Download - February 19, 2017 - Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship€¦ · “student mutual aid” written in the memo line can either be given to Treasurer Steve ... I-Ride trolley pass, ... (Elkhart,


February 19, 2017



Welcome (Visitors are invited to fill out a welcome card and place it in the offering basket.)

Sharing in the Life of the Church*

Gathering Songs For the beauty of the earth HWB 89 God of many names HWB 77

Invitation to Worship Call to Worship

Leader: Come, you sinners. Come, you saints. Come to worship our God.

People: We come to worship the Holy One.

Leader: Come, you outcasts. Come, you weary ones.

People: We come to give God praise.

Leader: Come, you brokenhearted. Come, you doubters.

People: We come because God first loved us.

Leader: Come, you joyful. Come, you blessed.

People: We come to give God thanks.

Leader: Come, you forgiven, you friends of God.

People: We come to worship the king.

Passing the Peace of Christ


Songs of Praise Has Jesus Stood In Front of Me? bulletin p 11 Creating God, your fingers trace HWB 325

Offering Prayer Offering


Scripture Luke 7:36-50 Children’s Story Pastor Renee Kanagy (Children ages 3 through 7 are excused to Children’s Circle)

Song We give thanks unto you HWB 161 Meditation Image becoming likeness Pastor Renee Kanagy



Song of Response When peace, like a river HWB 336 Sharing joys and sorrows, sermon response, and introduction of guests Prayers of the Community


Sending Song Will you come and follow me STS 39 Benediction *Near the beginning of our worship, we will have a time for sharing events of the life of the church. Bulletin announcements will be highlighted by the Worship Leader, followed by an opportunity to offer additional sharing. Please be mindful of the limited time we have to worship together on Sunday mornings. --Worship Committee


We warmly welcome all who are visiting with us today! We hope you will join us for fellowship time after the service and give us an opportunity to get to know you. Please fill out a visitor card from the pew rack and place it in the offering basket. Listening assistance devices are available through the sound technician at the rear of the sanctuary. We offer the following activities for children: A supervised nursery for newborns through age 3, located next to the main entrance; Children's Circle for children ages 3 through 7, which currently meets in the Quiet Room (located to the left of the coat rack) dur ing the second half of the worship service.

Music Key: HWB = Hymnal: A Worship Book (blue hard cover book) STJ = Sing The Journey (green soft cover book) STS= Sing The Story (purple soft cover book) Bulletin cover art information may be found at


CMF Vision Statement As a Mennonite community, seeking to follow Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will be embracing, engaging, growing.

CMF Welcome Statement

Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship is a Christ-centered, welcoming and inclusive

church community committed to peace and justice. We acknowledge and affirm

the image of God in persons of every race, ability, class, gender, ethnicity and

sexual orientation. We celebrate an open communion in which all who seek a

closer journey with God are welcome to participate. We invite all who covenant

with us to join in the full life of the congregation.


Please send your announcements to the office before 11:00am-Friday to be printed in the bulletin.

…..TODAY Sunday, February 19 Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

…..THIS WEEK Thursday, February 23 Council (7:15pm—note time change)

…..NEXT WEEK Tuesday, February 28 Community Meal (5-7pm); all are welcome!

…..COMING UP Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday; services to be held at CMF

with Legend Community Church, 7pm

Sunday, March 12 Daylight Saving Time begins

Check out the EVENTS page on our website for more calendar information.

In the event of inclement weather, notification of cancellation of church service will be sent by email by and posted on Facebook.



Chip in for gas? Student Mutual Aid Committee is working with our youth sponsors to plan opportunities for our youth to set foot on Mennonite college campuses and explore the local environs a bit. This spring they hope to sojourn to Goshen, Indiana; however, Student Mutual Aid Committee receives no funding from the CMF annual budget and its current fund balance is already designated for Mennonite higher education tuition. If you would like to help make a Goshen trip possible, please consider donating to help defray travel expenses. Checks payable to CMF with “student mutual aid” written in the memo line can either be given to Treasurer Steve Hitt or placed in the offering. If you have any questions, contact Bradley K or Suzanne Marie H, CMF’s Student Mutual Aid Committee members. Thank you!

Update to considering CMF participation in Cincinnati Sanctuary Congregation Network. Two Adult Forums were held this month with the purpose of together learning about the sanctuary network, and to share hopes, fears, concerns and questions. A diversity of viewpoints and perspectives was invited and valued. Back-ground information for the Cincinnati Sanctuary Congregation Network can be found in the resource section of There will be additional gatherings to continue the conversation at some point in the near future. The process of listening to one another in ways that allow for the “no” as well as the “yes” is what will truly bring us to corporate actions in which we are united. This consideration was initiated when Steve Herbold and Clair Hochstetler brought it to CMF council. Council drew together a working group of Steve Herbold, Clair Hochstetler, Marvin Rohr-Meck, council rep, and Renee Kanagy to care for the process as well as information flow in considering this question. We are committed to caring for process of discernment as any decisions around this will be made by the congrega-tion through consensus.

I am offering a spiritual direction group of three to five participants meeting monthly for 12 months. Meeting time to be determined along with participants. "Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment."-James Keegan This format involves alternating sharing from our lives, listening deeply, reflecting back what is heard and asking questions. This is for those seeking to deepen their awareness of God's presence in ordinary life, seeking committed companions on that journey, and willing to serve as a companion and guide to others in the group. Contact Pastor Renee with interest. 513-884-2677 [email protected]


From PJOS Friends of AMOS: Thanks to your commitment and leadership, community conversations are happening all over Greater Cincinnati as we listen to one another and to God's heart for these times. If you would like to lead your own community conversation but missed our training sessions, please let us know and we will be glad to assist.

We are also launching a broader community survey online that will allow more people to share their thoughts and for us to ask a broader series of questions. Please take five minutes to complete the survey today at AMOS Community Survey. And when you are finished, share the survey link with friends.

Finally, the Cincinnati Sanctuary Congregation Coalition is pleased that Cincinnati has formally declared as a Sanctuary City. We are also glad that eleven congregations have formally joined the coalition.

Our next event is a Teach-In facilitated by the Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center on Sunday, February 26th at 4 PM at Church of Our Saviour on 65 East Hollister Street, Cincinnati, 45219. Please RSVP for the Teach In at Cincinnati Sanctuary Teach In or

In the Struggle for Justice,

Troy Jackson, AMOS Final Notice—Furniture Drive for Refugees Last fall, the Peace, Justice, Outreach and Service Committee brought Catholic Charities to CMF to help us learn about refugee resettlement in Cincinnati. We learned that providing furniture for these families is one big need that the resettlement services at Catholic Charities could use some help with. Therefore, PJOS Committee is hosting a "Furniture Drive" during the month of February. Below is a list of items needed. Please be thinking about any used furniture you might be able to donate. In February, there will be a sign-up list to communicate what you want to donate, and at the end of the month or beginning of March; we will arrange to pick up and transport the furniture to the Catholic Charities warehouse so, we will likely also need volunteers who have a truck available.

Items Needed: Sitting Room Furniture • Bed frames and Headboards • Dressers • Living Room Chairs • Lamps • Occasional Tables • Bedside Tables • Dining Tables and Chairs • Vacuum Cleaners • Microwave Ovens • Small kitchen appliances


FAITH TALK Matthew 7:24–27: “Building on the rock” Here are some ways to nurture faith at home based on this week’s Bible story. With preschool children, also use ideas from the “For families” section on the Early Childhood leaflet. (1) Read Matthew 7:24–27. Jesus talks about two different kinds of people in this parable. What is the difference between the two? (2) Look online to read about Habitat for Humanity or another group that builds houses for people. (3) Write a cinquain poem or a song about feeling safe in a storm. Did you know? According to the Guinness Wor ld Records, the tallest sandcastle ever built was nearly 45 ft / 14 m high! It was built in Miami, Florida, on October 27, 2015. Prayer for the week: God, help us build our lives on what matters to you.

ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK — 74 with 2 visitors

Mennos at The Hive – Theopoetics Conference 1662 Blue Rock Street #1a, Cincinnati, OH 45223 Friday, March 10 beginning promptly at 5:30pm and formally ending at the close of dinner 8:30pm pm Saturday, March 11th. Optional Sunday debrief. Registration required and limited to 100 attendees. More information may be found at Event described as “A gathering for those whose interests live at — or near — the intersection of theology with imagination, aesthetics, embodiment, and literature. The interplay of these areas with one another has come to be named as theopoetics, the focus of the event. Organized for theological scholars, religious practitioners, and those who are both, this conference will be a mix of academic discussions, facilitated dialogue, performance, and workshops focused on developing practices that can be taken back to share with our communities of support and accountability.”




Early registration for the Mennonite Church USA Convention 2017 ends on Feb. 28. Early Registration includes a T-shirt, I-Ride trolley pass, servant project and a meal card. Come to Orlando July 4-8 to celebrate “Love is a Verb” with fellowship, worship and activities with Mennonites from around the country. Learn more at This summer’s Mennonite Church USA Convention will feature a new way to involve high school youth representatives in the delegate sessions. Called “Step Up,” the goal is to prepare young people who have an interest in being involved with the broader church for future involvement as denominational delegates and leaders. The program will include two interactive seminar sessions and attendance at and participation in delegate sessions. Conferences and constituency groups will be invited to nominate youth who are rising high school sophomores or older. For questions, contact Brook Musselman at [email protected]. Updated—Abounding in Love. . .Abiding in Grace 2017 Regional Gatherings You are warmly invited to a CDC Regional Gathering on Feb 25 @ Southside Fellow-ship (AMBS Lambright Center (Elkhart, IN), Mar 4 @ First Mennonite Church Urbana (Urbana, IL), or Mar 11 @ First Mennonite Church Wadsworth (Wadsworth, OH). The morning includes engaging the theme of Abounding in Love. . .Abiding in Grace with input from Open Table Mennonite Fellowship, a story and tour from the host congregation, and reporting on events within MC USA. Following lunchtime fellowship, participants will hear a historical vignette from Camp Friedenswald, and then engage in table discussion - naming our faith formation experiences. Our afternoon will end with a time of prayer. As CDC Vice-president Arman Habegger said about attending his first Regional Gathering, “I didn’t really want to go, but by the end of the day I was glad I did!” Regional gatherings are opportunities to hear the latest developments and work in progress and to learn to know others who share your interest in the conference. They are intended for any and all in the conference—not only leaders in congregations or the conference. Reminder Re CDC Central Regional Gathering To help our hosts at First Urbana prepare for lunch on Saturday, Mar 4, we need to have a count of how many persons will be attending from your Feb 22. Please send that information to the CDC office via email at [email protected] or call 574 534 1485 or 800 662 2264.



Church office located in Peace House at 3046 Minot Avenue, First Floor Services are recorded and available to be checked out;

Sermons are posted online

····· PRAYERS FOR FAITH AND LEARNING Bethel College’s peacebuilding institute, KIPCOR, is hosting a film this afternoon about

the militarization of America’s police force, followed by conversation with law

enforcement officials and community activists. Pray for respectful dialogue and mutual


…….PRAYERS FOR THE MENNONITE MISSION NETWORK David and Rebekka Stutzman serve in post-Christian Germany through Mennonite Mission Network, South German Mennonite Conference, and Virginia Mennonite Missions. Pray for them as they join people on their life journeys and find relevant ways of being the church.

Book Club will meet on Sunday, March 5 after church at the home of

Mary and Rod Stucky. The book to be discussed is "Prague Winter" by Madeleine Albright. Please bring a dish to share.

Journey Groups Contact information available through the office for all facilitators.

Women’s Spiritual Journey : Contact Facilitator Judy H with interest Women’s Group: Group Facilitator Kristen L; please contact her to be added to email list or with questions. Playdates Coordinator: Becca S—we have a regular play group for babies & preschool-aged kids that meets at Jane Patty's house on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month from 9am - 11:30am. Questions? Contact Becca or Jane. Men’s Group: Meets every third Saturday of each month--all men are welcome. Coordinator: Jim M. If interested and not on Jim’s email list, please ask to be added. Watch email for location. Jim would appreciate a headcount midweek prior to the Breakfast. Time is 7:30am -??? Youth Group: coordinators: Scott and Allison T

Renee Kanagy, Pastor 513.884.2677 (cell)

[email protected] Office hours: Tuesday - Friday

9 to 4 unless something prevents

Violet Sears, Office Administrator, is in the office, 9am-3pm on Tuesdays and Fridays

unless something prevents or the work is done

4229 Brownway Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45209 871.0035 [email protected]