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Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Procedure for planning safe work when performing work in isolation or after hours

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1. Policy Statement

The University is committed to ensuring the safety, health and security of staff, students and others who are on University premises and are isolated from other persons because of time, location or nature of their work. Under these circumstances there are special risks due to the lack of immediate assistance in the event of an accident or sudden illness.

This policy particularly applies to employees and students whilst performing after hours work (between 6pm and 8am on weekdays, all weekends and university holidays) on University premises.

Field trips or work in remote locations away from the University is dealt with in the Working in Remote Locations.

2. Legislation

Regulation 3.3 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 requires that if an employee is isolated from other persons because of the time, location or nature of the work then the employer must ensure that there is:

(a) a means of communication available which will enable the employee to call for help in the event of an emergency; and

(b) a procedure for regular contact with the employee in which the employee is adequately trained.

The maximum penalty for breaching this regulation is $25,000.

3. Responsibilities

The responsibility for implementation of the following general procedures rests with the relevant Heads of Schools, Managers and Supervisors. They must also ensure the informing, instructing, training and supervision of staff and students whose activities are affected by this policy.

Staff and students are required to comply with the workplace procedures and to report any accidents or incidents, as well as any other safety, health or security concerns. Each individual is responsible for taking reasonably practicable steps to ensure their own safety and personal security when working in isolation.

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4. Procedures

4.1 Authority

All personnel working outside of normal working hours must carry appropriate University identification. Unauthorised visitors are not permitted inside University buildings after hours. Security is required to remove from buildings any person without appropriate authority from the Head of Schools.

4.2 Means of communication in the case of an emergency.

In the case of an emergency the normal emergency response procedures should be understood and carried out. The Campus emergency number is 2222. If a phone is not readily accessible, employees and students are not permitted to work alone.

A log book/sign in-sign out/swipe card system may be used by Schools to record building activity after hours.

4.3 Risk assessment of amount of contact required during afterhours work.

The amount of contact required whilst working alone depends on the hazard potential of the work and the experience of the individual undertaking the work. A risk assessment should be carried out on the work involved, to determine the appropriate course of action. This may include addressing any unattended reactions or experiments. In addition, disclosure and consideration of any medical conditions that may give rise to a dangerous or life threatening situation when working alone must be taken into account.

Permission for working after hours or in isolation may be denied to undergraduates or some staff if the work is seen as hazardous. Some guidelines for the risk assessment for working in isolation are as follows.

4.3.1 Working without Supervision

Where employees/students are undertaking office/computer based work or routine animal and laboratory work during hours and without supervision, they are not required to fill out a Work Plan: Working Alone/After Hours.

4.3.2 Working alone

Where employees/students are undertaking office/computer based work or routine animal and laboratory work, the following must be undertaken:

o Notifying someone of expected work commencement and completion.

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o Undertake all personal security measures e.g. lock doors, walk in well-lit areas.

o Request security personal escort as required.

4.3.3 Where presence of others is recommended.

Some work, based upon the time, location and/or nature, may require another person to be present on the floor or in the building. Before this category of work is approved, another authorized person must be arranged to be present within the Faculty, School or Centre for the period of time that the work is to be undertaken.

Examples of activities in this category may include use of :

o x- rays and isotopeso large animalso exposed, energised electrical or electronic systemso large volumes of flammable solvents.o schedule 4, 8 or 9 poisons.o radioactive sources.

4.3.4 Work too hazardous to be undertaken after hours.

Some work is required to be undertaken during normal working hours when qualified assistance and supervision is available. Examples of work in this category may include use of:

o hydrofluoric acid.o explosive and potentially explosive substances.o disposal of hazardous substances.o naked flames associated with flammable solvents.o low temperature environments, e.g. cool rooms.o high powered, fast-moving machinery or equipment.o deep water.o heights or confined spaces.o significant quantities of molten materials.

To view the check list for Working Alone see WorkSafe Western Australia Guide to Inspecting the Workplace.

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5. Workflow/Process for Gaining Approval

5.1 Workflow Diagram

5.2 Workflow

Step 1 – Download “Work Plan: Working Alone/After Hours” and complete appropriate forms.The applicant accesses the ECM safety website and downloads a copy of the Work Plan form. In collaboration with their supervisor, the applicant completes a UWA General Risk Assessment Form (and a UWA Chemical Process Risk Assessment if chemicals are to be involved) and Part A and Part B of the Work Plan: Working Alone/After Hours form.

The ECM Safety Team is available to assist participants in completing these forms. It is advisable to contact the safety team to ensure that forms are completed to an appropriate standard.

Step 2 –Supervisor

Each form completed by the applicant is sent to their supervisor. The supervisor completes Part C of the Work Plan: Working Alone/After Hours form regarding

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suitable means of communication and reviews both the Work Plan and the Risk Assessments.

Step 3 – Sign off by Head of School

The Work Plan: Working Alone/After Hours and UWA Risk Assessment forms are submitted, via by the participant to the relevant Head of School prior to work commencement.

Should the Head of School discern that a higher level of approval is required, the forms shall be submitted to the Dean. Either level of management has the right to refuse approval, make approval conditional on certain criteria being met or to seek further expert advice or opinion.

Step 4 – Sign off by the Technical and Safety Support Team

Once all forms have been reviewed and signed off, the participant will submit the package to the ECM Technical and Safety Support team who will review the overall package and determine that the University has fulfilled its duty of care to the participants.

The Technical and Safety Support Team will file all forms in a central repository and record the work in the “Working in Isolation Work Register”.

Step 5 – Conduct the Work

The participant will be the primary person responsible for conducting the work prescribed in the Work Plan and Risk Assessments. Any breach of these work procedures will be dealt with at the discretion of the Head of School and Dean (or equivalent administrative Head of Unit), in accordance with the University’s procedures on substandard performance of staff and disciplinary procedures in the case of students/researchers.

6. Training

Each workplace area is responsible for preparing and enforcing their own procedures and for informing, instructing, training and supervising staff and students in these. Assistance with this is available from Safety and Health on 6488 3938. Lectures on personal security are available through UWA Security on 6488 3020.

7. References

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996

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Australian /New Zealand Standards 2243.1:1997. Safety in Laboratories. Part 1.WorkSafe WA: Guidance Note: Working Alone 2009