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Page 1: Farzan Jazaeri and Jean-Michel ED... · 17 Silicon-based spin qubits Now the question, how to manipulate spin state of the electron

Farzan Jazaeri and Jean-Michel Sallese

[email protected] 1

Quantum computers

June, 2019

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Page 2: Farzan Jazaeri and Jean-Michel ED... · 17 Silicon-based spin qubits Now the question, how to manipulate spin state of the electron

Table of Contents

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o Timeline of quantum computers. o Why we need a quantum computer? o Qubits and how a qubit works? o How to build a quantum computer. o Cryogenic solid state physics and electronics.

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I. Classical computers have enabled amazing things.

II. There are still problems we just can’t solve!

Two obvious facts

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Where to use a quantum computer?


o Quantum circuits can solve some important problems with exponentially fewer operations than classical algorithmes.

o To simulate nature, we should build a quantum computer.

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o There is a very big debate about the “actual quantumness” of the D-wave.

o Non-universal quantum gate computer.

Where did this idea come from?

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Quantum bit (qubit)

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A qubit can be zero and one at the same time!


|0> (grounded state) |1> (exited state)

α02 and α1

2 give the probability of finding 0 or 1 after the measurement.

|> =

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Why is a quantum computer different?

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A quantum state is a superposition of classical states

Most mysterious aspects of qubit => quantum teleportation

o Quantum physics: instantaneous action at distance! o Contrary between quantum Physics and relativity.

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[email protected] 8






Light pulse of



State |0> State |1>

How a qubit works?

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How a qubit works?







Light pulse of



State |0> State |1> State |0> + |1>

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How to build a quantum computer?

DiVincenzo criteria for quantum computers: o A scalable physical system o Ability to initialize the state of the qubits o Long relevant decoherence longer than the gate operation time; o A universal set of quantum gates o A qubit-specific measurement capability

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How to build a quantum computer?

[email protected] 11

• Superconducting qubits are the building block of D-wave machines and key focus of qubit activities at IBM and Google.

Google with the first quantum correction algorithm with a superconducting quantum

circuit with nine qubits [Kelly et al., Nature 519, 66 (2015)]

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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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o A nuclei in a strong static magnetic field are perturbed by a weak oscillating magnetic field.

o The oscillation frequency matches the intrinsic frequency of the nuclei.

o Static magnetic fields up to 20 tesla o The frequency is similar to VHF and UHF television broadcasts (60–

1000 MHz)

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[email protected] 13

Implementation of quantum computers

o At very low temperature in

strong static magnetic field we

have qubits.

o Qubits are carbon nuclei.

o Tiny magnets.

o Electromagnetic radiation to

manipulate the qubits.

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[email protected] 14

Silicon-based spin qubits: CMOS Compatible Qubits

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28 nm split-gate FDSOI technology

CMOS-compatible Qubit & Read-Write Tools

Silicon-based spin qubits

[email protected] 15

Scalable qubit-control architecture?

• silicon qubits are far more compact

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Analog-RF Cryo-CMOS

for Qubit control

CMOS-compatible Qubit & Read-Write Tools

Silicon-based spin qubits

[email protected] 16

Scalable qubit-control architecture?

28 nm split-gate FDSOI technology

• silicon qubits are far more compact

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Silicon-based spin qubits Now the question, how to manipulate spin state of the electron in such qubits?

Electric spin resonance (EDSR): to control the magnetic moments inside a

material. We can flip the orientation of the magnetic moments through the use

of electromagnetic radiation at resonant frequencies.

CMOS-compatible Qubit & Read-Write Tools

Scalable qubit-control architecture?

28 nm split-gate FDSOI technology

• silicon qubits are far more compact

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Double Quantum-dot System

[Electrically driven electron spin resonance mediated by spin-valley-orbit

coupling in a silicon quantum dot. npj Quantum Information, 4 6, 2018.]

Edge Quantum dots can provide a practical solution to fabricate spin quibits with minimum complexity.

o Electrons can be transferred from one quantum dot to the other

o Using a RF reflectometry technique with resonant frequency of few hundred MHz.

o Variations in the charge of the edge dots, (tunneling transitions) cause a small shift in the resonance frequency which can be detected in the amplitude and phase of the reflected signal.

RF reflectometry technique

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Double Quantum-dot System

[Electrically driven electron spin resonance mediated by spin-valley-orbit

coupling in a silicon quantum dot. npj Quantum Information, 4 6, 2018.]

Edge Quantum dots can provide a practical solution to fabricate spin quibits with minimum complexity.

DC transport spectroscopy of edge-state quantum dots

[From Voisin et al, Nano Lett. 14, 2094 (2014)]

RF reflectometry technique

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Silicon-based spin qubit [Electrically driven electron spin resonance mediated by spin-valley-

orbit coupling in a silicon quantum dot. npj Quantum Information,

4 6, 2018.]

• The valley eigenstates (v1 and v2 ) are separated by a magnetic field.

• Pauli blockade regime can be achieved: QD1 acts as an effective “spin filter” regulating the current flow induced by EDSR in QD2.

Pauli Spin Blockade: A Map of the current Ids.

Measured drain current Ids as function of the

magnetic field B and microwave frequency ν. The

gates are biased in the spin-blockade regime. Spin–orbit coupling (SOC)

Electric-dipole spin resonance (EDSR)

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Cryogenic Electronics Physics-based modeling

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Important phenomena at cryogenic

● Incomplete ionization, 𝑁𝐴− 𝑇

100 mK − 77 K

● Decreased phonon scattering

● Hot-carrier effects

● Fermi–Dirac and Boltzmann statistics 𝑇

● Intrinsic carrier concentration 𝑛𝑖 𝑇

● Band gap widening, 𝐸𝑔 𝑇

● Velocity saturation, φms, Thermal voltage 𝑇

Important phenomena

● Quantum confinement

● Dominant impurity / surface

roughness scattering

● Interface charge trapping, 𝐷𝑖𝑡

A.Beckers, F. Jazaeri and C. Enz, "Cryogenic MOS Transistor Model," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2018.

Farzan Jazaeri and Jean-Michel Sallese, “Modeling Nanowire and Double-Gate Junctionless Field-Effect Transistors,” Cambridge University Press, 2018

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Summary: State of the Art • When can we expect the first quantum computer? • Quantum circuits can solve some important problems

with exponentially fewer operations than classical algorithmes.

• Two important properties: superposition and entanglement => They are just different!

• Quantum states are very fragile. • Extremely hard to build. The field is still in its infancy path. • Several fields have contributed to quantum computation:

• Quantum mechanics, Computer science, Information theory, Cryptography

• Quantum cryptography is nowadays commercially available.

Thank you for your attention!

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Quantum physics [1]

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Quantum physics [2]

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How to build a quantum computer?

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=> higher qubit densities

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Quantum Gates

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Classical vs. Quantum Circuits

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Toffoli gate (CCNOT gate): If the first two bits are both set to 1, it inverts the third bit.