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Benefits of attaining a Facebook Advertisement

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Facebook Traffic and Social Network Activity

• The most obvious benefit of Facebook advertising to internet marketing specialists and online advertisers is the social networking website's massive user base.

• In February 2010, Facebook's sixth year anniversary, it celebrated having 400 million active users from around the world and, it seems, that figure is still growing quickly.

• Furthermore, the average Facebook user spends 55 minutes a day on this social networking website.

• Facebook is definitely considered as an appealing platform for internet marketing specialists and online advertisers.

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Facebook enables Advertising for Highly Targeted Online Marketing Campaigns

Facebook advertising offers nine different ways to target audiences:

• Location• Age• Gender• Keywords• Education• Workplace• Relationship • Status• Relationship • Interests• Languages

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Other Major Benifits

• Facebook advertising is much cheaper. Due to less advertising competition, one can run a campaign for a fraction of the cost of Google AdWords.

• One can also place up to 135 characters in a Facebook ad, which is nearly twice as much as Google. This enable you to put together a much more descriptive advert, and increase their chances of convincing the user to click on their ad.

• Facebook advertising is incredibly highly targeted. It has information on the account holders age, location, education, employment, marital status, interests, and many other valuable pieces of data.

• Another big plus is that Facebook allows one can include their own images in their adverts. Images can be very powerful in advertising, for example they can actually show images of their products. This is great for drawing people's attention to their ads, and will result in more clicks.

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Suggested Area for the ads:

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Approximate Payment Idea:

Estimated Views per Day : 5,677,600 people Targetted Location:

• Users living within 50 miles of Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida , Gurgaon, Meerut City, Ghaziabad or Faridabad

• Age Group - 23 and older Budget Per Day : 50.00 USD Suggested Per Bid: 0.39 - 0.63 USD Clicks per Day : 80

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