Download - Facebook measurement webinar

  • 1. Social Media Webinar Series Session 3 of 3 Measurement & Monitoring September 2011 Presented By:Meg Dawes Mandi Frishman Josh Jordan

2. Series Overview Session 1:Strategy & Planning Session 2:Best Practices & Implementation Session 3:Measurement & Monitoring 3. Meg Dawes Account Director, Make Me Social Mandi Frishman Marketing Manager, Make Me Social Josh Jordan President, Make Me Social 4. Session 2 Review Understanding Insights Benchmarks for Success Q&A New Facebook, Old Standards 5. TRYSOMETHINGNEW! Homework 6. Facebook Insights

  • Shows Trends, Growth, Demographic Information
  • Visible Only to Admins
  • Minimum of 30 Likes to View
  • Uses Pacific Standard Time
  • Data is at most 48 Hours Old

7. 8. Vocabulary

  • Impression:
    • The raw number of times a post is seen
    • May appear in users Recent Stories, Top Stories, and visits to Pages
  • Feedback:
    • The total number of comments and likes on your story divided by the total number of impressions.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Interactions 16. ? Image via 17. Benchmarks

  • Green is Good
    • You want to see improvement month over month
  • Increased Effort = Growth
    • Time and resources should have results
  • 1% Feedback
    • Generally very good
    • This may be unrealistic for your community

18. Test | Track | Analyze | Report | Regroup 5 Things to Remember 19. Know Your Goals | Know Your Audience | Know Your Platform 3 Sessions, 3 Main Points 20. Resources Facebook for Non-Profits MakeMeSocial http:// GlobalGiving Project Leaders Group Inside Facebook The Crowdsourced Facebook Marketing Book 21. Questions 22.

  • Education & Training
  • Research & Listening
  • Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Community Management
  • Measurement & Analytics

Need Extra Help? Meg Dawes, Account Director Office: 904-824-8830 x223[email_address] 23.