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Expressing EmotionsWhat do you do to express . . . Happiness?Sadness?Anger?1Haiku5-7-52

Haikus are easy,But sometimes they don't make sense.Refrigerator.

Write a silly haiku . . . Just get it out of your system

3Terminology cuttingPunctuation mark or word that divides a haiku into two parts. A cutting can be a hyphen, ellipses, colon or a word such as "stop."enjambmentContinuation of a phrase or clause from one line to the next, creating a tugging effect.kigoA seasonal reference in haiku. An example of a kigo is: "autumn deepens." It conveys a sense of being late in life.pivot wordA word in a haiku poem that changes, or turns the direction of the poem.4Terminology rengaJapanese poetic form made up of linked tanka verse; the word renga means "linked elegance"satoriA moment of insight or reflection that emerges in a Haiku poem (usually around the cutting or pivot word)tankaJapanese poetic form that is made up of 5 lines with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable count. Haiku derives from tanka.yugenJapanese term for beauty that suggests mystery, depth and a touch of sadness

5For most human beings, it's hard to say the right thing at the right time. When the pressure is on, it's common to either stumble around and say too much, or hold back and say nothing at all.

Luckily, there's help, from an art form that got its start in medieval Japan and has spread around the world. Haiku poets, who write three-line poems which traditionally total only seventeen syllables, have perfected the art of expressing emotions, relations, and fleeting impressions in only a few words. When written well, those few words can bring us to a deep appreciation of the moment and of the diverse conditions that brought it forth.6HokkuHaikai consisted of a beginning triplet called a hokku. The hokku was considered the most important part of the poem. It had two principal requirements: a seasonal word (kireji) and a "cutting word" or exclamation.7In Japan, a haiku poem is usually divided into three groups/lines of syllables, the first and last with five syllables, the second with seven. However, be careful not to get blocked by strict adherence to the number of syllables and miss the essence of haiku. The 17 syllables is not an absolute rule. Most Japanese syllables are short, as in po-ta-to. English syllables can be long, and take up too much space in a haiku, so English haiku frequently have fewer than 17 syllables, sometimes as few as ten.Rules are made to be broken Essence of Haiku1. Haiku presents simple imagery, devoid of similes, metaphors, and eloquent adjectives and adverbs. 2. When crafting haiku, think of a group of words that present an observation in a way that appeals to the senses. Use sight, touch, sound, smell, taste, or sensations like pain or movement. 3. Tell of a specific event or observation; do not write in general terms. 4. Write in the present tense. What are the poets feelings in the moment of writing haiku? Capture it. 5. When describing an event, present it as an image.9For example, the following isNOThaiku:I watched the rainDrops as they splatteredInto the puddle.

As written by a 4th grade student, the same sentiment is expressed as haiku:Soft warm splatteringsEchoing in circlesSettle in the puddle.

Why Not?10So what should haiku accomplish? What should it provide the reader? According to the classic haiku poets of Japan, haiku should present the reader with an observation of a natural, commonplace event, in the simplest words. The effect of haiku is one of "sparseness". It's a momentary snatch from time's flow, crystallized and distilled. Nothing more.11Of all the forms of poetry, haiku perhaps is the most demanding of the reader. It demands the reader's participation because haiku merely suggests something in the hopes that the reader will find "a glimpse of hitherto unrecognized depths in the self." Without a sensitive audience, haiku is nothing.

We are beyond writing the silly. Change me. Make me care. 12There is no better example of how a few words can fill a world.13I am nobody:A red sinking autumn sunTook my name away.Richard Wright 14Make up you mind, Snail!You are half inside your house,And halfway out!15With indignationA little girl spanks her doll, The sound of spring rain.16Fold a piece of paper down the middle.On the right side of your paper, list an occupation at the top. On the left side of your paper, list 10 nouns in nature. Example: GardnerExample: cloudsThen list 20 action verbs the worker does.For example: grows, trims, fertilizes . . . Now choose some of your nouns and combine it with one of your verbs to create a unique combination. Example: White clouds grow in the sky, full of ideas. Verb Exercise17ObservationGo outside and look at one small object or event in nature. Watch a cricket move, describe a leaf, observe the clouds. Record what you see, then work it into haiku.

Japanese has a set of words, kigo, that refer to specific seasons and are fundamental to haiku. English has no agreed upon set, but do try to use words that refer to a season, or lead the reader to sense a season.18Originally Known As TankaHaiku derives from a type of Japanese court poetry called tanka that was popularized and refined during the 9th through 12 centuries.

Tanka was often written to explore religious themes and had a structure of five lines with 5-7-5-7-7 syllable structure.

During this period, it became a popular activity to write long strings of linked tanka verse. One person would often contribute the first three lines (5-7-5) of the poetic chain and a different author would complete the chain by composing a 7-7 section. Then another author would build on the previous 7-7, with another 5-7-5 passage. This chaining of verses called renga, could sometimes add up to hundreds of linked tanka.19THE BIG DOGSThree great masters of hokku, Basho, Buson and Issa, lived during Japan's Edo-period (1600-1868) and their work still exerts a great deal of influence on how haiku is written today.

All three men were born in rural villages and spent many years practicing and refining their art form as well as wandering the countryside, observing nature and the human condition. They followed in a long Japanese tradition of poet-wanders, who seek to experience the word through direct contact.20a world of dew,and within every dewdropa world of struggle

(Issa 1762 - 1826)

21BashoBy the age of 34, Matsuo was recognized as a master and a circle of poets began to form around him. Ironically, it was at this time that Matsuo began to recede from the scene. He moved to modest dwellings a gamekeepers hut outside of town. It was there that he received an unexpected gift that changed him one of his students gave him a banana tree, or basho. The banana tree is a broad-leaved plant that tends to dwarf other plants around it. It also was an exotic tree, uncommon to Japan. Perhaps for these reasons, from that point on, Matsuo became known simply as Basho. Every hut he inhabited the rest of his life included a basho tree and he often traveled carrying one with him.Born outside of Kyoto, Matsuo Kinsaku was the son of a low-ranking Samurai. Little is known of his early years. However, after writing verse as a child, Matsuo moved to Edo (present day Tokyo) where he worked towards establishing himself as a writer.

23The poetBashoinfused a new sensibility and sensitivity to this form in the late seventeenth century. He transformed the poetics and turned the hokku into an independent poem, later to be known as haiku. Basho's work focused around the concept of karumi (a feeling of lightness)so much so that he abandoned the traditional syllabic limitations to achieve it.

24Clouds come from time to time -and bring to men a chance to restfrom looking at the moon.


26Mirror Imagewhere tears meet laughterhow elusive is the sourcewhence a smile melts tears

whence a smile melts tearshow elusive is the sourcewhere tears meet laughter

Michael Shepherd 27Inverted HaikuHaiku3 lines in lengthnon-rhyminglines 1 and 3 contain 5 syllablesline 2 has 7 syllables

Winds blowing lightly Leaves whispering in the darkStars twinkling aboveUkiah3 lines in lengthRhyminglines 1 and 3 contain 7 syllablesline 2 contains 5 syllables

Leaves are drifting in the nightThe stars are so brightShivering I hold you tight waiting for the wordsthe depth of me in haikutell you who I am

Russ Baleson

I am who you tell meIn haiku, the depth of meThe words are waiting 29