Download - Fausto Emulator & Card Support

Page 1: Fausto Emulator & Card Support

Fausto Emulator & Cards Support Material Required : * phoenix card progger (freq 3.58/6.00 mhz) * 9 pin serial cable connected from card progger to pc Will work like a card reader (2 on base unit + card progger = 3 cards can be used at same time) Work with Fausto emulator,it mean card decoding will work after FE connected (tab "Monitor") Will work with all cams connected on local network, like FE Priority always gived to emulator first then to card Phoenix mode: Irdeto 1/2 3.58 & 6.00 MHZ (More faster at 6.00 MHZ) Seca 1/2 3.58 MHZ Viaccess 1/2 3.58 MHZ Conax 3.58 MHZ DreamCrypt 3.58 MHZ VG2 3.58 MHZ

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How to 1.Switch card progger into phoenix mode 3.58 mhz (tested cas3 & infinity usb phoenix)

2.Introduce official card on card progger 3.Under Fausto Clic on Emulator icon

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4.Load Keys.bin file

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4.Press "Connect" button

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5.Clic on Tab "Cards"

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6.Select com port where connected phoenix card progger 7.Press "Connect" button

If card supported by fausto card infos will be showed Now card will be used too for decoding Ecms If you insert a new same kind card when FE running press button "Card Reset" on tab "Cards" NOTA: possible to establish connection with card first, then run FE & vice versa

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When card worked

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Tracker If tracker option ticked on tab Monitor Possible to get log datas on Tab TRACKER You’ll see things like this Provider 003315 Card SECA Key 0E->00000000000000000000000000000000 Ecm 800061331500000E0085283153C3B37753D9CEEC02245C34AAC1A43BF27E2FA3C009462A3BE593D689538064A4AFCA4F1122DF177BB30A3AD3A7902BF1581E4F652D4A072630AA9877F4FB025462FF43E913549A7C699A7683A205E1D5F0618D496E4E0B CW AE4136259CE1D5523D1DC923DB419CB8

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Datas Showed on tab Cards: Com Port = Port used with phoenix card progger Connect/Disconnect = connect: Card ecm decryption used with FE. Disconnect: stop to use card ecm decryption Card Reset = used when you change card with same coding system (example actual irdeto card replaced by another irdeto card) Clear Datas = clean datas: CW,SID,Provid,CAID,CARD,ECM Card infos = Informations about card inserted CW Decrypted= Control Word decrypted sent to cam by FE (can be showed under tracker too if option active on monitor) SID,ProvId,CAID,ECM = information about current chanel (can be showed under tracker too if option active on monitor) Card Type = card type inserted (can be showed under tracker too if option active on monitor) Status Bar Message = Information about ecm decryption Local Popup Menu:

- Log Traffic: if menu option ticked Log start (untick menu option=stop log at any moment) Log can start at any moment Example if card infos must not shared, activate log traffic just after card connection (=Card infos stay private) - Save Log: If log traffic active, Clic on it & save datas logged on file (default file name = Card Log.txt) - Clear Log: Clear all datas logged since connection establish Example if card infos must not shared, after connection clic on clear log you'll keep only ecms log infos on log file - Save Debug Log: It trace the card initialization, will be used for finding error If no error found debug log equal log traffic If debug log empty problem with card atr, atr not detected If atr found but error on card init, debug log store latest instruction executed correctly - Phoenix Mode 3.58 MHZ you must select same frequency on card progger option - Phoenix Mode 6.00 MHZ you must select same frequency on card progger option Log file datas: Header file= Fausto Signature Card Type = Type of card inserted ATR = ATR of the card "FE->Card" = Instruction sent to card

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"Card->FE" = Response from card "TO Cam" = Final CW Decrypted sent to cam (same CW showed on tab "Cards") Direct Control Word: Easy for all user to get DCW Key when chanel on Constant Control Word (=only 1 ecm incoming for provid concerned when switch on chanel) Just Copy CW on tab Cards Enter key value on provider concerned (Services folder -> SID + Fixed COntrol Word) Paste the key on Fixed Control Word Now value can be used directly by Emulators (FE/Cam emulator) & shared with all users Log Example FE->Card: C13C020E5C008FBAA32BE1E74C258CFD50955122FCFFAAC63DCE0513044B868358FA6193B659634AC6D7C0DC99612C51735DE47A45867BD4A8A48E87A63D7B16FE40D74ED4CBD45E3407E49BF7983E8EA021DE2F611A2C06923B4691BD71BA84E5 Card->FE: C13C020E5C008FBAA32BE1E74C258CFD50955122FCFFAAC63DCE0513044B868358FA6193B659634AC6D7C0DC99612C51735DE47A45867BD4A8A48E87A63D7B16FE40D74ED4CBD45E3407E49BF7983E8EA021DE2F611A2C06923B4691BD71BA84E5[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010FC4AD51BCF72BAFB7998A8B9D2688EC8[9000] To Cam : FC4AD51BCF72BAFB7998A8B9D2688EC8 FE->Card: C13C020E5C00285DDA9AE060805701983F3044E3863B96907F4CEAD8CB0B9798554F84314AEC580C4B1C37C83951F4EFA61648EE7AD7C8823D482703206160EF8C60C79A5E25F8B2760F7CBFB61D6F9058D28D1D7CCCBAE4BA93DFECD5B44298A3 Card->FE: C13C020E5C00285DDA9AE060805701983F3044E3863B96907F4CEAD8CB0B9798554F84314AEC580C4B1C37C83951F4EFA61648EE7AD7C8823D482703206160EF8C60C79A5E25F8B2760F7CBFB61D6F9058D28D1D7CCCBAE4BA93DFECD5B44298A3[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010E1C85F082BBB53397998A8B9D2688EC8[9000] To Cam : E1C85F082BBB53397998A8B9D2688EC8 FE->Card: C13C020E5C00410D807C47C66BFDC3A6C81A9F59E272B0A9A41825A4C9C57EF1F13CFEB2A6DCF1122E3BD1645479A60177F25E2DAC0DF29FC4A9E4C1DA60410690554EFEB5AE8CECCC189571DEF62FAE43EC25CE878D44366C069B9CE7616663BD Card->FE: C13C020E5C00410D807C47C66BFDC3A6C81A9F59E272B0A9A41825A4C9C57EF1F13CFEB2A6DCF1122E3BD1645479A60177F25E2DAC0DF29FC4A9E4C1DA60410690554EFEB5AE8CECCC189571DEF62FAE43EC25CE878D44366C069B9CE7616663BD[9000]

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FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010E1C85F082BBB5339EAC98D40066A1585[9000] To Cam : E1C85F082BBB5339EAC98D40066A1585 FE->Card: C13C020E5C00052CD9307CBF4EBB8F2528F10621C8442480FFC94CEDE86B98116C99531EB5D2F9E5AC184D361E04E5354F7641C7D79812DF0F47CA57CA151F30A2FA7D3E5A0D3CAB5B149A16679E6E00B9AA9D03F441550D2643329E7ED8C99B87 Card->FE: C13C020E5C00052CD9307CBF4EBB8F2528F10621C8442480FFC94CEDE86B98116C99531EB5D2F9E5AC184D361E04E5354F7641C7D79812DF0F47CA57CA151F30A2FA7D3E5A0D3CAB5B149A16679E6E00B9AA9D03F441550D2643329E7ED8C99B87[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A00001052F21F63D4356069EAC98D40066A1585[9000] To Cam : 52F21F63D4356069EAC98D40066A1585 FE->Card: C13C020E5C00919E95507A266FD4F9088C236782B3BFC4416FB689C9F8FF33583EB7039A15B75F57E62F75A5CAD1C24A1DBBB6710EC0CA2478E655D404E16B066515738C2C3F0F78BEC1A9E457916A932168DCFD3BE85F15F6800F221192DE4935 Card->FE: C13C020E5C00919E95507A266FD4F9088C236782B3BFC4416FB689C9F8FF33583EB7039A15B75F57E62F75A5CAD1C24A1DBBB6710EC0CA2478E655D404E16B066515738C2C3F0F78BEC1A9E457916A932168DCFD3BE85F15F6800F221192DE4935[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A00001052F21F63D4356069593844D5377CC477[9000] To Cam : 52F21F63D4356069593844D5377CC477 FE->Card: C13C020E5C002D0DA69A1DE4622BF10A9493C60EF25300C4FC9D6124B82397235A5D9328BECBC7FC0F4F64A66B661BC40DAB16ACF2B0534CF4F8101C925A4F1C201C98C7FFF3C960A06A381AE221D59755119C7E8DF9CCE355E6498C6F9A44255D Card->FE: C13C020E5C002D0DA69A1DE4622BF10A9493C60EF25300C4FC9D6124B82397235A5D9328BECBC7FC0F4F64A66B661BC40DAB16ACF2B0534CF4F8101C925A4F1C201C98C7FFF3C960A06A381AE221D59755119C7E8DF9CCE355E6498C6F9A44255D[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010F9C94103751721AD593844D5377CC477[9000] To Cam : F9C94103751721AD593844D5377CC477 FE->Card: C13C020E5C00EE22B019338664353D20CE5E4CA0389C7665F974286BC7A73E538F28627149305499511823E1F6A0A1DAEDCEE89E6752B519FB5BE9CDEC64130A6FC655A10BD749AFCB9B2B3C1D9F29778BBD1EC6D2BC1BDED504CAE47348AF0F66 Card->FE: C13C020E5C00EE22B019338664353D20CE5E4CA0389C7665F974286BC7A73E538F28

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627149305499511823E1F6A0A1DAEDCEE89E6752B519FB5BE9CDEC64130A6FC655A10BD749AFCB9B2B3C1D9F29778BBD1EC6D2BC1BDED504CAE47348AF0F66[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010F9C94103751721AD25E42C350CBCD39B[9000] To Cam : F9C94103751721AD25E42C350CBCD39B FE->Card: C13C020E5C009FB4384CA9F08924FFFD6D289A359CEE4DBA88EA60BF8C8B2029B766A797F661812CC48A50A4E38E2E542E154CFAF3434727AEBA1EEE26681AF0B60C2A3B3434BE16251C790FB40A6E6C4FE3D1AD07E52CC72AECDE1B1205628572 Card->FE: C13C020E5C009FB4384CA9F08924FFFD6D289A359CEE4DBA88EA60BF8C8B2029B766A797F661812CC48A50A4E38E2E542E154CFAF3434727AEBA1EEE26681AF0B60C2A3B3434BE16251C790FB40A6E6C4FE3D1AD07E52CC72AECDE1B1205628572[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010BDF827DC3531AE1425E42C350CBCD39B[9000] To Cam : BDF827DC3531AE1425E42C350CBCD39B FE->Card: C13C020E5C001B8F084102AB9C2CD6F2A60E3ABFF5338A0F35D81A453E0B93D2B6987062474F08B42DAAB1A97E982BAFCF765368A4182662C156FEE5BEFB520738356EBDFEB950FC8BC38C156BA91BA7661926845F1AD347CB8D0CC069C863F6D4 Card->FE: C13C020E5C001B8F084102AB9C2CD6F2A60E3ABFF5338A0F35D81A453E0B93D2B6987062474F08B42DAAB1A97E982BAFCF765368A4182662C156FEE5BEFB520738356EBDFEB950FC8BC38C156BA91BA7661926845F1AD347CB8D0CC069C863F6D4[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010BDF827DC3531AE141AAF753E8DFE70FB[9000] To Cam : BDF827DC3531AE141AAF753E8DFE70FB FE->Card: C13C020E5C00DE5852B7A464072246709AA86EB779675F48D3536A295E21B97F7C0CCFB030C6447FB3C390E63068126E3B7C9D52E22920E30DB2FD73074559469527B6FF5ADF43154ACF250DC092EE290A3D215917B26DBF51B750946946960E38 Card->FE: C13C020E5C00DE5852B7A464072246709AA86EB779675F48D3536A295E21B97F7C0CCFB030C6447FB3C390E63068126E3B7C9D52E22920E30DB2FD73074559469527B6FF5ADF43154ACF250DC092EE290A3D215917B26DBF51B750946946960E38[9000] FE->Card: C13A000010 Card->FE: C13A000010D411F5DA118B28C41AAF753E8DFE70FB[9000] To Cam : D411F5DA118B28C41AAF753E8DFE70FBI

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Irdeto CamKey: All camkeys stored on files, folder \Fausto\Datas Ird1702.ini for Irdeto card caid 1702 Ird1722.ini for Irdeto card caid 1722 Ird0383.ini for Irdeto card ACS 0383 IrdGeneric.ini for all others cards Change value on it if problems known with card decryption AutoUpdate: No EMM receive from base can't be autoupdate Card Supported: Seca 1/2 Viaccess 1/2 Irdeto 1/2 Conax DreamCrypt VG2 (SKY UK) Nota: Delete S2 BIN file on cam for provider concerned (S2_FR.BIN or S2_NED.BIN or S2_POL Folder \EMU\TABLES) About TiPiS official delete file TPS_DECR.BIN on cam (Folder \EMU\TPS3) Somes Screenshots made on different cards

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