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1. 79% of Facebook gamers have a college degree.2. Facebook is the top search term in the entire world, a Facebook marketing fact that marketers should not ignore.3. 1 in 7.7 people in the world have their own Facebook page.4. New York is the top city for Facebook users.5. The average person on Facebook has around 130 friends.6. Movie pages are the most-liked pages on Facebook.7. 20% of Facebook users check in more than once a day.8. The average user is more likely to be accepted by an Ivy League college than to click on a banner ad.9. 56% of Americans have at least one social networking site profile.10. 90% of marketers use social networks in their campaigns and promotions.11. An amazing 500 million people log into Facebook each and every day of the week. This is one of those Facebook marketing statistics that every marketer wants to hear.12. There are 3.2 billion likes and comments posted on Facebook each day.13. 70% of local businesses use Facebook for their promotion and marketing, a Facebook strategy that is truly paying off.14. The United States of America is the top country that uses Facebook.15. Facebook has 850 million active users each month.16. Females total 57% of Facebook users.17. 70% of all Facebook pages are updated less than once per month.18. Facebook provides 86% of all social media referrals.19. About 75% of all users live outside of the United States.20. Women have 55% more active posts on their wall.21. 8% of all Facebook messages are considered spam.22. Facebook is available in 70 different languages.23. 50% of Facebook users have more than 100 friends on their friends list.24. 58% of Facebook visitors come back every day of the week.25. There are 684,478 pieces of information that are shared each and every minute on Facebook.26. One in four people use a location tag with their posts on Facebook.27. There are 250 million photos uploaded each day on Facebook.28. 47% of users say that Facebook has the most impact on their purchases.29. The fastest growing age group on Facebook is between the ages of 45 and 54.30. 54% of Facebook users access Facebook through their mobile phone.31. 1 in 5 page views in the United States is on a Facebook page.32. 25% of the total time spent on the Internet is spent on Facebook.33. The average Facebook visit lasts for around 20 minutes.34. Zynga Facebook games provide 12% of the revenue for Facebook.35.43% of Facebook users are married.36. Facebook interaction is 30% higher on Sundays.37. United States Facebook users have become less and less active through this past year.38. Facebook marketing is a dedicated tool that makes a huge difference in the promotion of brands over Facebook.39. Facebook marketing leads to higher profits and the increased sales of products.40. 87% of the Fortune 500 companies are very active on some type of social networking site, such as Facebook or Twitter.41. The average Fortune 500 business has at least 10 Facebook pages.42. Less than half of the Fortune 500 companies that use Facebook provide a link to their Facebook page on their contact forms.43. 71% of all consumers believe that CEO participation leads to an improved brand image.44. 42% of marketers believe that Facebook is important to their company. They make their campaigns to center around their Facebook strategy.45. Social media has about a 100% higher lead-to-close ratio than outbound marketing strategies.46. 80% of Internet users say that they prefer to connect with brands via Facebook.47. Auto content posting decreases your Facebook likes by up to 70%.48. The new Facebook business timeline has shown a 46% increase in brand user participation.48. The ratio of views to shares on Facebook posts is 9:1.50. The average Facebook users spends about 700 minutes per month on the Facebook site.51. Social media customer engagement is expected to rise 57% within the next five years.52. 30% of the entire worlds population is now on the Internet.53. Do not allow users to post on your Facebook wall unless you have a customer service strategy.54. Add an engaging human touch to your Facebook page.55. Encourage fan-to-fan interactions and conversations on your page.56. Create an engaging profile that interests your visitors.57. Do not just post on your wall; become involved in the conversation.58. Fill your Facebook page with calls to action to increase sales.59. Advertise on Facebook for increased brand recognition and Likes.60. Join the Facebook Developers site to gain insider facts on other marketers.61. Monitor, track, and measure your Facebook progress daily.62. Stay active on your Facebook page as often as possible. At least a couple post a week.63. Use enhanced page post targeting to increase interest in your Facebook page.64. Become a content machine on your Facebook page.65. Use Facebook to recruit new talent to your business. Especially with new Facebook Jobs.66. Use video experiences on Facebook to increase traffic and interest.67. Answer requests and questions that are asked on your page as soon as possible.68. Assign clear ownership to your Facebook page to avoid confusion.69. Collaborate with other like-minded Facebook marketers to increase your exposure and to gain information.70. Making a visual impact on your Facebook page can make a huge difference in your success in Facebook marketing.71. It is vital that marketers measure both paid and earned media to maximize their exposure on Facebook.72. Use location specific Facebook pages to increase your success on Facebook.73. Research has proven that if posts are interesting that users are more likely to share them again on their own pages, increasing exposure to the post and to your page.74. 58% of the top executives in the world believe that social media is very useful for lead generation.75. The most powerful marketing for B2B businesses are social media sites like Facebook.Facebook Marketing Facts76. Of the top reasons that Facebook users give for visiting Facebook, 86% say it is to keep in touch with their friends.77. 78% of all Facebook users have shown their support for a business, organization, or group.78. The average Facebook user claims that they have an annual household income of $69,900 one of the important Facebook marketing facts to remember.79. 60% of all Facebook users report that they no longer know around 20% of their Facebook friends.80. 50% of all Facebook users say that they only stay in contact or speak with about 20% of their Facebook friends.81. Most Facebook users report that they do not accept friend requests from users who do not use a personal photo.82. Women tend to be more active on Facebook than men.83. 83% of companies use Facebook as a part of their social networking campaigns.84. 31% of Facebook users identify themselves as single.85. The number of messages sent to friends fell 12% in America this past year.86. Facebook is widely used by almost every college and university in the United States.87. There are 4.8 billion mobile phone users, while there are only 4.2 billion people who own toothbrushes.88. 40% of all organizations in the world have an official social media policy.89. 92% of job recruiters make use of social media to search for new business candidates.90. 73% of all Facebook users believe that another social network will eventually take over its place.91. 31% of Internet users are afraid to click on ads because they believe their activity will be monitored.92. 74% of all Americans do not understand the process of checking in at locations.93. Around half of all social media users are between the ages of 25 and 44.94. 65% of Facebook users are over the age of 35.95. Facebook is the leading source of reference traffic for websites.96. Indonesia is the second largest population on Facebook.97. Facebook is still considered to be the king of social media marketing.98. As of 2012, the term social media marketing has seen an enormous increase in exposure.99. Facebook users who joined groups on Facebook declined by 19% this past year.100. Facebook racks up an astonishing 2.7 billion likes per day.As these interesting Facebook strategies and Facebook marketing facts prove, Facebook is truly a force to be reckoned with in the social media arena. By using the information provided, marketers can gain a great foothold in the industry, gaining brand identity and a higher following of fans. These Facebook marketing statistics can truly help marketers to succeed on Facebook.While five years ago, Facebook was only a blip on the social media radar, it has now become a monster of its own making. If companies are to stay ahead of the game, they must embrace these statistics and learn from them.By working towards increasing a companys Facebook presence, marketers can increase their exposure to potential customers and thus, increase their profit margin. To stay ahead of competitors, it is vital for marketers to study current Facebook statistics and Facebook marketing facts. By understanding the power that Facebook holds for marketers, companies can use it as one of the greatest tools of their marketing campaign. Those who refuse to acknowledge the power of Facebook will only suffer in defeat.