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Page 1: EY Managed Document Review Services - Ernst & YoungFILE/EY-managed-document-review-services.pdf · has been driven beyond cost savings to quality control, ... EY Managed Document

The advent of digitization, privacy regimes and legal standards has fundamentally altered how document review services are offered.

Many businesses today serve a global marketplace that is increasingly challenging due to a complex legal and regulatory environment. The demand for global availability of review services has been driven beyond cost savings to quality control, speed and cross-border coordination. The EY Managed Document Review (EY MDR) team is equipped with the resources and technologies needed to meet evolving litigation and compliance needs on quality, privacy, security and cost effi ciency, all at the same time.

EY Managed Document Review ServicesEffective litigation and regulatory response combining quality and cost efficiency

EY in actionMultinational life sciences product liability litigation matterA global pharmaceutical client defending a multi-district product liability matter engaged EY to review millions of documents in multiple languages and involving data across multiple jurisdictions, each with its own unique privacy and data protection regulations. We formed a global team of more than 300 review resources who possess multilingual skills. The team employed technology-assisted review techniques and completed a review of more than 23 million documents within one year. The team also used an innovative redaction method to protect sensitive personal and business information during the review process. Our professionals performed the fi rst-pass review for relevance assessment, as well as second-pass review for more complex issues that involved tagging/coding, redaction and privilege, all in different languages. We also developed and implemented unique workfl ows for responding to more than 1,100 individual plaintiffs’ requests for prescriber information by designing a technology-enabled search and retrieval process. Our quick turnaround with rigorous quality control and cross-border knowledge offered the client not only cost savings but also a means to effectively manage legal and compliance risks.

Oil and gas price fi xing regulatory responseAn oil and gas client had to respond to a regulator inquiry into an oil price fl uctuation incident within a tight time frame. All of the documents were in a foreign language. Within three hours of being contacted, we were able to assemble a team of contract lawyers who not only possessed the language skills, but also the oil and gas sector experience. EY set up briefi ng sessions to help all team members learn the requirements of the matter. The team completed the review of 20,000 documents within three days, allowing the client to gain a thorough understanding of the issue and develop appropriate responses within deadlines. As a result, further review was waived, thus saving potentially enormous costs from further data collection and reviews.

Trade fi nancing investigationA global bank was under regulatory scrutiny regarding trade fi nance transactions. The regulator required an initial review of trades over a six-year period from a set of custodians. The volume of data to be reviewed was approximately 120,000 documents. EY teamed its professionals from the trade fi nance practice with contract lawyers who also focus on trade fi nance. This approach enabled the team to provide a full suite of services, starting with strategy development to collection, processing and subsequent document review. Upon receiving the results of the initial review, the regulator determined that the review was thoroughly carried out and the results were suffi cient, thus no further review was required. As a result, the client saved approximately US$4.5 million in potential review fees.

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Our services include:• Reviewing documents for relevance, issue

categorization and identification of protected information

• Preparing documents for production, including executing redactions, conducting privilege review and constructing privilege logs

• Supporting internal compliance programs, such as email monitoring

• Leveraging strategic workflow consultation on the use of technology-accelerated review

• Providing additional review services, such as reviewing opposing party documents, construction of witness kits, substantive analysis and summary of document contents, contract management, transactional due diligence, etc.

Key features of EY Managed Document Review ServicesScalable global resource modelOur team includes an active group of contingent reviewers who possess appropriate training and experience in eDiscovery and review processes within their respective geographies. We can perform multilingual reviews across multiple locations. Our global team understands the impact on review requirements by local privacy and data protection standards, sector-specific regulations and cross-border restrictions.

EY’s Binding Corporate Rules program gives us the unique ability to comply with European data protection laws that govern the transfer of personal data. We apply this program globally to comply with relevant data protection and privacy laws, with the support of a privacy team.

Technology innovation for cost and operational efficiencyWe integrate technology-assisted review and a wide range of analytics techniques, including prioritized review, predictive coding, threading and others, into our technology and workflow. Our repeatable and customizable quality control routines consist of targeted search, sampling and analytics-based techniques. Further, we focus on integration between review tools to limit the need to port results from one platform to another. These efforts aim to yield cost efficiencies and improvements in review speed and accuracy.

Flexible charging modelsWe adopt a flexible, cost-effective approach to help clients allocate their resources so that the most experienced senior advisers can focus on the more complex and high-value outputs. Our flexible pricing models give clients options, including preference for cost predictability. This approach removes the fiscal rigidity that stunts optimal cost management at the matter level.

Integrated reporting and workflowOur customizable reporting includes progress updates, issue code analysis, and budgetary and substantive summaries. The reports’ 360° view across multiple review operations offers control and insight. Their visualization and interactive capabilities enable swift corrective action, provide historical evaluation and promote efficiencies.

Reliable quality controlThe EY MDR team seamlessly integrates with teams who are responsible for data harvesting, processing, hosting and production. All of our professionals operate under a “quality-by-design” model that threads risk management into people, process and technology. By combining quality efforts with production management, we remove waste and rework and ultimately control costs.