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Page 1: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Favorite Birds of Washington

PowerPointBy Lisa ElliottWildwood Park


Page 2: Favorite Birds Of Washington

American Robin

The American Robin is a common bird in the United States. It lays eggs that are pale blue.

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Blue Jay/ Steller’s Jay

The blue jay and Steller’s Jay are closely related. Their eggsare bluish green.

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The crow is an jet black bird that lives in flocks of up to 100 birds. Eggs are bluish-green with brown speckles.


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Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed juncos are small birds. They lay their eggs on the forest floor. The eggs are pale green.

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Downy Woodpecker

The Downy Woodpecker is common to the United States. It nests intrees and its eggs are white.

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The goldfinch makes their nests in small shrubs or trees. Their eggs are pale blue.

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Mallard Duck

The mallard duck makes their nests in grassy, marsh areas. Their eggs are greenish-white.

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The hummingbird lays the smallest eggs. Its nest is about the size of a quarter.

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Which Bird Makes This Sound?

Downy Woodpecker

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Which Bird Makes This Sound?

Steller’s Jay

Page 12: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Which Bird Makes This Sound?

American Robin

Page 13: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Which Bird Makes This Sound?


Page 14: Favorite Birds Of Washington

What Bird Makes This Sound?

Dark-eyed Junco

Page 15: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Which Bird Makes This Sound?

American Crow

Page 16: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Which Bird Makes This Sound?

Mallard Duck

Page 17: Favorite Birds Of Washington

Which Bird Makes This Sound?
