Download - Faith - · Last Night’s Carnival Meeting ... I just saw your little brain go Bing! ... This just would not have ever happened at the previous

Page 1: Faith - · Last Night’s Carnival Meeting ... I just saw your little brain go Bing! ... This just would not have ever happened at the previous

Centred By Faith

In Partnership with Community

We Provide Excellence in Learning

The Longest Lunch

What a fantastic experience for our Senior &

Junior students in being able to collectively

prepare, organise, cook and enjoy a wonderful

meal together this week. These are the

experiences that we as children take with us

into our adulthood and look back with




Grade 6 Canberra Camp

Monday morning, our Grade 6 students are off

to camp. It’s an exciting time for them and will

be made even more special given that they are

a small group in comparison to previous years.

To the Grade 6 students, make sure you get

plenty of sleep this weekend and pack well for

a cold week in Canberra!

Eucharist Workshop

Next Wednesday night, Paul Spence will be

presenting to our students and parents of

Grade 4 students who are preparing to receive

the Sacrament of Eucharist. Paul is a very highly

regarded speaker and we would like to invite

any parent who wishes to touch up on their

knowledge and understanding of what

Eucharist is and means to attend the workshop.

The workshop commences at 7.00pm and will

be located in the Library.

Staff News – Physical Education

This week we have employed Mrs Lisa Pollard.

Lisa comes with a great background in Physical

Education and has already commenced

planning for next term. Lisa’s appointment will

continue till the end of Term 3 when Mrs Kristy

Cavric returns from maternity leave.

2019 Prep Applications Close

Next Friday, is the last day to get applications in

before placements are offered. We have an

exceptionally high number of applications this

year which will result in the school having to add

another classroom. Most new families applying

have done so on the recommendation of

current families. It is great to have such positive

feedback and we greatly appreciate your


Last Night’s Carnival Meeting

Wow, there almost wasn’t a chair available in

the staffroom last night given the number of

parents attending the meeting. With laughter,

lots of new faces and a commitment to

organise a wonderful carnival for next year, the

children and families of Woodend are promised

to have a wonderful day on March 16th, 2019.

Modelling a Love of Learning

Teachers, like students, receive report cards. But

they don’t come as a formal document.

Instead, they are received as emails, letters and

through face to face meetings. The following is

an example of one such report card that I’d like

to share with you as it expresses so well the type

of relationship, passion and commitment a

teacher can have and the wonderful impact

upon a child’s sense of self, their confidence

and belief. (Read over.)

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Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the wonderful encouragement you gave to our son last week.

According to him, you showed great enthusiasm in class when he grasped a maths number-line concept.

He came home on Friday on a high because of your reaction to his lightbulb moment. Apparently you said something like, “Yes! I just saw your little brain go Bing!”

Over the weekend, he kept repeating the story to us, complete with re-enactments of your hand actions and the class’s reaction. He couldn’t believe how excited you were for him.

Today, four days on, he is STILL talking about it. Sounds like it’s developed into a strategy for getting out of the “pit”.

I proudly said that I think we should call him Bing Boy because his brain is learning so well and he’s putting in such a solid effort. He liked that!

We are so delighted at his progress under your guidance. The reason he loves learning is because of you, who has shown so much patience and dedication and modelled that love of learning.

This just would not have ever happened at the previous school our kids attended.

It’s such a credit to you and your enthusiasm for the little people in your care. We’re very grateful! Sacred Heart College –Junior Master Chef Congratulations to all our students who applied,

participated and shared in the experience of this

event. So many times we can underestimate just

how talented and able our children are. Junior

Master Chef gave our students an opportunity to

shine, discover that cooking can be a very creative

and enjoyable activity, and share their new found

skills with their family at home.

A very special note of thanks to Sacred Heart

College, Mrs Craig Holmes (Principal) and Mrs Jenny

Baldwin (Marketing & Public Relations Officer) for

providing and organising this special event. A further

thanks must also go to Kate Warne and Alison Raco

for their wonderful guidance of our budding chefs

and to Catherine Bartlett (Mort & Pestle) who

generously sponsored the prizes for the event.

Please keep your children’s teachers in your prayers

and thank you for the wonderful feedback we have

received this week.

Des Noack


Friday: 01.06

Feast of Saint Justin

Sunday: 03.06

The Body And Blood Of Christ

Week 8

Monday: 04.06

Grade 6 Canberra Camp

Tuesday: 05.06

Grade 6 Canberra Camp

Regional Cross Country (St Arnaud)

Wednesday: 06.06

Grade 6 Canberra Camp

School Mass – 9.30am: Grade P/1E

Eucharist Workshop 7.00pm (Grade 4)

Thursday: 07.06

Grade 6 Canberra Camp

Staff Meeting 3.45pm:

Friday: 08.06

The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Grade 6 Canberra Camp

2019 Prep Applications Close

Deputy Principals Network

Saturday: 09.06

Woodend Winter Arts Festival

Sunday: 10.06

10th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Woodend Winter Arts Festival

Week 9

Monday: 11.06

Feast of Saint Barnabas

Woodend Winter Arts Festival

School Closure Day - Queen’s Birthday


Tuesday: 12.06

School Assembly 2.55pm

Wednesday: 13.06

School Mass – 9.30am: Grade P/1L

Thursday: 14.06

Eucharist Reflection Day (Grade 4)

Staff Meeting 3.45pm:

Friday: 15.06

Feast of the Sacred Heart Of Jesus

COBAW District Winter Sport (Netball

organised by St Ambrose)

ONWZ Principals Network

Saturday: 16.06

Feast of the Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Sacrament of Eucharist Mass 6.00pm

Sunday: 17.06

11th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Sacrament of Eucharist Mass 11.30am

Week 10

Monday: 18.06

School Production Dress Rehearsal

Page 3: Faith - · Last Night’s Carnival Meeting ... I just saw your little brain go Bing! ... This just would not have ever happened at the previous

Tuesday: 19.06

School Production

Wednesday: 20.06

Northern Region Reference Group Meeting

Thursday: 21.06

Feast of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Staff Meeting 3.45pm:

School Production

Friday: 22.06

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul

Sunday: 24.06

Birth of John The Baptist

Week 11

Monday: 25.06

School Assembly 2.55pm

Student Reports Sent Home

Wednesday: 27.06

Whole School Mass – 1.30pm

End of Term Dismissal: 2.30pm

Thursday: 28.06


Friday: 22.06


Buddies Longest Lunch

On Monday the 28th of May, the Grade 5 and 6 students made pasta with our buddies. Throughout the day we rotated through different classes to complete different activities. The activities were:

1. Making Italian placemats

2. Making Italian flags

3. We watched Strega Nona and helped our buddies write about it

4. Finally we made fresh pasta with Mrs

Raco and some of our Mums.

First, we made the dough out of flour, egg and salt. We let it sit for a while. We then rolled the dough through the pasta machine a couple of times, until it was flat and stretched out. Then

we attached the cutter to the machine and rolled the flat dough through it to make fettuccine. It was so much fun, but a little messy.

The teachers set up trestle tables in the hall to make it look like the Longest Lunch. At lunchtime we ate the pasta that we made and it was delicious!

I would like to thank Mrs Raco and her crew of Mums who helped us to make pasta and have a memorable day.

By Ava M 5/6M

On Monday the 28th we made fettuccine with the grade P/1’s. I was paired with a sweet little girl called Violet. Firstly, we went into Yamasta Sensei’s classroom. Mrs Raco chose people to make the dough out of flour, eggs and salt. Then we picked a machine and flattened the dough with it. After that we cut it into strips and gave them to the amazing parent helpers.

Then we went into the Art room and made Italian flags. Violet was so good at it. Everyone made amazing flags, which we waved all day. I wrote ‘Roma Italia’, which means Rome, Italy, on mine.

Thirdly, we went to Miss Leigh’s classroom and watched a video about Strega Nona and her magic pasta pot. Then we made our own ideas

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for a pot. There was a pot that made beef pies, and a pot that made apples, and a pot that made Irish stew! It was awesome to see everyone’s creative ideas.

After that we made placemats with Miss Elliott. It was SO much fun! I had such a good time with everyone.

After recess we had writing for half an hour, before we trooped into the hall to eat our pasta. It was delectable!

All in all, everyone had the most awesome day ever!! I really want to do it again!! By Charlotte S 5/6M

This Week’s Gospel

Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark

This is my body. This is my blood.

On the first day of Unleavened Bread,

when the Passover lamb was sacrificed, his disciples said to Jesus, ‘Where do you

want us to go and make the preparations for you to eat the Passover?’

So he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the city and you will meet

a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him, and say to the owner of the house

which he enters, “The Master says: Where is my dining room in which I can eat the

Passover with my disciples?” He will show you a large upper room furnished with

couches, all prepared. Make the preparations for us there.’ The disciples

set out and went to the city and found

everything as he had told them, and prepared the Passover.

And as they were eating he took some bread, and when he had said the blessing

he broke it and gave it to them. ‘Take it,’ he said ‘this is my body.’ Then he took a

cup, and when he had returned thanks he gave it to them, and all drank from it, and

he said to them, ‘This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is to be

poured out for many. I tell you solemnly, I shall not drink any more wine until the

day I drink the new wine in the kingdom of God.’

After psalms had been sung they left for

the Mount of Olives.

© The scriptural quotations are taken from the Jerusalem Bible, published and copyright 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton Longman and Todd Ltd and Doubleday & Co Inc, and used by permission of the publishers. The English translation of the Psalm Responses, the Alleluia and Gospel Verses, and the Lenten Gospel Acclamations, and the Titles, Summaries, and Conclusion of the Readings, from the Lectionary for Mass © 1997, 1981, 1968, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.

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In years gone by the major focus of the feast

of Corpus Christi was a procession that usually concluded with Benediction of the

Blessed Sacrament. Many of us have fond memories of Benediction: a bejewelled cope and monstrance, the flickering candles, the

Divine Praises and Latin hymns. It all worked to create a magical atmosphere. As richly

theatrical as it was, the magical side of it was part of the problem.

In medieval times Catholics rarely received Holy Communion. So much so it was in this

context that the Church ruled that we have to communicate at least once a year. In the absence of communion, veneration of the

Blessed Sacrament took on a great significance. Seeing the host was thought to

impart an intense power.

Although in the last 100 years we have been

encouraged to receive communion more frequently, the magical properties ascribed to

the host persist in some people's devotional thinking.

As Catholics we believe that Jesus is really and personally present to us in the broken

bread and shared cup of the Eucharist. And although we believe that Christ is present in the Scriptures, the assembly and the

ministers of the Church, we hold that Christ's presence under the form of bread and wine is

one filled with the greatest intimacy and uniqueness.

The Eucharist is not intimate and unique because it is magic. It's not intimate and

unique because we gaze upon the elements. The Eucharist is intimate and unique because

earthly signs are transformed by God's love, and are consumed in faith. As we eat and drink these elements Christ becomes part of

us, and we come alive in Christ.

In the fifth century Saint Augustine taught his

people that if they truly loved the Eucharist they would become what they eat. The same

is true for us today. By receiving into our hands the bread – blessed and broken, the cup – poured and shared, we say ‘Amen’ to

becoming the same in Christ: blessed, broken, poured out and shared in love. We

commune with God and God with us in the Eucharist so that just as earthly gifts are transformed into Christ so through us will be

the entire world, and all things in it.

There is a huge and important difference between grace and magic. One is a trick for show. The other is the power of love, which

expresses itself in faith, hope and service.

In a profound poem French Jesuit Didier Rimaud challenges those of us who love the Eucharist to see it linked to the liberation

begun in the Exodus, consummated in the Resurrection and working in our world today.

In remembrance of you, We take the bread of Easter in our hands,

This Bread do we consume:

It does no longer taste of bitter herbs, nor of unleavened bread.

It is the bread of a land promised us where we shall be set free.

In remembrance of you,

We take the wine of Easter at our feast, This wine do we hold dear.

It does no longer taste of bitter springs, nor of dark salty pools.

It is the wine of land promised us where we shall be made whole.

In remembrance of you,

From exile we return. In remembrance of you,

We walk across the sea!

No wonder the early Christians called the

Body and Blood of Christ, ‘food for the journey’. May this Eucharist strengthen and

embolden us to help God liberate and transform the world through how we spend our lives.

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CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) Do you, as a parent or legal guardian of a

student, hold a:

· Veterans Affairs Gold Card

· Centrelink Health Care Card

· Pensioner Concession Card

If so, you are eligible for a $125 Camps Sports

and Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment. Please

contact the school office at your earliest


If you were approved for this rebate in 2017

and your circumstances have not altered, it is

not necessary to submit the paperwork again.

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)

provides payments for eligible students to

attend activities like:

school camps or trips

swimming and school-organised sport


outdoor education programs

excursions and incursions.

For more information please


Showing dignity and respect, as well as raising awareness makes a huge impact on homelessness.

Don’t wait for someone else to act, do something yourself.

Even though I had a sleeping bag and a roof over my head, some homeless people don’t even have that level of comfort. Ava

Even though I was uncomfortable, I can’t imagine what it would be like for someone who wasn’t safe and had to spend the night outside worrying about tomorrow! The experience of sleeping out taught me not to take things for granted, to appreciate how lucky I am. Kesia I got to have warm soup and sleep in the safety of the school…whereas many homeless live in uncertainty day to day. Phoebe

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I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I had to sleep rough for real because people might take what little I had. Sam

Please keep your donations of money, blankets and warm coats coming till the end of Term 2.

Junior Master Chef

Forty-eight students from Grade 4 representing

the six Catholic Primary Schools in the Macedon

Ranges and Mt Alexander Shire participated in

Sacred Heart College’s Junior Chef


It was great to see the level of guidance and

assistance provided by the College’s Hospitality

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students, as well as the rapport they built with

their primary teams in such a short time.

Two highly regarded local food identities (Tim

Foster – Source Dining and Damian Sandercock

– Piper Street Food Co.) formed the judging

team along with Sacred Heart’s College


Although Holy Cross New Gisborne took the

honours on the night, every student was a

winner having participated in this wonderful


Jordan showing us the skills he had learnt in the

weeks leading up to the competition.

Modelled Writing In The Classroom – A Whole School Strategy. Modelled writing centres on teacher demonstration of the thoughts and actions that go into creating a text. It is an opportunity for students to observe a proficient writer going through the process of putting ideas into a written form. In modelled writing, teachers can focus on authorial elements of writing (such as sequencing and linking ideas, choosing appropriate words, etc.) or secretarial elements (employing spelling strategies, using correct punctuation, etc.). Modelled writing can be employed as a whole class or small group strategy. The students need to be able to clearly see the text as it is constructed. During the modelling, the teacher is making their own thinking and writing processes visible for the students.

Rationale for a focus on modelled writing Demonstration of skills, strategies and techniques of writing underpin pedagogies and approaches that have led to student success. The genre based teaching and learning cycle (Christie, 2005; Gibbons, 2015; Hammond, 2001) strongly emphasises the process of modelling and deconstructing a text type as pivotal to supporting students as writers. ‘Think aloud’ protocols (Kucan & Beck, 1997) employed by teachers in modelled writing make visible to students the thinking a writer does as a text is constructed. It is anticipated that teachers modelling and verbalising their thinking around writing will enable students to deploy appropriate metacognitive processes that will support their own writing attempts. Importantly, think aloud protocols can also be used to model appropriate reading strategies, as Kucan and Beck’s (1997) research showed.

A typical modelled writing session As modelled writing involves the teacher demonstrating the thinking and actions of a proficient writer (and does not seek the

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students’ input) it needs to be strategic, focussed and brief. Depending on the year level, five to ten minutes would suffice to model different aspects of authorial or secretarial writing. At Levels F-2, the teacher might choose to teach early print concepts while modelling the construction of a meaningful piece of text. The teacher:

Verbally narrates and models the actions around where to begin the writing on the page or screen, directionality, spaces between words, etc.

Models spelling strategies drawing on phonic or visual understandings:

“Hmm … cat … what sound do I hear first? … /k/ … that might be a ‘k’ or a ‘c’ … let me try it with ‘c’ … c-a-t … yes, that looks right and it sounds right. I’ll go with that.”

At Levels 3-4, where students’ knowledge of different text types or genres is expanding, teachers use modelled writing to support understanding of the linguistic structure and features of these different writing forms. The teacher models:

the layout and language conventions of a formal letter

how to structure an argument

past tense verb choices when writing narratives or recounts.

At Levels 5-6, modelled writing still plays a role, even though most students will be competent independent writers. In these senior years of primary school, teachers’ model:

higher level revision and editorial work as part of the writing process (such as considering

word choices with a mindfulness of the required register)

more sophisticated notions around grammar.

“Oh! That does not make sense on its own – it’s a dependent clause. I better join it to the previous sentence. Let me see how that reads now.”

The teacher’s role in modelled writing It needs to be emphasised that the teacher is in total control during modelled writing. Ideas and suggestions from the students are not

sought. Instead, the teacher needs to make plain to the students what she or he is modelling and why. Discussion with the students can happen afterwards, with the expectation that the actions and strategies modelled by the teacher might be deployed in their own independent writing.

The students’ role in modelled writing

The students are observers of the actions and decisions of the teacher in a modelled writing session. This might seem passive, but a skilful teacher will engage them by asking them to watch for and note the strategies being employed, consider why they are being drawn on and whether they are effective - all with a view to utilising such strategies and performing such actions in their own writing.

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Student Awards

P/1E Charlotte L For explaining her learning about subtraction in Maths. P/1E Kobe V For writing a thoughtful reflection about caring for our waterways. P/1L Kevin M For showing such improvement in handwriting! P/1L Mary G For having a positive attitude when trying new things! 1/2B Arthur R For coming up with a fantastic number story during Maths. 1/2B Tyler K For writing a very interesting story in writing time and being on his best behaviour. 1/2T Patrick C For contributing to class discussions and adding fantastic “ar” words. 1/2T Lucy A For using words around the classroom to help her spelling and writing. 2/3R Heidi M For always trying hard in her Maths class! 3/4P Lola C For settling back into our classroom routine after a long holiday. 3/4P James C For contributing to classroom discussions. 4/5F Jack M For being a perfect gentleman! Well done!!!! 4/5F Rusby C For her amazing book report for the Library! 4/5F Nash S For neat Kanji writing. 5/6E Ziggy B For independently developing a fantastic persuasive writing planner! 5/6E Willem H For his excellent effort and dedicated approach to completing his inquiry project! 5/6E Bridie C For neat Kanji writing. 5/6M Fletcher C For working hard to solve mathematical problems. 5/6M Flynn O For his photo and interpretation of the creation story. 5/6M Bronte M For cleaning up without being asked in Art. A very caring attitude!

May 23rd Luca L (3/4P) May 26th Daniel S (2/3R) May 28th Georgia J (3/4P) May 29th Scarlett M (4/5F) May 29th Charlotte S (5/6M) May 29th Jemima S (5/6E) May 30th Pip A (P/1L) May 30th Rachel F (3/4P) June 1st James C (3/4P) June 3rd Charlee C (1/2T)

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I highly recommend Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. It’s a book that tells you about outstanding women and what they have achieved throughout their lives. There are scientists, teachers, politicians, sportswomen and just ordinary people who overcame great obstacles to achieve. Each story taught me something. Not one of these women ever gave up!

For example, one of the stories is about a girl called Yusra. She lived in Syria and she had a passion for swimming. First, the local pool got bombed. Then, her house got bombed! It wasn’t a good time. She still had hope even though she and her family were now refugees. She heard that Germany had good swimmers so they set out to go there. The journey took months but when she got there she joined a refugee swim team. She and her swim team were the first refugee team to go to the Olympics in 2016.

Or what about Malala, a girl who got shot in the head because she loved school. She survived and was the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize.

My point is every woman in this book never gave up and tried as hard as they could no matter what.

Reminder: Library is open for Quiet Reading each Tuesday at lunchtime and Thursday morning from 8:30am

Orders close for Scholastic Book Club Issue #4 on Wednesday 13th June – all purchases

add to our school’s reward points that results in wonderful new Library Books!

Community News

THE SCOUT'S LOG CABIN CAFE POPS-UP AGAIN! First Woodend Scouts annual fundraiser The Log Cabin Cafe will be opening the doors for three days only, this Queens Birthday long weekend, during the Woodend Winter Arts Festival. Check out the cosy log cabin, enjoy the wood-fire, our famous Devonshire Cream Teas, as well as coffees, cakes, slices, soups and toasted sandwiches run all day by the scouts and their families: Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th and Monday 11th June 11am - 4pm Ps. Look out for A Capella flash-mob performances at the Scout's Log Cabin by 'Miranda's Picnic' !!