Download - February 2021 Holy Rosary Review

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3040 Walton Road Office: 610-825-0160 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 School Closing # 1385

February 2021 Holy Rosar y Review Feb. Important Dates:

February 1st —

CSW-Community Day

Prayer Service 8 AM

CHOC Donations

Beep Out 10 AM

Read for the House Begins

February 2nd —

CSW-Student Day

Twin Dress Day


February 3rd —

CSW- Nation Day

Red, White, Blue Accentuate


Kindness Quilt

February 4th —

CSW-Vocation Day

Future Career Dress Down

February 5th —

CSW-Faculty, Staff, Volun-

teers Day

Dress like a Teacher Day

Talent Show-Zoom

Progress Reports

Noon Dismissal

February 6th —

Blessing of Blessed Mother


February 12th —

No School

February 14th —

Valentines Day

February 15th —

Presidents Day-No school

February 17th —

Ash Wednesday

Prayer Service 2 PM

February 18th —

Grade 1 Celebration of 100

Days of School

February 19th —

Kindergarten Celebration of

100 Days of School

Stations of the Cross

February 26th —

Stations of the Cross




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From the Principal’s Desk...

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Pope Francis has designated this year, December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021, as the year of St. Joseph.

This year was chosen because the church is commemorating the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph being sol-

emnly declared Patron of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius IX.

St. Joseph was an unassuming man who loved his family and protected them. He was a quiet man whose

actions spoke louder than his words. He was a prayerful and obedient man. What a wonderful model he

is for all of us, especially for our children. As the start of Lent approaches on Ash Wednesday, February

17, we can all pray to St. Joseph to lead us in our spiritual growth. We aspire during these forty days of

Lent, to prepare ourselves to celebrate the gift of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour at Easter, by

praying, fasting and giving alms. Changing our prayer life to be more meaningful is something we readily

understand, but what do fasting and giving alms truly mean? When it comes to fasting, we all think of fast-

ing from food, but we can also fast from things that become a roadblock to our relationship with Christ

such as gossiping or unkind words. It was impressive to hear our new President state that he will fire any-

one in the White House who is disrespectful to another person. This is an important message for our

society as we heal from some troubling times. When we think about giving alms, we often think about

donating funds, but it also means that we should make the needs of others our own, have compassion for

others, and share our time tending to people in need. Our goal is to draw closer to Christ.

At Holy Rosary, we will continue to guide our children by word and example on their spiritual journey.

Together we will work to ensure that our children are prepared for the Resurrection.

God’s Graces to You!

Mary Ann Gilman

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Dear Parents and Guardians:

This shortest month of the year begins with Catholic Schools Week (Jan.31 – Feb. 6) and

ends with Lent. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Faith, Excellence, Service.

Our schools remind us of Christ’s love… a dignity of the human person that is beyond the

mindset of the present moment, or the latest educational trend,” explained Bishop Thomas Daly

of Spokane, Washington, the newly-elected chairman of the Committee on Catholic Education

for the U.S. bishops’ conference, which provides guidance for the educational mission of the


“The ‘first mission’ of any Catholic school should be the salvation of souls,” noted Bishop

Daly, who spent 19 years in Catholic schools as a teacher and president and was also pastor of

two parishes.

One of the most important factors in a school’s character is the academic leadership

which for elementary schools is most often the principal, he observed.

“We need schools that are Catholic,” Bishop Daly emphasized, “that teach and proclaim

the Gospel with the realization of academic rigor.”

Since the twofold theme of Lent is repentance and baptism, it is fitting that we celebrate

the sacrament of Penance in preparation for renewing our baptismal promises at Easter.

The scripture readings on Ash Wednesday advise us to be reconciled and return to the

Lord by way of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. On the First Sunday of Lent, the scriptures record

that the Lord established a covenant with Noah and promised never again to destroy creation by

flood waters. The waters of baptism bring salvation and forgiveness through the death of Christ,

who, after 40 days in the desert, began His public ministry by proclaiming, “This is the time of ful-

fillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mk. 1:15).

God bless you,

Father Quindlen

A Letter from the Governing Board of Pastors

Father Quindlen, Epiphany of Our Lord Parish, Plymouth Meeting

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Did You Know...

3rd Grade

Third grade has been working a lot this month on current events. We started our new year with discussions

of dreams in honor of Dr. King. We learned about the dreams that Martin Luther King, Jr. had for our coun-

try, and how he used his words to make powerful changes. Using this message, the students created rainbow

clouds showcasing dreams they had for their futures, their education, their families, their classroom, and the

world. Third grade also took the opportunity to discuss the inauguration of our 46th president. The stu-

dents learned about all the exciting events that happen at an inauguration including the oath, parade, celebra-

tion, and the inaugural address. They were surprised to learn that the speeches made by new presidents of

the past have been as short as 135 words or as long as 8,445 words! In addition to current events, the stu-

dents have been hard at work practicing their multiplication facts. Their skills are being put to the test as we

dive into division. In Reading, our focus has been on drawing conclusions. The students were tasked with

solving the mystery of the missing pig. They had to use their sleuthing skills to find evidence and decide who

the culprit was. It was a great teamwork activity and the kids had fun with it!

—Mrs. Fitzpatrick


This month the kindergarten class has been learning all about The Holy Family and their own families! We

learned that our families are a gift from God. We talked about how each family is different and special! We

really enjoyed sharing with our classmates all about our family, and why we love them so much! We also

learned about a great man named Martin Luther King Jr. We listened to a story about his life and how he

worked hard to help make the world fair and equal for everyone. We learned that Martin Luther King gave a

famous speech called the “I Have a Dream” speech. We took turns sharing our dreams and wishes for the

world. Some of our ideas for the world were that everyone would be kind, people would share with every-

one, and everyone would love each other. We decided to draw our dreams and hang them in the hallway for

all to see! We also listened to a story called The Crayon Box That Talked. The book taught us that even

though we may be different we are all special because God made us! We created our very own crayons with

our portrait on them and then decorated our classroom door with them! It looks awesome :)

—Mrs. Pickering

1st Grade

The first grade started off the year sharing their New Year's resolutions. They all want to improve something

either at home or at school. In Religion, they had fun telling their classmates about their families. They all

compared themselves to The Holy Family and even made posters telling how special their families are. They

also love listening to Bible stories that teach them about God and Jesus' love. In Math, they are learning about

addition and subtraction and in ELA, they are having fun learning about long vowels with magic ‘e’. They love

listening to stories about snow and are now decorating our classroom with homemade snowflakes. It will

soon look like a Winter Wonderland.

—Mrs. Koneski

2nd Grade

We have been having so much fun in second grade! We are getting SO close to our first Penance! We have

been spending so much time preparing and examining our consciences. In math class, we are jumping into

double digit subtraction and story problems! We enjoy coming up with our own story problems as well. In

ELA, we love writing and reading with expression. We also love reading and discussing our weekly stories as a

class. We love learning in second grade!

—Ms. Barrett

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4th Grade

In 4A we have a lot of great things going on! Throughout the school year, the students and myself have been

challenged with reading 100 books before the school year ends. The kids are really rising to the challenge, and it

is paying off with dividends in all of the subjects. Every single student is participating and loving what reading is

doing for them!

We are also getting ready to celebrate Black History Month with our own living Wax Museum. The students

will have to research, write about, dress like and give a speech in the first person of the person that they have

chosen. It is going to be so great to see the kids learn and express themselves in a different form!

—Ms. Rafalowski

Social Studies

In 5th Grade the students are learning about North America. Currently, the students are working on a state

case study. Students will travel, explore, and describe their journey. The journey has students traveling to a

destination in North America. They have to explore the cost of the trip, how will they arrive at their destina-

tion, and geographic features of the destination. A few of the destinations the students are exploring are Cali-

fornia, Connecticut, Kentucky, Florida, and Hawaii. This project is about learning culture, utilizing math skills,

geography skills, and planning a trip.

In 6th Grade the students are learning about civilizations. We learn about Mesopotamia and now are exploring

Ancient Greece. Students are learning about the culture, Sparta and Athens, and about the Olympic games.

Students will be working on Greek and Roman god and goddess project. Students will be writing a biography of

their god or goddess.

In 7th Grade the students are learning about the thirteen colonies. The students are working on the Colony

Brochure Project. This is what the student’s assignment entails: Congratulations! You have just been hired by

an advertising agency to “travel back in time” to North America in the 18th century (the 1700s). You will be

traveling to one of the 13 British colonies. Your job is to create a brochure that attracts more settlers (typically

from Europe) to settle in your specific colony. The more people who settle in your colony, the faster it will

grow and develop. However, you don’t want people to be disappointed when they arrive if the colony is not

what they expected. So, it is also important to mention things that might be challenges or negative things about

the colony.

In 8th Grade the students are learning about the Western Frontier and Native Americans. The students

in eighth grade are working on their Westward expansion project. The students will choose an individ-

ual role to research during the period of westward expansion: an Explorer with Lewis & Clark, a Pro-

spector in the California Gold Rush, a Pioneer on the Oregon Trail, a Native American during the

period of Indian Removal, a Tejano Settler in Texas during the Texas Revolution or Mexican-American

War, or a Railroad Worker on the Transcontinental Railroad. The student’s will:

• Research the role you have chosen

• Write a one-page report on your findings

• Choose ONE project activity to complete

—Mr. Weinert

Did You Know (continued)...

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Did You Know (continued)...

Music and Library


Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade were busy writing about and illustrating their favorite scenes from

newly released books we read in class: My Christmas Wish, The Spider Who Saved Christmas, The Snow Lambs,

The Big Snow.

We are now reading Hello Little Dreamer. Students are writing and illustrating dreams of their own in book

form. I am enjoying their many surprises!!!


Students in PreK through Grade 3 are energetically playing classroom instruments to a variety of rhythm po-

ems and sound stories. While dancing through winter and snow music is not producing a big snowfall, we all

have fun learning new choreography.

Students in 4th and 5th grades continue to learn new time signatures, notes and pieces on their record-

ers. Playing together as an ensemble is quite an accomplishment, and they can be proud of the beautiful mu-

sic they produce!

Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades did awesome work telling the story of Martin Luther King, Jr. in music

notation. Presently, we are adding Drama to our classes performing Tell It Together Stories including

folktales, mysteries, and Shakespeare! Wow! Talent is exploding all over our school at Holy Rosary! Great


—Mrs. Toth


Fifth grade continues to learn about the Mass. The class recently learned the identify of vessels and vestments,

and how they are used during the Mass. During our poetry unit, the students created Peculiar Pets Poems,

and will submit them for submission to the Young Writer’s Contest. Students will have the opportunity to

publish their poems as a result of the contest entry!

Conducting research on their family trees, the sixth grade continues to make connections between their line-

age, and the lineage of Jesus’ family. We eagerly await a family story from each child, with their completed


Seventh grade prepares to study the lives of the Apostles and about the many sacrifices made by the Apostles

after Jesus’ death.

Congratulations to the eighth grade for their video of the Christmas Pageant. Each student contributed to the

pageant as narrators, scenery design, putting the video together, editing music and work, and performing. Due

to time constraints, it was put together very quickly, but the students managed to come through! The class is

finishing up their studies on One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, the Marks of the Church.

—Mrs. Luthy

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CYO Sports Update (Continued)

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All families may now apply for financial aid for the 2020-2021 school year. The website is aid. Fami-

lies can work directly with the FACTS Company in order to verify all information.

Questions on completing the application may be answered by calling the FACTS helpline directly at 1-866-441-

4637. They are available Mon-Thurs: 7:30 AM—7:00 PM. You can also email them at [email protected] with


To be awarded any and all financial aid, families must be registered for the 2020/2021 school year, all tuition for this

school year must be paid in full, and the first three pages of your 2018 income tax return must be sent in to the

financial aid coordinator, Beth Hallinan. As always, I am available for any assistance you may need in applying. You

can email me at [email protected] with any questions and/or concerns or in needing assistance

uploading documents. I am in the office every Monday. See the next page for additional opportunities!



This is a gentle reminder to all of those returning, and for all of our new families— please remember to help support

Holy Rosary Regional School while shopping at Amazon! Please use the below link and register:

You can sign in with your existing Amazon log in. Once signed in be sure to select the drop down arrow on the left

side of the tool bar to find our school. Once selected, you will see on your Amazon homepage, Supporting: Holy Ro-

sary Regional Catholic School. Through the Amazon process, all families will be eligible for your Prime benefits and the

school does not receive any personal information on any purchases—the school only receives a percentage of the


Remember to share the smile link with all of your family and friends too!!

Attention all Box Top clippers!

If you have not downloaded the Box Tops app onto your phone, please do so now! Box Tops are changing, and

the actual Box Tops that you clipped will be phased out so having this app is important going forward.

Many of the products you will buy will contain Box Tops so be on the lookout!

~For anyone new to Box Tops~

Each Box Top clipped from the product or scanning your receipt earns $.10 towards our school, and they add

up quickly! Box Tops do contain expiration dates, so please be sure to get them in on time for credit. You can

collect Box Tops in a baggie at home throughout the year and send in as often as you’d like. Please label with

your child’s name and either send in with your child or place in the Box Tops container in the school office.

For scanning Box Tops, just upload your receipt right to the Box Tops App within 14 days! Remember...this is

an easy way to earn money for our School!!

Happy Clipping!!

Any questions, contact Sherri Muldoon at [email protected].


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There are several sources of tuition assistance available to Holy Rosary families. These opportunities are made possible

through the generous support of various businesses and foundations. A number of these opportunities require interested fami-

lies to go through an outside application process. Other opportunities become available because of direct donations to Holy

Rosary from generous parishioners of affiliated parishes.

The available opportunities and related application processes are outlined below. In cases in which Holy Rosary decides who

the recipients will be, Holy Rosary will only consider families that have completed the application process for all funding

sources for which they would qualify. Any cases of extraordinary or unforeseen circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-

case basis.


Much of the available tuition assistance is made possible through Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship

Tax Credit (OSTC) business donations to non-profit organizations interested in promoting education. To be eligible for EITC or OSTC

funding, the adjusted gross income for a family with one dependent must be less than $92,160. For each additional dependent, you can make

an additional $16,222 per child.

Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping families afford Catho-

lic education. This year Holy Rosary students received over $60,000.00 in BLOCS funding during the 2020-2021 school year. BLOCS applica-

tions for the 2021-2022 school year are available starting December 15, 2020 and are due by April 15, 2021. Please apply by going to Go to the ‘scholarships’ tab, then scroll down to “apply now”. Please note: all eligible families do not necessarily receive

funding, it is up to the school’s financial aid department. Awards are dependent on the amount of scholarship money BLOCS has available

each year. Each family MUST provide a copy of their current income tax return to Beth Hallinan, the financial aid coordina-

tor, to be considered for any and all aid. To be eligible for any aid, the family must be registered for the following school

year at time of allocation.


The Kremer Foundation provides Catholic elementary schools with tuition grants for children from financially challenged families. The

Foundation’s grants are given directly to the schools. The school decides directly which students are in most financial need. Holy Rosary

received $10,000 from the Kremer Foundation for the 2020-2021 school year.

To qualify for assistance, a family’s adjusted gross income for the 2019-2020 school year could not exceed the federal food program’s maxi-

mum family income for reduced priced meals of $47,638 for a family of four and increased by $8,177 for each additional family member.

If Holy Rosary receives a grant from the Kremer Foundation for the 2021-2022 school year, Holy Rosary will notify families of the application

process in the spring. All applications will be submitted to Holy Rosary. TOTAL AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ALLOCATED

FOR THE 2020/2021 SCHOOL YEAR WAS MORE THAN $93,000.00

If you have questions on applying for financial assistance, contact Beth Hallinan in the school office, 610-825-0160 or via email

to [email protected].

Tuition Assistant Opportunities

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February Calendar Page 12

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February Lunch Menu

2020/2021 Home & School Association Board Members

Executive Board

President—Amy Porter

Vice President—Beth Fish

Treasurer—Athena Lehatto


Fundraising—Sharon Rupprecht

Beautification—Maria Credle

Hospitality—Amy Porter

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