Download - Features Card - Dell · easy one-touch scrolling and quick system control through a customizable gadget bar. • Press the Dell EdgeTouch Control at the lower right corner of your

Page 1: Features Card - Dell · easy one-touch scrolling and quick system control through a customizable gadget bar. • Press the Dell EdgeTouch Control at the lower right corner of your



Features Card

Dell™ EdgeTouch™ LCD Sensor

Dell EdgeTouch™ LCD Sensor is an intuitive inputtechnology that works through an array of capacitivesensors installed beneath the right LCD frame of yourLatitude Z. Using this technology, you can experienceeasy one-touch scrolling and quick system controlthrough a customizable gadget bar.

• Press the Dell EdgeTouch Control at the lower rightcorner of your Latitude Z's LCD frame to launch thegadget bar.

• Touch the LCD frame next to the gadget-bar icon tolaunch individual applications, or slide your finger upand down the right LCD frame to adjust the computervolume or brightness.

When the gadget bar is inactive, slide your thumb upand down the right frame to scroll through longdocuments or web pages.

Dell EdgeTouchGadget bar

Dell EdgeTouchControl

Gesture-Enabled Touchpad

The Latitude Z touchpad supports multi-touch and single-touch gestures.

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Allows you to scroll up/down and left/rightby moving your finger along the verticalzone (at the extreme right) and horizontalzone (at the bottom) respectively onthe touchpad.

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Allows you to zoom in or zoom out of anactive window by moving your fingerupward or downward on the zoom zone(at the extreme left) on the touchpad.

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PPrriivvaaccyy MMooddee

Keep prying eyes off your screen by brieflyholding your hand in place anywhere onthe touchpad.

NNOOTTEE:: Default setting is to minimize all screens. You canconfigure Privacy Mode through the Dell Touchpadwindow to turn the screen blank or lock the computer.

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Allows you to move the focus on a objectwhen the entire object is not visible.Move two fingers in the desired directionto pan-scroll the selected object.


Allows you to rotate active content by90 degrees. Keeping the thumb in place,move the index finger in an arceddirection right or left to rotate theselected item 90 degrees clockwiseor counterclockwise.

ZZoooommAllows you to increase or decrease themagnification of the screen content/object.Moving two fingers apart on the touchpadzooms in on the active window.

Moving two fingers closer together on thetouchpad zooms out on the active window.

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Page 2: Features Card - Dell · easy one-touch scrolling and quick system control through a customizable gadget bar. • Press the Dell EdgeTouch Control at the lower right corner of your


Dell FaceAware™ Lockout

Dell Capture

Dell FaceAware™ is a software application that workswith the Latitude Z's optional webcam to give youaccess to advanced security and power-managementfeatures.

Dell FaceAware progressively learns to recognize yourfacial features to sense your presence or absence infront of the webcam.

Dell FaceAware scans for your presence in addition tokeyboard and mouse activity. If you are not present, thecomputer will lock and activate Microsoft® Windows®

power-saving features.

NNOOTTEE: Dell FaceAware will not automatically log you into your computer.

Dell FaceAware supports recognition of multiple faces inthe collaboration mode.

Dell Capture software makes use of the Latitude Z'soptional auto-focus webcam to help you digitizeand organize important business information.Applications supported by the Dell Capture softwareare Dell Capture Business Card Reader andDell Capture Document Scanner.

Dell Capture Business Card Reader allows you to auto-capture and import the content of business cardsinto common contact-management applications suchas Microsoft Outlook®, Outlook Express, Excel®,and

Dell Capture Document Scanner allows you to scan documents such as certificates and contracts.Dell Capture can easily scan documents in A4, Letter,and Legal formats, in addition to auto-capturing a document image in PDF.

Dell Capture software lets you scan business cards ineight different languages, each of which has its ownseparate user interface in the program.

To start using the Dell Capture software, click SSttaarrtt→ AAllll PPrrooggrraammss→ DDeellll CCaappttuurree.

Dell Capture Business Card Reader

Dell Capture Document Scanner

Dell FaceAware

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

© 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.

Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the

written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.

Dell, the DELL logo, Dell ControlPoint, Dell EdgeTouch, and Dell FaceAwareare trademarks of Dell Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, and Outlook are

either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the

United States and/or other countries. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in

the marks and names of others.

April 2009w w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m

Backlit Keyboard

The Latitude Z ships with a backlit keyboard that illuminates whenever keyboard or touchpad activityis detected in a darkened environment.

To enable or disable the keyboard backlight, simplypress <<FFnn>><<RRiigghhtt aarrrrooww>>. The keyboard LED icon willpop up on your screen if the Dell ControlPoint™

software is installed on your computer.

Printed in the U.S.A.

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