Download - Facilitating the Zoo in Your Head, or How to Get Things Done


Facilitating the Zoo in Your Heador How to Get Things Done

by Ljubov Bežan

Who & Why?


- Engagement Director @Idea Port Riga


- Product owner for personal efficiency


- 15 years in Swedbank (branch

employee -> CRM IT development

manager for Baltic States)

- Proven track/trekk ;) in multitasking

Maxim Dorofeev

Personal efficiency methods

Why the methods do not work?

The zoo in our heads

Personal lessons learned

What will we talk today about?

I’ve always wanted to make a brilliant speech. In the past.

Good intentions

Tim Urban and His Model

Check also the Ted Talk “Inside the mind of a master procrastinator”

Rational Decision Maker (the Owl)

Instant Gratification Monkey

Monkey: Easy & Fun

- Does not remember the past

- Does not care of the future

- Wants pleasure here and


The Panic Monster


You gonna miss

the deadline!





We miss the


Find the Monkey!

Who has the wheel?

The Zoo in Our Heads

Both your rational Owl and your instant gratification Monkey

work for you using the power of the Panic Monster and

Emotions & Feelings (aka motivation)

How to Facilitate the Zoo?

• Use common sense and standard approaches like GTD,

time management, planning principles

• Analyze the consequences in case of ignoring the task

– no consequences -> no action

– set alarms on milestones

– add external pressure ;)

• Find your tribe

Activities with Deadlines

• The hardest part

• Listen to your heart

• Is it what you want or what others want you to do/to be?

Wishes & Dreams

My teachers and lessons learned

Lesson 1: Discipline

Lesson 2: Concentration

Lesson 3: Flexibility

Check also:

- Tim Urban Ted Talk

- Micromiles club (

- Maxim Dorofeev (RU)

Thank you!