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Page 1: Fall of Saigon

Fall of SaigonDave Melsness

Page 2: Fall of Saigon


The fall of Saigon is significant because it was the official end to Vietnam War, which resulted in U.S. evacuation and South Vietnam’s unconditional surrender and dissemination.

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Context April 9- NVA less than 40 miles from Saigon

and encroaching rapidly April 18- U.S. began accepting applications

from refugees for evacuation to U.S. from Saigon.

April 22- Senate Judiciary Committee approved to wave all restrictions for 130,000 “aliens from Indochina,” which included 50,000 “high risk” Vietnamese “High Risk” clause eliminated the requirement to

pair each refugee with an American sponsor.The Vietnam War: A Compelling Look at One of America’s Most Controversial Wars, 5h 46min, History Channel, 2008.Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 142.

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April 23- “The War is Over as Far as America is Concerned”

Whitehouse received word from USSR that the “Vietnamese side” had no intention of interfering with American evacuation.

President Ford declared end of the War

April 24- West German, Dutch, Canadian, Thai, Japanese, and Australian embassies shut down Leaving only France, Belgium, and U.S. The Vietnam War: A Compelling Look at One of America’s Most Controversial Wars, 5h

46min, History Channel, 2008.Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 142, 148.“Speech at Tulane University,” University of Texas, 22 March, 2010).

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April 25 Congress authorizes U.S. military forces

to be used in evacuation.

Marines dispatched for security at DAO compound (MACV headquarters).

New Emergency Alert System devised to alert remaining Americans when a final airlift was mounted- “the temperature is 105 degrees and rising” followed by Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas.”

9:30pm Nguyen Van Thieu, former president of South Vietnam departed for Taiwan.

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 148-150.Billy Lamb,, “Top 10 Pop Christmas Albums of All Time,” (accessed 22 March, 2010)

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 26

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 140.

•5:00pm• Seven Divisions of the

NVA 2d and 4th Corps launched a series of attacks against Saigon’s Eastern defense line.

• 232d Tactical Forces attacked from the Southwest

• 3d blocked Route 1 and surrounded 25th ARVN Division

•Simultaneous attacks around the city of Saigon

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 27 First Attack on Saigon

in more than 5 years 10 Killed 200 Wounded 5,000 Homeless

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 152-156.

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 28 First and Only

Communist Airstrike in the War Codenamed

“Determined to Win” 6:00pm NVA

bombing of Tan Son Nhut airfield destroys three AC-119 gunships and several C-47’s Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South:

The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 158.Colin Broussard, “Ambassador Graham Martin Saigon,”, (accessed 22 March, 2010).

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 29 3:58am- NVA strikes U.S.

Airbase Two marines, Darwin

Judge and Charles McMahon, Jr., were the first two American casualties of the campaign and the last two American casualties of the war.

Runway Damaged eliminating ability to use C-140 fixed-wing aircraft in the evacuation.



Colin Broussard, “Ambassador Graham Martin Saigon,”, (accessed 22 March, 2010).

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Operation Frequent Wind, April 29

10:51 am- “Execute” order.

Naval Armada 16km of Coast of South Vietnam moves into 160km crescent shape.

In Saigon, bus convoys and part of the “Surface Extraction Plan” began to pick up passengers for transport to the DAO compound. Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist

Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 160-164.“Moments In Time,” The Digital Journalist, 22 March, 2010).

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Operation Frequent Wind, April 29

Helicopters could not fly immediately after execute order was given.

Some Vietnamese reached

the fleet on their own (via boat and aircraft).

The Vietnam War: A Compelling Look at One of America’s Most Controversial Wars, 5h 46min, History Channel, 2008.“Moments In Time,” The Digital Journalist, 22 March, 2010).

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Operation Frequent Wind, April 29 Rooftop


Airfield and DAO still taking rocket fire

Loss of fueling capacity

“Conflict Resolution,” Rutgers University, (accessed 22 March, 2010).

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Operation Frequent Wind, April 29 Thousands

fled to Embassy

Guards had to keep many out

DAO compound Detonated

“United States Evacuates Saigon,” NABNYC, (accessed 22 march, 2010).

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Operation Frequent Wind, April 30 Just Before 5:00am the ambassador and his staff

were evacuated

Shortly after daybreak the final marines were evacuated

Total of approximately 7,000 people evacuated 1,400 Americans 5,600 Vietnamese

“United States Evacuates Saigon,” NABNYC, (accessed 22 march, 2010). The Vietnam War: A Compelling Look at One of America’s Most Controversial Wars, 5h 46min, History Channel, 2008.

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Final Moments 10:24am president Duong

Van Minh called on all ARVN soldiers cease fighting

ARVN soldiers abandon weapons and clothes

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 170-175.

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 30 Shortly before noon NVA enters the

city headed for five targets in Saigon.

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 170-175.

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Ho Chi Minh Campaign, April 30

NVA tank enters Imperial Palace Grounds

A lone soldier plants the flag of the National Liberation Front

President Duong Van Minh is arrested

Acceptance of the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam is announced over the radio

Saigon is Renamed Ho Chi Minh City

Clark Dougan and David Fulghum, The Fall of the South: The Communist Offensive of 1975 (Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1985, 170-175.

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Fall of Saigon Video