Download - Fall Down Of Indian Economy-Measures to be taken by common men

Page 1: Fall Down Of Indian Economy-Measures to be taken by common men


Cycle of Economy is badly affected by the policy of government.

1. Sensex Down

2. Gold and Oil Price Rise

3. Fiscal Deficit and current account deficit

4. Rupee Depreciation

5. Increase in Import and no sign of increase in Export

6. Ultimately Inflation a Big digester For “AAM AADMI”

Only Question raise in to the mind of every individuals he may be an economist or politician why it happen. But our Youth generation needs to focus on How to face? And How to came out from this situation. What we need is productive measures, clear vision and ambition.

Think on IT????

What are the things that a common Indian citizen (who is not into politics) to help grow the Indian economy in his own tiny way. I do realize that "one person" cannot make much difference. But As we all Know that “Drop by drop fills wrought” If every person determined to contribute and understand its own responsibility towards nation, than we can say that see our flashing economy

Some productive and impactful steps which AAM AADMI can do for sunshine of our economy.

Page 2: Fall Down Of Indian Economy-Measures to be taken by common men

1. Educate other -Teach under-privileged children

By 2021, 64% of population of our country will be in the age group of 15-59 years, which is the usual working age. They will be able to contribute to the society and to the economy, only if they are educated. Educate the people education is must for a nation to grow  rich and become a developed economy. Educated people are more productive and efficient and contribute to the growth of an economy

2. Use your right to vote and use it wisely

Every single vote is important. Instead of sulking about the fact that the elected leaders are good for nothing, vote for people who can make a difference. And this time, cast your vote, don’t vote your caste. Elect a leader who is honest, compassionate, bold and secular.

3. Pay taxes

If not anything else, PAY YOUR TAXES! Not just Tax Evasion (illegal), even Tax Avoidance (legal) should be avoided. - Our government collects tax from its citizen not for it own benefit but for the benefit of the entire country, and for the development for the country. Remember when u pay tax you don’t waste your money you invest it for the benefit of your nation and for its people.

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4. Do not indulge in corrupt practices

The root cause of all evil. Corruption leads to bureaucratic delay and inefficiency which affects growth directly, such as through misallocation of investments in the economy.

C. K. Prahalad estimates the lost opportunity caused by corruption, in terms of investment, growth and jobs for India is over US$50 billion a year.

5. Don’t let anything(religion or society) oppress women

Women are constantly being met by demands from society telling them how to look and how to act. This pressure does not let them unlock their full potential.  Let women work whenever/wherever they want and pay them equally to men. We have to give women their status in the society and stop looking down on them the women of our country has great potential and skills.

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Recently according to the forbs list of top 100 powerful women of the world 5 Indian women make a cut in the global 100.this says all about the potential, power and skills of women we just have to give them the chance and the exposure and treat them equally

6. Don't buy gold

27% of our imports consist of Gold. People buy gold and keep them in their lockers. Keep your money in circulation because 1 rupee spent by you today is creating a value of 10 rupees somewhere else. Chidambaram to Indians: Please, don't buy gold - The Times of India 

7. Give poor people a chance to grow and progress

We see that most of the people in our country is poor and the rich in our country are becoming bigger, richer and more powerful and the poor lot are left on their own we should realize that our economy won’t progress if we entirely ignore these poor people, we should come out with a way to give these poor people a chance to progress and grow.

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8. Eliminate religious disharmony

For years together Indians have been separated on the basis of caste and creed this feeling among Indian people have been taking a great toll on the economy of india.we have to understand that we all are one and that we are not Hindus ,sikhs,muslim, parsi or Christian we are only Indians and this is the only way the country will progress

9. Donate, help the needy

Try helping the poor people and donate for the social cause even if out of one billion people of the country if quarter of them start donating and contributing it will have a great impact and we will be able to eliminate poverty to a great extent.

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10. Buy and promote locally manufactured goods

I am not saying follow the principles of “Swadeshi” but whenever possible, prefer local goods to the imported goods or goods manufactured by foreign companies. Any conversion of rupee to other currencies depreciates the value of INR. Try purchasing Indian made products and brands so that these companies  grow and significantly the overall scenario of the Indian companies increases and leads to the growth of our country.

11. Start a company. Create jobs!

As mentioned above, 64% of our population will be in the working age by 2021. Even if they are educated, it will only increase the burden on our economy if they don’t have jobs. Try finding new business ideas and think if its viable or no and if it is good enough invest in them, this will help create jobs for the country. And have great potential of growth

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