Download - F.# Maloberti,# E.# Bonizzoni,# A.Surano: Time% variant% digital% … · 2010-07-21 · Time Variant Digital Sigma-Delta Modulator for Fractional-N

Page 1: F.# Maloberti,# E.# Bonizzoni,# A.Surano: Time% variant% digital% … · 2010-07-21 · Time Variant Digital Sigma-Delta Modulator for Fractional-N

F.   Maloberti,   E.   Bonizzoni,   A.   Surano:   "Time   variant   digital   sigma-­delta  modulator   for   fractional-­N   frequency   synthesizers";   IEEE   International  Symposium  on  Radio-­‐Frequency  Integration  Technology,  RFIT  2009,  Singapore,  9-­‐11  December  2009,  pp.  111-­‐114.  


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Page 2: F.# Maloberti,# E.# Bonizzoni,# A.Surano: Time% variant% digital% … · 2010-07-21 · Time Variant Digital Sigma-Delta Modulator for Fractional-N

Time Variant Digital Sigma-Delta Modulatorfor Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizers

Franco Maloberti, Edoardo Bonizzoni, and Antonio SuranoDepartment of Electronics, University of Pavia

Via Ferrata, 1 - 27100 Pavia - ITALYE-mail: [franco.maloberti, edoardo.bonizzoni, antonio.surano]

Abstract—A digital sigma-delta modulator whose noise trans-fer function changes randomly in time is presented. The spectrumof the output bit-stream is tone free for any constant input value.The time-variant behaviour causes a white floor in the noiseoutput spectrum, but the effect is negligible if the levels is keptwell below other white noise sources. The scheme preserves thehigh frequency phase noise even at critical inputs. The hardwarecost is affordable and the system complexity is lower than usingdither.


Fractional-N synthesizers are important blocks widely usedin modern communication systems. The frequency synthesizeris required to ensure low phase noise, good loop speed,limited spurs level, along with fine-grained resolution (channelspacing) at any fractional value, [1-2].

In synthesizers, the Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)frequency is divided by a number that varies around a fixedinteger value N by a variable amount ∆N(t). The parameter∆N(t) is the result of the conversion of the fractional partgiven by a digital sigma-delta (Σ∆). The aim of the Σ∆ is toavoid repetitive patterns in the time domain because they givespurious tones, [3]. The designer obtains the result with highorder schemes because many integrators and multiple feedbackloops suitably scramble the data. However, for critical valuesof the fractional input even high order architectures show tonesin the output spectrum that are removed by dithering, [4].

Unfortunately, non-linearities reduce the effectiveness ofdithering. Often, even with a dither that completely removestones and obtains a well shaped noise spectrum, the phasenoise is not good because of the non-linearity of variousblocks, like the dead-zone of the charge pump. The non-linearity mixes the tones not removed by the loop filter andworsen the phase noise contributed by the Σ∆ in frequencyregions where the other noise terms are negligible.

This paper proposes an effective method for destroyingthe repetitive patterns of time-domain Σ∆ signals. Insteadof using a noise-like term that is added to signals (dither), anoise-lke additive term for the modulator coefficients is used.Simulations at the behavioural level show that dithering inmultiplication instead of in addition is more effective. Thephase noise performance remains remarkable even with non-linearities in the synthesizer loop.


The basic block diagram of a conventional fractional-Nsynthesizer is shown in Fig. 1. The Phase Frequency Detector(PFD) receives the reference clock and the VCO divided byN + ∆N(t). The loop is then closed by the charge pump andloop filter. The main designer concerns are to ensure a lowphase noise and avoid spurs in the output signal. The noisesources affecting the blocks of Fig. 1 are the Σ∆ noise, thePFD, the charge pump, the reference clock and the VCO noise.Since these noise sources are not correlated, they contributequadratically to the overall phase noise

PN2T = PN2

Σ∆ + PN2PFD + PN2

CP + PN2Clock + ...; (1)

The power spectra of every single component, assuming alinear response, are summed up.

The undesired in-band spurious tones are typically causedby the Σ∆ because, with critical fractional values input, itgives rise to limit cycles in the time domain, [5-6].

Since the digital Σ∆ is required to produce low noise atlow frequencies and no spurs, the order of the modulator mustbe at least 3 with the spurs possibly cancelled by dithering.High order modulators are the right choice because they areable obtain the conditions for which the quantization erroris equivalent to noise. However, hidden tones in the highfrequency region of the spectrum create problems.

Notice that having a strongly shaped Σ∆ noise is notrelevant because at low frequencies other sources of noise are

Fig. 1. Fractional-N frequency sinthesizer block diagram.


2009 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology

978-1-4244-5032-9/09/$26.00 ©2009 IEEE

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Frequency [Hz]


D [d


Undithered outputDithered output

Fig. 2. Undithered and dithered MASH-111 simulated output spectrum.

dominant. Indeed, it is necessary, as outlined by equation (1),that the Σ∆ contribution is lower than other noise sourcesby at least 10-20 dB. However, high order modulators arenecessary because, with low order, the dither is not capable tospoil the repetitive patterns.

The design of single loop high-order modulators is difficultbecause of stability conditions. For this reason, the designerprefers using MASH architectures that obtain high order noiseshaping by cascading first order modulators. Since the noisetransfer function (NTF) of digital implementation is exactlywhat expected, the used architectures, made by commondigital blocks such as accumulators, adders, and D flip flops,are convenient and effective. However, the output of MASHschemes is multi-bit. For a MASH-11 ∆N ranges from -1to +2, while for a MASH-111 ∆N varies from -3 to +4.Therefore, the digital divider is complex and the power ofthe quantization error is larger.

Even with a MASH-111, the Σ∆ output spectrum is notcompletely tone-free. Fig. 2 shows a typical situation of anundithered output spectrum. To cancel out the tones, it isnecessary to use dithering. It is the injection of small pseudo-random signals at the three inputs of the first order modulators.The pseudo-random sequence at the first integrator is white,the ones at the second and third are shaped by (1 − z−1)and (1 − z−1)2, respectively, to limit the in-band effect. Theresulting spectrum looks like the second curve of Fig. 2.

This and other techniques have been used with good results.However, tones are not transformed into noise, but theiramplitude is just reduced. Possible non-linearities of blocksused in the feedback loop cause mixing of tones that show upin the low frequency band as white floor. In some unfortunatecase, the mixing generates a large component that is wellvisible in the output spectrum. The effect is outlined in Fig.3 that shows the spectrum at the output of a MASH-111 and


















Frequency [Hz]


D [d


Dithered output with third order distortionDithered output with second order distortionDithered output without distortion

Fig. 3. Dithered MASH-111 output spectrum with and without distortion(α = 2−15, β = 2−15).

its processing with a non-linear block

Y (t) = X(t)[1 + αX(t) + βX(t)2

]. (2)

The good spectrum at the output of the MASH-111 plusdithering at the three inputs degrades significantly with rel-atively small second order and third order distortion terms(α = 2−15, β = 2−15).

The obtained result leads to the following observations:high-order modulators are not fully effective in removing tonesas the high-pass noise shaping of high-order modulators iscorrupted by non linearity that cause an equivalent white noise.


The dithering method foresees additive pseudo-randomterms in critical points of the modulator. The method proposedhere is to use multiplicative pseudo-random dithering thatchanges the coefficients used in the modulator architecture.As shown in Fig. 4 (a), the first order modulator adds thequantization error to the input. The proposed method foreseesthe change depicted in Fig. 4 (b). The quantization error ismultiplied by a coefficient that changes randomly in time asgiven by



(a) (b)

Z-1 ∑+


x εk

± 1 random





Fig. 4. Internal node of a conventional (a) and of the proposed (b) modulator.


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± 1 random



Fig. 5. Implementation for the schemes depicted in Fig. 4 (a) and (b).

K(nT ) = 1 + εK(nT ) (3)

where εK(nT ) is a small convenient random number withconstant module and random sign. The result is a sigma-delta with discrete-time variant coefficients. For digital sigma-delta modulators, the word-lenght of the added term must bequantized at the resolution of the accumulator. The operationjust requires to truncate the dithered term or, eventually, bypassing the truncated part through a first order digital Σ∆.Notice that the implementation of the time-variant architecturerequires some additional hardware, as it is for the conventionaldithering techniques. Fig. 5 (a) and (b) shows the implemen-tations of the schemes of Fig. 4 (a) and (b), respectively.

Notice that the study of time variant Σ∆ modulators cannot be done with the linearized method used for conventionalΣ∆ architectures, but needs a special analysis similar to theone developed for time-variant filters. That study is not donein this work. The effectiveness of the method is proved by justsimulations in the time-domain.

The scheme of Fig. 4 (b) can be the basis for the design ofhigh order Σ∆ as, for example, the MASH-11 or the MASH-111. Alternatively, it is possible to obtain second order or thirdorder noise shaping with the schemes of Fig. 6. The inverseof the quatization error needs the following processing



3 bit



-εQ y



3 - 3z-1 + z-2



2 bit



-εQ y



2 - z-1

(a) (a)

H2 H3

Fig. 6. Alternative block diagrams for second (a) and third (b) order Σ∆modulators.

















Frequency [Hz]


D [d


Time variant third orderTime variant second order

Fig. 7. Simulated output spectrum of the second and third order time variantΣ∆ modulator.

z-1 z-1 z-1 z-1 z-1





O1 O2 O3 O9 O10 O11

Fig. 8. Single-bit pseudo-random generator scheme.

H2 = (2− z−1); H3 = (3− 3z−1 + z−2) (4)

that identifies coefficients that can be possibly transformedinto time variant by using dithering multipliers. The variousmultipliers used can have different amplitude and uncorrelatedrandom signs.

Fig. 7 shows the output spectra of a time-variant secondorder and third order modulator with a critical value of con-stant input, used εK = 1/212 and with uncorrelated randomsigns. Our single-bit pseudo-random generator is made bya chain of 11 flip-flop with a suitable feedback logic thatobtains a sequence 211 long. The scheme is shown in Fig.8. Uncorrelated sequences are given by using different tapsof the inverters chain. The spectra of Fig.7 show that theusing time variant coefficients causes a noise floor and reducesthe noise amplification at high frequencies. The first effectis inessential, if the floor level is low. The second feature isbeneficial for reducing the high frequency noise. Moreover, theobtained spectra are much more noise-like than the ditheredcounterparts.

A convenient test for verifying the method effectiveness isto pass the multi-bit output through a non-linear block with


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Frequency [Hz]


D [d


alpha=2−13; beta=2−13

alpha=2−15; beta=2−15

alpha=2−11; beta=2−11

Fig. 9. Simulated spectrum of the third order time variant modulator withvarious distortion coefficients.













Offset Frequency (Hz)




se (



Fractional-N Synthesizerwith Time Variant MASH-111

Fractional-N Synthesizerwith Conventional Dithered MASH-111

Third Order Sigma-Delta Noise

Fig. 10. Simulated phase noise of conventional dithered and time variantMASH-111 Σ∆ modulator.

response given by equation (2). The result is that the samecoefficients (α = 2−15, β = 2−15) used in the simulation ofFig. 3 gives no noticeable changes in the time-variant MASH-111, as shown in Fig. 9. To obtain noise floor above -140dBFS , it is necessary to use α = 2−13, β = 2−13, a twoorders of magnitude higher distortion. Fig. 9, shows that thenoise floor of the conventional dithered MASH-111 is obtainedwith α and β as large as 2−11.


The effective operation of the proposed Σ∆ architecturehas been verified with behavioural simulation by its use ina fractional-N frequency synthesizer, [5-6]. The referencefrequency is 25 MHz and the fractional division numberis 71.001953. The output frequency is 1.77504 GHz. Nonlinearity has been included in the loop. In particular, the charge













Offset Frequency (Hz)







Fig. 11. Simulated phase noise of a time variant MASH-11 Σ∆ modulator.

pump has a dead zone of 4.5%. The conventional ditheredMASH-111 works as expected with linear components aroundthe loop, but its performace worsens with the non-linearities.On the contrary, the time variant scheme does not experienceany limit with the used non-linearities. Fig. 10 compares thetwo phase-noise plots. The phase noise in the ideal case isalso shown.

The method is also effective with a MASH-II modulator forwhich the required ∆N(t) is half the one of the MASH-III.Fig. 11 shows that the simulated phase noise is clean with anexpected higher level (about 10 dB) because of a lower orderin the noise shaping.

The obtained results minimally depend on the value of thefractional input. Therefore, depending on the system specifi-cations, the designer can use affordable second or third orderscheme with tone-free performance.


The authors thank FIRB, Italian National Program, ProjectRBAP06L4S5, for a partial financial support.


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