Download - extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Page 1: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

extra mileg o i n g t h e

Universit y of Utah Health Sciences Center

2004 Donor Repor t

Page 2: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

For over six months A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D. served as Interim President of the University

of Utah, while continuing to fulfill his responsibilities as Senior Vice President for Health

Sciences and CEO of the University Health Care System. Though he turned his leadership of

the School of Medicine over to an interim dean, he still retained oversight. It was a busy year.


“Dr. Betz could function in the university’s top position for many years. He’s approachable,

he’s smart, and he has the skills for the job.”— Utah State Senator Pete Knudson (R), Brigham City

Page 3: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ] Message from the Senior Vice President

A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.

[ ] Huntsman Cancer Institute and Hospital

[ ] John A. Moran Eye Center

[ ] AirMed

[ ] A Review

Numbers and Finances

[ ] Passages

[ ] Endowed Chairs

[ ] A Greater Gift of Health

Donor Report

[ ] Organizations

contentstable of

Page 4: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Here at the Health Sciences

Center it translates in

many ways. It’s a nurse

saying, “I have some extra time, is

there anything else I can do for you?”

It’s one of our students in the

midst of hectic training taking time

to reach out and help others, be it in

Ghana, Africa, or rural Utah.

It’s the parking attendant at the

University Hospital or Huntsman

Cancer Institute who parks your car

and makes you feel like the most

important person in his or her day.

The extra mile can be a doctor

taking one more look at an MRI,

X-ray or CAT scan before ending a

long day—just to make sure nothing

has slipped by.

It’s a technician who worries

about making a patient as comfort-

able as possible while performing

a test.

It’s employees giving their own

time and money to help kids with

serious medical problems after they

leave the hospital.

It’s a professor insisting that

students get it exactly right, because

some day it might make the

difference between life and death.

is what makes the good, great. It’s an attitude and philosophy that must permeate

an entire organization if it is to reach it’s perceived potential and beyond.

extra milegoing the


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Page 5: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

It’s our medical teams going

throughout the world to bring

modern medicine to those who need

it most and can afford it least.

It’s all of this and much more.

The extra mile is something we

ask of our people here at the Health

Sciences Center. We do so with

frequency and without apology and

we do so with thanks given for jobs

well done.

We also find ourselves asking

our donors to go the extra mile.

Whenever they can give that extra

measure, they do.

We are a major University Health

Sciences Center, serving a state and

region that is comparatively sparsely

populated. Through the years we

have achieved great things. Some

would say we have overachieved.

One primary reason is that our

supporters are avid, devoted, and

time after time prove it with their

deeds and actions.

To paraphrase Sir Winston

Churchill it is a case of a few doing

so much for so many.

Going the extra mile is what got

us here and will take us into a very

bright future.

I stand in awe of the people who

have chosen this place to work and

the donors who have chosen the

University of Utah Health Sciences

Center to support.


Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean, School of Medicine

[ ]

Page 6: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

K i m b a l l R . R a s m u s s e n

“It’s a combination of what we saw and

what we felt.”

As President and CEO of a successful wholesale electricity cooperative

named Deseret Power, Kimball R. Rasmussen was in search of the best

charitable cause that could provide broad-based benefits to the rural

communities his company serves.

Huntsman Cancer Institute immediately caught his attention because,

he says, “cancer is something that affects everybody, whether you are the

patient or a family member. It seemed like a cause our members could

rally around.”

After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about

the Institute’s mission and programs that he arranged a tour for his board

of directors. These individuals, representing Deseret Power’s cooperatives

from around the state, agreed to support Huntsman Cancer Institute.

“We’ve had 100 percent participation from our members,” says

Rasmussen. “This includes members from rural areas of Utah, people who

don’t have local access to a facility like Huntsman Cancer Institute, and

who understand its value to all of us.”

Since 2001, Deseret Power has donated over $250,000 to support

the Institute’s research and patient care programs. This support has

come from the cooperative’s six member systems, which provide power

to rural customers in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada and Arizona.

The cooperative’s customer base includes companies like Chevron and

Pennzoil, as well as rural communities and utilities. The support has also

come from the company’s executives, many of whom have made separate

donations on their own.

“It’s a combination of what we saw and what we felt,” Rasmussen

says when describing why the board feels so strongly about their support

of the institute. “You get the feeling that if anyone can do it, they can.”

The 50-bed Huntsman Cancer Hospital, adjacent to the research building,

combines state-of-the-art screening, diagnostic and treatment technology

with a beautiful home-like setting. This environment contributes to a

patient’s comfort and sense of hope, which Rasmussen believes provides

the best possibility of healing. “We’re pleased to be a part of that,” he says.

Page 7: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

“Everyone who works herehas the same goal. And that’s to help people with cancer.”

Michele Dabrowski, LCSW,

a clinical oncology social worker

at Huntsman Cancer Institute

(HCI), regards working with

cancer patients and their families

as a privilege. “These people

are at a profound place in their

lives,” Dabrowski says. “It’s an

honor to be a part of that.”

Dabrowski’s attitude reflects

that of her colleagues throughout

HCI. From valets to surgeons,

“The patient comes first in

everything we do,” she contin-

ues. “You can’t tell someone

with cancer, ‘that’s not my job’

if he or she has a significant

problem. You find a way to


This dedication is integral

to the design and structure of

Huntsman Cancer Hospital,

where every detail—from the

large windows with sweeping

views to the business center for

family members—inspires

hope and comfort for those

facing cancer. “We offer patients

state-of-the-art care,” says

Dabrowski. “And we combine it

with very low-tech compassion.”

from cafeteria staff to scientists,

HCI employees understand that

care doesn’t occur solely in an

exam room or hospital bed. It

includes empathy for the jour-

ney cancer patients must make

and a commitment to support

them every step of the way.

“Everyone who works here has

the same goal,” says Dabrowski.

“And that’s to help people

with cancer.”

“Everyone who works herehas the same goal. And that’s to help people with cancer.”

Michele Dabrowski , LCSW,with cancer patient Marilyn Harmer

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Page 8: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

“…offers the right amount

of hope with the proper balance of reality.”

For most basic science

researchers, making a scientific

presentation without the aid

of slides is equivalent to an

airline pilot trying to land at

night without the benefit of

runway lights.

“As scientists, we rely on

the importance of sharing our

data visually with each other.

Lund admits he crashed

and burned in front of patients

more than a few times when

first confronted with a presenta-

tion strategy that is essentially

alien to the laboratory scientist.

But, the former Cambridge

University department chair

and newly named director of

research at the John A. Moran

Eye Center has learned from


While Dr. Lund’s brand of

customer service isn’t typically

valued in the research commu-

nity, it is valued in the patient

community, according to Becky

Andrews. Diagnosed at age

with Retinitis Pigmentosa,

We often use slides as a crutch

believing that the data speaks

for itself,” said Raymond D.

Lund, Ph.D., the Calvin S. and

JeNeal N. Hatch Endowed

Chair holder and professor in

the Department of Ophthalmol-

ogy and Visual Sciences at the

John A. Moran Eye Center.

But, what if the audience

can’t see?

“Presenting scientific infor-

mation to visually impaired

patients is tough. It doesn’t

matter how good your slides

are, the concept of using them

as visual aides is meaningless,

although in the process you

lose an essential crutch. You

have to learn to explain your

work in a new way,” he said.

“…offers the right amount

of hope with the proper balance of reality.”

[ ]

Raymond D. Lund, Ph.D.

Page 9: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Rex Crosland would rather talk about his latest land

development than his eye disease. In fact, he’d rather talk

about anything than his eye disease.

Both he and his wife, Phyllis, were born into strong

farming families in the small central Utah town of

Holden. They admit their relationship had a rocky start.

As Phyllis tells the story, she was milking a cow when

Rex and a friend came by and gave the cow a swift kick.

The startled cow jumped, spilling the milk and knocking

her over. “The two boys felt so guilty that they invited me

to a movie that night. Rex and I have been together ever

since,” she said.

Following a three-year tour-of-duty in the Philippines

during World War II, Rex returned to Utah to begin a

successful career as a businessman and land developer.

He still enjoys making deals and spends a few hours

in the office each day. His latest land development,

Wolf Creek Ranches, features 160 acre lots spread over

14,000 acres in the Uintah Mountains.

A number of years ago, he was diagnosed with

age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of

blindness in Americans over the age of 65. Although the

disease has no cure, new research at the John A. Moran

Eye Center continues to provide evidence that nutrition

plays an important role in slowing down, and possibly

preventing the disease.

Long-time friends of Randall J Olson, M.D., center

director and the John A. Moran Presidential Professor

and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and

Visual Sciences, the Croslands felt compelled to support

the ever expanding research mission of the center.

“I was treated so well by Randy and the staff at the

John A. Moran Eye Center I thought I should do some-

thing. I think our gifts were a bit of a surprise to them,”

said Rex. “We’re proud to be part of such an exciting and

important project.”

Thanks to gifts from donors like the Croslands,

a new 200,000 square foot eye center is set to open

in the summer of 2006. The new space will provide a

greatly expanded outpatient clinic and surgery center,

much needed research laboratory space and most

importantly…room to grow.

R e x a n d P h y l l i s C r o s l a n d

“We’re proud to be part of such an exciting and important project.”

Andrews has slowly lost her

peripheral vision and is now left

with only limited central vision.

Lund’s research into retinal cell

transplantation could one day

benefit her, and her children

and future grandchildren, who

are at risk for the disease.

“Dr. Lund has a unique

ability to connect with patients.

He’s not condescending, he’s

never hurried or irritated by

questions, and he offers the right

amount of hope with the proper

balance of reality. Retinal

diseases are tough, both for the

scientists trying to understand

them and for the patients trying

to cope with them,” she said.

Lund, it turns out, has earned

the respect of both groups.

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Page 10: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

“Do the right thing and we’ll

sort out the rest later.” Chief Flight Nurse Ken Matthews

says that is the unofficial creed of AirMed.

“Do the right thing and we’ll

sort out the rest later.” Chief Flight Nurse Ken Matthews

says that is the unofficial creed of AirMed.

But the skills of the AirMed

staff means “sorting out” is

rarely needed. Flight paramedic

Eric Froerer is one example of

the dedication and compassion

of AirMed personnel.

In , shortly after becom-

ing a Roy Fire Department

paramedic, Eric lost his arm

operating a hay bailer on the

family farm near Huntsville.

AirMed flew him to University


During his five-day hospital

stay, the crew that transported

him visited Eric. It is something

crews do whenever possible.

A few years after returning

to the Roy Fire Department

Froerer saw a flyer advertising

for AirMed flight paramedics.

He thought, “I won’t get a

chance if I don’t try.” Now

he works one day a week

Eric mentioned that he

guessed his dream of being an

AirMed paramedic was over.

The response of “what’s to stop

you?” caught him off-guard.

However, he wasn’t buying it.

But after three months of

learning to use a prosthesis, Eric

decided to give the paramedic

profession another try. But there

was a caveat, he had to do the

complete job himself. “I was

not going to go back to work if

I had to have somebody follow

me around and help me.” He

has some admittedly unique

ways of handling his job, but

he can do everything any other

paramedic can.

Er ic Froerer

Page 11: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

“It’s just pitch black out there,” is how

AirMed pilot Doug Dahl describes night flying

in much of Utah outside the Wasatch Front.

This made AirMed a perfect match for Frances Wattis Burton, a grand

lady who made a habit of penetrating the dark.

She was a product of the depression and survived an often-abusive

father who eventually deserted the family. While her mother struggled

to put food on the table, Frances, the oldest child became an assistant-

mother to her two sisters and brother. Frances’ son Scott says his mother

was “amazingly strong willed with a gentle hand, and a clear vision of the

life she wanted for her children; a life much different from hers.”

She always loved Christmas and the giving that went with it.

Shortly before her death, Frances saw a news story about thermal

imaging cameras and how they could see through smoke.

She saw the life-saving potential and established the Burton Family

Foundation to place a camera in each fire station near the homes of her

five children. Then again through her foundation she located them near

her grandchildren’s homes. When she was finished, over 30 cameras had

been anonymously placed throughout Utah, Arizona and Washington State.

Then she learned there are vast areas in Utah where two-way radios

and cell phones don’t work. That meant AirMed crews

were out of contact, with doctors who can give life-

saving advice and dispatchers whose job it is to worry

about crews on a mission. Again Frances, through the

Burton Family Foundation, provided satellite phones

that virtually eliminated communication black holes.

She then made possible the purchase of infrared

night goggles making night flying safer and providing

the ability to land in places that had been impossible.

Dr. Eric Swanson, AirMed Medical Director, said “with the night vision

goggles and satellite communications, we have really made tremendous

strides in safety.”

Says Dahl, “In the last month I’ve done five missions that would have

been impossible without the goggles.”

F r a n c e s W a t t i s B u r t o n

Doug Dahl

as a Flight Paramedic (all

paramedics are part-time).

And just like the flight

crew that visited him, he is

giving back.

The University Hospital’s

Intermountain Burn Unit asked

Eric to meet a despondent

teenage athlete who lost his arm

after becoming entangled in

a high voltage electrical cable.

Eric visited him frequently and

the teenager is back playing all

those sports he thought he never

would, and is a leader in the

teen burn camp operated by the

burn unit.

Says Eric, “I am part of the

team. It’s a great job here.”

Page 12: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

The University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics is a full service hospital with a

Level One Trauma Center. In the last fiscal year (ending June , ) there were

approximately , outpatient visits and , inpatient admissions. Patients

were treated by physicians and a full-time support staff of , that includes nurses,

administrators, support and service personnel.

The annual budget of $492 million was derived mainly from clinical services

(98%), with 1% coming from gifts, and 1% from the State of Utah.

The College of Nursing graduates

practicing nurses at all levels of

expertise as well as nurses who fill

faculty positions at colleges and

universities in the Intermountain

West and across the country.

The faculty of and staff of

educated undergraduates and

graduate students in /.

The college had an operating

budget of $11.5 million. The State

of Utah and tuition funds provided

50%. The next largest portion, 33%,

came from research grants, while

clinical services and other income

provided 9%, and donations 8%.

The College of Health offers

degrees in seven different disciplines

ranging from Communication

Disorders to Physical and

Occupational Therapy. It is the

largest college in terms of students

at the Health Sciences Center.

, undergraduates and

graduate students were taught by

faculty members and a staff of

in FY .

The college had an annual

operating budget of $10.3 million.

About 78% came from the State of

Utah and tuition revenues. Research

grants accounted for another 12%,

and clinical and other services

provided 6%, and gifts made up 4%.

hospitals and clinics






numbers and f inances

[ ]

James E. Graves, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Health

Richard A. Fullmer

Executive Director, University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics

Maureen R. Keefe, R.N.,


Dean, College of Nursing

Page 13: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

The College of Pharmacy offers

degrees in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics

and Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Pharmacology and Toxicology and

Medicinal Chemistry. To be a

pharmacist requires a Doctorate of

Pharmacy (Pharm.D.).

The college had graduate

students. There were faculty

members and staff in FY .

The college operated on a

budget of $25.4 million. Remarkably,

65% came from research grants.

28% was derived from tuition and

state appropriations, 6% from gifts,

and 1% from other services.

The School of Medicine had undergraduate students,

graduate students, and residents studying to be

medical doctors in . About graduate with their M.D.s

each year. Degrees are also offered in other highly specialized

medical fields such as Physician Assistants.

The school had a budget of $443 million for the fiscal

year. 57% came from clinical and related revenues and

33% from research grants. 6% came from tuition and state

appropriations, and 4% from gifts.

The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library serves the educational, research and

clinical needs of health professionals, students and researchers at the University Health

Sciences Center and throughout the Intermountain West. It is a regional medical library

in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. It is also dedicated to providing

medical information to professionals and lay people throughout the region.

The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library operated on a budget of $4.8 million

and 50% of that came from the State of Utah. Almost 38% came from research money,

6% from gifts, and 6% from revenue producing services the library provides.





[ ]

John W. Mauger, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Pharmacy

Wayne J. Peay

Director, The Spencer S. EcclesHealth Sciences Library

David J. Bjorkman, M.D., M.S.P.H.

Dean, School of Medicine

Page 14: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

David “Bunn�”

RIESERApril , – September ,

“Bunny” was a man with a jokester’s nature, an entrepreneur’s business acumen, the creativity to solve a

problem, an adventurer’s soul, a philanthropist’s heart and a thirst for life. During World War II when his

unit was bogged down by heavy snow, he scavenged the French countryside and came up with the goods

needed to make winter camouflage coveralls. He spent a successful years in ladies retail. Not one to waste

time he learned silver smithing while recovering from a spinal infection that left him paralyzed for two years.

He was a world traveler who approached life with zest, and greeted every day with “It’s great to be alive.”

Evel�n Benowit�

ROSENBLAT TFebruary , – April ,

Evelyn’s interests and, as a result, her generosity covered the spectrum of Utah. She was a

music lover, pianist and a supporter of the arts. She believed low-income family children

deserved quality care and support and used her influence to make that happen. It didn’t

matter if it was quality day-care or immunizations or food on the table, she saw that it

got done. Evelyn, along with her husband Joe, was instrumental in setting up scholarships

and awards that helped students and honored their professors. She has been described as

“The great lady of Utah philanthropy; gracious, supportive and good company.”


KIMBALLMay , – July ,

Ranch was an architect and building contractor,

and his work dots the landscape of northern

Utah. For the Olympics, he helped create the

ski jump in Park City and the West Valley skating

oval. During his career he helped build the Stein

Erickson Lodge, the Triad Center, the Park City

Resort Center and many other notable structures.

He steadfastly insisted that whatever he built fit

into the surrounding environment. He was an

adjunct professor at the University of Utah and

in his early years a concert promoter bringing to

Lagoon legendary acts like The Doors and the

Beach Boys. He used his wide-ranging expertise

to help a variety of community organizations.

Rosemar�BENNINGAugust , – July ,

Rosemary was a very private person. Long time friend Alan

Lipman, using her well-known nickname, says, “Tookie was

a throwback to the old school, a proper and classy lady in

every sense of the word.” She was a strong supporter of the

Humane Society, eventually serving on the National Board of

Directors. Among her Ogden friends she was also known as

one terrific golfer. The left-handed Rosemary won the Ogden

Country Club Ladies Championship in both and .

When her husband Art retired from Amalgamated Sugar

the couple moved to Pebble Beach where Rosemary enjoyed

playing some of the finest golf courses in the world.

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[ ]

Ross R. Anderson, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in SurgeryEstablished by Elliott V. Anderson in Honor of His FatherCHAIR HOLDER: Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D.

ARUP Presidential Endowed ChairCHAIR HOLDER: Carl R. Kjeldsberg, M.D.

D. Keith Barnes, M.D. and Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: Randall W. Burt, M.D.

Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. and D. Keith Barnes, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the College of NursingCHAIR HOLDER: Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN

Grant H. Beckstrand, M.D. and Mildred Burrows BeckstrandPresidential Endowed Chair in Surgical OncologyCHAIR HOLDER: R. Kim Davis, M.D.

H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in Human Molecular Biology and GeneticsCHAIR HOLDER: Stephen M. Prescott, M.D.

H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in NeurologyCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in Obstetrics and GynecologyCHAIR HOLDER: D. Ware Branch, M.D.

H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in RadiologyCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

B. Lue and Hope S. Bettilyon Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes ResearchCHAIR HOLDER: Donald A. McClain, M.D., Ph.D.

Clarence M. and Ruth N. Birrer Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine in Memory of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Nielson, Dr. Karl O. Nielson, Dr. Kenneth A.Nielson, Dr. Paul E. Nielson, and Mr. Douglas W. NielsonCHAIR HOLDER: John R. Hoidal, M.D.

William H. and Patricia W. Child Presidential Endowed Chair Honoring Pioneering Utah Women in MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: Anne G. Osborn, M.D.

Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair in Human GeneticsCHAIR HOLDER: Raymond F. Gesteland, Ph.D.

Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair in NursingCHAIR HOLDER: Ginette A. Pepper, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN

Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby and John E. Bamberger Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences CenterCHAIR HOLDER: Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D.

Annette Poulson Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Women’s and Reproductive HealthCHAIR HOLDER: Patricia Aikins Murphy, CNM,


Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in DermatologyCHAIR HOLDER: Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.

Thomas D. Dee II Presidential Endowed Chair in GeneticsCHAIR HOLDER: Mark F. Leppert, Ph.D.

John A. Dixon, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health SciencesCHAIR HOLDER: Eli Adashi, M.D.

George S. Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair in PharmaceuticsCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

Valois Egbert Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal MedicineChair Holder: Scholar Search in Progress

Wilma T. Gibson Presidential Endowed Chair in PediatricsCHAIR HOLDER: Edward B. Clark, M.D.

George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Family and Preventive MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress


Endowed chairs are supported by endowments at two levels—the million level (Endowed Chair)

and the . million level (Presidential Endowed Chair). The University is honored to be the recipient

of the generous gifts establishing these fully-funded endowed chairs. The Chairs provide key support

to men and women who have distinguished themselves in teaching, research and community service.

Thomas H. Caine, M.D., chair holder of the John Rex and Alice C. Winder Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.

endowed chairsful ly-funded

Page 16: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatric Infectious DiseasesCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

Willard Snow Hansen Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research Established in Loving Memory by His Daughter, Mary BoescheCHAIR HOLDER: David M. Virshup, M.D.

Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in CardiologyCHAIR HOLDER: William H. Barry, M.D.

Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in RheumatologyCHAIR HOLDER: Barry Cole, Ph.D.

Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch Endowed Chair in OphthalmologyCHAIR HOLDER: Raymond D. Lund, Ph.D.

C. Charles Hetzel, Jr., M.D. and Alice Barker Hetzel Presidential Endowed Chair in OtolaryngologyCHAIR HOLDER: Clough Shelton, M.D.

Albert and Margaret Hofmann Endowed Chair in Orthopedic Research, Department of OrthopedicsCHAIR HOLDER: Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D.

Jon M. Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair in Urological Oncology in Honor of Robert A. Stephenson, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Robert A. Stephenson, M.D.

Mark H. Huntsman Endowed Chair in Advanced Medical TechnologiesCHAIR HOLDER: Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D.

Thomas E. and Rebecca D. Jeremy Presidential Endowed Chair for Arthritis ResearchCHAIR HOLDER: H. James Williams, M.D.

August L. (Larry) Jung, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics,University of Utah School of MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

Ralph E. and Willia T. Main Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer ResearchCHAIR HOLDER: Mary Beckerle, Ph.D.

Ann G. and Jack Mark Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: John P. Burke, M.D.

Governor Scott M. Matheson Presidential Endowed Chair in Health Care and Health ManagementCHAIR HOLDER: Richard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.

John A. Moran Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology in Honor of Randall J Olson, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Randall J Olson, M.D.

T. F. H. Morton, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: George L. White, Ph.D.

Louis H. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in NursingEstablished in Loving Memory by His Son, Louis S. Peery, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Maureen R. Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN

Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Orthopedic SurgeryCHAIR HOLDER: Aaron A. Hofmann, M.D.

Louis S. Peery, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Orthopedic SurgeryCHAIR HOLDER: Harold K. Dunn, M.D.

Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in NursingCHAIR HOLDER: Kathi H. Mooney, Ph.D., R.N.

Mary Scowcroft Peery Presidential Endowed Chair Established by Louis S. Peery, M.D. in Loving Memory of His MotherCHAIR HOLDER: Robert T. Burks, M.D.

Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr., M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair by the Division of Respiratory, Critical Care and Occupational Pulmonary MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: Scholar Search in Progress

Glenn and Ben Schmidt/Edgar Endowed Chair in Pediatric NeurologyCHAIR HOLDER: Francis M. Filloux, M.D.

Christi T. Smith Endowed Chair in Cardiology ResearchEstablished by Her Grandparents, Dee Glen and Ida W. SmithCHAIR HOLDER: Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D.

Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith Endowed Chair in Cancer ResearchCHAIR HOLDER: Frank Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.

Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.—Far Eastern Presidential Endowed Chair at the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences LibraryCHAIR HOLDER: Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.

Harold J. (Steve), Ardella T., and Helen T. StevensonPresidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology in Honor of Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.

Ralph and Mary Tuck Endowed Chair in OphthalmologyCHAIR HOLDER: Wolfgang Baehr, Ph.D.

L. George Veasy, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatric CardiologyCHAIR HOLDER: Robert E. Shaddy, M.D.

C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Endowed Chair in Pathology in Honor of Ernst J. Eichwald, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Sherrie L. Perkins, M.D., Ph.D.


Patricia Aikins Murphy, CNM, DrPH, FACNM,

chair holder of the Annette Poulson Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Women’s and Reproductive Health

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Reverend George J. Weber Presidential Endowed Chair in Immunology Established by Edith F. Weber in Honor of Her HusbandCHAIR HOLDER: Raymond A. Daynes, Ph.D.

R. C. Willey Endowed Chair in NeuroradiologyCHAIR HOLDER: H. Ric Harnsberger, M.D.

George and Lorna Winder Presidential Endowed Chair in NeuroscienceCHAIR HOLDER: Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D.

John Rex and Alice C. Winder Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.CHAIR HOLDER: Thomas H. Caine, M.D.

Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: James P. Kushner, M.D.

K. C. Wong, M.D., Ph.D., Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Anesthesiology, University of UtahCHAIR HOLDER: Talmage D. Egan, M.D.

Joseph J. Yager Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of MedicineCHAIR HOLDER: William T. Couldwell, M.D.


Rodney H. and Carolyn H. Brady Presidential Endowed Chair in Hematology/Oncology in Honor of John H. Ward, M.D.

David G. and Marcia P. Bragg Endowed Chair in Oncologic Imaging

Ezekiel R. Dumke, Jr. and Katherine W. Dumke Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine

Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics (1)

Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics (2)

Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates Dean’s Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery

Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates PresidentialEndowed Chair for the Advancement of Medical Education

Val A. and Edith D. Green Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology

John and June B. Hartman Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology

Dr. Nymphus Frederick Hicken, Alta Thomas Hicken, and Margarete Stahl Wilkin Hicken Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive Medicine

Bruce and Patty Miller Endowed Chair in Radiology in Honor of David G. Bragg, M.D.

Michael T. and Taylor Miller Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center

Anne Osborn and Ronald E. Poelman Presidential Endowed Chair in Radiology

Dr. Don Merrill Rees Endowed Chair in the Division of Infectious Diseases for the Investigation of Vector Borne Diseases

Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Presidential Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging

Dr. Leo T. Samuels and Barbara K. Samuels Presidential Endowed Chair in Biochemistry

Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research

Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division of General Internal Medicine in Honor of John H. Holbrook, M.D.

Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences (1)

Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences (2)

Richard L. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine

William H. and Edna D. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine Established by Richard L. Stimson in Honor of His Parents


Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research

Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research

Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (1)

Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (2)

Endowed Chair in Neurology

Endowed Chair in Pharmacy

Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine

Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology

Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology

Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics


Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D., chair holder of the Christi T. Smith

Endowed Chair in Cardiology Research Established by Her Grandparents,

Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith

Page 18: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

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The Utah Telehealth Network

increased its service throughout Utah helped

significantly by a , grant from the

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation.

The network now enables the University to

instantly provide expertise, services and resources

to , mostly rural, locations throughout Utah.

The University of Utah’s Department

of Family and Preventive Medicine

is the nation’s No. family medicine department in grants

from National Institutes of Health.

The University of Utah College of Pharmacy established its

first endowed presidential chair. It was named the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles

Presidential Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics in recognition of the . million gift

that made the chair possible. It will be used to attract a top researcher and teacher as

the new chair of the Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

The American Board of Radiology

rates the University of Utah School of Medicine as having

the number one diagnostics radiology residency curriculum

out of programs graded. For a new doctor wanting to

be a radiologist there is no better place to serve a residency.

Kevin R. Moore, M.D., assistant professor of radiology and

residency director, says the last class had applicants for

five available positions.

Richard I. Dorsky, Ph.D.,

assistant professor of neurobiology and

anatomy, has been named a Pew Scholar in

the Biomedical Sciences—one of only

researchers nationwide to receive the honor.

The , prize will further his study of

nervous system development. The awards

are designed to support young investigators

of outstanding promise.

Page 19: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

extra mileg o i n g t h e

University of Utah endocrinologist

E. Dale Abel, M.D., Ph.D., has received a five-year . million

grant from the National Institutes of Health to study how

obesity makes the heart resistant to insulin. Sheldon E. Litwin,

M.D., cardiologist and associate professor of internal medicine,

is a co-investigator. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas,

regulates the heart’s ability to process fatty acids, glucose,

proteins and other substances.

Preventive action against carpal tunnel syndrome

should be the result of a million grant shared by researchers at the University of

Utah School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin. The National Institute

for Occupational Safety and Health award is for identifying risk factors for carpal

tunnel and tennis elbow. The grant is the largest of its kind ever given, says Kurt T.

Hegmann, M.D., M.P.H., the study’s epidemiologist and co-principal investigator.

Genes that predispose

some people to melanoma,

the deadliest type of skin cancer, are

being investigated by researchers at the

University of Utah School of Medicine

under a . million grant from the National

Cancer Institute. The study will ultimately

help develop melanoma screening and

diagnostic tools. Principal investigator

Lisa Cannon-Albright, Ph.D., professor of

medical informatics, leads the research team.

Previous research by some team members

produced the first definite evidence that there

is an inherited susceptibility to melanoma.

If you would like to financially support the students, researchers, professors

and caregivers at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center please

contact us, and we will give you whatever information and assistance you require.

Phone: - -

Toll Free: ---

Fax: --

email: [email protected]

Visit our website at:

Page 20: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


Clarence H.* Albaugh, M.D. and

Estelle* Albaugh

Margaret Allen Amundsen*

Elliott V. Anderson*

G. W. and Lee Anderson

M. Russell and Barbara Ballard

D. Keith* Barnes, M.D. and

Ida May “Dotty”* Barnes, R.N.

Dr. Grant H.* and

Mildred Burrows* Beckstrand

A. E.* and Rosemary* Benning

H. A.* and Edna* Benning

B. Lue* and Hope S.* Bettilyon

Clarence* and Ruth N.* Birrer

Mary H. Boesche*

Rodney H. and

Carolyn Hansen Brady

J. Gordon* and Betty* Browning

Kenneth P.* Burbidge, Jr. and

Sally R. Burbidge

William H. and Patricia W. Child

Carmen M. Christensen

Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby*

Ian M. and Annette P. Cumming

The Thomas D. Dee II Family

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Dumke

Katherine W. and E. R. Dumke, Jr.

Joe and Alexandra Dwek

George S.* and

Dolores Doré* Eccles

Valois Egbert*

Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay

Dr. Claudius Y.* and

Catherine B.* Gates

Val A.* and Edith D. Green

Drs. George D.* and

Esther S.* Gross

John* and June B. Hartman

Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch

Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr.

and Alice B.* Hetzel

Dr. William I. and Setsuko Higuchi

Dr. Aaron A. and

Suzanne Hofmann

Jon and Karen Huntsman

Dr. Webster S. S. and Alice L.* Jee

Thomas E.* and

Rebecca D.* Jeremy

Joseph H. Kelley and

Esther J.* Kelley

Edwin L.* and Grace G. Madsen

Ralph E.* and Willia T.* Main

Jack* and Ann* Mark

Michael T.* and Taylor Miller

John A. Moran

Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn

James Packer

The Kerry Packer Family

Dr. Louis S.* and Janet B.* Peery

In Memory of Terri Anna Perine

Ronald E. Poelman and

Anne G. Osborn, M.D.

A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts

totaling million or more to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.

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Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck

Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees

Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice

Bertram H. and

Janet Marshall Schaap

L. S. and Aline W. Skaggs

Ida W. Smith and Dee Glen* Smith

Ryan, Scott and Nicholas Smith

Theodore and

Mary Ann Stanley and Sons

Harold J. and Eleanor Eccles Steele

Harold J.*, Ardella T.*, and

Helen T.* Stevenson

Grace E. Stilwell*

Richard L. Stimson

Arthur and Haru Toimoto

Mary M. Tuck*

Keith A. and Amy Van Horn

C. Scott and Dorothy E.* Watkins

Reverend George J.* and

Edith F.* Weber

Dr. Orson W.* and Dora D.* White

George* and Lorna* Winder

John Rex* and Alice C.* Winder

Dr.* and Mrs.* Maxwell M.


Joseph J. Yager*


Abbott Laboratories Fund

ALSAM Foundation

American Cancer Society

Associated Regional and

University Pathologists

(ARUP Laboratories)

Associated University

Pathologists, Inc.

Val A. Browning Foundation

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

Ciba-Geigy Corporation

The Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis

Dumke Foundation

George S. and Dolores Doré

Eccles Foundation

Marriner S. Eccles Foundation

Willard L. Eccles

Charitable Foundation

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation

FHP Foundation

Fidelity Investments

Charitable Fund

Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Huntsman Cancer Foundation

Huntsman Corporation Employees

Intermountain Health Care

Emma Eccles Jones Foundation

W. M. Keck Foundation

Jack D. and Grace F. Madson


Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis


Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust

G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers


The Estate of

Thomas C. Mathews, Jr.

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation

Primary Children’s Foundation

Pediatric Research Fund

Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.

Ross Products Division

Abbott Laboratories

Stanley Research Foundation

The Thrasher Research Fund

Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation

Worth of a Soul Foundation


Page 22: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


William E.* and

Caroline Strom* Allen

Echomae Anderson*

John W. Athens, M.D. and

Georgia R. Athens

Fred F.* and Freida Lee Auerbach

Reed W. Brinton

Elbert F.* and Marie* Christensen

Joseph T. Crockett, M.D.*

Margaret Cronkite*

Leslie W. Davis*

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Droschkey

Gordon E. Drummond*

The Spencer S. Eccles Family

Lockwood W.* and

Dorothy B.* Ferris

Alan and Beverly Frank

Simon* and Suzanne* Frank

Wilma T. Gibson*

Jack* and Marjorie R.* Goodman

and Family

Gayle R. Gordon*

Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and

Dorothy B.* Hetzel

Dr. N. Frederick* and

Margarete Hicken

Dr. D. Rees* and

Eleanor T.* Jensen

Skip and Kimberly Klintworth

Dr. Leland O.* and

Avanelle W.* Learned

T. G. “Bud” and Barbara Mahas

Bruce and Patty Miller

G. Mitchell and June M. Morris

Sherman R.* and

Marjorie E.* Oblad

Dr. Randall J and Ruth Olson

Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D. and

Anne J. Parker

Esther Pritchard*

Mary Louise and Ben E.* Rawlings

Rudolph P.* and Edna S.* Reese

Dr. Leo T.* and Barbara K. Samuels

Helene Druke Shaw*

Lillian Rich Simister*

David R. and Susan B. Spafford

Dr. Ewart A.* and

Grace P.* Swinyard

The Thurzal Q.* Terry Family

Stephen A. and Elaine Wynn

Olive S. Young*



A. H. Robins Company, Inc.

American Registry of Pathology

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

R. Harold Burton Foundation

Ciba Specialty Chemicals

Deseret Management Corporation

Dialysis Research Foundation

Max C. Fleischmann Foundation

Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.

John C. and Bliss L. Hubbard


Jon and Karen Huntsman


Kennecott Corporation

Merck & Co., Inc.

Pfizer, Inc.

Pharmacia & Upjohn

Pharmacia, Inc.

Pharmacia Ophthalmics

Picker International, Inc.

Salt Lake Organizing


Schering Plough Research Institute

Skaggs Companies, Inc.

Symbion, Inc.

TheraTech, Inc.

United States Olympic Committee

University Hospital Auxiliary

Utah Lions’ Eye Bank

A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts

totaling , –, to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.

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[ ]




Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and

Joan C. Critchlow, M.D.

Merle Ashton*

Lydia B. Barkley

M. Bastian Family

Dr. R. David and Mary Beth Beck

Calvin A.* and

Hope Fox Eccles* Behle

George and Phee Belsey

Dr. Eric R. Biedermann

Lawrence W. and Barbara A. Birrer

Lamont G. and Reva A. Blackhurst

John and Toni Bloomberg

Mark M. Boucek, M.D.

H. Roger and Sara S. Boyer

John H.* and Orah* Brandt

Melvin T.*, Jean R.* and

Fern B. Briggs

Calvin Reed Brown, M.D.

R. Harold* and

Maybelle Covey* Burton

Dona Call*

Dr. Justin D. and

Barbara Weaver Call Family

Louis H. and Ellen G. Callister

Warren* and Jessica* Cannon

George W.* and Beatrice B.* Carter

Robert S. and Beth M.* Carter

Robert R.* and Vera S.* Cederlof

Frank L. Christensen*

Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen

Joseph C. Clark, Jr.*

Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark

Edward W.* and Betty J.* Clyde

Earl L. Cochran*

Floyd and Mary Anne Cooper

Dr. Alan and Margaret Crandall

Leota Craner*

Rex and Phyllis Crosland

Irwin Curtis

Cheryl B. Dalley

Charlene J. Davis*

Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.

David A. Dolowitz, M.D.* and

Frances Dolowitz* and Family

Dr. Raymond C. and

Bobbie Doucette

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer F. Eccles

Willard L.* and Ruth P.* Eccles

Henry W. and Leslie M. Eskuche

The William C. Fagergren Family

Mary Marshall Fitch*

David L.* and Blanche E.* Freed

Eldon L.* and Winona A.* Frost

David P. and Sheila S. Gardner

Thomas and Anna Gerrity

James Craig and Pamela D. Gilbert

John B. and Geraldine W. Goddard

Reece and

Shirley Ann Stobbe Goodrich

Perry and Marty Granoff

James F.* and Joyce E. Harris

Lawrence Harvey*

Nancy Eccles* and

Homer M. Hayward

Darlene H. Hobson

Mr.* and Mrs.* James E. Hogle, Sr.

Alvilda N. Taylor Hooper*

Jeff and Stacy Hornacek

P. Dan and Kim W. Huish

Gloria N. and

Richard A. Irion, M.D.

Ellis and Katie Ivory

Hilga L. Johnson*

J. George* and Velma Rife* Jones

Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D.

The Robert A. Judelson Family

In Loving Memory of

Amy Sue Kanner

Robert D.* Kent, Jr. and

Carma Rae Kent

Ranch Snow* and

Josephine S. Kimball

Edward C. Klatt, M.D.

Diane G. Kolff

Janke C. H. Kolff

Willem J. Kolff, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kuramoto

Larry S. and

Marilyn A. Larkin Family

Janet Quinney Lawson

George Allen* and

Merline C. Leaming

Leonard J. and Lois Lewis

M. Scott Linscott, M.D. and

Nora L. Linscott

Allan M. Lipman, Jr. and

Kay W. Lipman

Steven J. and Kalleen Lund

and Family

Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter

Alexander “Tuffy”* and

Anne* Mark

Dr. John H. and

Helen M.* Marsden

A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts

totaling , –, to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.

Page 24: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

In Memory of

Thomas Kearns McCarthey

Richard L. and Joanne S. McGillis

Nick* and Dale Meagher

Dr. Drew B.* and

Utahna B.* Meilstrup

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mellott

Herbert I.* and Elsa B.* Michael

Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller

Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills

Donald and Barbara Moore

In Memory of

Benjamin Edward Moran

Vernal J. and Anora Mortensen

Don and Joy Nelson

Paul E. Nielson*

Shirley Norton*

Elinor Oakes*

Dr. William D. and

Margaret F. Odell

Gordon M. and Marcia Olch

H. Glenn* and Geraldine W. Olson

William H.* and

Margaret D.* Olwell

Pauline Clyde Pace

Dr. Virgil J. and

Jacquelyn A. Parker

Dr. James L. and Bonnie D. Parkin

Dr. Dinesh C. and Kalpana Patel

Gus and Barbara Paulos

Wayne J. Peay

Wanda Peccole

Sara H. Perry*

Audrey Noall Peterson

Jane Dooly Porter

Betty F. Probst

Arlene O. and

Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.

Dr. J. Charles and Jasmine F. Rich

Bunny* and Martha* Rieser Family

Jack R.* and Hazel M. Robertson

Josephine F. and J. Mark Rose

Joseph* and Evelyn* Rosenblatt

Herbert D. Ruttenberg, M.D.

Max T. Sabour

Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly

Mildred C. Schwedler*

Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott

Dorothy L. Shields*

Winston B. Shipp*

David E. and Melinda Simmons

Glen M.* and Josephine C.* Sims

Jay A.* and Ruth Smart

In Memory of

Wayman R. Spence, M.D.

Carlyle F. Stout, M.D.*

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Symond

Barbara Tallmadge, R.N.

Karen Lee and Mickey Taylor

Alice G. Telford

Marilyn S. Tennity*

Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry

Dr. Michael P. and Mary Jane Teske

E. Parry and Peggy C. Thomas

Lorrane Tyndale*

LeGrand Uffens, D.D.S.

Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss

Dr. John L. and

Susan Wintrobe Walker

Ruth S. Walker* and

Elizabeth Steed Walker*

John M.* and

Glenn Walker* Wallace

Maurice* and Inez* Warshaw

Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D.

Trent H., Jr. and Mary Wells

M. Harve Williams*

Harold H. Wolf, Ph.D. and

Joan S. Wolf, Ph.D.

Elliott Mitchell* and

Judith W. Wolfe

Howard* and Elinor Wolff

Dr. Harry C. and Jean A. Wong

In Memory of Don W. Wortley





Adeza Biomedical Corporation

ADR Ultrasound


Alcon Laboratories, Inc.

Allergan, Inc.

Allergan Medical Optics

The Amalgamated Sugar Company

Amaric Corporation

American Cyanamid Company

American Express Foundation

American Express

Philanthropic Program

American Health Assistance


American Iron & Steel Institute

American Medical Association

American Society of Cataract and

Refractive Surgery

American Stores Company


Applied Informatics

Aris Vision, Inc.

Ashton Family Foundation

Astra USA, Inc.


Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Jacob E. Bamberger

Memorial Foundation

Ruth Eleanor and

John Ernest Bamberger

Memorial Foundation

Bankers Trust Company

BD Matching Gift Program

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

Becton Dickinson Foundation

Beneficial Life Insurance Company

Berlex Laboratories, Inc.

Edward L. Burton Foundation

Burton Family Foundation


Capintec, Inc.

The Castle Foundation

Christina Foundation, Inc.

Cisco Systems

Citadel Communications


Joseph C. Clark, Jr. Estate

The Commonwealth Fund

CPEC, Inc.

CTRC Research Foundation

Cura Capital Corporation

Annie Taylor Dee Foundation

L. T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation

Delta Air Lines

Deseret News Publishing Company

Deseret Power

Page 25: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]



Deutsche Bank

Katherine W. and Ezekiel R.

Dumke, Jr. Foundation

Educational Resource

Development Council (ERDC)

Enka Glanzstoff AG

Expression Genetics, Inc.

F. Fox and L. Samuels

Foundation, Inc.

Far Eastern Foundation

First Security Bank of Utah

The Fluor Foundation

The Foundation Fighting Blindness

Franklin Covey

Friends of

Huntsman Cancer Institute

The Helene Fuld Health Trust

Gears Transmission &

Drivetrain Repair

Geoli Investment Company

The J. Paul Getty Trust


Glenwood, Inc.

The Good Works Institute, Inc.

Greg Krueger Lincoln Mercury

John A. Hartford Foundation

Cora T. Hayward Educational Trust

HCM Graphic Systems, Inc.

Huish Detergents

ICI Americas, Inc.

IOLAB Corporation

IVAC Corporation

Janssen Research Foundation

Kresge Foundation

The Kroc Foundation

Janet Quinney Lawson Foundation

LDS Hospital

Lipocine Inc.

MacroMed, Inc.

Marconi Medical Systems

Mark Family Foundation

The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott


Mayo Clinic

McNeil Consumer Products


Mead Johnson & Company

Medforte Research Foundation

Medtronic Sofamor

Danek Management, Inc.

Medtronic Sofamor

Danek USA, Inc.

Menley & James Laboratories, Ltd.

Merck Sharp & Dohme

Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Mark and Kathie Miller


Mountain Bell Foundation

Murex Foundation

National Basketball Association

National Multiple Sclerosis

Society—Utah Chapter

Norwich Eaton

Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals


O. C. Tanner Company

Organon, Inc.

Orthopedic Surgery Seminars, Inc.

PacifiCorp Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard


Parent Project for Muscular

Dystrophy Research

Pepsi-Cola Company

Pfizer Foundation

Samuel C. and Myra G. Powell


The Procter & Gamble Company

Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute

S. J. and J. E. Quinney Foundation

Radionics, Inc.

Radionuclides in Nephrology

Reaud Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Research Industries Corporation

Research Medical Incorporated

Richards Memorial Medical


Robert Whyte—

Audant Pty. Limited

Ross Laboratories

RSNA Research and Education


Salt Lake Buzz

Samyang Corporation

Sandoz, Inc.

Schwarz Pharma AG

Searle Research & Development

Shionogi & Company, Ltd.

Siemens-Elema Ventilator Systems

Signetics Corporation

SmithKline Beckman Corporation

SmithKline Beecham Foundation

SmithKline Beecham


Sorenson Development, Inc.

St. Mark’s Hospital


Research Institute

Stewart Education Foundation,

Elizabeth Dee Shaw Stewart

Stichting Benevolentia Foundation

StorageTek Foundation

Storz Instrument Company

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Surdna Foundation

Swire Coca-Cola, USA

Clark L. Tanner Trust

Terumo Corporation

Tiger Oil Company

Triton Biosciences, Inc.

TRW, Inc.

Union Pacific Corporation

Union Pacific Employee

Matching Gift Program

Union Pacific Foundation

United Way of the

Great Salt Lake Area

University of Utah

Department of Radiology

University of Utah Hospital

University of Utah

Neuropsychiatric Institute

U S West

The Utah Autism Foundation

Utah Lions’ Foundation

Utah Pain Research Foundation

Utah Power & Light Company

Utah Showdown

Volunteer Services/

University Hospital

Warner-Lambert Company

Maurice Warshaw Foundation

Wasatch Property Management

Wells Fargo

Western Institute of


Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories

Zions First National Bank

Zions Management

Page 26: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

F O U N D E R SA distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathedgifts totaling $50,000–$99,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.

Sam and Kathleen Alacano

The Peggy Lynn Aldrich Family

Dr. Richard Lee and Susan Anderson

Nicholas D. and Avis Badami

Cindy and Mitchell F. Barney, M.D.

The A. Kyle* and Lael S. Bettilyon Family

Fraser and Jennifer Bullock

Barbara Burnett

Dr. Nelson A. and Amy Burton

Marjorie J. Campbell

Dr. George Eastman* and Helene Cartwright

Dr. Kenneth B.* and Heloise Snow Armstrong* Castleton

F. W. “Wint” Champ*

Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff*

Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cowley

Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Curtis

Dr. Candace Cartwight Dee and Thomas D. Dee III

John E. Edwards*

William K. and Fern H. England

Gail Fawcett

Jessie* and Patrick* Fitzgerald

Fay Fletcher

Kendall D.* and Betty M. Garff

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A. Godfrey

Bernard I. Grosser, M.D. and Karen J. McArthur

Ernest W. Hahn*

Margaret Harrop*

Mary E. Hercik*

Robert H. Hinckley, Jr. and Janice S. Hinckley

Ryan, Tyler and Abby Hornacek

Bruce* and Maria K. Houtchens

Nancy C. and Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.

Blaine and Nancy Huntsman

Dr. Richard E. Hurley*

Gleason W. Irwin*

Dr. and Mrs. George G. Jackson

Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and Ruth A. Kurzbauer

Ann A. and Leonard W.* Jarcho

John W.* and Helen B.* Jarman

Jody and Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.

Kenneth and Noriene Jee

Edith M. Jennings*

Joseph S.* and Marjorie A. Jones

Donald Kalman

Richard E. Kanner, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs.* Richard H. Keller

Dr. Carl R. and Gillean M. Kjeldsberg

Neil and Edie Kochenour

Gerald G. Krueger and Melissa M. Weidner

Kihong Kwon, M.D.

The Jerome J. Landa Family

Max B., Virginia E.* and Karen V. Lewis

H. William Lichtenberger

Mr.* and Mrs. Edmund Wattis Littlefield

Marcia J. Litzinger, M.D.

Dr. Robert E.* and Evelyn M.* Long

Arch L.* and Margaret D. H.* Madsen

Rick Majerus

Bob and Debi Marshall and Family

W. P.* and Barbara J. Marshall

Margaret May*

Robert B. Mee*

Richard D. Movitz

Elizabeth Neiberger

Alma Nemir*

Helga Kolb and Richard Normann.

Peggy A. Norton, M.D.

Dr. Alex G.* and Bess Oblad

Emerald Odom*

Dan O’Laurie*

Larue Olsen

Stanley C. Olsen

Raymond R. Peterson and Judith C. Peterson

Dr. Stephen and Susan Prescott

Marjorie Riches-Gunn

David Rose*

Amos A. Sargent*

Marigold N. Saunders*

Harris H. and Amanda P. Simmons

Harry S. Sloane*

Victoria Rees* and Kelly W. Smith, M.D.

R. Sterling and Marilyn F. Spafford

Don and Sandy Stanutz

Dr. William* and Ruth K.* Stone

R. Anthony Sweet

Dr. Robert L. and Terrie Hillier Treft

Dr. Frank H.* and Alida W. Tyler

Pamela C. and Ronald L.* Urry, Ph.D.

Keith and Susan Warshaw

Maysie Eccles Watts

Dr. Lawrence and Delores M. Weaver

Dr. Ray and Joan White

Dr. Neal Whitman

Emerson C. Willey*

Kenneth L. Williams Family

LaVonda B. and Glenn C.* Wilson, M.D.

Dr. Burke L. and Helen H. Winget




Alcoa Foundation

Alcon Research, Ltd.

Alcon Surgical, Inc.

American Drug Stores, Inc.

American Epilepsy Society

American Kidney Fund

American Medical Optics

Apple Computer, Inc.

Applied Technology, Inc.

Arthritis Foundation, Utah/Idaho Chapter



Bamberger-Allen Foundation

Barnes Hind, Inc.

Bausch & Lomb

Bingham Canyon Lions Club


Boart Longyear

Boston Scientific Corporation

BP Amoco Foundation

BP Employee Matching Fund

Bridgemar Research Foundation

The Buffett Foundation

C. R. England, Inc.

Cadwell Laboratories, Inc.

Edward G. Callister Foundation

Robert S. Carter Foundation

Century of The Rocky Mountains

Chugai Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd.

Clear Channel Communications

Colorado State University Foundation

Control Data Corporation

Conwed Foundation


The Cottonwood Hospital Medical Center

Criticare Systems, Inc.

DAV Thrift Stores Trustees

Deloitte & Touche

Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad

Deseret Medical, Inc.

Deseret Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Devine Racing, LLC

Devonshire Foundation

Diateck Medical Technology Incorporated

Digital Equipment Corporation

Dow Chemical Company

Dow Corning Corporation


EC Charitable Unitrust


Ethicon, Inc.

Fairchild-Martindale Foundation

First Security Bank of Idaho

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Grand Aerie, F.O.E. #

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladies Auxiliary

Fred Meyer

Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc.

General Electric Medical Systems

Geneva Steel

Glenbrook Laboratories

Grand Central Stores

Gus Paulos Chevrolet-Geo, Inc.

William H. and Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation

Helms Foundation, Inc.

Henriksen/Butler Design Group

Hereditary Nephritis Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Company, Inc.

Hoggan Health Industries, Inc.

Holy Cross Ministries

HOWA Construction, Inc.

Howard Foundation

Huntsman Cancer Institute Employees

Insutech, Inc.

Intermedics Intraocular, Inc.

Iomed, Inc.

Jewish Community Federation

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

Kenneth E. and Becky H. Johnson Foundation

Kabi Pharmacia

Kearns-Tribune Corporation

Kidney Foundation of the Netherlands


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 27: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

compassion[ ]

Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Kolmar Laboratories, Inc.

Ladies Auxiliary VFW

Layton Construction Company, Inc.

Lucerne Products, Inc.

The Lymphoma Foundation

M. J. DiBiase/Simmons Contracting

Marion Laboratories, Inc.

Markle Foundation

Marnell Corrao Associates, Inc.

Marnell Foundation

MC Technology, Inc.

Merz & Co. GMBH & Company

Mountain Fuel Supply Company

The National Neurofibromatosis Foundation, Inc.

Netherlands Heart Association

New York Community Trust

NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Nycomed Amersham

Ralph Nye Charitable Foundation

Orthopedic Specialty Clinic

Osco Drug, Inc.

PacifiCorp Foundation for Learning

Parke Davis & Company

G & L Pfeiffer Research Foundation

James Picker Foundation

Questar Corporation


Reader’s Digest Foundation

Junior E. and Blanche B. Rich Foundation

Roche Laboratories

The Ryan Foundation

Salt Lake City Marriott

Salt Lake Clearing House

Salt Lake Regional Medical Center

Sandoz Foundation

Selway Foundation

Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.

Sierra West Jewelers

Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Simmons Family Foundation

Smith’s Management Corporation

Square D Foundation

Staar Surgical Company

The Standard Oil Company

State University of New York Foundation

Swire Bottlers, Inc.

Syntex Laboratories, Inc.


TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.

Telios Pharmaceuticals

Travenol Laboratories, Inc.

Harriet D. Travis Foundation

United Way of Northern Utah

University of California San Francisco

University of Chicago

U.S. Elite Coaches Association/Women’s Gymnastics

Utah Idaho Sugar Company

Utah Open

Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy

Vanguard Media

William Volker Fund

Welfide Corporation

Winthrop Pharmaceuticals

Workers Compensation Fund of Utah


Zimmer Jackson Associates

D I S T I N G U I S H E DP R E S I D E N T ’ S C L U BA distinction applied to members of the President’s Club who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling $25,000–$49,999 to the University of Utah HealthSciences Center.

Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN

John Nels Anderson, M.D.

John R. and Karen J. Anderson

Norman S. Anderson, M.D. and Virginia W. Anderson

Marvin L. and Lynn Arent

Mr. and Mrs. W. Melbourne Armstrong

Haven J. and Bonnie Rae* Barlow

Janette C. Hales Beckham

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bennett

David L. Berliner, M.D.

Denise E. and Jack Bernhisel

Dr. and Mrs. A. Lorris Betz

Jack Binion

F. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., MSPH* and Robert E. Froelich, M.D.

Donald R. Bowes

Albert E. and Margaret Bradbury

Eleanor T. Brady*

Edith Brinn

Helena A. Brinton*

Lorna Siddoway Broadbent

Dr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Brooke

Calvin Buhler, M.D.

Drs. Vern L. and Bonnie* Bullough

Leola C. Burr

Conrad S. Carlson*

Richard Cawthon, M.D.

Howard and Betty Clark

Lyman L. Cromer*

Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Curtis

Drs. Antonio G. and Maria Cutillo

Mary Middleton Dahl, M.D. and Douglas S. Dahl, M.D.

David Dayton and Vanessa Dayton, M.D.

James H. Devries

Loren and Willena G.* Ellison

In Memory of Jacquelyn Marie Erbin, M.D.

Kevin Finnegan, M.D., Ph.D.

Joan B. and John H. Firmage

Jefferson B.* and Rita E. Fordham

Thomas Frank

John W. “Jack” and Grace Mary* Gallivan

Connie L. Gardner

Dr. Reed M. and Jacqueline C. Gardner

Senator and Mrs. Jake Garn

Frederic A. Gibbs, Sr.

In Memory of Lowell A. Glasgow, M.D.

Evelyn R. Gootee*

Paul and Ann Green

John H. Haines, M.D.

Wesley G. Harline, M.D. and Family

J. Floyd and Carol L. Hatch

Clyde M. and Gail T. Heiner

Guy W.* and Marie* Heric

James N. Herron, Ph.D. and Lynne A. Herron

Frank G. Hickey

Karen Hillier, RRT

John L. Hinds

Jerald C. Hinshaw, Ph.D.

Kenneth W. Horch, Ph.D.

Phil and Gloria Horsley

Richard K. Hughes, M.D.

Chris M. and Mary Kay Harper Ireland

Dr. and Mrs. Newton R. Jackson

Dr. William S.* and Jane H. Jordan

Barbara F. Kampen

Ilan and Linda Kaufthal

Evelyn R. Kibbe*

Kristine Knutson, Ph.D.

Therus C. Kolff, M.D., M.P.H.

Dona Krueger

Dr. Stephen A.* and Josette M.* Kuby

Peter Quinney Lawson

Barbara and Frank Layden

David S. and Julie Layton

Xiao Jian Li, M.D.

Arthur G. Lipman, Pharm.D. and Representative Patrice M. Arent

John L. Loeb, Jr.

Jack Lunt*

Patrick Lyons

Don A. and Marjorie W. Mackey

Vincent P. and Janet Mancini

Helen C. Marsh*

Willard Z. Maughan, M.D. and Rona Lee Maughan

John G. and Anna Marie McMillian

James C. McRea, Ph.D.

Dr. A. Wayne Meikle and Sharon Woodruff Meikle

Charles E. Merrill*

Grant W.* and Marsha B.* Midgley

Harold W. and Lois Freimuth Milner

Art U.* and Blanche T.* Miner

David E. Moody, Ph.D.

Edward B. and Barbara C.Moreton

Frederick A. Moreton, Jr. and Lucy Wilkins Moreton

Chase Morsey, Jr.

In Loving Memory of Forrest C. Mueller

Lillian M. Nail, Ph.D., APRN, FAAN

Thomas L. and Dolores Powell Nickens

Kenneth H. Olsen

Lester G.* and Reva P.* Olson

J. W. “Bill” and Wanda Pace

Lonnie E. Paulos, M.D.

Robert Kenneth Pedersen

Wesley J. and Susan F. Phillips

Constance Pickell*

Dr. and Mrs. George C. Pingree

Donald L.* and Suzanne N. Pisciotta



Page 28: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Barbara B. Prince

Mildred D. Quinn*

Kathryn Ramsey*

Dr. Grant M. Reeder*

J. Richard Rees, M.D.

Helen Winters Reynolds*

Winifred Rollo*

Duane E. Ruffner

Dan C. and Manon Caine Russell

Frank A. Schreck

Rebecca R. Setterberg

Shabnam R. and Udipi R. Shettigar, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs.* Clifford C. Snyder

M. Paul Southwick, M.D. and Beverly Brockbank* Southwick

Mary Ellen B. and Edward G. Southwick, M.D.

Mary S. and Sam W. Souvall

Gwen G. Stansberry, M.D.

Richard R. Steiner

Mano Swartz

David P. Synhorst, M.D.

Floyd Tyler Tanner

Ann Jarcho Thomas and J. Robert* Thomas

H. E. and Joyce A. Tornquist

Clyde and Vera Turner

Edward M. Vietti*

I. J. and Jeanne* Wagner

M. Walker and Susan R. Wallace

Dr. and Mrs.* James C. Warenski

Dorothy A. White, M.D.

Donald M. Willey and Joleen S. Willey

Carl T. Wittwer, M.D., Ph.D.

In Memory of Blaine O. Wood

Mari Lou Wood

Dr. J. Walter and Betty G. Woodbury

Virginia Latses Zambukos*

Buddy and Julie Zarbock

A. Robert Zeff

Barbara Zimonja and Richard Pack


Acuson Corporation

Advanced Medical Optics

Alberta Heritage Foundation

Allegiance Healthcare Corporation

Alliant Techsystems, Inc.

The Allstate Foundation

Alza Corporation

American Critical Care

American Express Travel Related Services

American Hoechst Corporation

American Industrial Hygiene Foundation

American Intraocular Implant Society

American Occupational Medical Association

American Pharmaceutical Association

Amirsys, Inc.

Auxiliary Nursing Care Trust

Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Becton Dickinson Vascular Access, Inc.

Beecham Laboratories

Bergen Brunswig Corporation

The Bertex Foundation, Inc.

Bertin Family Foundation

Binion’s Horseshoe Hotel & Casino

Biogen Research Corporation

Biomed Research Institute of New Mexico

BLT Trust

Boehringer Ingelheim, Ltd.

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Rodney H. and Carolyn Hansen Brady Foundation

Brencanda Foundation

Brigham Medical Clinic, Inc.

Brighton Bank

Brookside Animal Hospital

Century Steel, Inc.

Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund

Chiron Corporation

Cirque Du Soleil, U.S., Inc.

Clay Adams Division of Becton-Dickinson & Company

Clipped Wings, U A

CoCensys, Inc.

Columbia Charitable Foundation

Controlled Therapeutics Corporation

Cooper Laboratories, Inc.

Coronary Heart Disease Research

Crescent Cardboard Company

Dain Rauscher, Inc.

Dale Barton Agency

Damon Runyon–Walter Winchell Cancer Fund

Davis Oil Company

DAW Technologies, Inc.

Dermtech International

The Camile and Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Dreyfus Medical Foundation

E. E. Kinder Company, LLC

Elan Corporation

Elsevier Sciences Publishing B V

Bill England Diabetes Fund

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

ExxonMobil Foundation

Leone F. Fackrell Memorial Loan Fund

Faculty of the Department of Radiation Oncology

Finkelstein, Thompson & Loughran

First Security Foundation

The Fluor Foundation

Freed Investment Company

G. D. Searle and Company

General Electric Foundation

Gillett Properties, Ltd.

Haemonetics Corporation

H. Claire Haines Trust

Hal Riney & Partners, Inc.

Hamilton Bonaduz AG

Hanford Environmental Health Foundation

Hansen Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Harmon City, Inc.

Health Outcomes Management, Inc.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Heckman Foundation

Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation

Hercules Aerospace

Hercules Matching Fund

Hershey Family Foundation

The HLA Registry Foundation, Inc.

Howmedica, Inc.

Husky Oil Company

Hydra Biosciences, Inc.

IBM International Foundation

ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Idaho Community Foundation, Inc.

Il Yang Pharmaceutical Company

Illinois Masonic Medical Center

Impart Group, Inc.

Incontrol Incorporation

Interferon Sciences, Inc.

Interform Graphics

Intermountain Donor Services

Ioptex Incorporated

Ioptex Research, Inc.

ISN Forefronts in Nephrology

Jay Dee Harris Truck & Equipment

JWP Dynalectric Company of Nevada

Key Bank

Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

La Haye Laboratories, Inc.

Howard and Evelyn Larson Foundation

Leucadia Aviation, Inc.

Leucadia National Corporation

The Lichtenberger Foundation

Lilly Lecture Bureau

Linfox Group

Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation

Mark Investment Company

Mark Miller Toyota

The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation

Masonic Foundation of Utah, Inc.

Masonic Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Meadow Gold Dairies

Megadyne Medical Products, Inc.

Metromedia Company

Milken Family Medical Foundation

Mirage Resorts, Inc.

Moreton Family Foundation

M. E. Muller Foundation

National Fund for Medical Education

Nierstichting Nederland

Nordling Foundation

Norland Medical Systems, Inc.

Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation

North American Philips Corporation

North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, Inc.

Northwest Pipeline Corporation

Nova Chemicals, Inc.

Novell, Inc.

Nuclear Medical Laboratory, Inc.

Ralph Nye Charitable Foundation

Occupational Physicians Scholarship Fund

Ohio Medical Products


Ohmeda Medical Systems

Okland Construction Company

Orthologic Corporation

Orthopedic Consultants

Outagamie Charitable Foundation

Owens & Minor

Paradigm Biosciences, Inc.

Payless Drug Stores

Albert Penick Fund

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center



[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 29: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

Pharmadigm, Inc.

Photofrin Medical, Inc.

John Price Foundation

Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Professional Firefighters of Utah

Profile Medica

Rayner Intraocular Lenses, Ltd.

Raytheon Company

Reader’s DigestAssociation, Inc.

Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Utah

Luther I. Replogle Foundation

The Rest of the Jazz

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Rite Aid Corporation

Robertson Stephens & Company

Roche Diagnostics

Roche Pharmaceuticals

Sunny and Abe Rosenberg Foundation

Roswell Park Alliance Foundation

Rubicon, Inc.

Salt Lake City Knee Research Foundation

Sankyo Company, Ltd.

Scrip Card Enterprises, Inc.

Shell Oil Company Foundation


Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom

Solitron Devices, Inc.

Sorenson Research

Southern Wine and Spirits of Nevada


Sysco Intermountain Food Services

Tambrands, Inc.

L. Shirley and Jordan M. Tark Foundation

Texaco Foundation, Inc.

Thiokol Corporation

H. E. & J. A. Tornquist Charitable Foundation

Tourette Syndrome Association

Transplantation Editorial Office

University of California—San Diego

University of Texas

University of Utah Credit Union

University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine

U S West Foundation

Utah Joint Parade

Utah Medical Association Foundation

Utah Medical Products, Inc.

Utah State Firemen’s Association—Ladies Auxiliary

Utah State Medical Association Foundation

Varian Associates

Variety Club of Utah


Viratek, Inc.

William Volker Fund

W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc.

The Walbridge Fund, Ltd.

Watson Laboratories, Inc.

Weintraub Family Foundation

Western States Publishing

Westwood Squibb

Wheeler Machinery Company

Williams Company Foundation

Window Rock Enterprises, Inc.

Won-Door Corporation

Yamanouchi USA Foundation

Zars, Inc.


P I O N E E R C L U BA distinction applied to donors who have established or bequeathedendowments totaling $10,000–$24,999 to the University of UtahHealth Sciences Center

Russell G.* and Vila C. Allen

Dr. David R.* and Isabelle* Atherton

Scott L. Bailey

Dr.* and Mrs. Edgar W. Barber

Jack* and Pat Blake

James W. and Susan S. Christiansen

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clark

T. William* and Mary* Cockayne

Max P.* and Sara* Cowen

Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse

Royden G. and Allie Derrick

Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.

Dr. John A.* and Karma J. Dixon

Paul and Joann Dwork

Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ellis

Gladys C. Ellison*

Edith P. Fairclough

Norma K. Forsey

Chancellor E. Gordon Gee, J.D., Ed.D.

Constance J. Geiger, M.D.

Clark P. and Nancy L. Giles

Harold J.* and Helen D. Goodro

Paul and Allan A.* Hagander

Dorothy S. Hall

Welma “Billie” Harmon

Drs. Joel M. and Frances N. Harris

Blaine and Pauline Hartley

Dr.* and Mrs. Edward I. Hashimoto

Maurine N. Hegsted

Marvin G. and Barbara Hess

Steven R. and Catherine Moon Hickman

L. David* and Janet C.* Hiner

James C. and Jodee Hoellein

Fred K. and Josie V. Hubert

Dr. Vernal H. and Athleen* Johnson

Malcolm and Cherie Gee Justice

Dr. and Mrs.* Richard H. Keller

Richard Kenny

Paul and Sharee Kunz

The W. John* Lamborn Family

Dr. Reed P.* and Lennox A. Larson

James B. Lendall*

Jack Lunt*

Mel Marcus

Emilie S. Martin

Dr. and Mrs. Don E. McCleve

Dr. Royce Moser, Jr. and Lois H. Moser

The Dominick R. Motta Family

Beverley Nalder

Dr. Neils P.* and Irma S.* Neilson

Chase N. and Grethe B. Peterson

George C. Pingree, M.D. and Anne C. Pingree

Herm B.* and Barbara M.* Prater, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Linn R. Rockwood

Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Ruhling

Joe Sargetakis and Paula Swaner-Sargetakis

Dr. Anthony* and Myrtle G.* Simone

The Lowell D. Smith Family

Maxine Hudson Stowell, MSW

Dan J* and Vielle C.* Swindle

Lon W. and Mary K.* Watson

Usher T.* and Barbara H. West, Ph.D.

T. E.* and Liz Wilder

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Wilson

Dr. Dixon* and Donna B.* Woodbury

Dr. Glenn H.* and Margaret C. Wyler



Owens & Minor

Quality Health Care

Junior and Blanche B. Rich Foundation

Sweet Candy Company

P R E S I D E N T ’ S C L U BDonors who have contributed$2,000–$24,999 from July 1, 2003,through June 30, 2004, to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.

Denise J. Achelis, CPA

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Aldrich

Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Ballard

J. Richard Baringer, M.D.

Bonnie Barry

Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Bayle, Jr.

Betty Blair

Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Bradshaw

Edward L. Burton III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cahalan

Elizabeth W. Callon

Robert G. Carlile, M.D.

Bonnie Carter

Debra L. Caswell

Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Clark

Ken Coburn

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Coleman

William T. Couldwell, M.D., Ph.D.

Dorothy B. Curtin

Mr. and Mrs. Ronny L. Cutshall

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Dambach

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Davies

Mr. and Mrs. Donnon M. DeFur



Page 30: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Draper

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Durham

C. Hope Eccles and Randal K. Quarles

Katie Eccles and Dave Burnett

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Elmore

Lyska Emerson, M.D.

Gayle L. Eschmann

Edith P. Fairclough

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Fairclough, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Felt

Leah B. Felt

Stewart E. Feltz

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fey

Thomas F. Findlan

Mr. and Mrs. Rodger L. Foltz

Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Francis

Madeline L. Free, M.D.

Mary Ann Gardner

Nike Maria Georgeson

Mr. and Mrs. Clark P. Giles

Jennifer Gillett

Shelley D. Gillett

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Goldsmith

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Hays Gorey, Sr.

Barbara J. Graves, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. DeVon C. Hale

Dorothy S. Hall

Ronald Y. Hanagami

Carl W. Hardin, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Dale P. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hatch

Leah Hatziathanasiou

Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hayes

Ronald E. Henriksen

Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry S. Howells, Sr.

Rory and Cherie Hoyostek

Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Hunter

Peter R. Huntsman

Casey C. Jackson

Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Jex

Reid H. Johnson

Jan Johnstun

Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Joklik

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Katsanevas

Mr. and Mrs. David Katz

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kern

Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Kern

Betty B. Knight

Kristie M. Knodel

William G. Kopit

Mr. and Mrs. Layne A. Kresser

Paul and Sharee Kunz

Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lahey

Dr. and Mrs. Craig V. Lee

Bernice F. Lewis

Cameron Lewis*

Madeline H. Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lynch, Jr.

John H. Lyons, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Madsen, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter William Madsen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Makoff

Andrea S. Dumke Manship and Michael A. Manship

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mauger

Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick McBride

Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCarthey

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. McCarthey, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. McClain

Mr. and Mrs. George McKinnon

Frank P. McNeil

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. McWillis

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Meldrum

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. D. Edward Mineau

Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Mueller

Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D.

John Anthony Murillo

Marilyn H. Neilson

George S. Nicolatus

Richard H. Odell, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. O’Very, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Parkin

Mr. and Mrs. C. Jesse Peck

John B. Phillips

Barbara M. Prater, Ph.D.*

Dr. Steven A. Rathofer

Mr. and Mrs. Lon R. Richardson, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Rigdon

Blake Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Rose

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rod Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rossetter

Mr. and Mrs. Eli M. Roth

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rothman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eli Sasich

Dr. Richard H. Schmidt

Richard H. Schwartz, M.D., PC

Mr. and Mrs. D. Brent Scott

Dr. and Mrs. James P. Seaman

Howard C. Sharp, M.D.

Tueng T. Shen, M.D., Ph.D.

Margot L. Shott

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Shrieve

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M. Smoot III

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Snow

Sam Souvall

Dr. Ken Spitzer

Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Spurrier

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stavis

Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas G. Stockham

Ronald Stout and Dr. Kathy J. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tazoi

Anita M. Trotter-Cox

Corinne Turner

Dr. and Mrs. William Dean Wallace

Lance L. Whetten, D.D.S., M.S.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Meeks Wirthlin

Jan Worthen

Dr. William John Zwiebel


Aciont, Inc.

Aerie Construction Company

Albertsons Stores Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Allstate Foundation

Americom Technology

Anderson Family Foundation

Architectural Nexus

AT&T Foundation

Autoliv Cycling Club

Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Avenue Capital Management, LLC

The Bad Ass Coffee Company of Hawaii, Inc.

Bailey Medical Engineering

Bayer Healthcare—Diagnostics

The Beckham/Ashe Foundation

Becton Dickinson and Company

Bendinger, Crockett, Peterson, Greenwood and Casey, PC

Big D Construction


BMW of Murray

Boeing Employees Community Fund of California

Margaret M. Bradbury Family Trust

Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation, Inc.

Cache Valley Electric Company

Don Kay Clay Cash Foundation

The Castle Foundation

ChemTreat, Inc.

Chidester Family Revocable Trusts

Clorox Company Foundation


Consonus, Inc.

David D. Dayton Revocable Trust

Dixie Escalante Rural Electric Association, Inc.

DJL Interiors

East Millard Lions



William and Fern England Foundation

Envirocare of Utah, Inc.

Ernst and Young Foundation

ESRR Vision Trust

Evans & Sutherland


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


Page 31: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

Thomas M. Evans, Jr. Foundation

Fairbanks Capital Corporation

Thomas H. and Carolyn L. Fey Family Foundation, Inc.

Flamm Family Foundation

Fred Meyer Foundation

Garff Enterprises, Inc.

The Gem Smith

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Del and Ann Harris Foundation

HCFP, Ltd.

Health and Economics Research Institute

Hera Foundation

Hill Brothers Chemical Company


The Impact Group

Int’l Neurosurgery Education Foundation

Ivory Homes, Ltd.

JAX Foundation

JE Merit Constructors, Inc.

Johnson Foundation

Jones, Waldo, Holbrook & McDonough, PC

Benjamin H. Katz Family Foundation

Ken Garff Imports

King Family Foundation


La Quinta Inn and Suites

Layton High School

Legacy Charitable Foundation

Lockheed Martin Corporation

The J. M. Long Foundation

Manners/Golden Rule Foundation

Marsh US

The Jane F. McCarthey Family Limited Partnership

McDermott Willand Emery Charitable Foundation

Med Tech Biomet

Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc.

Morris Murdock Travel

Mullikin Family Trust

N. G. Foundation, Inc.

Northern Arizona University

Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation

Osteomed, LP

PaineWebber Foundation

Edna S. Paup Trust

PDI, Inc.

Phillips Bar Diamond Ranch, Inc.

Philoptochos Society

Physician Assistant Foundation

Praxair Foundation, Inc.


Professional Firefighters of Utah

Prudential Utah Real Estate

Questar Corporation

Qwest Dex

The Reagan Foundation

Estate of Robert Reubendale

RMT, Inc.

Rotary Club of Salt Lake City

Rothman Family Foundation

Rotonda Foundation

Ruby River Steakhouse

S T & G Charitable Partnership

Salt Lake Magazine

Sarcos Investments, LC

The Semnani Foundation

ShopKo Stores, Inc.

Simmons Media Group

Snell & Wilmer, LLP

The Staheli Foundation

State Auto Insurance Company Foundation

Stratford Foundation

Sunrise Foundation of America

Supergen, Inc.

Synapse Marketing Consultants, Ltd.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.

Therasense, Inc.


University of Utah Credit Union

Utah Power and Light Employees

Utah State Firemen’s Auxiliary

Walgreen Company

William E. and Aenid R. Weisgerber Foundation

Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo Foundation

Wells Fargo Northwest N.A.

Wheeler Foundation

Witz Family Foundation

World Senior Games, Inc.

Wyman Living Trust

Zevex, Inc.


J O H N R . PA R K S O C I E T YFor those who have designated acharitable bequest, life income gift,trust, or other planned gift with theUniversity of Utah Health SciencesCenter named as beneficiary.

Rex and Linda Ahlstrom

Kathleen Alacano

Estelle Albaugh*

Caroline Strom Allen*

Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN

David B. and Kathy J. Anderson

Echomae Anderson*

G. W. and Lee Anderson

Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. andJoan C. Critchlow, M.D.

John W. Athens, M.D. and Georgia R. Athens

Scott L. Bailey

John Balken

Vernon Beeler

George and Phee Belsey

Charles K. and Janice Beyer-Machule

Sharon M. Bigelow

Rose Boyajiian

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Brady

Melvin T.* and Fern Briggs

Dr. Calvin Brown

Fred W. and Eveline Bruenger

Calvin Buhler, M.D.

Barbara Burnett

Leola Burr

Dr. Nelson A. and Amy Burton

Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen

Chet Christofferson

Russell B. Clark, M.D.

Duane and Jean Crowther

Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.

Cheryl B. Dalley

Oliver and Goldy Dawson

The Thomas D. Dee II Family

Frank Delvie

Dr. and Mrs. Victor A. Diaz

Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.

Joel R. and Lisa Dimick

Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.

Dr. Raymond C. and Bobbie Doucette

Gene Drabner

Sharon Drakos

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Droschkey

E. R. and Katherine W. Dumke

Dr. and Mrs. John Emmett

Gayle L. Eschmann

Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay

Gary B. Filler

Alan and Beverly Frank

Drs. James W.* and Margie S. Freston

Dr. Claudius Y.* and Catherine B.* Gates

James Craig and Pamela D. Gilbert

Mary Ann Glasgow

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A. Godfrey

Val A.* and Edith D. Green

Drs. George D.* and Esther S.* Gross

Onie Grosshans

Millie Hagen

Patricia Hall

Peggy Norton Hansen, M.D.

Welma “Billie” Harmon

James F.* and Joyce E. Harris

John* and June Hartman

Geoffrey Hasson

Richard G. and Margaret Heers

Dr. N. Frederick* and Margarete Hicken

Darlene H. Hobson

Nancy C. and Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.

Gloria N. and Richard A. Irion, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Jacobsen

Jody and Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.

Dr. D. Rees Jensen

Lyman and Ida Mae* Jensen

Kirtley Parker Jones, M.D.

Dr. Wayne C. Kaesche

Howard and Ruth Kalb

Donald Kalman

Judith A. Kiernan

Michael Knowlton

Dr. and Mrs. Neil K. Kochenour

Mr. and Mrs. William Kummer

Dr. Roy Kuramoto

Ruth A. Kurzbauer

Kenneth R. and Cynthia P. Laird

Esther Landa Family

Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter

Commander Gladys Madsen

T. G. “Bud” and Barbara S. Mahas

Dr. John H. Marsden

Emilie Segil Martin

David and JoAnn McGuire

Florence McNeil

Dr. Wendy Metzger

Bruce and Patty Miller

Mark and Kathie Miller and Family

Michael T.* and Taylor Miller

Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills

Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Moore

John A. Moran

Dr. Philip Myers

Cantril and Sharon Nielsen

Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn

Dr. Merrill Oldroyd

Dr. Virgil J. and Jacqueline A. Parker

Janet Parry

Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak

Wayne J. Peay

Audrey N. Peterson

Dr. and Mrs. Chase N. Peterson

Dr. Henry P. Plenk

Ronald E. Poelman and Anne G. Osborn, M.D.

Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck

Arlene O. and Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.



Page 32: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Patricia Reagan

Dr. Grant M. Reeder*

Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees

Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice

Barbara K. Samuels

Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap

Daniel J. Schettler

Dr. Duane Schmidt

Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott

M. Paul Southwick, M.D.

Mary Ellen B. and Edward G. Southwick, M.D.

Leonard and Shirley Sterling

Richard L. Stimson

Dr. William* and Ruth K.* Stone

Maxine Hudson Stowell, MSW

Arthur J. Swindle

David and Phyllis Symond

Barbara Tallmadge, R.N.

Norm and Barbara Tanner

Dr. F. Willis Taylor*

Alice G. Telford

Javier Tellez

Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry

Arthur and Haru Toimoto

Dr. Robert L. and Terrie Hillier Treft

Alida W. Tyler

Dr. LeGrand Uffens

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Veasey

Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss

Ruth S. Walker

Dr. Lawrence and Delores M. Weaver

Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D.

Dorothy A. White, M.D.

James R. and Ethel Wilcox

Kenneth L. Williams Family

Kris-Tina A. and Ronald T. Wilson, M.D.

Dr. Bill Winstead

Sylvan and Maurine Wittwer

James B. Wood

Grant Young


D E A N ’ S C L U BDonors who have contributed gifts totaling $500–$1,999 from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004,to the University of Utah HealthSciences Center.

Curtis E. Ackerlind, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Adjeipoku

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ahlstrom

Wallace Akerley

Mr. and Mrs. Rey L. Allred

Kwabena Krow Ampofo

Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Anderson

David M. Andrenyak

John G. Anos

Dr. Ronald I. Apfelbaum

Jan Arendtsen

John Ashcraft

Ralph L. Ashton, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. E. Wayne Askew

Rick Azevedo

Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Babcock

Robert H. Ballard, M.D.

Richard G. Barton, M.D.

Bruce W. Bastian

Dr. Harold Bauman

Timothy C. Beals, M.D.

Lorrie Belcher

Dr. and Mrs. Ivor J. Benjamin

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bennett

Max C. Bennett

David J. Benson

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bernard

Dean Sterling Berrett

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Bingaman, Jr.

Ruth Bischoff

Dr. and Mrs. B. Grant Bishop

Dr. David M. Black

Ann C. Blackner

Mr. and Mrs. Gill Blonsley

Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Bloom

Erle and Delone Bond

Jerry Glen Bott

Eric G. Boyce

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ralph Boyle, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brady

Dr. and Mrs. Darrel S. Brodke

Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Browning

Paul A. Bryan

Kenneth N. and Karen F. Buchi

Harold Wilder Buker III

Bruce A. Bullias, M.D.

Robert J. Bunnell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Burdette III

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burningham

Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Burt

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Burton

Patrick M. Byrne

Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Cahalan

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Callister

Mr. and Mrs. Haydon M. Calvert

Mr. and Mrs. Glendon M. Campbell

Byron D. Cannon, Ph.D.

Elaine B. Cantrell

David and Susan Carlebach

Mr. and Mrs. Pierre O. Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Castlemain

Mary Jo Cates

Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Chance

Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Chard

Joann M. Cheney

Dr. and Mrs. Lane C. Childs

Mr. and Mrs. Thayer S. Christensen

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christiansen

Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Christison

Pamela F. Cipriano, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Clausen

Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Clayton

William T. Close, M.D.

Kenneth Cockrill

Harold K. Cohen

Bettina N. Coker

Dr. and Mrs. Boyd N. Cole

Thomas W. Cole

Clair F. Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coles

Johanna P. Collester

Dr. and Mrs. Loran D. Cook

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Coppin

Dex Cowley and Betty Jean Cowley

Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Culp

Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Cunningham

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Cunningham

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Daines, Jr.

Scott and Chrissy Daniels

Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Dart

Jacques L. D’Astous, M.D.

Bobby Davis

Jack J. Davis, M.D.

Sue Dean and Arthur L. Kimball

Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Decker

Richard Dedolph, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. George Degles

John Dehaas

Claudia C. Deines

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Denkers

Angela Marie DeVito

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Dickerson

Michael S. Doleac

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Donaldson

Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Dorius

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Dougan

Isabella B. Drost

Judy A. Duersch

Lanette Dunbar

Dr. and Mrs. Harold K. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dunn

Carol A. Easton

Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Edwards

Dr. and Mrs. Ernst J. Eichwald

Franci Eisenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Eliason, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Hague Ellis

Paul K. Engemann

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. English

Nancy A. Erni

Susan P. Etheridge, M.D.

Johnny L. Faith, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael O. Farley

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fassio

Spencer and Barbara Felt

Joseph P. Ferriter

Anne T. Finnegan

John H. Firmage III

Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. Fitzpatrick

Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Fitzpatrick, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Flamm

Steven J. Fogarty

Dr. and Mrs. Lamar M. Fox

Dr. Cecelia H. Foxley

Elizabeth F. Foy

Donald B. Fronce

Denice Fujimoto

Florence M. Fushimi

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gaddis

Mr. and Mrs. F. Randy Gallegos

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jay Gamble

Kathy Gardner

Elizabeth W. Gates

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Gatrell

Mr. and Mrs. Darrel S. Gerard

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Gesteland

Marilynn W. Gianelo

James E. Gillett

Gerald J. Gleich, M.D.

E. Marlowe Goble, M.D.

Kathy A. Goodfellow


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 33: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

leadership[ ]

Robert and Joyce Graham

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Granke

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gray

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Orrin E. Greene

Robyn Elizabeth Mostyn Gresh

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griffin

Addie C. Grigg

Judith C. Griswold

Dr. and Mrs. David W. Groesbeck

Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Guymon, Jr.

Leonard J. Haas, Ph.D.

Ted N. Hackett, Jr., M.D.

William R. Hackett

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Haight

Mr. and Mrs. Minoru Hamada

Lyle S. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Hammer

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hanni

Dr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Hanson

Lynn Harker

Dr. H. Ric Harnsberger

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Harris

Aldene M. Hart

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Hart

Elizabeth Hart

Marybeth Hart

Eric Hauenstein

Kathryn Evelyn Owen Hayden

Jo Lee B. Heaton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Heers

Kurt and Kristine Hegmann

Maren Hegsted, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. E. Ronn Heiner

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hemingway

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Henkels III

Stephen L. Henriod

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Herring

Julie Heywood

Mr. and Mrs. Tom G. Hicks

Thomas F. Higgins, M.D.

LaMar S. Hills

Garrett M. Hisatake, M.D.

Paul W. Hitzelberger

Clair S. Hixson, M.D.

Constance T. Hixson, M.D.

Joni Holdaway

Karl Honeystein

Dr. and Mrs. Brent L. Horsley

Daniel Scott Horwitz, M.D.

Howard F. Hoyt

Dr. and Mrs. Terry S. Hoyt

Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Huber, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Huefner

Sue E. Huether, Ph.D.

Jan Hull

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Huntsman

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Hutchinson

Richard J. Ingebretsen, Ph.D., M.D.

Marian W. Ingham

Mr. and Mrs. Cason C. Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jacobson

Sterling J. Jardine

Ellen S. Jenkins

Robert D. Jenkins

Linda Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Dirk O. Jergensen

Christopher P. Jerome

Malcolm and Cherie Gee Justice

Irene Kato

Dr. Bradley J. Katz

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Keane

Michael M. Kearney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kendall

Dennis Kenemuth

Mia Kenny

Melva Kern

Ronald R. Ketelsen

Dr. and Mrs. Edward James Kimball

Blake Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Kitada

Robert S. Kiyomura, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Klein

Richard Knapp

Kevin J. Knight

Ronald J. Knudson

Dr. and Mrs. Therus C. Kolff

Dr. Jindrich Kopecek

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Koroulis

Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Kuwada

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kwon

Willard D. Labrum

E. Jay Lambert, M.D.

Kelle Blackwell Land

Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Landa

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Larkin

Melanie Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaSalle

Mr. and Mrs. C. Rex Layton

Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Leach

Diana W. Lee

Dr. and Mrs. G. Richard Lee

Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitfield Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Wally W. Lee

Patrick D. Lester, M.D.

Jeffrey Gelder Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Lewis

Theodore Liou, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Lipman III

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lloyd

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Lombardi

Richard S. Lord

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lund

Karen Macon

Dr. and Mrs. Carlos N. Madsen

CMDR Gladys Madsen

Dr. Michael K. Magill

Mr. and Mrs. James Mangum

Dr. Stanley Marcus

Dr. Sheldon Markel

Andrew F. Marks

Gary C. Marshall

Sandi Martin, R.N.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Maryon

Ben Massimino

Benjamin S. Maxey

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. May

Priscilla M. Mayden

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mayeda

Mr. and Mrs. David Allen McArthur

Dr. and Mrs. William M. McCaa

Mr. and Mrs. Brad G. McDonald

Maggie McGee

Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. McIntire

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McMullin

Robert J. Meier

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Meyers

Kurt Micek

Dr. and Mrs. Roger C. Millar

Barbara C. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. Corey A. Miller

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Miller, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Milliken

Janet O. Minden

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gatlin Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moeller

Alcadar Montecinos Family

James R. Moore

Dr. and Mrs. John G. Moore

Marilyn Moore

Susan D. Morgan, V.M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Val Morris

Kelly Moss

Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Mostyn

Marilyn Mott

Jean Mueller

Maureen Mulligan

Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Murdock

David G. Murrell IV

Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Naisbitt

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Nelson

Deb Nelson

Dr. Thanh T. Nguyen

Walter E. Nicholson

Mr. and Mrs. Berrie Niederhauser

Meg E. Nielson

Chuck Norlin and Marcia Feldkamp

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Novak

Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Oberg

Sherrie Lynn O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Ross L. Olsen

Raymond D. Olson

Rodney Orton

Mr. and Mrs. O. Don Ostler

Allison Sally Owen

Daniel Henderson Owen

Mary Owen-Kiel

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Pack

CDR VaLaine Pack, USN, RET

David H. Parker

Meredith M. Parsons

Merlin R. Pass

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pastorius

Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak

Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pecora

Jean Peppinger

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Peters

Dr. and Mrs. Gary V. Petersen

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petersen



Page 34: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Dr. and Mrs. Chase N. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Pixton

Barbara Polich and Val R. Antczak

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope

Marilyn Poulson

Paul Price

J. Patrick Prothro

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pulver

Mr. and Mrs. David Aaron Putnam

Mary D. Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Raemer

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ragsdale

Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Rallison

Dr. and Mrs. Jack B. Rampton

Dr. and Mrs. John F. Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rasmussen

Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Ravin

Harvey Raynor

Billy J. Reed

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Rees

Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Reese

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Reese

Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Reimherr

John and Joann Reinertsen

Jeffrey J. Richards

John B. Richards, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. Ridd

Troy Riding

Hans Riehemann

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rieser III

Martha Jaye Rieser

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rigby

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ringholz

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Roach

Edith T. Roberson

Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Robinson

Mary Lee Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. W. Bradford Rockwell

Norma Rohde

Robert H. Rose

Marilynn M. Roskelley

Lewis Ross, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Routh

Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Salari

Commander Rodney D. Sanders

Rodney D. Sanders

Joe Sargetakis and Paula Swaner-Sargetakis

Dr. Robert M. Satovick

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon O. Schettler

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schiferl

Maxine Crookston Schmidt

Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Schoeff

Mary Beth Scholand, M.D.

Hazel H. Sewell

Dr. Clough Shelton

Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Siddoway

James Silbaugh

John Silverman, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Sutherland Simpson

Barbara N. Slaymaker

Mr. and Mrs. Doug H. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Smith

Nona O. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Terrell W. Smith

Kurt D. Sneen

Carol M. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Snyder, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Sorenson

Mr. and Mrs.* Parry D. Sorensen

Gordon T. Soutter

Dr. and Mrs. Harlan J. Spjut

Dr. Steven G. Starr

J. M. Steele

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Stein

Alice and Kevin Steiner

Allison L. Stoltz

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Stone

Dr. and Mrs. James C. Stringham

Dr. and Mrs. Peter V. Sundwall

E. Mozelle Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swensen

Carol J. Swenson

Arthur J. Swindle

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Swinyard

Peter Takeuchi

Brig. Gen. and Mrs. David Tanzi

Lorelei D. Tavey

David J. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Taylor

Dr. and Mrs. Lain Tetrick

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Toscano

John R. Tovey

Kevin A. Tracy, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Traughber

Wayne R. Tyler

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Valdez

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vanderbilt

Bradley Van Roosendaal

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Vargo

Dr. Michael W. Varner

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Veranth

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Viskochil

William R. Visser

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Vorwaller

Mr. and Mrs. Blake K. Wade

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wagstaff

Mr. and Mrs. John Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walkowski

Ginger E. and Robert D. Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. M. Walker Wallace

Zandra Lynn Walton

Wendy J. Ware

Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Warner

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Warner

Jean Anne Waterstradt

Dorothy B. Watkiss

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Watson III

Mr. and Mrs. Oleen L. Watt

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wayment

Ronald L. Weiss, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon White

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wilcox

Mr. and Mrs. Duff M. Willey

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wolters

Daniel K. Wong, M.D.

Mack Wood

William W. Wood

Jeffrey S. Woodward

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Woody

Dr. and Mrs. Warren M. Woolsey

E. A. Art Woolston

Shirley H. Workman

Ed Wycherley

Kadzuo Yamaguchi

Mark Yardley

Dr. and Mrs. Garold S. Yost

Mr. and Mrs. Kimball L. Young

Paul C. Young

Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Zabriskie

Mr. and Mrs. Rosendo Zambrano



Akers America, Inc.

Akzo America, Inc.

Alaniz and Schraeder, LLP

Alpha Tau Omega, Utah Epsilon Tau

Alta Ski Area

America First Credit Union

American Association of Neurosurgeons

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

American Equipment, Inc.

Applied Industrial Technologies

Associated Brigham Contractors, Inc.

Arnold F. Baggins Foundations, Inc.

B & T Masonry, Inc.

Babcock Design Group, Inc.

Baker Botts, LLP

Bear River Fabrication & Machine, Inc.

Bear River Mutual Insurance Company

BelleArbor LP

Berlin Packaging, LLC

Betco Scaffolds

William Birrell, Jr. Family Trust

Boeing Employees Community Fund of California

Bonneville Bicycle Touring Club

Bonneville International Corporation

Bountiful Lions Club

Bowers Forest Products

Box Elder County Federal Credit Union

The Boyer Company

BrainLAB, Inc.

Bridger Valley Electric Association, Inc.

Briyanti’s Designer Jewelers

Brock Enterprises, Inc.

Brock Services, Ltd.

Theresa Brooks Administrative Trust

Harold W. and Violet Johnson Brown Charitable Trust


Brushworks Gallery

BSI Commodities, Inc.

Bucca Di Beppo

Charles Bullen Family Living Trust

Butte Orthopedic and Fracture Clinic

Capital Group Companies, Inc.

Carter and Burgess, Inc.

Cate Industrial Company

Cedar City Lions Club

Ceiling Systems, Inc.

The Children’s Hour


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 35: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

Chiropractic Health Plan, Inc.

Christopherson Travel and Tours

Christy Sports

CIM Group, Inc.

CMC Business Systems

Cok, Wheat, Brown, McGarry & Bidegaray, PLLP

Community Bank and Trust

Coppermill Restaurant, Inc.

Crandall Ford Mercury

Crescent Mortgage, LLC

Cummins Intermountain, Inc.

Cunningham Family Foundation

Custom Industries

Dadiva Foundation

Danieli Corporation

The David J. Joseph Company

DBA D & B Metals, Inc.

Deltec, Inc.

DFG, Inc.

Diabetes Specialty Center, LLC

Discover Financial Services

DJB Gas Services, Inc.

Dunn & Dunn Trial Lawyers

Durbano Metals

Dyke’s Electric, Inc.

Earnshaw Enterprises, Inc.

East Millcreek Lions Club

EBJ and MSJ Foundation

Echo Maintenance, Ltd.

Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

ESP Pharma, Inc.

European Connection

Eyre Dermatology Clinic, PC

Fidelity Investments

Firefighters Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Thomas and Nancy Florsheim Family Foundation

Flowell Electric Association, Inc.

Foam Supplies, Inc.

Foothill Family Clinic, Inc.

Fort William Guest Ranch

Foundation for the Carolinas

Frontier Bank

Fusion MD

Garkane Power Association, Inc.

Gastronomy, Inc.

Gateway Home & RV Center

Genesee & Wyoming, Inc. and Related Companies

Genzyme Corporation

Gossner Foods, Inc.

Grainger Trust

The Grand America Hotel

Granite Mill

Greater Park City Properties

Guy Nielson Company Industrial Division, Inc.

H & E Equipment

Richard and Leola Hagman Foundation

Richard P. Hagman Foundation

Harline Clinic

Blaine N. and Barbara W. Harmon Charitable Foundation

Harris Family Foundation

Hatch Family Trust

HB Boys, LC

Head and Neck Associates

HEG Limited

Heraeus Electro-Nite Company

Herrick Industrial Supply Company

Hickman, Williams & Company

High Country Title

High-Temp, Inc.

Hinckley Lions Club

Holliday Financial

Horizon Manufacturing & Repair, Inc.

Hunter Junior High School

IASIS Healthcare Corporation

The Industrial Company

Infectious Diseases Society of America

Integra Life Sciences Company

J & S Mechanical Contractors

JD Consulting, LP

Jerry’s Plumbing Specialties

Jess L. Reid Real Estate, Inc.

John Mecham Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep

Kaufman and Kaufman Insurance

Kay Electronics, Inc.

Kearns Lions Club

Kibbe Pratt, Inc.

Leland K. and Darlene O. Krantz Family Trust

L Communications

Ladies Auxiliary F.O.E. No.

Lagoon Corporation

Robert H. and Marcia N. Lamb Family Limited Partnership

Larsen & Malmquist

Les Olson Company

Lexus Champions for Charity Octagon

Logan Lions Club


Mac Gregor Software, Inc.

The Maher Foundation

Mark Miller Subaru

Maxim Crane Works

The Julie McKay Living Trust

McNeil Management Corporation

Medicross Pharmacy

Medimmune Oncology, Inc.

Metalworking Lubricants Company

Mission Pharmacal Company

Modyne Machining & Manufacturing

James and Frieda E. Montgomery Foundation

Morgardshammar, Inc.

Morris Material Handling

Motiva Enterprises, LLC

Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.

Murray West Stake Relief Society

Myriad Genetics, Inc.

NACDS Foundation

NAI Utah Commercial Real Estate, Inc.

National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Newpark Corporation

Northern Utah Parkinsons Support Group

NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Nucor Vulcraft Group

Okland Construction Company

Ogden Lions Club

Olay Company, Inc.

Ortho Biotech, Inc.

Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical

Orthometrix, Inc.

P. F. Changs

PA Surgical Services

Packaging Corporation of America

Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute

Park City Area Home Builders Association

Park City Mountain Resort

Park City Title Company


Perfect Presents

Perkins-Prothro Foundation

Auline Peterson Living Trust

Pioneer Valley Hospital

Premier Resorts of Utah

Premier Title Insurance Agency, Inc.

Priority Healthcare

Professional Firefighters Sandy Local

R. C. Willey Home Furnishings, Inc.

Radtke Family

Reference Metals Company, Inc.

Registered Physical Therapists, Inc.

Reliacheck Manufacturing, Inc.


Richards and Swensen Graphic Design

Richfield Lions Club

Ritz Camera of Bountiful

Rockwell Automation

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Rosenberger Productions, Inc.

Salt Lake City Firefighters Local

Salt Lake City Lions Club

Salt Lake Goodtimes Bowling League

Salt Lake Orthopaedic Clinic

Sangstat, The Transplant Company

Savage Industries

Scanco USA, Inc.

Science Museum of Minnesota

Seix Investment Advisors, Inc.

Shriners Hospitals

Siegfried and Jensen Attorneys at Law

Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Signal Metal Industries, Inc.

Silver Mountain Mortgage

Simmons Company


Smithfield Lions Club

Smoot Enterprises, Inc.

Snow, Christensen and Martineau Foundation

Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

South Hampton Refining Company

South Salt Lake Lions Club

Southwest Airline Company

Spring Air–Mountain West, Inc.

Carol Jean Spurgeon Trust

Stagg and Associates, PC

Steel Encounters

Stein Eriksen Lodge

Stephen B. Ellis Company

Stillwater Mortgage, LLC

Stitchin Station

Stoel Rives



Page 36: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Stronach Enterprises

Summit Escrow and Title Insurance Agency

The Sumo Park City, LLC

Synapse Marketing Consultants, Ltd.

Tactile Signage of Utah, Inc.

Taminah Gallery

Target Stores

Technos Corporation

Tekelec Corporation

Virginia C. and Robert H. Temple Trust

Terry Rampton Interior Design

The Theurer Company

Scott W. and Betsy D. Thornton Family Foundation

Tim Dahle Nissan

TNT Auction, Inc.

Towne & Country

Tropical Salvage

Tucker Family Limited Partnership

United Foundries Company, Inc.

United Network for Organ Sharing

Universal Refractories, Inc.

Utah Auto Auction

Utah Industries for the Blind

Utah Section American Industrial Hygiene Association

Ute Salt Shakers Chapter No.

Wasatch Advertising Specialties Company

Wasatch Chevy’s, Ltd.

Wasatch Tool and Die, Inc.

Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gifts

Wheeler Machinery Company

Yukon Construction

Zion Ponderosa Resort

C O L L E G I AT E C L U BDonors who have contributed gifts totaling $300–$499 from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004,to the University of Utah HealthSciences Center.

Antonia L. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Ahrens

Stewart Allen

Dr. and Mrs. Ted R. Allred

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Andes

Kim J. Aoki, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent G. Arave

Thomas N. Arnett, Jr.

Gordon S. Asay, D.D.S.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Larry Ashton, Jr.

Frank W. Asper, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barber

Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Barrie

Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne Baumgardner

Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bell

Robert B. Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Benowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bernson

Dr. and Mrs. James M. Besendorfer

Rex Bigler, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bird

Joseph E. Black

Jay S. Blumenkopf

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Bodi

J. Wesley Boyd

Nancy C. Brazelton

Neil D. Breton

Katherine Brim

Michael Brodsky

Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Burrows

Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Buss

Kristen Carroll, M.D.

Pat and Deborah Cartwright

Dr. and Mrs. Bradd K. Christensen

Dr. and Mrs. Scott K. Christensen

Jonathan James Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Clayton

Helen L. Clise

Dr. and Mrs. Sam C. Colachis, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Hal Cole

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Coleman

Doug Collins

Mark and Linda Colville

Alan S. Condie, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cope

Claire S. Cordner

Peter Cornish

Richard J Cortesi

Janet Frank Cortez

Margaret Anne Cragin

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Crossman

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Culp

Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Curtis

Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Curtis

Irwin Curtis

Alexander Danoyan

John B. D’Arcy

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Debenham

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Denton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dow

Anna G. Dresel

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt R. Dudley

Kathryn Dullum

Lynne H. Durrant, Ph.D.

Marriner Val Eccles

Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ellington

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ely

Mary J. Etzel

Marcus A. Fisher

Ron Flynn

Robert Forrest, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Frei

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fullmer

Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Garber

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gibbs

C. Frances Gillmor

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gramoll

Dr. John E. Greenlee

Onie Grosshans

Dr. and Mrs. Brock G. Guernsey

James P. Hackett

Edward L. Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Harrison

Marian D. Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Heggie

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hendrickson

Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hepler

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Holmgren

Jay R. Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Huempfner

Kerri Anne Humpherys

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Humphris

Alex P. Hurtado

Terry L. Hutchings

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Iker

Wayne Anthony Imbrescia

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Imlay

Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyer Jarvis

Dr. Randy L. Jensen

Dr. and Mrs. M. Craig Johns

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Solomon M. Kamm

Liberty Katzourakis

Jennifer C. Keith, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kelly

Janet Killian

Diane Kiuhara

Charles L. Korbell

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowalchik

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Larsen

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lattin

Clarence Law

Mr. and Mrs. W. Mack Lawrence

Cleve Lisecki

Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Lloyd

Faye B. Lundquist

Mr. and Mrs. Clay MacArthur

Michelle K. Madden

Barry R. Makarewicz

Albert Manzi, Jr.

Dr. Boaz A. Markewitz

Arline Markosian

J. E. Mason

Miriam P. Mason

Norma W. Matheson

Barbara J. Maw

C. Victor Maw

James H. McConville

Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. McFadden

Nancy Melich and J. Alexander Hemphill

Tony Meyer

Kenneth E. Miller

Cherie L. Mills

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Moss


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


Page 37: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

Britt K. Mueller

Vicki W. Mumby

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Murri

Dr. Gina Maria Musolino

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jon Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Nelson

Phil J. Nightingale

Michael C. O’Hara

Dr. and Mrs. Alan Olmstead

Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Olsen

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Packard

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Papworth

Cindy Perchon

Dr. and Mrs. Orson D. Perkes

Prof. Elizabeth Anne Peterson

Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Peterson

Dr. and Mrs. Brent G. Petty

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Phillips

Gavin Pittman, M.D.

Alan R. Pratt, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen Racine

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Read

Bruce Rees

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Roberts

Sally Roberts

Carole J. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly L. Rockwell

George M. Rodgers, M.D.

Karla Rogerson

Lt. Col. and Mrs. Lewis W. Rollins

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Rosenblatt

David C. Roskelley

Carolyn Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ruoti

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Russon

David E. Salisbury

Dr. and Mrs. Gill O. Sanders

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Santora

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Savage

Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Schlunz

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schmitt

Steve Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheridan

Judith P. Short and Wade Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siegel

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Simmons

Gordon D. Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sleight

Roya Sohaey, M.D.

Mrs. J. Keith Sorenson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Sperry

Mr. and Mrs. R. James Steenblik

Martina Stewart and Aris Papadopoulos

David G. Strand, P.T.

Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Stringham

Dean Stubbs

Benjamin Tanner

Dr. and Mrs. Kim Y. Taylor

Mark Theobald

Philip M. Thompson, Jr.

Lynda Lee Tobin

Dr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Tonnesen

Louise Tracy

Ada W. Udall

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamont Vance

George R. Vorce

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Wadsworth

Dr. and Mrs. J. Ballard Washburn

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Watts

Marvin S. Weinstein

Dr. and Mrs. Paul N. Weiss

Marlene Whicker

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell T. Whittle

Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Wilkinson

Dr. and Mrs. S. Douglas Wing

Ping-Yang Michael Yeh

Mary E. Youngkin

Robert M. Zimmerman, M.D.

Rep. David L. Zolman


A & K Railroad Materials, Inc.

American Classic Carpet, Inc.

Associates for Plastic Surgery Medical Group, Inc.

ATK Aerospace Company, Inc.

Bear River SandsCorp

Books Are Fun, Mountain West, LLC

Bryce Frei Trucking, Inc.

BTC Services

Mrs. Cheever’s th Grade Class

James R. and Barbara S. Clark Foundation

Codale Electric Supply, Inc.

Complex Translations

Creative Color

Deer Valley Lodging

Dept. of Utah Ladies Auxiliary VFW

Dermatology Center

Diamond Paint and Supply, Inc.

Encino Pharmacy

EPEK Sports

Event Operation Productions Services, LLC

F.A.T. Investments, Ltd.

FBC Chemical Corporation


Galyan’s Trading Company

GHX Incorporated

H. Guy Child Elementary

Hamni Medical, Inc.

Hansen, Bradshaw, Malmrose & Erickson, PC

Heritage West Title Insurance Agency, Inc.

Ibarra-Brito Group

Iceberg Drive-In

IFT Bonneville Section

JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Koroulis Investments


Massimino Family Trust

Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation

Millcreek Broadcasting

Morgan Pavement Maintenance

Motion Industries, Inc.

Neurosurgical Associates, Inc.

OB-GYN Associates

Page Industrial Supply

Prime Machine, Inc.

Qualcomm Incorporated

Ray, Quinney & Nebeker

Ray, Quinney & Nebeker Foundation

Kay Riley and Sons Floor Coverings

Riverdale Lions Club

Rose Park Ladies League

Rose Park Patchwork Quilters

SkyWest Airlines, Inc.

Southeast Lions Club

The Spa Club

Stampin’Up!, Inc.

Sun Valley Resort

Surgi-Tech, Inc.

Swensen and Anderson

Team Xcel Training

Teton Pines Resort and Country Club

Thermon Heat Tracing Services-I, Inc.

Uinta Golf

University of Utah Department of Anesthesiology

Val Verda rd Ward

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wirthlin Worldwide

Women’s Italian American Civic League

Xcel Spa and Fitness

Zion Park Inn

C E N T U R Y C L U BDonors who have contributed gifts totaling $100–$299 from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004,to the University of Utah HealthSciences Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Abele

Dr. and Mrs. Elton J. Adams

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Affleck

Shelley Agricola, M.D.

Caitlin Malley Ahern, M.D.

Jeanne Ahern

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ahlf

Ethel B. Ahrens

Paul D. Airmet

Houman Alai

Kathryn L. Albright

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Alcabes

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Alder

Carl J. Alder

Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Alder

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Aldous

Gayle M. Aldred

Dr. and Mrs. David E. Allen

Julie C. Allen

Wayne D. Allen

Dr. and Mrs. Lowell C. Allred

Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Allsen

Beth Ammons, M.D.

Margaret G. Amy

Mr. and Mrs. George Andersen

Vinni L. Andersen

Mrs. Alma F. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Anderson

Christine Bryner Anderson

Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Glen D. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Anderson, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Kirk R. Anderson

Krista N. Anderson

Lola Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Anderson

Shirley Marlene Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Anderson

Ileen Andrew

Mr. and Mrs. Alva D. Andrus

Linda S. Andrus

Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Angelos

John M. Anselmi

Maria V. Anton

Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Anton



Page 38: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Stathis Antoniades

Jonathan D. Apfelbaum, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Aramaki

Emer Howard Arbuckle

Claudia Archibald

Ronald Archibald

Dr. and Mrs. Fares J. Arguello

Kathleen L. Argyle

Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Armstrong

Robert G. Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arnow

David J. Asay

Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Asay

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ashbaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ashby

Dr. and Mrs. Walker J. Ashcraft

Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen L. Ashcroft

Dawn Ashment

Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Ashton

Stephen Ashworth

Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Astle

M. Emily Aston

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Atkin

William F. Atkin

Pamela J. Atkinson

Valerie Atrmandez

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon S. Auger

Tom Augustus

Paul Aviles

David Avrin, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Axelrod

Robert W. Babbel, M.D.

Tammy Babbitt

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Babbitt

Russell C. Babcock

James H. Babst

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Backman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Badali

Ruth Bagley

Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Bagnell

Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis Bahr

Gary Lynn Bailey

Jack F. Bailey

Robert Bainer

Tami L. Baird

Richard A. Baker, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Baldridge

Mr. and Mrs. H. Huntley Baldwin

Sandra L. Ball

Dr. and Mrs. Evan A. Ballard

Kimberly A. Balog, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan J. Bambrough

Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Baril

Dr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Barker

Almina A. Barksdale

Mr. and Mrs. Ivin E. Barlow

Virginia L. Barnard

Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Barnes

Marilyn B. Barnes

Maj. and Mrs. Steven L. Barnes, USAF

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Barnett

Michelle Barns

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barr

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bartholomew

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bartholomew

Steve Bartlett

H. W. Barton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barton

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassani

Karen L. Bassford

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Basta

Dr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Bateman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bates

Margaret Louise Bath

Jean H. Battaglia

Mr. and Mrs. W. Cullen Battle

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baucum

Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bauer

Susan L. Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Hasan Bazari

Dr. and Mrs. Garth R. Beacham

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Q. Beagle

Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Beaman

Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Bean

Marjorie Beard

Mr. and Mrs. Troy E. Becker

Joan Beckert

Mr. and Mrs. Terrill F. Bedingfield

Rachel Bedwell

Burton F. Beers, Jr.

Christopher C. Beery

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Begum

Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Behling

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Behrens

Gregory Behrmann

Joseph A. Bein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Beishline

Cynthia Bender

Mr. and Mrs. Bryon J. Benevento

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Benfield

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bennett

Janet H. Bennett

John K. Bennett

W. D. Bennett

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bennion

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bennion

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Benson

Dr. and Mrs. L. Frank Bentley

Lola M. Bento

Arthur B. Berger

Bret James Berger

Joseph S. Bergeson, M.D.

Michael Ralph Bergquist

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Bernhisel

Dr. and Mrs. Marc A. Bernhisel

Mr. and Mrs. Mladen Bestvina

Philip Bidwell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bigelow

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bingham

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Bingham

Marianne T. Bingler

Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Binnall

Wendy D. Bircher, M.S., P.T.

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Troy Birk

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Birrell

Mr. and Mrs. William Birrell, Jr.

Doris Ann Bishop

Lisa Bishop

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bittle

Brian Black

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Black

Lorraine W. Black

Dr. and Mrs. Randy R. Black

Marion Blackinton, Ed.D.

Ann C. Blackner

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bloyer, Jr.

Mary M. Bocook

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boehning

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bohnen, M.D.

Dr. John F. Bohnsack

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Boll, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Bond

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bonner

Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Bonney

Mr. and Mrs. Dorrel F. Booth

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Booth

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Borg

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Borgmeier

Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. Bosen

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bostrom

Lester Botill

Jeffrey R. Botkin

Kenneth Michael Boucher, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bourne

Carol Bowcutt

Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Bowcutt

Diane E. Bowen

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bowen

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bowen

Kyle M. Bowen

Roxanne Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. Delwyn C. Bowers

Dr. Jane C. Bowman

Jeffery Bowman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bowman

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Bown

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Boyce

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boyd

Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Boyer

Dr. and Mrs. Brian R. Bradshaw

Howard C. Bradshaw

Scott Brady

LeRoy Brandt

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Brasfield

Burton F. Brasher, M.D.

Ruth E. Brasher

Cricket Braun

John T. Braun, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell P. Braxton

Joe Brazill

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Breckon

Beverly N. Breen

Alica Bremness

Tyler Brenchley

Leslie J. Bridge

Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Briem

Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Brinkman

Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Broadbent

Shirley Broadbent

Mary O. Brockbank

Richard G. Bromley, M.D.

Corey Bronson

Sandra Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Broulim

Barbara Brower

Blake J. Brown, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Brown, M.D.

Imogene Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brown

Jean S. Brown

Jeffrey C. Brown

Ray Brown

Rodney A. Brown, D.D.S.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Brown

Lucia D. Browning

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bruckner


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 39: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

diversity[ ]

Ann H. Buchanan

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Buchanan

Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Buchanan

Michael J. Buchele, M.D.

Mark E. Buchman

Todd J. Buchmiller

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Budd

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Budge

Barbara J. Budge

Scott G. Budge

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Buell

Mr. and Mrs. John Bunnell

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Burbank

Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Burbidge

Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Burdett

Irene W. Burgie

Bob Burgner

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Burgston

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Burnakis

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burnham

Mary M. Burnham

Mr. and Mrs. Dirk W. Burningham

Marilyn Burrell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Burt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burt

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burt

Neal J. Burton, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Bush

Dr. and Mrs. Lamar J. Bushnell

Miriam C. Bushnell

Mr. and Mrs. A. Jerry Butler

Leone Buttars

Brent E. Butterfield

Blair L. Bybee, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Byington

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bytheway

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Bywater

George Eccles Caine

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caine

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robert Calame

Adrienne Call

Joanne A. Caluori

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Calvin

Cynthia Campanile and Dr. John H. Kinney

Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Canfield

Alan M. Cannon

Alice M. Cannon

Stuart Q. Cannon

Paul J. Cantarini

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cantonwine

Dr. Thomas Gerard Cantu

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Capener

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Cappel

Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Carlson

Shirley A. Carmack

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Carn

Dr. Dana Carroll

Jan Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Carter

Ruth P. Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cartwright

Derek Casari

Michele Casari

Sue M. Case

Holly D. Casey, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Casper

Alice Cass

Pamela Cassidy

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Castleton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Castleton

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Cattani

Hyun Jaung Chang

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Chapman

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Chard

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Charles

Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Chase

Renee A. Chase

Susan P. Chasson and Jean F. Van Huele

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chatterton

Mr. and Mrs. Artwell Checketts

Kevin Cheney

James S. Cherrington

Dr. and Mrs. Brent S. Child

Carol M. Child

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Child

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Child

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chindlund

Dr. Leon D. Chipman

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Choules

Brad Christ

Mr. and Mrs. Cory A. Christensen

Mr. and Mrs. Dallis J. Christensen

Daniel D. Christensen, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Christensen

Mr. and Mrs. Don V. Christensen

Evan J. Christensen

Ray L. Christensen

Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Christensen

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Christian

Cecile J. Christiansen

Kathy Christiansen

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cinquino

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Citte

Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Thompson Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leo Clark

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Clark

Norman D. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cleaver

Dr. and Mrs. Blaine S. Clements

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Clements

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Clift

Sherry D. Clise

Edward Clothier

Senja Cloud

Dr. Tom V. Cloward

Dr. and Mrs. Calvin G. Clyde

Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Clyde

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Coates

Dena Cocorinis

M. C. Cody, M.D.

Amy Coffey

Lisa Melroy Coffin

Kimberley P. Cohee

Barbara E. Coit

Nancy Colarossi

Dr. and Mrs. Darren W. Coleman

Amber College

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Collins

Barbara Beckel Colvin

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Combe

Dr. and Mrs. David M. Compton

Mr. and Mrs. Merlin D. Compton

Dianna Cook

Nadine B. Cook

Betty R. Cook-Peterson and John R. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Coombs

Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Cooper

Dr. and Mrs. David F. Coppin

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Coray

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Corbit

Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Cordova

Mr. and Mrs. Wray C. Cornwell

Steven D. Corry

Gerard Cournoyer, M.D., PC

Jewel S. Cowan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roy Cowan

Cris G. Cowley, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Cox

Alex D. Coy

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Crabtree

Dr. and Mrs. L. Davis Cracroft

Charles W. Craig

Dr. Stephen D. Craig

Pamela F. Crain, Ph.D.

Barbara Crandall

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Crandall

Elwood A. Crandall

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Crane

Elizabeth M. Crawford

Michelle L. Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Creer, CPA

Dr. and Mrs. Frank Crespin

Lucille P. Crismon

Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Crist

Michael Crooks

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crosby

Mr. and Mrs. Laron Ralph Crosland

Mr. and Mrs. James Cross

Mr. and Mrs. Will Crossland

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crow

Barbara T. Crowther

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Crus

Eileen Csontos, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus A. Cubbage

Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cue

Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Cullimore

Mr. and Mrs. Kelvyn H. Cullimore, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Culwell

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cummins

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Cuppan

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Currie

Dorothy B. Curtin

Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Cushing

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Dahl



Page 40: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Joyce Faye Daily

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Daines

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Daines

Fuad Dajany

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dale

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Daley

Mr. and Mrs. Val Dalling

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dame

Roland W. Dance

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Daniel

Brian Dannemann

Diane L. Danno

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Darley, CPA

Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Daun

Cindy Davidson

Dr. Leola L. Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. Cory Davis

Dorothy M. Davis

J. D. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Loyd E. Davis

Marilyn B. Davis

Phyllis T. Davis

Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Owen B. Daw

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dawson

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Dawson

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Day

Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Dayton

Mr. and Mrs. Jean M. DeBouzek

Mark R. Decaria

Mr. and Mrs. Ashby S. Decker

Judge and Mrs. David B. Dee

Flora M. DeGroshe

O. Yvonne Dellamore

Brett Delpouto

Reid J. Demman

Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. DeMoss

Danielle Denne

Mr. and Mrs. John Densley

Marianne Cather Desmarais

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Despain

Mr. and Mrs. William D’Evelyn

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Dew

Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. Dew

Harry DeWeese

David W. Dickerson

Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dickey

John F. Dillon

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dingbaum

Susan D. Diston

Dr. and Mrs. William A. Dittman

Kathleen A. DiVincenzo, M.D., PC

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Dodson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Doidge

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dolowitz

Wilma F. Dolowitz

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Doolin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Earl Dority, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Dowdle

Lewis G. Dragolovich

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Drake

Clair V. Draper

Donna Drecksel

Beth W. Dredge

Connie A Drenker

Baalah F. Drooks

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Drueding

Cara Drury

Robert B. Dudley

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Duffy

Lorelei S. Dunkley

Mr. and Mrs. H. Howard Dunlavy

Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Van F. Dunn, Jr.

Alexander Durrant

Dr. Marvin Dwore

Robert Dwore

Jane M. Dyer

Dr. and Mrs. David T. Dyjack

Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Dyle

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Earl

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Earl

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Eason

Beth M. East

M. Val Eccles

Mr. and Mrs. Menno Ediger

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Edwards

Susan Edwards

Gregory W. Egbert, D.D.S.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Eichers, CPA

Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Eide

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ekstrom

Illa J. Elcock

L. Scott Eldon

Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Elggren

Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ellis

Mr. and Mrs. Rulon M. Ellis

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Ellsworth

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Elster

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ely

Vickie H. Empey

Dr. and Mrs. John B. English

Beverly Epstein

Louis Ercolani, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Erickson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Erickson

Sonya R. Erickson

Mr. and Mrs. John Eriksson

Vickie L. Esparza

Myron E. Etienne, Jr.

Colleen V. Evans

Gordon R. Evans, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Facer

Nancene A. Facer

Mr. and Mrs. Davis Factor, Jr.

Lynda P. Faldmo

Pelly Fan, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Fang

Jane Fanoe

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Farley

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Farner

Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Farnsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Farnsworth

Dr. and Mrs. Kent W. Farnsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Farnsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Silvio J. Fassio

Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Fearn

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Featherstone

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fechter

Diane S. Fedorchak

Mr. and Mrs. John William Fehr

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feinauer

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Felici

Douglas Felt

Barbara C. Felton

Stephen J. Ferney, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Ferraro

Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Ferre

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cap Ferry

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Y. Ferry

Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Fichter

Rosemary B. Field

Jennifer Fielding

Susan Fieseler

Mr. and Mrs. Blair Findlay

A. S. Fine

Donald Finlayson

Dr. and Mrs. Keith N. Finlayson

Maryann R. Finley

Carla Dawn Fisher

Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Elden E. Fisher

Tim Fitzgerald

Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Flammer

Dr. and Mrs. E. Dean Flanders

Elsie M. Fletcher

Raymond S. Fletcher

Steven Flewallen

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Charles Flickinger

Dr. and Mrs. David C. Flinders

Michael P. Flint

Robert L. Flint, D.M.D.

Connie Floor

Susan Floor

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Florsheim

Dr. and Mrs. Ezdan A. Fluckiger

Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Folkman

Patricia E. Follansbee

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Folsom

Barbara J. Fontaine

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fontaine

Ashlee Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Taft Ford

Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fordham

Peter E. C. Forrest, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Forsberg

Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Forsgren

Melissa Foulger

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fowler

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Fox

Wallace E. France

James W. Francis

Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Francis

Dr. and Mrs. Tracy M. Frandsen

Donald N. Franz, Ph.D.

Alison Mary Fraser

Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Frasier

Robert S. Fredericksen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Q. Freed

Frankie H. Freeman

Mary F. Freer

Mark Friedland

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Friz

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Fryer

Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuru Fujinami

Noreen S. Fujiwara

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. C. Dennis Funk

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Charles Funk

Eldon H. Furse

Dr. Terry E. Gagon

Randy M. Gajewsky

J. W. Galbraith

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Gallacher


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 41: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gamble

Ruth R. Gamette

W. B. Gannett, Jr.

Robert D. Gannon, M.D., PC

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian S. Garcia

Reta W. Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Garfield

Mr. and Mrs. Lew Garfield

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Garietz

Sandra L. Garlick

Gary M. Garner, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garrett

Thelda L. Garrick

Margaret-Ann D. Gartland, Ph.D.

Elizabeth W. Gates

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Gatrell

Dr. and Mrs. William A. Gay, Jr.

Marianne Gazafy

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Geniec

Cheryl D. Gentle

Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. George

Kyle Germer

Dr. and Mrs. George Edward Gerpheide

Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Gibbons

Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Gibbons

Paula Gibbs-Taylor, M.D. and Bruce C. Taylor

Richard Frank Gibson, Ph.D.

Russell L. Gibson, Jr.

Ralph L. Gill

Ruth W. Gillespie

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillis

Jane Giovanini

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gittins

Antoinette Glaser

Dr. and Mrs. Rudolf Glauser

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Glines

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Gochnour

Connie Godfrey

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Godwin

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goebel

Harold Goetzinger

Gary J. Gohlinghorst

H. Maurine Gohlinghorst

Edward Golub

Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Gonzales

Connie N. Gooch

Karen Goodfellow

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodsell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Goodwin

David R. Gordon

Dr. and Mrs. D. John Gosch-Barker

Sherry A. Gotchy

Mr. and Mrs. Park E. Gough

Erich L. Graf

Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Graves

Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Gray

Shannon M. Gray

Debra Graybill

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Greaves, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Greene

The Honorable and Mrs. J. Thomas Greene, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Greene

Robert D. Greensides, M.D.

Ella L. Gregersen

Alan H. Grey

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Griffin

Kathy Grimsley

Andrew J. Grose, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Groves

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gryzmala

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gubler

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gubser

Eileen Guenther

Wendy Gulczynski

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gullo

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Gump

Mr. and Mrs. Jared P. Gunnerson

Dr. and Mrs. Gaylen S. Gurr

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Gurr

Geraldine T. Gust

Julie Ann Gustin, M.D.

Dorothy S. Guthrie

Anna Gutowska, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Haak

Lenna C. Habbeshaw

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Haberman

Robert Hadfield

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hadley

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dean Hafen

Stuart P. Halden

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Hales

R. Thane Hales

Bruce Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Hall

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hall

Sandra Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Halladay

Gregory G. Halls

Rosella Halstenrud

Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Halversen

Scott Halvorson

Mr. and Mrs. Aki Hamada

Elizabeth B. Hamblem

Jerry Hamilton

Sharon Hamilton

Vea Jean Hamilton

Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gustaf Hammar

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Hammill

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Lindsay Handy

Deanna C. Hanes

Mariana O. Hanifan

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reverand Hannahs

Maria Hansell

Anna Lou Hansen

David Hansen

Elizabeth Hansen

Gene Hansen

Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. Khalil V. Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. Lamar J. Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hansen

Phyllis M. Hansen

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Hansen

Trevor Hansen

Caroljean Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. G. Craig Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hanson, Jr.

Janice K. Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hardman

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hardman

Mary Ellen Hardman

Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Hardy

Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hardy

Dr. John Tucker Hardy

Kayle Hardy

Colleen P. Harker, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Harman

Mr. and Mrs. Blaine N. Harmon

Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Harmsen

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Harmston

Dr. and Mrs. Stanton D. Harn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Harrington

Cecil Harris

Dr. and Mrs. Duane J. Harris

Dr. and Mrs. Quinton S. Harris

Tracy Scott Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Weston L. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Harrison

Cecil Harrison

Christopher C. Harrison

Colleen C. Harrison

Jane F. Harrison

Jeanne Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hartigan

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Harvey

Marci L. Harvey

Arthur L. Harwood

Mrs. Edward I. Hashimoto

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Haslam

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Hassell

Meg Hatch

Sarah J. Hawkings

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hawkins

Dr. and Mrs. John K. Hayes, Jr.

Arnold D. Hayman

Mr. and Mrs. John O. Haymond

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hazel

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Headman

Ann T. Healy

Guy H. Hearon

Terrie Heath

Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Heaton

Heather Heck

Mr. and Mrs. George Heckler

Carol E. Hegstrom

D. Craig Heiner, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Hellstrom



Page 42: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Helvey

J. Michael Hemmer

Karl J. Hemmerich

Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Hendricks

Robert R. Hendricks

Marvin L. Hendrickson

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Hendriksen

Robert N. Hensinger, M.D.

Heidi Ann Heras, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Hermance

JoAn Hermansen

L. Beth Hermansen

Jill D. Herzog-Glennon

Nelda Hess

Joanne Irwin Hessney, M.D.

Dominic J. Heuscher, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Hewitt

Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Hicken

Hildegard L. Hickman

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Higbee

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Higgins

Diane Higginson

Thomas W. Higgs, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Orr L. Hill

Lois Ardell Moffat Hills

Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Hinckley

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Hinds

Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Hiner

Kathleen A. Hirabayashi

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Hix

Erma Hjorth

Elizabeth K. Ho

Bessie E. Hochstettler

Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Hocking

Jill G. Hodges

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Hodges

Mark G. Hoff

Ori M. Hoffer

Scott Hogan

Larry Hogge, D.D.S.

Patricia A. Hohn, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Henning Hoj

Connie Cannon Holbrook

William D. Holland

Dr. and Mrs. Shay W. Holley

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Hollister

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Holmes

Ellen S. Holmes

Charles W. Holmgren

John L. Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holyoak

James W. Hooks

Dianne J. Hook-Willis

Dr. and Mrs. John T. Hopkin

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hornbaker

Patricia Forsgren Horne

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Horyna

Dawn Hosea

Paul Y. Hoskisson

Tim Hourigan

Annette S. Howard

Chris Howard

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Howard

Gary Howell

Dr. and Mrs. Fong-Fu Hsu

Dr. and Mrs. James S. J. Hsu

Dr. and Mrs. James G. Hubbard

Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. Hudson

Warren M. Hughes, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Huish

Elizabeth M. Huish

Craig S. Humes

Marie W. Humphrey

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Hunsaker

Beau Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. M. Truman Hunt

William E. Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. David Haight Huntsman

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn P. Huntsman

Juanita J. Hurley

Patrick M. Hurley

Carol B. Hurst

Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Hurst

Scott N. Hurst, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hurt

Ronald Hutcheson

Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Hutchings

Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Hutton

Patricia M. Hyatt

Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Hymas

Robert P. Igo, M.D.

Lawrence W. Inadomi

Leslye L. Ingersoll, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ingold

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Irion

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Iseki

Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Israelsen

Wells J. Iverson

Jani Iwamoto and Steve Fukumitsu

Kumiko Iwamoto, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ivey Jackson

Richard A. Jackson, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Jackson

Irv Jacob

Verl T. Jacob

Mary P. Jacobs

Eric R. Jacobsen

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacobsen

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Jacobsen

Ruth W. Jamison

Carol L. Janulaitis

Carol E. Jelaco

Honorable and Mrs. Bruce S. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Val John Jennings

Boyd D. Jensen

Faye W. Jensen

Gia Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen

Judith Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lee Jensen

Michele Linnebur Jensen

Patricia W. Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Jensen

Dr. E. Alan Jeppsen

John D. Jeppson, M.D.

Melvin Terry Jeppson, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Roger S. Jernstrom

Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Jessee

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Jessen

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton R. Jex

Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. Johansen

Christopher R. Johns

Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Johns, Jr.

Barbara E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Bryce D. Johnson

C. D. Johnson

Christine Johnson

Daniel A. Johnson, M.D.

Col. Donald D. Johnson, USAF RET

Florence L. Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. G. Brent Johnson

Geraldine B. Johnson

Ingeborg G. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Leland P. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Johnson

Phyllis Berman Johnson

Rosalie D. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. S. Chris Johnson

Sara Emilie H. Johnson, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Sherman B. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Johnson

William Carl Johnson

Verna Lee Johnston

Ellen Johnstun

Dennis Scott Jolley

Eric William Jolley

Bruce N. Jones

Christopher R. Jones, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Wayne Jones

Mr. and Mrs. E. Kent Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. J. Bevan Jones

Dr. and Mrs. J. Clarke Jones

Melina Viola Jones

Patricia C. Jones

Paul W. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Jones

Suzan Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jorgensen

Steven M. Joyce, M.D.

D. R. Joyner

Tara Joyner

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Judd

Mr. and Mrs. Kerry G. Judd

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Judd

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Judd


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


Page 43: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Kagan

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kahn

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kakis

Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Kalbus

Thomas S. Kaminski

Ann A. K. Kamp

Geraldine W. Kap

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Kappel

Ruth T. Kartchner

Dan B. Kasha

Josephine M. Kasteler, Ph.D.

Dr. Yuji Kasuya

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Katsanevas

Nicki Katsihtis

Robert Kaufman

James D. Kavalec

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kay

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Keddington

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kee

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Kelly

Gerald W. Kennedy

Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kennedy

Karl Benjamin Kenney

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kern

Shauna Kerr

Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Kershaw

Mr. and Mrs. John R. W. Kestle

Dr. and Mrs. L. Michael Kettel

Nicole Keye

Gary Kezior

Dr. Gerhard N. Kiefer

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Kilgore II

Donald W. Killmore

Ardis G. Killpack

Dr. and Mrs. John J. Kim

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kimball

Russ Kimball

Richard King

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. King

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kinney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Kirkham

Dr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Kitahara

Robert A. Kittell

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kitzinger

Noma R. Kjar

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kleinschmidt

Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kleist

Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Kline

Dr. and Mrs. Alex J. Klistoff

Mr. and Mrs. Gorm Klungervik

Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Knickrehm

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Knighton

John B. Knopf

Paul E. Knopf

Gregory L. Knott

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Knutson

Rajan P. Kochambilli

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Koester

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Kofoed

Louis Koncz, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christopher Konen

Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Koucos

Mr. and Mrs. David Krajeski

Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Kramer

Maeona Kay Kramer

Yvonne J. Krebs

Mr. and Mrs. Marlo J. Krogue

Linda M. Kruse

Philip L. Ku, M.D.

Lili M. Kuida

Dr. and Mrs. Lindy F. Kumagai

Michael S. Kun

Mr. and Mrs. George Kurose

Judith A. Kuster

Carol Lake

Parthenia N. Lakey

Dat Chuyen Lam

LaRue Lamb

Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Lambert

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lambert

Jean W. Lance

Jeff Lander

Diana Jeanne Lane

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Lane

Rip Lane

Dr. and Mrs. Fred F. Langeland

Hillary Langford

Dr. and Mrs. John David Laraway

Patricia Williams Larkin, R.N.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larrison

Gitte Y. Larsen

Helen B. Larsen

Dr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Larsen

Nelda Larsen

Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Larsen

Rosalie A. Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Larson

Glenna Lasater

Col. and Mrs. Jimmy S. Lassetter, USA (Ret.)

Chris Lau

Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Laurella

Chloe K. Laursen

Harriet T. Lawrence

LeeAnn Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Lawrence

Sandi Lawson

A. Jeanne Layton

Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Layton

Bea Layton

Jeanne Marie Le Ber

Dorothy Pond Lear

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lease

Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. LeBeau

David G. Lee, D.D.S.

Laura J. Lee

Lorraine D. Lee

Dr. Soohee Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Leech

Linda Leigh

Rae S. Leishman

Marguerite H. Lemmon

Mr. and Mrs. James Lemmons

P. Marion Lennberg

W. E. Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lervik

David Lester

Mary Levandowski

George A. Levine, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Levy

Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Lewis

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Lewis

G. Kay Lewis

Kent S. Lewis

Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Lewis

Norman G. Lewis, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lewis

Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Lewis

Dr. and Mrs. Ching Po Li

Dr. and Mrs. Harold V. Liddle

Mr. and Mrs. Arline Likwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Lind

Margaret M. Lindem

Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Linder

Dr. and Mrs. Alan N. Lindsay

Kenneth M. Lipman, M.D.

Kate B. Littleboy

Sybil Livingston

Earl A. Lloyd, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason Lloyd

Tze Shien Lo, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Loera

Mr. and Mrs. John Loffredo

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Lofgran

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Lofgren

William Logan

Cecil D. Long

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Long

Collete Longson

Yvonne W. Lonni, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lopour

Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Love

Robert G. Love

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lovell, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. David S. Low

Mr. and Mrs. S. Del Low

Dr. and Mrs. William W. Lowe

Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Lower

Kathleen Lowry

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Lowry

Bo Lu

Kim Lubbers

Stuart K. Lui

Sherman Lum, Pharm.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Glen K. Lund

Mr. and Mrs. Van Lund

Mr. and Mrs. Jim F. Lundberg

Ruth H. Lundgren, Ph.D.

Valeria C. Lundstrom

Doris L. Lust

Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Lyles

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lyman

Deanna S. Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Barton D. Lynn

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Lynott

Mr. and Mrs. G. Julian Maack, Jr.

Sylvia S. Mabey

Orlan Kenneth Macdonald

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Macfarlane

Dr. Eric J. Mack

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mackay

Dr. and Mrs. Dewey C. Mackay III

Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Maddox

Mr. and Mrs. Bard R. Madsen

Carlos F. Madsen

James H. Madsen, Jr.

Karen Mahan

Mr. and Mrs. Errol J. Mahoney

Barry O. Maisel, M.D.

Steven J. Malek

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malheiro

Michael David Malison, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mallet

Edward L. Malloy, M.D.

David L. Malmrose

Charlotte A. Maloney

Maria Maloney

Colleen D. Malouf

Richard A. Maneval

Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne E. Manful

Dr. and Mrs. Ned L. Mangelson

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Mangum

Elizabeth Manos

P. J. Mantas

Brent Kevin Manwill

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Marchello

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Marcroft

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Mariani

Craig R. Mariger

Dr. and Mrs. Russell L. Marlor

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Marsden

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Marshall



Page 44: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Martin

William P. Martin, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Martindale

Alexis Martinez

Michelle Martinez

Sharon Martinez

Maxine Martz

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Marushack

Salman Masud

Lorna H. Matheson

Noel L. Mathis

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Matlock

George T. Mattena

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lloyd Mattena

Florence C. Matthews

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Matthews

Maj. and Mrs. Carl A. Mattsson, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Maughan

Jack F. May

Carolyn P. Mayfield

Jennifer L. Mayhew

Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. McArdle

Geralee Myres McArthur

Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. McBride

Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCabe

Dr. and Mrs. Allan L. McCall

Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCallion

Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. McCarter

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McCarthy

William C. McCarty

Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCarver

Mr. and Mrs. David A. McClellan

Delia McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Mack McCoulskey

Alice M. McCue

Connie A. McCullough

Lori K. McDonald

Colleen F. McFarland

James A. McGill

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGuire

Howard B. McIntosh

George W. McIntyre

Mr. and Mrs. John L. McKay

Alison L. McKenzie, Ph.D., P.T.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Curt McKenzie

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McKenzie

Mr. and Mrs. Troy McKenzie

Dr. and Mrs. Tim B. McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Apache McLean

Heather McMaster and Subhash Kithany, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan H. McMillen

Mr. and Mrs. Faris W. McMullin

Mr. and Mrs. John A. McMurdie

Mr. and Mrs. Macoy A. McMurray, Esq.

Joshua McNains

Lee McNeely, M.D.

James C. McNeil, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Brent McQuarrie

Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. McQuarrie

Mr. and Mrs. David C. McShane

DeLenna B. Mecham

Lisa Mecham

Steven Meisner

Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Melendez

D. Lynn Melville

Dr. and Mrs. Christon H. Merkley

William H. Merritt, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Messina

Cheryl M. Metos-Young

George R. Meyer

Gladys C. Meyer, Ph.D.

Shirley D. Michel

Twila Michelangelo

Jayne G. Middleton

Calvin P. Midgley, M.D.*

Brody Miller

Debbie A. Miller

Dolores W. Miller

James Rex Miller, M.D.

John B. Miller

Karen Miller and John Ballard

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Miller

Paul B. Milligan, M.D.

John C. Mills

Dr. Steve Mimnaugh

Martha C. Miner

Stephen G. Mitchell

Dr. Craig B. Mittleman

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Miyasaki

Sen. Norman K. Mizuguchi, Ph.D.

Shahnaz Moezzi

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Mogerman

Michaela S. Mohr, M.D.

Sen. and Mrs. Eldon A. Money

Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Money

Marti L. Money

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Monger

Dr. and Mrs. E. Conrad Monson

In Honor of John and Marcia Moody

Michael Finlinson Moody

Beverly J. Moore

Ken Moore

Shawn Moore

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Moore

Paul C. Morash

Mr. and Mrs. F. Greg Morelli

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Morgan

Elmo R. Morgan

Dr. and Mrs. James Morgan

John H. Morgan, Jr.

Joseph Eugene Morgan, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Ric Morley

Nicholas V. Morosoff

Dr. and Mrs. David Glen Morrell

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Morris

Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Morris

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Morris

Craig Morrison

Joy G. Morrison

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey

Nolan R. Morse

Dennis Q. Mortensen

Doug and Vicki Mortensen

Mary Jane C. Mortensen

Dr. and Mrs. F. Neal Mortenson

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Moseley

Dr. and Mrs. Royce Moser, Jr.

J. Paul Moslander

Mr. and Mrs. De Vor Moss

Col. Carl Merrill Mott, Jr.

Clark Mower

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mower

Terry Y. Moy

Mr. and Mrs. Linton L. Moyer

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Glenn Moyer

Mark Muhlestein

Dora Muir

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Muir

Mr. and Mrs. Gerrold K. Mukai

Dwight H. Mukuno

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Munford

Dr. and Mrs. James C. Munly

Robert James Munson, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. George Murakami

Harvey L. Murdock

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murdock

Dr. Kelly P. Murnin

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson B. Murphy

Maxine R. Murphy

Brendan R. Murton

Gloria J. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Myers

Laurie Ann Myers

Leonard L. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Myli

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Myrick

Mr. and Mrs. Kay Nakashima

Dr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Namba

Jody L. Nastu

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naughton, Sr.

Kenneth G. Naylor

Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Naylor

Mr. and Mrs. David Neal

Hazelton R. Nebeker

The Honorable Ron Nehring

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Neilson

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Neilson

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Nelsen

Andrea Nelson and Rod Harten

Edward D. Nelson

Dr. Jacqueline L. Nelson and Andrew Gramlich

Judith H. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Kent B. Nelson

Reva H. Nelson

Ron Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Nesossis

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neuman

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Neumayr

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Neuschwander

Neil D. Newell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Newey

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Newman

Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Newman

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Newton

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Nichols

William K. Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Nickles

Amy Nielsen

Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Nielsen, C.P.A.

Irvin N. Nielsen

Lewis T. Nielsen, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay A. Nielson


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 45: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

healing[ ]

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Nielson

Paul F. Nielson, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Shizuo Nishimoto

Gerald Nisogi

Dr. and Mrs. Neil K. Nixon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Nobles, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Noehren

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon G. Noland

Richard O. Nordquist

Katharine S. Norem

Arlene M. Norris

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norris

Reiko T. Norris

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. North

D. C. Norton

Susan Marie Noyes

Lt. Col. William R. Nutter

Brian W. Nutting and Suzanne Scattergood Nutting, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Nye

Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connell

Deborah Grace O’Connor

Susan O’Connor-Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. O’Dell

James W. Ogilvie

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Grady

Mr. and Mrs. Kayji Oka

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Olchek

Ben Oldham

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Oliver

Dr. and Mrs. Allen Olsen

Argene V. Olsen

Careen Olsen

Mary J. Olsen

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Olsen

Mr. and Mrs. Craige J. Olson

Dr. and Mrs. Ferron A. Olson

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Olson

Keith N. Oram

Bill Orchow

Dr. and Mrs. Russell J. Ord

Fran Orfino

Dr. Patricia L. Orlando

Opal J. O’Rourke

Larry Forrest Orr

Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Orsborn

Helen M. Orton

Dr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Oshiro

John F. Ostarello

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Overfelt

Dr. Christopher Mark Paap

F. Calvin Packard

Francis C. Paddock, Jr.

Richard C. Palma

Adrian S. Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. John Parant

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Park

Joanne Jongim Park

Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker

Jeri Parker, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Norton Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Parker

Scott E. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Parkin, Jr.

Adele W. Parkinson

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Parkinson

G. Lee Parks

Dr. and Mrs. Todd David Parrish

Todd Richard Parry, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Bud R. Partridge

Catherine J. Paskert, Ph.D.

Nancy Lee Passaretti

Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Patlovich

Dr. and Mrs. Alan R. Patterson

James E. Patterson

Linda Lee Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Patterson

Michael J. Patti, Sr.

Carol H. Pattillo, M.D.

Rosealma Roderick Paul

Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Paulos

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Peacock

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearce

Irving Pearl

Dr. and Mrs. Keith M. Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Pearson

Robert Dean Pearson, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Pedersen

Robert J. Pedersen

Sonja G. Penttila

Ludvik Peric-Golia

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Perkin

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl W. Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. Grant C. Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Perl

Mr. and Mrs. Bruno E. Perri

Amanda Perry

Velma L Perry

Christopher L. Peters, M.D.

Jennifer Brooks Peters, M.D.

Ann G. Petersen

J. Farrell and Karen A. Petersen

Lisa R. Petersen and Timothy James Riesen

Marta J. Petersen, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petersen

Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Petersen

Ann Peterson

Elaine J. Peterson

Gerald H. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Merrill T. Peterson

Patricia J. Peterson, M.D. and Stephen Lee Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Peterson

Wendell L. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Petrone

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Petsche

Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Petty

Olive D. Pettygrove

Sandra N. Peuler and Thomas D. Roberts

Aghdas Pezeshki

Kieuanh Thi Pham, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Phippen

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice X. Pia

Linda Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pierce

Barbara T. Pierson

Rebekah Piirainen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pimentel

Timothy F. Pingree, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Pinnock

Brandy Pitcher

Harold G. Pitt

Julie Plant

Susan Plouzek

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Plowgian

John S. Poehlman

Jill M. Poll

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. Poll

William V. Polleys

Paige E. Ponte, M.S.W.

Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Poppen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Porter

Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanton Porter

L. Aldin Porter

Melanie Portra

Rod Poter

Dr. and Mrs. A. Lloyd Poulsen

Steve L Poulsen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Poulson

Sherry J. Poulson

Linda J. Poulton

Tim L. Praag

Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Pragin

William L. Prater

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pratt

Arthur C. Preston

Amy Allen Price

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Priebe

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Priestman

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Seaton Prince, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Proctor

Ruth Proctor-Garff and Wayne B. Garff

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Prosser

Mr. and Mrs. John Provine

Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Quinn

Mike Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. William James Quinn

Carolyn M. Raat

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rabetoy

Rebecca B. Raftogianis

Florence B. Ragan

Leonard H. and Carol A. Raizin

Raymond A. Rakers

Marla Ann Ramey

Rhoda W. Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Randall

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Randolph

Ellen M. Raney

Carl K. Rasmussen

Mr. and Mrs. Mervin J. Rasmussen



Page 46: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rasmussen

Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ratty

Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Rau

Amber Raulspon

Marilyn A. Ray, R.N. and James L. Droesbeke

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Raybould

Angela P. Rayner

Harvey Raynor

Victoria Jane Ream

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald James Reaveley

Maria E. Redo

Maria T. Redondo and Larry Madsen

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Elvin S. Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Reed

Riley S. Rees, M.D.

Paul Douglas Reese

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Reese

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reeves

Mr. and Mrs. Colin Rehkugler

Nicole Reich-Weiser

Donna L. Reid

Joan Clayton Reid

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Reid

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rencher

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Reno

Peggy Renshaw

Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Renzetti, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Victor Restad

Nancy S. Reuling-Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Richard

Brett Richards

Dr. and Mrs. Bryan Lee Richards

Elizabeth W. Richards

Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Richards

Mary Stovall Richards

W. Lynn Richards, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim L. Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Richert

Kimber O. Ricks, CPA

Theresa B. Ridge

Jeff Ridges

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Riding

Kristen Ries, M.D.

Katherine E. Rieser

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riga

Dr. and Mrs. Odell F. Rigby

Dr. Sterling Rigby

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Riley

Robyn Riley

Anne Roach

Lori Ann Roark

Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Robarge

Glenn B. Robbins

Linda Robbins

Dina Roberson

Dr. Kim Roberts

Dr. and Mrs. Lee K. Roberts

Melanie Roberts

Monica Roberts

Dr. and Mrs. Brent F. Robertson

Donna A. Robertson

Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Robins

Dr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Robinson III

Dr. and Mrs. George C. Robinson III

Joanne S. Robinson

Patrick Robinson

Brad Robison

Norma G. Robison

Roland G. Robison

Dr. and Mrs. James M. Rock, Sr.

Selene E. Rockey

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roe

Christine M. Roesch

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ralph Rogers

Gayle Crawford Rogers

Geraldine F. Rogers

R. Jean Rolando

Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Rolfs, Jr.

Brian K. Rolfson, M.D.

Nathan Roll

Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Romney

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Romney

Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Romney, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Romney

George K. Roohr

B. L. Rose

Janice M. Rose

Travis Rose

Lynn Maxine Rosen

Lori J. Rosendahl

Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Rosenmertz

Richard R. Rosetta

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ross

Dr. and Mrs. J. Alton Ross

Ronald C. Ross, M.D.

Capt. S. Ann Ross, USN (Ret)

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rossa

Vicki Rosser

Dr. and Mrs. James T. Roth

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rothwell

Janice J. Rowan-Lipari

Alta C. Rowe

Chris Rowe

Carol G. Ruddell

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Ruff

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Ruga

Aline White Ruiz

Edward Lee Rusher

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Russell

William J. Rutter, Ph.D.

Don and Marianne Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Rynearson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Sabourin

Bill Saetre

Paul Safford

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Saieh

Terrie Ann Sajbel and John Tucker Hardy

Lori P. Salvo

B. F. and Lynda Sammons

Dr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Samuelson

Rebecca Sanchez

Mr. and Mrs. C. Devon Sanderson

Mr. and Mrs. Ken J. Sandoval

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sangroniz

Indraneel Sarkar

Patricia Sato, M.D.

William Saunders

Robert M. and Beverly Savage

Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Savarise

Jacklin B. Sawyers

Courtney Scaife

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell T. Scales

Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Schaelling

W. Michael Scheffer

A. J. Schell

Ressa Scherer

Frederick Schiller

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Schirf

Edward W. Schmidt

Irene Schmidt

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Schmidt

Dr. L. J. Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Schmidt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Schmitke

Sara E. Schmitz

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Schneiter, Jr.

Helen L. Schofield

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Schouten

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Schrandt

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schroder

John F. Schroll

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schwager

Dr. and Mrs. William L. Schwartz

Patricia Lyn Scott

Sheryl A. Scott, Ph.D. and Richard K. Koehn, Ph.D.

Dr. and Mrs. D. Gerald Searfoss

Mr. and Mrs. L. Reid Seely

Ernest William Segren

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher I. Seibert

David Marvin Seiler

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Seko

Dr. and Mrs. David Seligson

Keith Sestak

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sewing

Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Shaffer

Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Shamo

Dr. Craig L. Shane

Mr. and Mrs. Daren J. Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Shaw

Howard L. Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn R. Shaw

Annie Sheets-Mervis

Kim Lasater Shepherd

Mr. and Mrs. Oren I. Shepherd

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sherman

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery M. Sherrod

Patrick Sherwood

Dr. Jane-Guo Shiah

David G. Shields

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery G. Shields

Dr. and Mrs. K. Gary Shields

Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Shimizu

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Shimmin

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Shoemaker

Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert E. Shomaker

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Showalter

Mr. and Mrs. Pete S. Shuput

Scott M. Shurtleff

Sam J. Siciliano, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Siddoway

Hilary Silberman and John Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Sillman

Dr. and Mrs. James C. Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Simmons

Marijane W. Simon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Simon


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 47: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merrell Simonsen

Paul J. Simonson

June Sinnott

Heidi M. Sirchis

Elaine A. Skare

Constantine J. Skedros

Robert Skelton, Jr.

Clifford R. Skousen

Joan Slack

Victor Slack

Richard A. Slater

Jerry L. Slatter

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Clark Slaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Slayton

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Slocum

Janice Slone

Ruby M. Slotte

David Smart

Dr. and Mrs. Eric V. Smart

M. Arlene Smedley

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Smith

Aline Coleman Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Smith

Christopher R. Smith

Craig M. Smith

D. K. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Dasil C. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Richard Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fred Smith

Helen M. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Winslow Smith

Leland Smith

Neill V. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Otto F. Smith

LTC Pamela Lee Smith, USAF

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Smith

Silas S. Smith, Jr.

Dr. Terry Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Smith

W. Claude Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Smoot

Richard G. Snell

Linda J. Snider

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snow

Elizabeth D. Snyder

Keith L. Snyder

Saundra Y. Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. A. Perry Soderberg

Gene Soderquist

Dr. Russell L. Sorensen

Wilson W. Sorensen

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Soriano

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Souder

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Soulier

Grant H. Southwick, M.D.

Kellie L. Southwick

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Sparks

Jack L. Spencer

Marjie Lee Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Rex S. Spendlove

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Sperry

Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Sperry

Richard J. Sperry, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Benjamin Spigle

Col. and Mrs. Robert W. Springman, USA

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Springmeyer

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. St. Jeor

Dr. and Mrs. H. Kent Staheli

Mr. and Mrs. S. Val Staker

Mr. and Mrs. Nyal H. Stamoulis

Mr. and Mrs. Marland L. Stanley

Lena Kerr Stans

Edwin W. Stansell

Sandra R. Stansfield

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stapleton

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Starkman

Mr. and Mrs. David John Robert Steele

James D. Steele

Carin S. Steinvoort and Tom V. Cloward, M.D.

Jerome Stenehjem, M.D.

Delaney Stephens

Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stephenson

Dr. and Mrs. David B. Stevens

Dr. and Mrs. Lyman B. Stevens

Mary Jayne Stevens

Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stevens

Audrey M. Stevenson

Curtis N. Stevenson

Jerry W. Stevenson

Carolyn Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Stewart

June J. Stewart

R. Coleen Stice, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stilling

Angela Stock

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stockdale

Donald G. Stockman, D.D.S.

Sarah Stolenbarger

Robert S. Stone, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Stout

Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Streuling

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stringfellow

H. Quincy Stringham

Gregory J. Stromberg

Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Strong

Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Stuart

Paula S. Stucki

Barry M. Stults

Carlton T. Sumsion

Gordon I. Sundberg

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton

Paulus B. Svedin

Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Swain

Mr. and Mrs. R. Jordan Swain

Dr. and Mrs. Eric Robert Swanson

Michelle W. Sweet

Dr. and Mrs. Laird S. Swensen

Margaret C. Swenson

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Swinyer

Marilyn O. Sylvester

Robert A. Taggart, Jr.

Shaida Talebreza, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Tanaka

Doug Tangreen

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Tanner

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tateoka

Joseph Tavey

Dr. and Mrs. J. Bradley Taylor

Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Taylor

Dr. and Mrs. Preston J. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Ron L. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Taylor

Sharon and Meredith Taylor

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Taylor

Samuel Tennant

Linda Tenwolde

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Terry, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Terry

Roxanne Vanbeekum Thacker

Anne Thackeray

Mr. and Mrs. Randal Thatcher

Robert H. Thede

Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Theurer, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Thiele

Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Thiese

Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice G. Thomas

Teri M. Thomas

Lori Thomassen

Charles D. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Thompson

Mayda J. Thompson

Paul W. Thompson, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Preston G. Thompson

Sandy Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Thompson

W. Howard Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thornsberry

Deborah M. Thorpe, Ph.D., APRN

Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Thorum

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Thueson

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thurston

Mr. and Mrs. P. Lennox Tierney

Kenneth A. Tipton

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Tischner

Gwendolyn L. Tobiason

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Al Tokunaga

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Topham

Ralph Edmund Topham

William K. Topper

Connie S. Tovey

Dr. Walter Townson

Benson Toy, Ph.D.

Yvonne Yang Travis, M.S. and Elliot R. Travis

Janet L. Trayner

Kyle Treadway

Tiffany T. Trinh

Jane C. Tschannel

Dr. Keiko Tsutsumi



Page 48: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Toyo J. Tsuya-Kahane

Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Tuckett

Dr. and Mrs. John M. Tudor, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tull

Randy Tullos

Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Tuohig

Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull III

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. Turner

Dr. and Mrs. Darcy Turner

Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Turpin

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Tyner

Mary Lou Unice

Tim Urland

V. F. Vagin

Connie Mitchell Vail, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Benito Valdez

Mr. and Mrs. Del Vance

Sunny Vance-Lauritzen

Dave J. Van Dam

Dr. Sheryll Vanderhooft and Dr. Eric Vanderhooft

Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd D. VanHook

David H. Van Langeveld

Joel E. Van Orden

Mr. and Mrs. Elton L. Varner

Patricia M. Vaught

Dr. and Mrs. L. George Veasy

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Veasy

Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Verde

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Vicari

Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Vickers

Virginia Vierra, M.D. and Brandon Bennett

Patricia P. Vincent

Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Vincent

Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel

Betty C. Waddell

Ann Davis Wagner

H. R. Wagstaff

Lorie Wailes

Barbara S. Walchli

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Walcott

Mr. and Mrs. J. Leroy Walker

Joni N. Walker

Lana Walker

David Owen Wallace

Margaret J. Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. Dieter Walter

Dr. Mary A. Walter

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Walter

William C. Walter

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walton

Henry B. Wansker

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wantland

Peter C. Warburton

Dr. Sheldon Don Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Wardell

Dr. and Mrs. Homer R. Warner

James D. Warren

Mary Waterman

Chris Waters

Susan Waters

Alonzo W. Watson, Jr.

Gordon Watson

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Watson, Jr.

Dr. Gary M. Watts

Bobby R. Webb

Timothy J. Weber

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Weed

Don L. Weeden

Lance J. Weeks

Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Weighall

Royce A. Weight

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Weiler

Dr. and Mrs. Arden L. Weintraub

Dennis Welch

Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Welch

Samuel Hughes Welch

Steven Welch

Katherine A. Welkie

Mr. and Mrs. Reginald T. Welles

Lt. Col. Vern L. Welling, USAF (RET)

John G. Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Benton D. Welsh

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wendling

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wennerholm

Ann R. Wennhold, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Werner

Barbara H. West, Ph.D.

Gary West

Dr. and Mrs. Hugh S. West, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John N. West

Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Westbrook

Darren J. Westerfield

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Westman

F. Kenneth Westover

Mr. and Mrs. Udell Westover

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas Wheat

Mr. and Mrs. O. Kelly Wheat

Dale Earl Whitaker

Douglas A. Whitaker, PT

Dr. and Mrs. Claude R. White

Irene Q. White

Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. White

Keith S. White, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. White

Ray A. Whitlock

Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Whittaker

Dr. and Mrs. Spade B. Whittemore

Mr. and Mrs. Shane A. Whitten

Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Whye, Jr.

Chuck Whyte

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wick

Melva G. Wiebe

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiebusch

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G. Wiggins

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wiggins

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilde

David L. Wilkerson, M.D.

Paul A. Wilkey

R. Brent Wilkinson

Bethany H. Willard

Boyd T. Williams

Dr. and Mrs. H. James Williams

Mr. and Mrs. James Warren Williams

Janis H. Williams

Lori S. Williams

Sheryl Williams

Thomas Williams

Brian R. Williamson

Dr. and Mrs. David Keith Willmore

Mr. and Mrs. Thad E. Wilson

Vanez B. Wilson, M.D.

Wilbur D. Wilson

Dr. and Mrs. William M. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wintzer

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Winzenried

William M. Wirthlin, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson Wixom, Jr.

Nancy and Gordon Wolf

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Wolfe

Barbara Wolther

Jeffrey G. Wong, M.D.

Robert F. Wong

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Wood

Shelley T. Wood

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Woodward

Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Woodward

Paula J. Woodward, M.D.

Kate Woodworth and Timothy C. Houpt

Dee R. Woolley

Clifton A. Woolwine, USAF Ret

Mary Jean Wootton

Dr. and Mrs. Dalton H. Wright

Edna I. Wright

Dr. and Mrs. Eldred G. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wright

John William Wright

Joanne Wright-Strong and Lance J. Strong

T. J. Wronski, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Wyatt

Ray Yardley

Dan R. Yeager

Scott Yeske

Brian Yoho

Katherine Yonally

Dr. Valerie Jean Yontz

David F. Youkstetter

Jeffrey S. Young

John S. Young

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Young

Ronald J. Younger

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Yowell

Lucille Zaelit

Abigail L. Zell

Patricia S. Ziegler

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zimmerman

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Zona

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Zuhl


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center


Page 49: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Zumbro

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Zupon

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Zwick, Jr.

Ann Zylstra


th West Self Storage, LLC

& Salon Club, No.

A & B Associates, Inc.

Academy Sports

Ace Pharmacy

Affiliated Metals

Alcoa Engineered Products

Alive Enterprises Maui, Inc.

Alpha Communications Sites

American Linen

Delonne Anderson Family Foundation

Animal Medical Clinic

The Anniversary Inn

Anthony Crane Rental, LP

Aon Foundation

Arizona Medical Clinic, Ltd.

Armstrong Mansion

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Association of American Medical Colleges

Avalanche Software, LC

Baker’s Injection Service, Inc.

Ballet West

Banded Marble

Barlow’s Landscaping, Inc.

Barrett’s Food Town

Bateman Commercial, LLC

Bayer Healthcare—Diagnostics

Bemco Machine Works, Ltd.

Bemsco, Inc.

Bess Rentals & Development Company

Beta Gamma Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity

Bischoff Car Wash and Detail

Black Canyon Trout Farm

BMCI Electric, Inc.

Bountiful Bicycle Center, Inc.

Bountiful Ear, Nose & Throat Head & Neck, PC

Bountiful Orthopedic & Sports Medicine

Bowcutt’s Floral and Gift

Brigham City Lions Club

Brigham Medical Clinic, Inc.

Brighton Alliance, LLC

Brooks Pace Revocable Trust


Muriel A. Brophy Trust

B-Town, Inc.

Burgon Family Trust

Burrus Contractors Supply

Business Music & Communications, Inc.

Cactus & Tropicals of Utah

Callidus Software, Inc.

Camco Construction, Inc.

Carmack’s Donuts of Bountiful

Cascade Refining, Inc.

Cascade Wholesale Hardware, Inc.

Catey Controls, Inc.

CCI Mechanical, Inc.

Central Equipment Company

Central Utah Physical and Occupational Therapy

Cheryl, Inc.

Chi Omega Sorority

Children’s Surgical Associates, Ltd.

Christensen & Jensen, PC

Chrysalis Company

Circle R Investments

The Clark Trust

The Clothes Horse

Coalville Lions Club

Collier Heinz & Associates

Columbia Basin Pediatric Dentistry PLLC

Complex Translations

CPBM Employee Fund

Custom Industries

Deforest Voss Residuary Trust

Demetri’s Cafe

Dental Select

Design Staff Services

Diversified Metal Services, Inc.

Diversified Suburban Newspapers

Doidge Investment Company

The Drywall Shop, Inc.


Eagle Eye Construction, Inc.

Eaton Corporation


Edgar Enterprises

EG&G Defense Materials, Inc.

The Egyptian Theatre Company

Einstein Bros. Bagels


Marjorie K. Ence Family Trust

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Equitable Life & Casualty Insurance Company

Equity Title Agency

Everest Auto Parts

Excel Glass Art, Inc.

Exchange Club of Bountiful

Exchange Club of Salt Lake City


Fairway Fitness & Physical Therapy, Inc.


Fashion Place Mall

Fat Cat Framing Gallery


Foothill Oriental Rugs

Freight Tec Management Group, Inc.

Fremont Investment & Loan

Fun Wear

Galex, Ltd.

Gate City American Association of Medical Assistance

Gears Transmission & Drivetrain Repair

Girlz Toyz

Global Outreach & Assistance

Godfrey Bros. Farms, Inc.

Goldener Hirsch Inn

The Golfer’s Edge

The Grace Company

Grantsville Drug Company

Grassroots Salon

Gregco Supply, Inc.

Gridley Ward Shaw Law Firm

GT Lawn Renovation

Guthrie Bicycle Company

Hair Affair

Hale Center Theatre

Hale Construction Company, Inc.

Glenn C. Hanni Family Trust

Hansen and Associates, Inc.

Harris Direct

Haxton Manor

Hendricksen Painting, Inc.

Henry Day Ford

Hexcel Corporation

Hidden Valley Dairy Farm

Hills Construction

Hip Enterprises

Holladay Lions Club

Holladay Pharmacy, Inc.

Holland & Knight, LLP

The Home Depot

Homeowners Association

The Homestead Resort and Conference Center

Hospital Therapy Products, Inc.

Hotel Park City

Howton Properties

Hunter Douglas Fabrication

Industrial SiteWerks



The Inn on Capitol Hill

Integra Telecom

Intermountain Plantings

Interstate Hydraulics, Inc.

Interstop Flow Control Technology

Investors Associates

ISO Claims Services, Inc.

J. Lewis Research, Inc.

J.L.P. Trust

Jacobsen Trucking, Inc.

James Gaddis Investment Company, Ltd.

Jerald M. Taylor Investments

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

JMH International, LLC

Johnson Mill Bed and Breakfast

Jolley’s Corner Pharmacy

jtees Embroidery & Promotional Products

JZP Partnership

David J. and Brenda P. Keahey Family Trust

Kenge & Marye Okada Support Foundation

Kenworth Sales Company

The Kier Construction Corporation

Kingsbury Hall

Knowles Painting, LLC

Koch Specialty Plant Services, Inc.

Kress Therapy & Rehab, Inc.

K. R. K.


LaCaille at Quail Run


Litza’s Pizza

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company

The Logo Shop

Lone Peak Veterinary Hospital

Macaroni Grill

Magna Lions Club

Malstrom Salon

Market Street Broiler

Marsh U.S.A.

Martine Cafe and Tapas

Masco Incorporated

McCown Paint & Supply of Texas, Inc.

Spencer C. McMurdie Revocable Trust

MCV Foundation

Medallion Fundraising

Medical Review Institute of America

Melroy World Travel Agency, Inc.

Michiana Dairy Veterinary Services, Inc.

Mikado Restaurant

Mike & Sterling’s Flooring Center

Mill Valley Film Group

Dolores W. Miller Trust

Miller Marketing Associates

Minneapolis Foundation

Mobley Industrial

Modern Display

Monday Morning Trio

Morgan Stanley

Mountain States Fence Company, Inc.

Mountain West Anesthesia

MRW Design Associates, Inc.

Mulberry Neckwear

Murray City Corporation


Name Droppers

National Market Measures

Needham Jewelers

New American Brasserie

New Life Office Systems, LC



Page 50: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

New Star General Contractors, Inc.


Northern Utah Organic Growers

Nygaard, Coke & Vincent, LC

Nygren’s Hair Systems

Osteometrics, Inc.

Painter’s Sun Country Chrysler

Park City Firefighters Association

Park City Food & Wine Concepts, LLC

Park Meadows Golf Course

Auline Peterson Living Trust

Physical Therapy, Class of

Pi Beta Phi Fraternity

Pierres Playhouse, Inc.

Piper’s Quilts and Comforts

PMA, Inc.

Porcupine Pub & Grill

Positively U/University Hospital

Premiere Products, Inc.

Blanche B. Prisbrey Family Trust

Protherm Services Group, LLC.

The Prudential Foundation

Q Street Fine Crafts

R & R Recreation & Resort Properties, Inc.

R. A. Ridges Company, Inc.

Radisson Park City

Randolph Lions Club

Randy Peters Painting & Decorating

Reber Painting, Inc.

Red Butte Sports Medicine

Red Lion Hotel, Salt Lake Downtown

Reed’s Precision Machine

Resurge Hospitals, Inc.

Robison, Hill & Company

Rocky Mountain Therapy Services

Roderick Enterprises

Rose Wood Dental, PC

Rosetta Beads

Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School

RSAC Management Corporation

Russell Service Center

Henry A. Rust Trust

Salem City Corporation

Salomon Smith Barney

Salt Lake City Marriott

Salt Lake Legal Defenders Association

Salt Lake Society for Human Resource Management

Sassy’s NMC Full Service Salon, Inc.

SavOn Sporting Goods

Sawtooth Labs, Inc.

SBC Services, Inc.

Schirf Construction Company

Sentinel Security Life


The Sherwin-Williams Company

Silicon Laboratories

Sizzling Platter, Inc.

Skyline Pharmacy, Inc.

Slim Olson’s Distributing

Smith, Powell & Company, LLC

Snow Electrical

Snow Jensen & Reece

Soundcom of Florida, LLC

South Bend Roofing & Siding Company, Inc.

South Davis Community Hospital

South Valley Dermatology Center, PC

Southwestern Obstetrics and Gynecology

Specialty Sand Company


Starbucks Coffee

Steve’s Trailer Court

Stone Meats, Inc.

Stoney Jacks, LLC

Stratus Contracting, LLC

Sunshine Heating & A/C, Inc.

Suzzo Studio

Tall Oaks Homeowners Association

Team Shake Rattle & Stroll

Temple Square Hospitality

Texaz Reps, Inc. Manufacturer’s Representatives

Tibetan Healing Center

Trailblazer Controls Corporation

Tram Electric, Inc.

Tropical Music Service

Tuscan Garden Works

The Tutoring Toy, Inc.

Under Par Golf

United Way of Davis County

United Way of Monterey County

United Way of Tri-State

United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc.

University Hospital Rehabilitation Center

US Probation & Pretrial Services

US Title of Utah

Utah Advertising Federation

Utah Grizzlies Children’s Charities

Utah Sunburst Sams

Utah Symphony and Opera

Utah Tile & Roofing, Inc.

Utah’s Hogle Zoo

Valley Drug

The Value Alliance, LC

The Barbara Vance Trust

Village Sports Den

Volunteer Services, University Hospital

Wachovia Foundation

Wasatch Peak, PC

Washington Terrace Lions Club

Watts Construction Company, Inc.

Weaver and Call, LC

Wells Fargo Auto Finance

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Wendy’s International, Inc.

West Ridge Resources, Inc.

Western Petroleum Marketers Association

Western Precision

Western States Circuit Breakers, Inc.

Western Woods, Inc.


Wilson & Company, CPAs

Wishes Are Forever Foundation

Wolcott Optical Service, LC

The Works

World Internetworks, Inc.

World Music Corporation

Mark D. Wortley Living Trust

Wright Express Financial Services

WWMR, Inc.


I N M E M O R YThose in whose memory gifts were made from July 1, 2003,through June 30, 2004.

Taylor Abegg

Dinny Abunza

Ray Michael Adair

Earla Deane Rowley Adams

Pauline M. Affleck

Danny Agne

Sylvia Ahlberg

Arnold Frank “Kelly” Aiken

Keith Ainsworth

Milton Albrecht

Guy B. Alexander

Kris Allem

Kathy Allen

Stewart Allen

George Alley

Mike Ames

Cleta Stewart Anderson

Harry Anderson

Joyce Anderson

Larry Evan Anderson

Larry Skyhook Anderson

Leo B. Anderson

Linda Lee Anderson

Pat Anderson

Robert Anderson

Robyn Anderson

Ruth Braithwaite Anderson

Virginia Anderson

Charles Ray Anderton

Richard A. Andrews

Richard S. Andrews, Jr.

Kathleen Andrus

Nedra Kay Arbon

Barbara A. Argyle

Eva Argyle

Mary B. Armitage

Joanne K. Asay

Orlando (Roy) Ascani

Phyllis Ashley

Virginia Walker Ashton

Sheryl D. Aswad

Theron Atkinson

David G. Atwood

Aunt Shirley

Lorene Aylett

Martin Backer

Joyce C. Baessler

June Kaye Bailey

C. Thomas Ball

Charles Ball

Fred Ball, Sr.

Grant Lamb Ballam

Ivan Bambrough

Brooke Banks

Janyce A. Banks

June Banks

Frances Barber

A. Ray Barkdull

Jack T. Barker

Jean M. Barker

Sammuel Barker

Barbara Barnes

Hal Barnes

Kristen Gail Barney

Al Barrutia

Ruth Bartek

Phyllis Barth

George Cleo Barton

Barbara Bass

Tracy Bauer

Virginia Williams Bauer

Mitch Baxter

Debbie Bean

Kenneth Joseph Bean

Garth Beck

Walter Becker

Don S. Belka

Susan Kay Bell

Lucille Belnap

Geniel Bendixen

Faye S. Bennett

Edgar Bentley and Laprile Ba


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 51: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

scholarship[ ]

Frank Bernardi

Karl and Leone Bernson

Charles I. Berrell

Eberhard H. Berthold

Donna Bertot

Hedy Beswick

George Betty

Maxie Fay Biehn

Fred Biesinger

Arthur D. and Jane W. Bird

Heber C. Bishop

Randy Hy Blackett

Boyd A. Blackner

Shirlee Slade Blackner

Robert J. Blair, Sr.

Larry Blake

Scott Bogan

Bette G. Boice

Dan Bolis

Helen G. Bolton

Laura Lee Bostardi-Mullaly

Lilburn Bovee

Dwain Bowman

Lucille Bowman

Sam Bowman

Jeff Bowns

Pauline S. Boyer

Jeanne Boyle

Hal Bracken

Becky Bradford

Marie Fisher Bradford

Brad’s father

Linda L. Branch

William W. Brant

Fred Brasfield, Sr.

Roy D. (Bud) Breeze

Edward Brentel

Sue Brewer

Rubbie Brighton

Gerald Bringhurst

Sonia Renee Brinkerhoff

Stanley Brinkerhoff

William Broadbent

Kristin Broadwater

Mary Ann Brockbank

W. Hughes Brockbank

Ruth Brooks

Alice Brown

Ethel Brown

Lucile W. Brown, R.N.

Kista S. Bryant

Lyle Bryner

Scott G. Budge

Jay Burgie

Rulon B. Burningham

Wayne Burningham

Peter Lawrence Burns

James F. Burt

Claude Butler

Paula Buttars

Allen Butters

Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds F. Cahoon

Richard Calder

Betty Preston Calkins

Jessica Ann Calkins

Osborne J. Call

Lyle K. Campbell

Patricia Darlene Camphouse

Alice C. Cannon

Elaine A. Cannon

Richard G. Cannon

Terry Lee Cantrell

John H. Carlquist, M.D.

Maria Carlson

Calvin Carr

William C. Carr

Ted Carter

Aaron Casari

Kenneth Bitner Castleton, M.D.

David N. Catchpole

Lorraine Chagnovich

Catherine C. Chanak

Ray Chandler

Shauna W. Chard

Kathleen Biggs Cheshire

Mary Damore Chiarelli

Horace and LaVonda Christens

Douglas Jack Christensen

Gates Christensen

Marjorie C. Christensen

Mildred Christensen

Jan Christian

Irene Kleven Christiansen

Norma Rigby Christiansen

Clark D. Chytraus

Irene F. Clark

Joan Laughlin Clark

Norma Rae Clark

Regan Clark

Billy Clayton

Therisa Clements

Richard L. Clise

Thomas F. Clise

Blake Cloward

Harvey Cluff

John Clutter

Edward W. Clyde

William D. Cocorinis

Patricia Truxler Coleman, Ph.D.

Sherman S. Coleman, M.D.

Kathleen Colucci

Laura Colvin

Leo Colvin

Carol Colwell

Gay Compton

Nigel F. B. Cook

Marvin Ren Cooley

Maridee Coon

Shelley Cooper

Hilda Stoker Cornaby

Kent Cortez

Darrell Brent Covington

Verle (Corky) Cox

Emory Jo Crabtree

Lowell W. Crandall

Brucia Crane

Mary Alice Peterson Crane

Jack Clive Craven

Gaye McKinstry Crompton

Leah Crossgrove

Randy D. Cruse

Jeffery J. Cue

Hamer Culp

Dalene Cummings

James Cuppan

Earl Curtin

Captain Philip W. Curtin

Marco Cushing

Jay Custer

Hazel M. Cutler

Kenneth M. Cutler


Michele Dabrowski

Dr. J. Philip Dalby

John R. Dallinga

Alecia Swapp Dame

Bertha T. Davis

Donna Davis

Jerold L. Davis

Steven Davis

Martha Day

Bill and Tony Daynes

Kenna Gerrard De Niro

Margaret De Rose

Ingrid De Sena

Teresa DeAcetis

Anne B. Dean

Angelina DeAngeles

Frances DeAngelo

Tom Deforrest

Ralph Dellesrave

Cecilia DeLuca

Louie DeMarco

Paul Denhalter

Jennifer Dennison

Martha Derouin’s Mother

Margie Dervoe

Jean Desimone

Benno D. Deters

Norma J. DeWeese

Judith Ann Jacob Dick

John Lee Diston

Robert J. Ditsworth

Eric Dockins

Victor Dona

Mary Donley

Allan Donnelly

Tom Donnelly, Jr.

Robert Doran

Marcella A. Dorius

Pan C. Doudaniotis

Grace Draper

Jon Kip Draper

Beth White Dredge

H. Perry Driggs, Sr.

Hal J. Drinkaus, M.D.

James Lee Droesbeke

Shane Duenes

Karl Lamar Duffin

Blake Duke

Darrell E. Duncan

Dixie Duncan

Clyde S. Dunkley

Mike Dunn

Donna Rae Durrant

Clarence D. Durtschi

Sara Louise Dwan

Richard B. Dwore

Christine Wilde Eagar

Norman Milton East

William Edde

Elizabeth Edwards

Hazel J. Egan

David W. Egbert

Eric Einersen

Joy Okland Ellis

Laureta Ellsworth

Eugene England

Kirk Englehardt

Mary Jim English

Marilyn Jean Eppich

Patricia Erickson

Robyn Erickson

Lucretia Lu M. Ernst

Arlene Evans

Edmund M. Evans

Rose Evans

Vern Eyre

Betty T. Fairclough

Verla J. Falkner

Frances Yvonne Ball Farley

Donald E. Faulkner

Christopher Rolfe Faux

Kevin Romney Featherstone

Warren R. Fenn

LeRay Ferguson

Ricardo B. Ferrari

Connor Q. Fisher



Page 52: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Richard T. Fleisch

Alan J. Fletcher

Grant Fletcher, M.D.

Lorri Shaw Folkersen

Frank Fonger

Judy Ann Ford Foote

Howard J. Ford

Niki Ford

Vance B. Forsgren

Dr. Jeffrey L. Fox


Carmel Frank

Daniel Franks

Henrietta P. Franz

Ardith Freeman

Joseph P. Fregulia

Dr. N. Patricia Freston

Betty Fridlberg

Bonnie Fronce

Carlos M. Fuentes

Sharon Fuhr

Herbert Fushimi

Jun Niki Futatsugi

Jerry L. Gacnik

Herman A. Gainey

Owen Gallant

Flora Herrera Gallegos

Frank Gamble

Jay R. Gamette

Frankie Garcia

Dr. James H. Gardner

Ethel L. Garietz

Marlene Garnham

Vaneese Garrett

L. Garth

Mr. and Mrs. C. Gartman

Carolyn Gassman

Susan Gates

Edna Gentle

Brooks Gibbons

Kristen Gibson

Richard Gibson

G. Lincoln Gillespie, Jr.

Harold and Bonnie Gividen

Deborah Gobelman

Sondra Cheney Gohman

Sue Gomez

Mary Gonzales

William Rex Gooch

Jack Goodman

Lynn Goodrich

Harold J. Goodro

Mary Lue Gordon

Alice Gore

Rosa Rodriguez Gramita

Dorothy Vicknair Graves

Claudine R. Gray

Virginia D. Gray

Afton C. Greaves

Evan Green

Annette Greenberg

Joseph M. Greenwood

Ann Gregersen

Patricia B. Grey

Yvonne Grivet

Robert W. Grobe

Edith Gromek

Isabel Grover

Klaus J. C. Guertler

Dale Everett Gunn

Ronald G. Gunther

Mildred Obremski Guthrie

Ron Gutierrez

Lisbeth B. Haas

Elizabeth Haglund


Bruce Hale

Edward Hales

Catharina Hammar

Paul Hampton

Jean Hankins

Mary T. Hanks

Catherine Hansen

Dorothy Parker Hansen

Kate Hansen

Marion McCune Hansen

Roland I. Hansen

Wesley and Carlene Hansen

Mary Grace Hansen Hansing

Marvel Hanson

Glen I. Hardy

Denny Harman

Gordon Harmston

Donna Harper

Jenny Harper

Whitney Thygerson Harris

John Patrick Hart, Jr.

John Hartman

Bill Haskins

Dorothy Ruth Hatalen

Hayley Lynn Hatch

Thomas Robert Hatch

Irene Hayes

Kelly Hayes

Beverly M. Hayman

Patricia Bills Haymond

Nancy E. Hayward

Douglas D. Healea

Maurine Hegsted

Chuck Henderson

DeWitt Rick Hendrickson

Karen Hepworth

Bendlario Hernandez

Kathie Heuss

Ann Heywood

Marguerite Hileman

Dr. Corrine Paxman Hill

Layne B. Hill

Paul Hill

Ritchie Hill

Charles Hillis

Pauline B. Hills

Sarah Louise Hinchcliff

Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Donald E. Hinds

Carl Hinman

Patricia Hobbs

Wes Hochgraber

Judith Cecelia Hocking

Edna F. Holdaway

Jared Wayne Holmes

Sammy Holtz

Cynthia Hopkins

Beverly J. Hornak

Gay Horsley

Elna Horton

William A. Hoster

Steven S. Hotta, Ph.D, M.D.

Joseph P. Howa

Sherwin W. Howard

Margaret Howells

David L. Hoyt

Brian W. Hubbard

Ruth Huff

Mayme Huffman

John Hughes

Melvin J. Hulme

Kathleen Hume

Alex P. Hurtado

Jo Hutchinson

William R. Hyde

Dorris D. Hyer

Tim Hynes

David Ion

Tad W. Isbell

Anna B. Iverson

Hyrum Iverson

Shirlee Ives

Johnny N. Jackson

Stephen C. Jackson

Leonard Jarcho, M.D.

George Jelaco


Anna Lou Jenkins

Bob Jenkins

Ellen S. Jenkins

Dennis Day Jensen

Joyce Jensen

Karen Gardner Jensen

Mark Jensen

Lima Jepsen

Larry M. Jewel

Becky Ann Johnson

Budd Johnson

Clarke Johnson

David Ames Johnson

Dianne Johnson

Doris A. Johnson

Douglas L. Johnson

Earle Clinton Johnson

Gary H. Johnson, M.D.

Glenn Johnson

Joy Hansen McLaws Johnson

Kim Johnson

Mary Lorraine Johnson

Phyllis Johnson

Russell T. Johnson

Alda Johnson-Harrold

Michael David Jolley

Janet Jones

Susan Cooper Jones

Marjorie Z. Jorgensen

Dee M. Judd, Jr.

LaNae Judd

Louise R. Judd

Robert R. Kadesch

Catherine Kane

Dorothy Karaglanis

Barbara W. Kawallis

Thomas Walter Kelly

Bonnie Kelsey

Robert D. Kent, Jr.

Pauline Kies

Marlene S. Kikel

James N. Kimball

LaRon Kimball

Doris King


Brandon Kitada


Marie Kneeland

John G. Knudsen, Jr.

Edna Knudson

Peter Emil Kohlweg

Frances Kolsky

Myrlene Korologos

Jack Kotter

Wayne Krebs

Kay Kriz

Nolan L. Krogue

Bessie V. Kumpitch

Toshio Kuwada

M. Eugene Lahey, M.D.

William J. Laird

Harold B. Lamb, Sr., M.D.

Clay Lana

Steve Lanctot

Anthonius Landaal

Dorothy Landon

Mae Lane

Glen Lapine

Sarah Lappe

Rosalie A. Larkin

Dale M. Larsen

George N. Larsen

Marian Larsen and others

Terri M. Larsen

Tracy R. Larsen

Art Leahy

Dr. Alan Lease

Jeffrey S. Lee

Papa Lee

Priscilla G. Lee

Ray Lee

Norma Cox Leese

Joe Legerski

Henry Lemay

Edith Lesueur


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 53: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


[ ]

Charles Levandowski

Darek W. Leyde

Easton M. Liechty

Mary Louise Lindman

Eva, Joseph and Paul Lipari

Earl Alfred Littlewood

Helen C. Lloyd

Frank Lobach

Scott Lohite

Alton Longstroth

Robert G. Love

Austin G. Loveless

Merlene B. Loveridge

Diane Wheeler Lund

Lloyd Lund

Don L. Lybbert

Ralph Macek

Erlys MacNaughtan

Jack Austin Madsen, M.D.

Marcella Magdaleno

Charee Magoffin

Charles H. Malmborg

Elaine Malone

Lawrence T. Maloney

Julie Mamales

Robyn Lynn Mann

Kathy Mantas

Casey Marble

Lloyd Marble

Harriet Lynn Marcus


Anne E. Mark

Judy Markowitz

Russell S. Marriott

Gerald F. Marshall, Jr.

Luel A. Marshall

Gary Martin

Dora M. Martindale

Eloy Martinez

M. David Matz

June C. Maughan

Kathleen Walker Maughan

Barbara J. Maw

Julia Gay McArthur

Harold McBride

Duncan P. McCarty

Lora N. McConkie

Ilene McCrory

Lucile McDonald

Dean and Marian McEwan

Carolyn McGinnis

Dorthy McGinnis

Thomas McJoynt

Lori Elizabeth McKenna

Donna Vee McKenzie

Katherine McKenzie

Pamela Joy McKinnen

Jess McKnight

George E. McMurdie

Mary McNalley

Richard C. McNeely

Patricia Karen McPhie

Margaret H. Meek

Conrad Meier

Dorothy Meikle

Mary Melchior

Erwin Mellor

Don J. Melville

Valeen Garcia Mendez

Helen Meronyk

Daniel F. Mestas

Wendy A. Metzger, M.D.

Frances Meyer

Harold Meyerhoffer

John Michelangelo

Midgley, Bennett, Browning

Grant W. Midgley

Morris Miles

Melba Millard

Roy L. Miller

Vi Miller

Floyd Millet

Monte Mills

Michael D. Miskinis

Hilda and John Moeller

Robert LaMont Mollerup

Brian Moncur

Deanna Moore

Lucille Morency

Donna Lou Morgan

John Morgan’s first wife

Warren Morlang

Russell H. Morris

Audrey Morse

Glenn Morton

Ryan Moss

Mother of Boyd Deans

Mother of Collette Later

Mother, Marilyn

Colin Motofi

Eileen Mrianda

Forrest C. Mueller

Mark N. Mueller, M.D.

Louis William Muir

Mark W. Muir, M.D.

Laura Lee Mullaly

Frank M. Mumford

Teresa Murdock

Marietta Murphey

Byron B. Myers

James P. Naughton

Charmian Neale

Jack R. Neese

Dr. Stanley D. Neff

V. Irlane Nelson

Tom Newby

Steven Nichols

Viola K. Nicolatus

John A. Nicolaysen

Mrs. John J. Nielson

Verl Joseph Nielson

Ann Nigbur

Larry Noland

Susan Kay None

Virginia P. North

Don Norton

Leslie T. Norton

Alan L. Nye

Elizabeth H. O’Grady

Patricia A. O’Grady

Seraph Olearain

Gwen Oliphant

Arthur K. Olsen, Jr.

Albert M. Olson

Pat Olson

Alvin G. Orchard

Silverio M. Ornelas

Yolande Orr

Joseph Carlyle Orton

Russell B. Orton

Linda Osborne

George P. Osterloh

Our Buddy

Blaine Owens

Glenda Owens

Mae K. Owens

Matthew Paar

Dean Padilla

Gregory Lowell Page

Jane Clare Page

Donald H. Panushka

Sandra R. Park

Frank Parke

Calvin L. Parker

Darwin L. Parkin

Frederick W. Parkins, Jr.

Sherwin Parry

Joy Passey


Cathi Patterson

Nancy Paul

Edna S. Paup

Jayawant Pawar

Edna Pay

Irene Payne

Luke Payne

Sherrie Ann Payne-Ellison

Noel L. Peacock

Eugene Willard Pearson

Charles W. Pecht, Jr.

Mary Pelletier

Jim Pennington

G. Peppinger

Karen Perry

Allison Watt Peterman

Beatrice R. Petersen

Ben Petersen

Farrell Morgan Petersen

Ginger Herbold Petersen

Helen Beatrice Petersen

L. L. Petersen

Ann Peterson

Bret Jon Peterson

Debra Van Epps Peterson

Ileann Wendrich Peterson

Margo Jenny Peterson

Ray Dean Peterson

Rose Ann S. Peterson

Wayne Peterson

Harold H. Pett

Boyd M. Pexton, Ed.D.

Andrea Phelps

Kathryn Phelps

Kay Phythian

Julius J. Picuiri

Jerry Dudley Pierce

Larry Martin Pierce

Donald L. Pisciotta

Eugene W. Pistorius

Ralph W. Pixton

Kenneth Pollard

Wayne L. Pope

Lola Potter

A. Marsh Poulson, Jr., M.D.

James Edward “Ted” Poulton

Barbara M. Prater, Ph.D.

Cheyenne Prather

Faye Miller Preece

Maude R. Prescott

Martin L. Prescott

Arthur C. Preston, Sr.

Barbara M. Preston

Mary Ann Preston

Frederick Price

Randy Price

Valdean Priester

Marian U. Pugmire

Robert Pugmire

Shirley Pugmire

Eleanor Pulido

Faye Pulos

Fozi Qutob

Mildred Rakisits

George W. Ramey

Lucybeth C. Rampton

Kristen Randall

Della Ward Ranhala

Peggy Raptosh

Ben E. Rawlings

Coralie Rawlinson



Page 54: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the



Julie Raynor

Nezzie Redler

Colleen J. Reed

Grant M. Reeder, M.D.

Eldrow Dutch Reeve

Marjorie Moyer Reiman

Robert Wallace Reiser

Marie Rice

Brett Richards

William A. Richardson

Laruel Richter

Floyd O. Ricketts

Joyce Ellen Ridd

Joyce K. Ridd

Richard J. Ridge

Judith Riedeburg

David N. Rieser

Lola C. Rigby

Virginia Rigby

Lorie Roach

Blaine H. Roberts

Jack Roberts

Jules D. Roberts

Mark Roberts

Mary C. Roberts

Dean Robertson

Randall B. Robertson

Irene C. Robins

Alice Robison

Shona Robison

Margaret Roe

Theodore Edwin Roemmich

Dean Rogers

Robert J. Roman

James and Becky Rooks

Petie Roose

Helen Rose

John H. Ross

Lynn L. Ross

Sam Ross

Helen Rothey

Robert Rouale

Edmund H. Roundy

Billy L. Rowe

Harold D. Rowley

Clinton T. Roylance

John L. Russo, Sr.

Vera B. Russo

John M. Russon

Barbara Anne Sanderson

Maureen Santos

Michael Saras

Anjana Sarkar

R. Lyle Saunders

Luella McAllister Sawyer

Myrtle Saxton

Anita B. Scheller

Fern Layton Schenck

Maria Scherch-Layton

Kenneth D. Schleiger

Walter E. Schlunz

Robert F. Schmitz

Klem I. Schneider, M.D.

Yuki Schulze

Earle W. Schwartz

Karen May Schwartz

Dorothy Scott

Gary Scott

Phil Scott

Kenneth Sellers

Terri Shaffer

Nancy Sharpe

Robert J. Shaughnessy

Lena Shaw

Betty Louise Shelby

Edith Funk Shepherd

Luana Shepherd

Jean Shinney

John G. Shulz

Imogene Y. Siddoway

Robert B. Simmons

Adele M. Simpson

Shana Simpson

Robert Eyre Slack

Lillian M. Slocum

Dorothy Sly

William Smallwood

Jay A. Smart

Harold S. Smedley

Alice Smith

Burke Smith

Gene K. Smith

Helen T. Smith

J. Vurge Smith

John Henry Smith

Michael E. Smith

Nona Smith

Reed C. Smith

Ruth Marie Thomas Smith

Sandra Lynn Smith

Carol Snow

Gordon W. Snow

James Snydal

Frederick C. Sorensen

Dr. J. Keith Sorenson

Veloy B. Sorenson

Jill Horner Southern

Julie Ann Soutter

Betty Jean Spencer

Linda Spencer

Richard Spencer

Linda Kay Spikes

Cortland S. Spooner

Cliff Spreier

Jill Spurigesz

H. T. Squire

Darla Rae Staley

Robert James Stam

Jacob E. Stanworth

Thayne Stark

William O. Starkweather

Claud H. Stauffer

Leslie Ernest Steers

Wes Steinburg and Pat Johnson

Penny Steiner

John Steiniger

Scott Stephenson

Diane Stevens

Frank Bruce Stevens

Phillip B. Stewart

Warren H. Stewart

Harry Stienert

Dorothy E. Stine

Dr. Thomas G. Stockham, Jr.

Ray Stoffers

Clark N. Stohl

Alice Rue Stone

Forrest D. Stone

Leo Ben Stott

Paul G. Stringham, M.D.

Frank Harold Strozier

Rory Sullivan

Margaret G. Sundberg

Paul Swensen

Brock Darek Swenson

Sharon Swenson

Marjorie Ricks Swindler

Wilma Sylvester

Ruby Talberg

Harvey Milas Tanner

Beatrice P. Taylor

Kellie G. Taylor

Sue White Taylor

William F. Taylor

Donald Y. Tazoi

Grandma Teddi

Robert Temple

Ida Tereira

Earl L. Teter

Sidney Keith Thatcher

Jim Thayer

Donna Thienpont

Harlan Gregg Thomas

Nina Thomas

Ray C. Thomas

Walter Anthony Thomasson

JoAnn Thompson

Margaret H. Thompson

Ray Barker Thompson

Elaine Y. Thornblad

Jean L. Thornton

Arthur L. Thurston

Martha E. Shockley Timmon

Ginny Tippens

DeLois Tischner

Veryle Ruth Todd

Donald C. Todt

Susan Kaye Tonc

Walter S. Tousley

John P. Tracy

Gene Treadway

Mark Lawrence Trotter

Pamela Trouten

K. Ross Tucker, M.D.

Jill Okland Tuft

Phyllis Truman

Pearl V. Turner

Cleo Udy

Roberta Ufford

Stephen B. Utley

Dorothy VanGerven

Helen Savage Van Leeuwen

Don P. Van Steeter, M.D.

Bryan Van Valkenburg

Arcene Marie Verzaal

Karyl Dale Vett

Anne P. Vetter

Hal Vilhauer

John Vincent and Nancy Auger

Juanita Vogel

Robert G. Wade

Wayland Waggoner

Todd Brig Wagstaff

Bruce Taylor Waldrop

Dale Walker

George David Walker

Rosalee Walsworth

Helen Naylor Walters

Lee A. Wankier

Marilyn L. Warenski

Dorothea Warnecke

Donna Oliphant Warner

Ken Warner

Carole Warnick

Jenafer Warnken


[ ]

University of Utah

Health Sciences Center

Page 55: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]

James Waters

Mary Ann M. Watson

Dean H. Weaver, M.D.

J. Kenneth Webb

Roxanna Webb

John and Ruth Webber

Beth Webster

Julie Webster’s mother

Justin Webster’s mother

Judy M. Francom Weeden

D. Vivian Weggeland

Walter H. Weidner, Sr.

Melvin H. Weissgerber

Gloria Weitzeil

Judith M. Welling

Brian William West

Ted West

Thelma Westenskow

Cindy Leann Westerfield

Gayen Wharton

Lawrence J. Wheadon

Eleanor Wheelock

Beverly White

Bill White

Joan Rasmussen White

Merelda L. Bolin White

Richard Whitney

Robert Whitney

Winona and Ray Wiese

Don Wilcox

Daxton Wilde

Sheryl Wilkes

Art Willardsen

Dona M. Williams

Roger K. Williams

Roger R. Williams, M.D.

Lawrence “Roy” Wills

Cecelia Wilson

D. Jay Wilson

David John Wilson

Eleanor Wilson

Jed Eldon Wilson

Sally Wilson

Cherie Winks

Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D.

Paula Williams Wirick

Leroy Witt

Mary Jo Wolters

Grant Wood

R. Bryner Wood

B. Jean Woolwine

Paul and Mildred Workman

Marquerite Wozab

Diane Wright

Lloydine Wright

Tamara Waller Wright

Ted Wright

Charlotte Wyszkawski

Miki Sugino Yano

Billy J. Yarrington

Charles J. Yenna

Roy A. Yoder

Mary Ann Youngblood

Your Brother

Ernest Zaharias

Linda Zarley

Robert A. Zeeh

Maxine Zuber

Carl J. Zwahlen

I N H O N O RThose in whose honor gifts weremade from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004.

Laura Aberton

Judy Adams

Dr. Apfelbaum

Eva Argyle

Shane Armstrong

Michelle Ashton

Danny J. Astill

Linda Barlow

Hannah Bates

Tom Beckstead

Tennysha Begum

Joe Bergman

George Bernier, Jr.

Eric Joseph Bernkopf

Eleanor Bishop

Barbara Bissegger

Nancy and Brian Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boyle

Hal Bracken

Don and Jean Bradshaw

David G. Bragg, M.D.

Dee and Steve Brestin

Dr. Saundra S. Buys

Dr. Thomas Caine

Max Carpenter


Owen Cherrington

William H. Child

Mildred Conner

Orvil and Lucille Cowles

Jane Cox

Kate Cubbage

Donald B. Cudmore

Daren and Kim

Matt Day

Mrs. Emerson H. Drake

Sarah Adele Dransfield

Helen E. Draper

Harold K. Dunn, M.D.

Charles A. Eldon

Joseph E. Fegan, Jr.

Lynn Fey’s Mother

Kirk and Nancy Fowkes

Dr. Roger Freedman

Richard A. Fullmer

Carolyn Gardner

Sally Ann Gear

Renee Gharas

Kelly Gibson

Michelle Glasgow

Sondra Cheney Gohman

Ruth Goode

Grace and Daniel



Dorothy Vicknair Graves

Sue Greene

Stephanie Griggs

William H. Guanell

Douglas Hadley

Elder David Haight

Laura Evans Hardman

Elaine F. Hart

Mrs. Ursula Hemmerich

Evelyn Florence Hoddy

Bonnie and Dan Hooper

Daniel Scott Horwitz, M.D.

Brian Hubbard

Jon M. Huntsman, Sr.

Karen Huntsman

Michael Terry Hurst

Hyrum Iverson

Patty Jackson

S. C. Jackson

Peggy Jacobsen

Frank Jewell

Inga-Lill Karlson

Helen M. Kay

Victoria Kulm

Vanae Larsen

Laurie Larson

Merline C. Leaming

Dr. Ray Leininger

Dianne F. Lemmons

Evelyn Leyson

John A. and Tita E. Lindquist

Pat and Tom Linnebar

Victor Lopez

Willard and Lowna Loveridge

Michael Low

Charlotte MacKinlay

Vincent P. Mancini

Many people

John Mapes, Jr.

Julie L. Markus

Chris A. Mason, Jr.

Donna McArthur

Karen McBeth

Jace McKinnon

Charlotte Mecham

Lynne Metcalf

John Michelangelo

Military personnel

Kathy M. Morris

Megan Moss

Deborah L. Mraz

Virginia Ockerman

Jon Olson

Clara M. Padilla


Jackie Parker

Christopher L. Peters, M.D.

George Petrogeorge


Dr. John M. Prescott

Kathryn K. Prescott

Steve Prescott

Chase Pullan

Anita Quibell

Makayla Radtke

R. Lor Randall, M.D.

Recovery Ward Nurses

Barbara F. Reed

Colin Richards

Darren Richardson

Leon Roberts

Thayne Robson

Carmen Rosco

JoAnne Rowland

Dr. Saffel

Ronald E. Sajdak

Wolfram E. Samlowski, M.D.

Della Sanchez

Carol Sanders


Jeannie Sapp

Walter E. Schlunz

Dr. Richard H. Schmidt

Dr. Clough Shelton

Truman L. Shelton

Faub Shihab

Jeanne M. Shipley

Joseph V. Simone, M.D.

Beth and Charles Small

Brent and Sue Smith

Lon W. Smith

Mona Smith

Sue Smith

Lynn Snellman

James H. Snider

Shiela Snow

Jean Sparks

Carol J. Spurgeon

The Staff and Doctors

McKenzi Staples

Jacob Marc Stavis

Deon Steckling

Adele M. Stireman

Dr. Paul Stringham

Dorothy Stromberg

Art Swindle

Debra Tanzi

Dr. Tom and Georgia Tappen

Professor Lee E. Teitelbaum

Lacey Thelin

Charlene E. Tomich

Patricia Travis Troseth

University of Utah Hospital

Kirk S. Vigil, M.D.

Chuck Vogler

Violet Walker

John H. Ward, M.D.

Jeff Warren

Tom Watkins

Judy Weeden

Gayen Wharton

Emma Lee Whiles

Dr. Richard W. Wintch

Gerald and Joyce Woodmansee

Ray Worthen

Your Son

Your Son’s birthday

Robin L. Zaft

Karen A. Zempolich-Cannon, M.D.



Page 56: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

[ ]


Merline C. Leaming, CHAIR

Robert L. Rice, VICE CHAIR

G. W. Anderson

Mitzi Brady

Reed W. Brinton

Patricia W. Child

E. R. Dumke, Jr.

Carol M. Fay

Calvin S. Hatch

T. G. “Bud” Mahas

Joanne S. McGillis

Donald M. Willey


Lee Anderson

Ralph L. Ashton, Sr.

Lee Auerbach

William C. and Shirley Bailey

Joe and Gainor Bennett

Lael S. Bettilyon

John and Toni Bloomberg

Hazel Bowerbank

Albert E. and Peg Bradbury

Rod Brady

Lorna S. Broadbent

Wallace S. and Josephine Brooke

Barbara Burnett

Leola C. Burr

Thomas H. and Mary Ellen Caine

Louis H., Jr. and Ellen Callister

Haydon M. and Jean Calvert

Robert S. Carter and Barbara Prince

Burt and Sally Burbidge Cassity

Joann Cheney

William H. Child

Mary Lee Christensen

Alfred “Chris” and Trudi Christiansen

Thomas D. II and Janice Dee

Jules S. and Margaret Dreyfous

Kay Dumke

Spencer F. and Cleone Eccles

Sidney H., Jr. and Betsy Eliason

Richard D. and Violet Ence

Eugene and June England

William K. and Fern England

William C. and Shirley Fagergren

Edith P. Fairclough

Richard A. Fay

John H., Jr. and Joan Firmage

Norma K. Forsey

Alan F. and Beverly Frank

John W. Gallivan

Betty Garff

Jake and Kathleen Garn

Clark P. and Nancy Giles

John B. and Geraldine Goddard

Reece and Shirley Goodrich

Robert and Joyce Graham

Dorothy S. Hall

Joyce Harris

June Hartman

JeNeal Hatch

John B. III and Jean Henkels

Jon M., Sr. and Karen H. Huntsman

Ellis R. and Katie Ivory

Ted C. and Florence Jacobsen

Robert W. and Barbara Keener

Arlene Knight

George B. and Dixie Koroulis

Paul T. and Sharee Kunz

Esther R. Landa

Lennox A. Larson

Janet Q. Lawson

Dixie and Anne Leavitt

Max B. Lewis

Allan M., Jr. and Kay Lipman

James L. and Carol Macfarlane

Donald A. and Marjorie Mackey

Grace Madsen

Barbara Mahas

Woodrow D. and Judy Marriott

Richard L. McGillis

Clifford A. and Judith Miller

Harold W. and Lois Milner

Dr. Robert F. and Jelean Montgomery

Edward B. and Barbara Moreton

Fred A., Jr. and Lucy Moreton

Ted and Sheri Morgan

G. Mitchell and June Morris

Richard K. and Maria Obyn

Norm and Nancy Olsen

Geraldine W. Olson

Dr. Virgil J. and Jackie Parker

Beth B. Parrish

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Paulson

Jess and Marilyn Peck

Darm and Bette Penney

Beverly Porter

Betty F. Probst

Mary Louise Rawlings

Dr. Vincent and Kay Rees

Joyce Rice

Dr. S. Grover, Jr. and Ruth Rich

Marjorie Riches-Gunn

Joseph and Raye Ringholz

Donald N. and Jacqueline Rosenblatt

Bertram H. and Janet Schaap

Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly

Margot Shott

Barnard S. and Cherry Silver

Roy W. and Tibby Simmons

Barbara Slaymaker

Ruth Smart

James L. and Beverley Sorenson

Sam W. and Mary Souvall

Richard L. Stimson

Burton and Marilyn Stohl

Norman C. and Barbara Tanner

Alice G. Telford

Joan Terry

Ann Jarcho Thomas

Arthur and Haru Toimoto

Alida W. Tyler

M. Walker and Sue Wallace

C. Scott and Berniel Watkins

Alonzo W. Watson

Elizabeth B. Wilder

Joleen Willey

Kenneth L. and Mary Williams

Judy M. Wolfe


Lee Brockbank

Carmen M. Christensen

John A. and Carole Moran

Barbara K. Samuels

L. S. and Aline W. Skaggs


Fern Briggs

Jane Dooly Porter

Dorothy Tesson

University of Utah Health Sciences Center


University of Utah

Health Sciences Council

Page 57: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Health Sciences Center

Educational Resources

Development Council (ERDC)

[ ]


Fred Fairclough, CHAIR

Chris Fairclough

Carol Firmage, VICE CHAIR

John Firmage

Tim and Candace Dee

Mark and Nancy Gleue

Tom and Mary McCarthy

Stan and Joyce Parrish


C. Ross and Susan Anderson

John and Karen Anderson

Angela Atkin

Byron and Debbie Barkley

Steve and Marcy Barlow

Roger and Sara Boyer

Steve and Joan Brinton

David and Linda Buchman

Jeff and Helen Cardon

Eric and Kyo Christensen

Keith and Kristin Christensen

Steve and Elaine Clyde

John Condas

Todd and Karin Cook

Vern and Rebecca Cooley

Chuck and Katy Culp

Mark and Sandy Day

Stephen Jr. and Marti Denkers

Marianne Dennison and Damon Miller

Hilary Drammis

Zeke III and Angela Dumke

Tim and Susan Dunn

Hope C. Eccles and Randy Quarles

Katie Eccles and David J. Burnett

Lisa Eccles

Nathan and Kara Felix

Doug and Ann Foxley

Joe and Peggy Fratto

Mike and Jacque Frei

Kevin and Tanya Garn

Dan and Nancy Gibbs

Brad and Mary Ann Hatch

Joe and Holly Henriod

Jim and Jodee Hoellein

Dr. Aaron and Suzie Hofmann

Russell and Pam Johnson

Mike and Mary Jones

Tom and Leslie Kemp

Gary and Jane Kennedy

Carma Kent

Greg Krueger

David and Julie Layton

Bill and Nancee Madsen

Ed and Carol Madsen

Bruce and Jean McMullin

Sean and Christina Mooney

Doug and Vicki Mortensen

Kevin and Elaine Mortensen

Randy and Sandra Okland

Brad Olch

Kip and Terri Paul

Mori and Lisa Paulsen


Lynn Fey, CHAIR

Ann Blackner, VICE CHAIR

Zoe Richardson, PROGRAM CHAIR


Melanie Bastian

Ann Betz

Ruth Bischoff

Timmy Burton

Robyn Carter

Barbara Champion

Nedra Chard

Barbara Clark

Barbara Cowley

Linda Deakins

Dine Dellenback

Franci Eisenberg

Barbara Polich and Val Antczak

Steve and Andrea Poulton

Jay and Anita Rice

Scott and Leslie Rice

Kevin and Susan Rowe

Stephen M. Ryberg and Claire Dumke

Joe and Ann Sasich

David E. and Melinda Simmons

Eric and Karen Slaymaker

Scott and Shauna Slaymaker

Sean and Janae Smith

Cliff, Jr. and Sharon Snyder

David and Susan Spafford

Dave and Susan Stayner

Dr. Jim and Ciska Stinson

Tony and Carol Sweet

Major General David and Debra Tanzi

Scott and Betsy Thornton

Blake and Carol Tillotson

Barbara Jane Watkins

Julie Webster

Brian Wilkinson and Emilie Charles

Duff and Lori Ann Willey

Bill and Lisa Wirthlin

Don and Jill Wiscomb

Jeff Wright


J. Floyd and Carol Hatch

Mark and Kathie Miller


Lindsay Cutshall

John S. Edwards

Kim Huish

Marian Ingham

Joan Jacobson

Pam Joklik

Linda Kruse

Terry Landa

Merline Leaming

Chris Lee

Marilyn Maher

Sidney Makoff

Judy Maryon

Nancy Melich

Marsha Midgley

Patty Miller

Ruth Novak

Nanette Pratt

Terry Rampton

Sue Razor

Marilynn Roskelley

Janet Schaap

Maggie Siegel

Barbara Slaymaker

Verla Sorensen

Carol Spurgeon

Alice Steiner

Susan Walker

Lisa Wirthlin

Linda Wolcott

Suzan Young

Barbara Zimonja


Barbara Dingman

Karen Freed

Lynda Gamble

Kay Lipman

Claudia Luttrell

Marcia Olch

Paula Swaner Sargetakis

University of Utah Health Sciences Center


Health Sciences


Page 58: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

Health Sciences

Planned Giving Committee

University Hospital Foundation

Board of Trustees

[ ]

Linda Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FANN

John Anderson

Ross Anderson

Senator Patrice Arent

Jadie Barrie, R.N.

A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.

David Bjorkman, M.D.

H. Roger Boyer

Patricia Child

Phillip Clinger

Arnold B. Combe

Gordon Crabtree

O F F I C E R S / T R U S T E E S





Timothy B. Anderson

Joseph C. Bennett

Dianne Nelson Binger

Rodney H. Brady

Thomas H. Caine, M.D.

Curtis B. Dahl

Sara Lyn Douglass

Nancy L. Giles

Kay B. Greene

Eldon V. Haacke

Kenneth J. Hanni

Ronald E. Henriksen

James R. Floyd

Jay Francis

Richard A. Fullmer

Maureen Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN

John T. Kesler

Neil Kochenour, M.D.

Rob Lloyd

Ray Lynch

Michael Magill, M.D.

Norma Matheson

Kristen Ries, M.D.

Ross Van Vranken

Victoria Pembroke Jackson

Steven W. Kasteler

Carl R. Kjeldsberg, M.D.

Dennis V. Lloyd

Diana Burns Lyon

Theodore G. Mahas

Anthony L. Rampton

Jerry W. Stevenson

Debra K. Tanzi

Ann Jarcho Thomas

Lynda Lee Tobin

Robert A. Wheaton


W. Hughes Brockbank*

E. R. Dumke, Jr.

John W. Gallivan

John A. Reinertsen

Joseph Rosenblatt*

University of Utah Health Sciences Center




Clark E. Christian, CHAIR

Angela Atkin

Stephen W. Barlow

Tom Christensen

Cal Curtis

Doug Fadel

Mary Gordon

Rick Johnson

Steven R. McMurray

Penniann J. Schumann

Stanley Vandertoolen

Terri Yeckley


John S. Edwards

Jeffrey Paoletti

Stephen R. Warner

University of Utah

Hospitals and Clinics

Board of Directors

Page 59: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the

The University of Utah Health Sciences Center supports the mission and vision

of the University of Utah and serves the public by improving health and quality of life

through excellence in education, research and clinical care.

We educate

competent and caring practitioners, educators and scientists for the state of Utah and beyond.

We advance

knowledge through innovative basic and clinical research and scholarship and translate

our discoveries into applications that help people.

We provide

compassionate, state-of-the art clinical care to our patients.

We anticipate

and respond to the needs of our communities through outreach, advocacy and service.

our mission

Page 60: extramile - University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health · 2004-12-20 · rally around.” After his initial visit to the facility, Rasmussen felt so positively about the


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