Download - Fashion as branding ppt

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Fashion as Branding by Nikki Vergakes

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It’s all about the LOOK

PR Marketing


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image courtesy of

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Women In Clothes

a conversation among hundreds of women of all nationalities—famous, anonymous, religious, secular, married, single, young, old—

on the subject of clothing, and how the garments we put on every day define and shape our lives.”

- Barnes and Noble

by Sheila Heti, Heidi Julavits, Leanne Shapton

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“Style” Defined by Art Historian Alexander Nagel

(Women in Clothes)

Style comes from the word stylus.

Body in the clothessensibility

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Survey Questions Answered with Parts from my Diary -

Sheila HetlHow do you shop?

It looks goodDo you have style in any areas of your life

apart from fashion?I want a relationship that feels like a block of steel - love that feels

like the thinnest man’s undershirt.

What is your process for getting dressed in the morning?I don’t want to look like Audrey Hepburn

What do you consider beautiful?I could build up my aesthetic from looking at a tree.

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“ A few years ago… I started living with a man who cares a lot about

dressing and clothes…. I began to see that dressing what like everything else:those who dress well do because they spend

some time thinking about it… It’s hard to overlook personal style as a way

to speak to the world.”- Sheila Hetl

Pictures of their mothers before they had them:“I admire her glamour, poise, beauty”

“happy, stylish, carefree”

“A woman selling vegetables at a market stall once complimented me on my wool shirt…I took it as a good sign that

I should wear this shirt when I want to impress someone.”

“[Best-dressed girls are] not the ones whose clothes we coveted the most, but the ones who

have a consistent style, a steady palette, knew the silhouettes that worked best for them.”

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Nonverbal Communication

Clothing is a form on nonverbal communication, controlled by the “I” that controls self expression, and the “me” that likes having control over their own

choices, such as what we wear.

example: Muslim Veils

- Reece, D. (1996). Covering and Communication: The Symbolism of Dress among Muslim Women.

Howard Journal Of Communications, 7(1), 35-52.

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Where’s the Connection?

Survey -Self-perception,fashion, sense and fashion habit questions- Google Docs- open-ended multiplechoice, likert scale

Interviews- fashion bloggers- similar questions- email- two

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Population/ Sample

87 participants

totalanyone who does or does not

identify as a fashionable person.



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Spreadsheet calculations

Survey dishonesty

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69% of participants said they considered themselves to be fashionable.

Those who identified themselves as fashionable agree that they feel a connection between their personality and fashion sense.Even those who are “unfashionable” feels one.

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Those who are think they’re fashionable seem to be more independent and confident.

71 % of survey participants do not hold compliments on clothes to a high standard

61% of those people who consider themselves fashionable disagree that their self-perception is based off of what others think of them, but 50% of those whoare “unfashionable disagree.

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Clothing As A Social Construct

Stereotyped Clothing

“That’s so you”

Personality Words

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Future Research

Does the clothes makes the identity or does the identity

make the clothes?Smart Consumers

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Connection to PR/ Conclusion

✦ All about the image✦ Business people nowadays must be hyperaware of the look

✦ To get hired✦ The look of their clients

✦ Fashion has a connection to personality✦ Fashion is a social construct