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Page 1: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional

Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building Strategies

A Montage Media Publication

John H. Jameson, DDS

The Profitable Advantage for Practice DevelopmentJohn H. Jameson, DDS

Valplast® — “Think Outside the Box”Daniel Cianflone, DMD, PhD

Fundamentals for Success With Valplast®

Jeff Lache

Valplast® — “Think Outside the Box”Daniel Cianflone, DMD, PhD

Fundamentals for Success With Valplast®

Jeff Lache

The Profitable Advantage for Practice DevelopmentJohn H. Jameson, DDS

John H. Jameson, DDS

12000 Aviation BoulevardHawthorne, CA 90250Phone: 800-221-4831Fax:

The Dental Practice Promotion Kit—The Source for Extraordinary Smiles and Extraordinary Practices

The Dental Practice Promotion Kit—The Source for Extraordinary Smiles and Extraordinary Practices


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Page 2: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional

Trident Dental Laboratories continues to devote resourcesto assist our clients with practice development initiatives.As part of this commitment, we recognize that patients

rely on dental professionals to provide them with the latesttreatment options. It is, therefore, essential for clinicians andstaff to be well versed in these treatments as well as to feel atease during their presentation to patients. This concept sup-plied the basis for the development of our new Dental PracticePromotion Kit.

The Dental Practice Promotion Kit was designed specifically tofoster communication between the dental professional andthe patient and to stimulate interest in restorative treatment.A unique assembly of informative and interactive resources,including patient recall cards, “grade your smile” brochures,a waiting room video, and educational flip chart, the kit com-plements office marketing initiatives and provides additionaladvertising strategies for the practice.

In addition, the Valplast partial denture is now available witha triple option to satisfy every clinical indication. These alter-natives offer patients the best of both worlds—strength andesthetics. Enclosed in this issue are two outstanding offers—the purchase of a Dental Practice Promotion Kit for only $50,and a FREE Valplast Practice Development Kit.

From all of us at Trident, we hope you enjoyed the summerseason, and as always, we will continue to provide you withthe exceptional service and materials that you have come to expect from Trident Dental Laboratories. If we can be ofassistance in any capacity, please feel free to contact Tridentat 800-221-4831.


Laurence FishmanOwner, President

Trident Dental Laboratories

F O S T E R I N G D E N T I S T / P A T I E N T C O M M U N I C A T I O N S

Page 3: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional

The Profitable Advantage for Practice DevelopmentJohn H. Jameson, DDS

Many of the nearly 32 million denture wearers inthe US have worn the same full or partial metaldenture for years without replacement or adjust-

ment. While it may be that these patients have simplybecome accustomed to their current metal denture, theyalso may not be aware that they need not accept unes-thetic metal clasps or a bulky, ill-fitting denture. Hence, itis the clinician’s responsibility to educate patients on thetechnological advancements in denture therapy and whatthese advancements can achieve for the patient.

I recommend following a simple three-step formulafor presenting treatment advancements to patients–educate, motivate, and activate. Educating patients onthe latest treatment options motivates them to takeadvantage of these treatments; this motivation in turnactivates treatment consultation, resulting in an increasein case acceptance.

Partnering with industry professionals such as TridentDental Laboratories also provides a distinct advantagefor clinicians seeking to augment their practice prof-itability as well as their patients’ treat-ment options. An assembly of practicedevelopment tools is available fromTrident that enables clinician and staffto more effectively present these op-tions to patients during a treatmentconsultation. These tools include edu-cational materials regarding Captek,IPN Portrait Denture Teeth, andValplast partial dentures.

The Valplast AdvantageThe biocompatible nylon and thermo-plastic resin of the Valplast partial providecomfort, flexibility, and stability as comparedto the rigidity of a metal partial denture. The Valplast par-tial also enables the patient’s natural tissue tone to appearthrough the material without visible metal, thusenhancing esthetics and a more natural-looking smile.


Patient Education Tools for Practice GrowthAs a national practice management consultant and lec-turer, I stress the importance of patient education anddesigning systems for implementing the latest restora-tive options into the treatment plan. The educationalcomponents of the Valplast Practice Development Kitenable dental professionals to facilitate the execution ofthese systems. For example, a model of a Valplast par-tial denture included in the kit allows the patient toreadily visualize the esthetics and flexibility of the den-ture as compared to a traditional metal denture. A four-color poster for the reception area and sample recallletter on practice letterhead with a letter stuffer educatepatients on the benefits of the Valplast denture, moti-vate patients to request a consultation or more infor-mation, and then activate this interest with an upgradeto the Valplast partial denture.

ConclusionToday, successful practices require a distinct strategy for

patient education and professional presentation of thelatest treatment options. Industry part-

ners such as Trident Dental Laboratoriesoffer Dental Practice DevelopmentKits, videos, and other reception-

area materials that provide patientswith information regarding a selectionof dental treatment options. Theseproducts are valuable resources tofurther demonstrate a variety of avail-

able service offerings that can ulti-mately benefit your patients andyour practice.

Chairman of Jameson Management, Inc, a dentalpractice management consulting firm in Davis, OK.He may be reached at 877-369-5558 or via e-mail [email protected].

V A L P L A S T® P R A C T I C E D E V E L O P M E N T K I T

Page 4: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional
Page 5: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional

Valplast®—“ThinkDaniel Cianflone, DMD, PhD

Aphrase that is frequently used in corporate man-agement is “thinking outside the box”, suggest-ing that business professionals try something

new or take risks. How does a dental professional takea risk when treating a patient? This dilemma oftencauses clinicians to adhere to tried-and-true treatmentsrather than investigate innovative options. Hence, itmay be the patients themselves that challenge us tothink outside the box.

Upon initial introduction to Valplast partial den-tures, I was concerned that patients might considerthem inferior to metal ones or not as durable or wellfitting. With patient educational materials such as theValplast display model (Figure 1) from Trident DentalLaboratories, patients can readily visualize the esthet-ics of the Valplast partial.

Using these educational materials, I developed thefollowing presentation technique for partial dentures. Iinstruct the patient to hold a metal partial denture inone hand and a Valplast partial in the other (Figure 2).Patients can feel the lighter weight of the Valplast par-tial as compared to the metal framework denture, andobserve the translucency of the Valplast material thatallows the natural shade of tissue to show through.Squeezing the denture model also confirms the flexi-bility of the material (Figure 3) compared to the rigid-ity of the metal. Since Valplast is fabricated from atough, yet flexible, nylon thermoplastic resin, it offersstrength, resiliency, and most importantly for thepatient—no visible metal. Following this exhibition,the expression on the patient’s face confirms his or herpreference for the Valplast partial. I realized that satis-fying my patients forced me to think outside the box.It only took a few cases to convince me of the value ofValplast partials, and since then I have regularly incor-porated the denture into my treatment plans.

Case PresentationA 73-year-old female patient presented to the office,expressing dissatisfaction with her current acrylic




FIGURE 1The Valplastmodel—a compo-nent of the PracticeDevelopment Kit—enables patients toreadily visualize theesthetics of theValplast partial denture.



The light weight of the Valplast partial can be

compared with the traditional

metal partial denture.



The flexibility ofthe Valplast partial denture is demon-strated comparedto the rigidity ofthe metal denture.



View of 73-year-old patient who

was successfullytreated with

Valplast partialdentures.



Page 6: Fall 2004 Volume 3, Number 2 Dental Practice Building ... for Success ... Conclusion Today, successful practices require a distinct strategy for patient education and professional

partial denture, which was poor fitting, bulky, andunesthetic. The patient understood that she requiredcomprehensive treatment, but was especially con-cerned about the visibility of metal clasps on heranterior teeth.

Clinical and radiographic examinations wereperformed, and impressions were taken for diagnos-tic models. The treatment plan included extractionof teeth #12 and #13 as well as replacement of therestorations in the maxillary anterior teeth. Themandibular anterior dentition would be restored toregain lost vertical dimension. Teeth #21, #28, and#29 were to be restored with porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. It was emphasized that maxillaryand mandibular removable partial dentures wererequired to maintain occlusal stability and to protectthe anterior dentition from deteriorating under thestress of mastication without posterior teeth.

The aforementioned approach was used duringthis consultative phase to confirm patient acceptanceof the recommended treatment—inclusive of full-coverage crowns and the partial dentures.

Six months later, the extractions and the restora-tive treatment were performed. After vertical dimen-sion was restored, Captek (Precious Chemicals, Inc,Altamonte Springs, FL) crown restorations wereplaced on teeth #21, #28, and #29. Impressions andmodels were then obtained for the fabrication of the maxillary and mandibular Valplast partials.Following fabrication, the partials were inserted;only minor adjustments were necessary. The patientwas extremely satisfied with the strength and esthet-ics of the Valplast partial dentures (Figure 4).

Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistryand the American College of Dentists. Hemaintains a private practice emphasizingrestorative and cosmetic dentistry in NewKensington, PA.

Outside the Box”R E S




Use polyvinylsilox-ane impression

material to produce a master

and a countermodel. Minimal

tooth preparationis required for

occlusal rest seats.



Wax bite registra-tion is used toestablish the vertical dimensionfor the restoration.



The teeth are setin wax for try-in so

that accuracy ofocclusion andshade can be

verified. Valplastrestorations are

guaranteed for life*

against breakage.

Valplast can beused in combina-tion with a Vitalliumsubframe to providestability on distalextension cases.


Jeff Lache

*Terms and conditions apply.