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failures and why they are so important

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Hi, I’m Adrian Fleming and as a serial entrepreneur, strategic cross-media marketing expert and the author of…

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I know, from first hand experience that…

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…the most important thing you can do first is…

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failmaybe even fail a few times

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I know this sounds crazy - nobody wants to fail.

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but it’s true

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Let’s talk about people who’ve have failed in the past because we will actually learn more from that than their successes in most cases.

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H.J.Heinz !Bankrupt

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Milton Hershey !Bankrupt - twice

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Walt Disney !Fired too as he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”

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Robert Kiyosaki !Lost his company Nylon and Velcro Wallet Company through incompetence

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Oprah Winfrey !Fired from her first TV job

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Steven Spielberg !Rejected by Uni Southern California School of Cinematic Arts

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Albert Einstein !Struggled to learn and had difficulty communicating with others

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Fred Astaire !“Can’t sing. Can’t act”

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J.K.Rowling !Living on benefits when she first wrote Harry Potter Publishers turned her down too

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Sir Phillip Green !Had 4 business failures before he made his first million

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Vincent Van Gogh !Only sold one painting while alive

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Harrison Ford !Told he’d never make it as an actor

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Sir James Dyson !Went through thousands of failed prototypes and 15 years of savings

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Stephen King !Threw away novel “Carrie” - didn’t think it was good enough after 30 rejections His wife got him to keep trying

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Donald Trump !Almost failed twice – he needed the banks to bail him twice

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Sir Richard Branson !Arrested for contents of his student magazine Was in trouble for tax Had to sell Virgin records to keep Virgin Atlantic Alive

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Soichiro Honda !Turned down for a job at Toyota

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Elvis !“You ain’t goin’ anywhere, son.”

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Babe Ruth !Not only successful with 714 home runs Also the record holder for most strikeouts too at 1,330

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Seth Godin !Has started in his own words - “…more than a dozen companies, most of which have failed.”

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I too have had a few failures over the years and one thing I can say is that each and every time…

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…I’ve learned from them and aim never to make the same mistake again.

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One thing I’ve also learned is to spot when things are going wrong and making changes…

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…sometimes radical, to minimise losses, turn things around or get out with a profit even if…

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…others involved don’t want to take the required action fast.

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In fact two businesses where I’ve been involved, in the last couple of years, that I was a part of, not in full control of, made me money and…

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…within 6 months of my departure went out of business.

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One was VC funded, the other privately funded…

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…but both were great ideas and could have been fantastic businesses…

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…so my skills have definitely improved in this area as a direct result of previous failures and my experiences.

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You see success is down to adding value to the market…

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…and for this you need the skills and ability to deliver that value.

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Skills come from successes but also from failures too, so don’t be afraid of mistakes, criticism or failures…

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…just use them to your advantage like I, and all those people I’ve just mentioned and more have, to turn a profit in the end.

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