORMERS:Clevin Hannah: 12.1 points and 4.8 assists per gameToure’ Murry: 12.1 points and 5 rebounds per game

AUTOMATIC QUALIFIERSJeneva McCall—Shot Put: 17.06 (55’ 11.75”) 2nd on the national listJeneva McCall—Weight � row: 21.34 (70’ 0.25”) 3rd on the national list

PROVISIONAL QUALIFIERSSasha Leeth—Weight � row: 20.59 (67’ 6.75”) 5th on the national listMalaikah Love—Pentathlon: 3953 Points 7th on the national listGwen Berry—Weight � row: 20.48m (67’ 2.25”) 9th on the national listRickael Roach—Weight � row: 20.27m (66’ 6”) 12th on the national listGwen Berry—Shot Put: 16.30m (53’ 5.75”) 13th on the national listMalaikah Love—Triple Jump: 12.96m (42’ 6.25”) 13th on the national listJ.C. Lambert—Weight � row: 20.33 (66’ 8.50”) 17th on the national listCody Doer� ein—Pole Vault: 5.30 (17’ 4.50”) 21st on the national listMalaikah Love—Long Jump: 6.21m (20’ 4.50”) 21st on the national listTess Shubert, Alisa Baron, Tredene Davis, Kandise� ompson—4X400: 3:39.51 29th on the national listJ.C. Lambert—Shot Put: 17.92 (58’ 9.50”) 31st on the national listMiracle � ompson—Pole Vault : 4.00m (13’ 1.50”) 36th on the national list

TRACK & FIELD MVC Indoor Championships



SIU at Wichita State

SIU at Missouri State

Freshman Kim Fortney practices shot put Thursday at the Recreation Center in preparation for State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Indoor Championships Saturday and Sunday in Cedar Falls, Iowa.


WHEN: 12:05 p.m. SaturdayTV: MVC-TVRADIO: Saluki Sports Network, KTXR 101.3 FMSIU: 15-13, 6-11 Missouri Valley Conference

Freshman center Gene Teague calls for the ball during the second half of the men’s basketball game against Creighton Tuesday at the SIU Arena. The men will face Wichita State for the last game of the regular season Saturday.


WHEN: 7:05 p.m. FridayRADIO: Saluki Sports Network, KTXR 101.3 FMSIU: 4-21, 3-12 Misouri Valley Conference

Ch p

Chris Lowery will be the head coach of the SIU men’s basketball team next season unless he decides to leave, Ath-letic Director Mario Moccia said.

Moccia said Lowery, who has led the Salukis to a 15-12 record overall and a 6-10 record in the Missouri Valley Con-

ference this season, would not be let go by the university.

“Chris is our coach,” Moccia said. “We signed him to a contract. He’s our man.”

Lowery, who has been the head coach at SIU since 2004, has led the

Salukis to a 124-71 record in that time, taking the team to three NCAA Tourna-ments and one Sweet 16 appearance.

Moccia said if Lowery were to leave SIU for another job, he would likely look for a replacement from the Bruce We-ber/Matt Painter/Lowery coaching tree.

Moccia: Lowery’s job is safe for next season