Download - Factors affecting adoption of CA in Malawi. James L Mlamba

Page 1: Factors affecting adoption of CA in Malawi. James L Mlamba

Factors Affecting Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in


James L. Mlamba

WCCA27 September 2011Brisbane, Australia

Page 2: Factors affecting adoption of CA in Malawi. James L Mlamba


IntroductionStudy areaData collectionSampling procedureResultsConclusion/Recommendations

Page 3: Factors affecting adoption of CA in Malawi. James L Mlamba


Agriculture is the single most important sector of Malawi’s economy

It employs about 80% of the workforce,

It contributes over 80% of foreign exchange earnings

It also contributes significantly to national and household food security

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It is characterised by low and stagnant yields and production of crops relies heavily on rainfall

Crop production is mainly dominated by maize and that is estimated to cover 70% of the arable land

The sector is facing some environmental challenges, which include soil erosion, low soil organic matter, nutrient deficiency and water shortage caused by drought

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To counteract these problems different technologies are being promoted among which is Conservation Agriculture (CA)

CA is based on the three principles of minimum soil disturbance, continuous soil cover and crop rotation/associations

Despite the efforts being employed and benefits that CA has over conventional land management practices, adoption still remains low

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This study therefore was carried out to determine factors affecting/restricting adoption of conservation agriculture and draw recommendations that may help in the up-scaling of the technology

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Study Area

The study was carried out in Salima District

It is Rift Valley Escarpment Physiographic region (600-1000 masl)

Rainfall: 800-1200mm but most areas receive less than 1000 mm.

Rainy season lasts 3-4 months


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Data Collection

• Farmer interviews were used through administration of semi-structured questionnaire

• Another questionnaire was also administered to field staff

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Sampling Procedure

The study involved 60 farmersThey were divided into three sub

groups -Farmers practicing CA for a

minimum of three years,-farmers who once practiced the

CA but were no longer doing it, -farmers who had never tried the

CAThe respondents were selected.

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• The results support the idea that male-headed households were more likely to adopt CA than females headed ones

• No relationship was found between age of the respondents and adoption of CA

• No statistical correlation was found between household size and CA adoption

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No overall correlation was found between the adoption of CA and the household head's level of education - probably because less than 20% of all respondents had actually attended school to secondary level

The study found no statistical correlation between farm size and adoption of CA, but most who did not practice CA (60%) owned less than 2ha, while most who did practice it (65%) owned more than 2 ha

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A significant difference in levels of income was observed between farmers practicing the CA and those who had stopped

There was a positive correlation between maintaining CA and having made a personal financial outlay to acquire the initial inputs

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Farmer Group Membership among Respondents

Response Practicing CA

No longer Practicing CA

Never Practiced CA

Yes 85% 30% 30%

No 15% 70% 70%

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Response Practicing CA

No longer Practicing CA

Never Practiced CA

Attended CA Training

100% 85% 40%

Never attended CA Training

0% 15% 60%

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First input acquisition method

Response Practicing CA

No longer Practicing CA

Bought with own cash

75% 40%

Loan 5% 0%

Grant 50% 60%

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Reasons for Participating in CAReason %Soil and water conservation


Soil fertility improvement 60%More yielding 40%Low labour demanding 70%

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Reasons for stopping Practicing CAReason %Expensive 60Grants stopped 35High labour demanding 10Input scarcity 5

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Reasons for never participating in CAReason %Not selected by the extension worker


Expensive 30Not Interested 15Never been trained 20Never heard of it 5

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Conclusion/Recommendations• Mobilising farmers to find their

own start-up inputs would enhance adoption

• There is need to demonstrate that CA is not synonymous with herbicide application

• Farmer trainings in CA and mobilizing famers into groups need to be given more emphasis

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Thanks for the attention

A legume after maize harvest

Soybean crop

A section of participants at a field day

Mulching after harvest