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I MinaʹTrentai Dos Na Liheslaturan GuahanAppointment Log Sheet

Date Received

M&C No. Appointee Position AgencyAppt. Date 

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Expiration Date of Action

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Committee Referred Date Referred PH DateCRFiled

Confirmed Notes

05/22/14 32GL‐14‐1662 Amanda L.G. Santos Member Chamorro Land Trust Commission 05/22/14 3 Years

Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Land

05/23/147/8/149 a.m.

7/16/1411:45 a.m.


7/16/2014 1:23 PM

July 22. 2014

I Mi11a'Tre11tai Dos Na Liheslatura11 Guiihan The 32nd Guam Legislature

155 Hesler Place, Hagatna, Guam 96910 -

Tel: (671)472-3465 ·Fax: (671)472-3524

clerk:::;:_ttguan1legi.slature,org \V\,VW ,guamle£islature.con1

The Honorable Edward J.B. Calvo I Maga 'lahen Guahan Ufisinan I Afaga 'la hi Hagatiia, Guam 969 l 0

Dear l'vfaga 'lahi Calvo:

By virtue of the authority vested in the Guam Legislature pursuant to the Organic Act of Guam and the local laws applicable to the following positions, I hereby inform you of the Legislative action on July 10, 2014 on your nominations:

I. The Legislature did consent to the appointment of Mr. Michael J.B. Borja to serve as the Director of the Department of Land Management.

2. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mrs. Amanda LG. Santos to serve as a member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a term of three (3} years as defined by §75102, Chapter 75 of Title 21, Gnam Code Annotated beginning on April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2017.

3. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mr. Pascual V.A. Sablan to serve as a member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a term of three (3) years defined by §75102, Chapter 75 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on April 11, 2013 to April 10, 2016.

4. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mr. Joseph I. Cruz to serve as a member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a term of three (3) years as defined by §75102, Chapter 75 ofTitle 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on April I I, 2013 to April 10, 2016.

5. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mr. Richard K, Olmo to serve as the Archaeologist Representative to the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board for a term of four (4) years as defined by §76508, Article 5, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on March 21, 201 l to March 20, 2015.

6. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of :\lr. Joaquin P. Perez to serve as the Planning Representative Alternate to the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board fi.1f a tenn of four (4) years as defined by §76508, Article 5. Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on March 21, 2012 to March 20, 2016.

7. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Pale' Eric Forbes to serve as the History Representative to the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board for a

term of four ( 4) years as defined by §76508, Article 5, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on March 21, 2014 to March 20, 2018.

8. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mr. Michael J. Makio to serve as the Architect Representative to the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board for a term of four (4) years as defined by §76505, Article 5, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on March 21, 2014 to March 20, 2018.

9. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Ms. Rebecca A.R. Duenas to serve as the Chamorro Culture Representative Alternate to the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board for a term of four (4) years as defined by §76508, Article 5, Chapter 76 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on March 21, 2013 to March 20, 2017.

l 0. The Legislature did consent to the nomination of Mr. David R. Jimenez to serve as a member of the Board of Equalization for a term of four ( 4) years as defined by §24501, Chapter 24, Article 5 of Title 11, Guam Code Annotated beginning on August 29, 2011 to August 28, 2015.

TINA ROSE MUNA BARNES Legislative Secretary

CC: Maria l.D. Pangelinan Exet:utive Director, Guam Election Commission




2014 (SECOND) Regular Session Show of Hands Voting Sheet

Appointment of: Amanda L.G. Santos to serve as a Member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission.

Speaker Antonio R. Uniplngco Legislative Session Hall July 10, 2014

NAME Not Voting/ Out During

Absent m ~ Ahstain~d Roll Call

Senator Thomas "Tom" C. ADA v

Senator V. Anthony "Tony" ADA '--,_

Senator Frank Blas AGUON Jr. . j

Vice-Speaker Beniamin J.F. CRUZ v

Senator Christopher M. DUENAS

Senator Michael LIMTIACO

Senator Brant McCREADIE , F•<

Senator Thomas "Tommv" MORRISON --y

Senator Tina Rose MUNA BARNES "-

Senator Rory J. RESPICIO v [)(

Senator Dennis G. RODRIGUEZ, Jr. \~

Senator Michael F. Q.SAN NICOLAS ~

Speaker Judith T. WON PAT, Ed.D.

Senator Aline A. YAMASHITA, Ph.D.


Yea Nay Not Voting/ Out During Abstained Roll Call



! C hkloVt e Legislature I v I · \~~~-/·/

Office of

the Pf'ople

Chainnan Conmlii:!L"e on Appmpriatiorn,

Public Debt Legal Affairs, Retirement Public Parks,

Recreation, Hi>.ioric Preservation and Land

Member CommjttL->e on E.ducation,

Public Libraries and Women's Affairs

Memt.?r Committee on General

Government Operations and (\tltural Affairs

Member Committee on Mwucipal

Affairs, Tourism, Housing and Hagati\a R"'ioration and Development Authority

Memt.?r Committee on Health & Human Services, Health

Insurance Reform, Eo:momic Development and Senior


I Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guahan

________ Senator Vi_c_e_f1_l'.'_ (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan_\D)

i:lJJkohJ.aiPe1Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I Mina'trentai Dos Na Liheslaturan Guahan 155 Hesler Place Hagati'ia, Guam 9691 O

VIA: The Honorable Tom Ada ?-<­Acting Chairperson, Committee on Rules

RE: Committee Report on the Appointment of Mrs. Amanda L.G. Santos

Dear Speaker Won Pat:

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt. Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land hereby reports out the nomination of Mrs_ Amanda LG. Santos to serve as a member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a term of three (3) years as defined by §75102, Chapter 75 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on April 11, 2014 to April IO, 2017.

Committee votes are as follows:

5 _£.:[__

_12 __ 0 -----







____ ,, ______________________________________ _ --- -------------

324 W. Soledad Ave. Suite 100, HagJtfia, Guam 96910

Tel: (671) 473-(4BEN) 4236 - Fax: (671) 473-4238 - Email: [email protected]

Website: http: I I





Office of

Chairman Committee on Appmpriations,

Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks,

Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land

Member Committee on Education,

Public Libraries and Women's Affairs

Member Committee on General

Government Operations and Cultural Affairs

Member Committee on Municipal

Affairs, Tourism. Housing and Hagati\a Restoration and Development Authority

Member Committee on Health & Homan Servire;, Health

lnsuranL"C Reform, Eronomic Development and Senior

Ci mens

Member Commiltl>e on Aviation, Grow1d

Transportaticm, Regulatory ConL'E'ITtS and Fuh.m:'


I Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guahan

_____ Senator Vicente (bt:n) Cabrera Pangelinan (D)


To: All Members Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land.

Subject: Committee Report on thV\.pp.oinitnient of Mrs. Amanda L.G. Santos

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land hereby reports out the nomination of Mrs. Amanda L.G. Santos to serve as a member to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a term of three (3) years as defined by §75102, Chapter 75 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated beginning on April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2017.

This report includes the following:

1. Committee Voting Sheet 2. Committee Report Narrative 3. Copy of Appointment Letter to the Speaker 4. Copy of Appointment Packet & Supporting Documents 5. Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet 6. Copy ofCOR referral of the Appointment 7. Notices of Public Hearing 8. Copy of the Public Hearing Agenda

Please take the appropriate action on the attached voting sheet. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Si Yu ·vs Ma 'ase ',

324 W. Soledad Ave. Suite 100, Hag~tfia, Guam 96910

Tel: (671) 473-(4BEN) 4236 - Fax: (671) 473-4238 - Email: [email protected]

Website: http:/ I


Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land

Committee Members

Appointee: Mrs. Amanda L.G. Santos Position: Member

Chamorro Land Trust Commission

To Confirm To Not Report Out Abstain Inactive File Confirm Only

Senator Tina Rose Muna-Barnes Member

Senator Dennis Rodriguez. Jr.

Mem~ber. .• A /\ ~' ;I

/, t l.-J I

' Senator Michael San Nicolas

~~d~~~ S'enator Tommy Morrison Member

~1;_, ..... "" II.~~ Senator Michael Limtiaco Member

Office of

the People

dmirman Committee on Appropriations,

Public Dc>b~ Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks,

Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land

Member Conunittee on Education,

Public Libraries and Women's Affairs

Men1ber Committee on C,eneral

Government Operations and Cultural Affairs

Member Committee on Mw1icipal

Affairs, Tourism, HmLsing and Hagati\a Restoration and Development Autl1ority

Member Comnuttee on Heallli & Human Services, Heallli

Insurance Reform, Enmon1ic Development and Senior


Member Committee on Aviation, Gmund

Transportation, Regulatory Concerns and Future


I Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guahan


Senator _\i'icente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan (D)



The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt. Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land convened a public hearing on July 8, 2014 at 11:00 AM in I Liheslatura 's Public Hearing Room. Among the items on the agenda was the consideration of the appointment of Mrs. Amanda LG Santos to serve as a Member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission and whose appointment history is as follows:

I. Appointed by Governor Eddie Baza Calvo on May 22, 2014 for Three (3) year, expiring in the year 2017.

2. Appointment packet forwarded to I Liheslatura on May 22, 2014;

3. Appointment packet forwarded to this committee for public hearing on May 23, 2014;

Public Notice Requirements

Notices were disseminated pursuant to the Open Government Law to all senators and all main print media and broadcasting outlets on Monday, June 30, 2014 (5-Day Notice), Sunday, July 6, 2014.

Senators Present

Vice Speaker BJ Cruz, Acting Chairman

The public hearing was called-to-order at 9:00 AM.


Acting Chairman Cruz: The Committee on Appropriations. Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Land will now come to order. 1 regret to inform the community that Senator ben Pangelinan just passed away. But in his honor, we thought that, since he was the consummate government official who wanted government to move forward we would move forward with this public hearing this morning. And then attend to the other things that we need to do. But we will move forward with this hearing. In the last couple of days, he sent me a whole list of questions, so please bear with me when I ask the questions that he sent to me to ask. The public hearing notices were sent out a~ per public law five days ago and last notice wa~ sent out the other day. So, if we can just have one moment of silence in his honor.

~-- __ ,, ___________________ _ 324 W Soledad Ave. Suite 100, HagMfta, Guam 96910

Tel: (671) 473-(4BEN) 4236 - Fax: (671) 473-4238 - Email: [email protected]

Website: http: I I 1

(a) Summary

Acting Chairman Cruz: Thank you. We have several confirmation hearings this morning the first was to a board I know Senator Pangelinan was very interested in-that was the Chamorro Land Trust. Are the nominees here9


Mrs. Amanda Santos ("Tan Amanda"): Good morning, Senators. I am Amanda LG Santos a board member for CLT for four years. I will try my very best if confirmed to work diligently with Mike Borja our new director and other board members. As you all know I am an honorable board member in which I was mainly observing and otherwise a male watchdog like most people wanted me to do. Sometimes I disagree on issues that need to be address by the public. Thank you very much.

Acting Chairman Cruz: I would like to call the rest of the Board members up. I will let

you choose who will goes first

Mr. Pascual Artero Sablan: Let me start out by saying that I am quite emotional because about an hour ago I heard about Senator Ben Pangelinan. He was not only my nephew but my close friend. At the same time I was thinking of my sister who has advance stage cancer and at any time she could go so please bear with me. [Read from his Testimony Verbatim.]

Mr. Joseph I. Cruz. l don't have a prepared speech, but my name is Joseph Cruz. I retired from the Department of Land Management where I worked for 40 years. I am here to offer my service and support to the Chamorro Land Trust As Mr. Sablan mentioned. he was part of the Land Use Commission as the technical staff I was assigned to the Chamorro Land Trust during the Camacho administration. I know most of their operation and willing to give it a shot. Thank you.

Chairman Vice Speaker Cruz: Well, I guess the first question that Senator ben was whether or not you knew about the rules and regulations. Having been there forty years, I do not even dare ask you.

Mr. Joseph Cruz: Chapter 75 ...

Acting Chairman Cruz: And Tun Amanda was very humble in saying she was not verbal. That's not one thing I know her to be. And she's a great watchdog for the commission and so, I'm not even going to bother to ask her. Having served on that board for four years and .. .! was given a whole set of questions but it's obvious the credentials that you bring of forty years with the department. Your background and Tun Amanda having served there four years already that she's fully aware of what her responsibilities are. So, if it's okay, I will just do without going through the list of questions. I am sure he will understand that you have answered all those questions. Unless anybody has any questions or comments.

Senator Aline Yamashita: Thank you Mr. Vice Speaker. I thank you for making the time. lt takes a lot of time. it takes a lot of eftort, to schedule, to get there. to study, to do your homework and follow up. So you know we certainly thank you. You know if the media cameras were here. l would've loved to ask them to take a shot from this side because your


three beautiful grandchildren or maybe all four of them are your grandchildren, I'm not sure ... But all the beautiful children is such a mixture of our future, such well behaved children, and then our...from sunrise to sunset and it's such a beautiful picture of what you're going to be doing. You're going to be shepherding to make sure our land is addressed in care of, as we move forward. So. thank you, thank you very much for the families you have brought and then the work that you are willing to do. Thank you Mr. Vice Speaker.

Senator Duenas: Thank you Mr. Vice Speaker, Chainnan. I am humbled and honored by this panel and I just want to take this opportunity to share with this committee my observations: first, with Tan Amanda we get the two for one because we know that is she a watch dog but her husband is a watch dog and if we don't follow through with our commitment in supporting what this commission wants to and needs to do we wil I be in double trouble. So I want to just say to the committee this is one excellent continuous appointment. And Tan Amanda thank you for praying over Senator ben I know that you helped him on his way to heaven. You shared that with me the other night and it meant a lot to me.

Joe, there is no question, you have walked the land, you know the issues and I think the Committee just needs to know the year and a half I worked with you at department of Land Management I was really impressed with your work and your deep knowledge of Public Works. These things are really important going forward to ensure that this acumen of this board will truly move the Chamorro Land Trust forward. Joe what I want to ask you to do with the other members particularly with Mr. Sablan who I don't know, I look forward to getting to know. We have the staff here from Department of Land Management, Margarita Borja and the others. For your benefit Mr. Sablan 1 don't know if you were following along during the Camacho administration things came to a head in terms of rules and regulation and things that had to happen at the Chamorro Land Trust One of the things I recommended was this unification come together.

There was a plan put together by the University of Guam. Dr. Barber, former Senator Joanne Brown. It was a very comprehensive body of work that I know stil I exists with Margarita and the team from Department of Land Management. And it was strictly recommendations, which was not telling you what to do; it was saying this is what we found. It took the expertise of The University of Guam it took all the depth of knowledge that the organizations have and here is what we found and that was what started to move Chamorro Land Trust and get things moving again and saning out the way they could fairly mitigate whatever they can to move forward. So Joe, if you can share that with your colleagues when you sit down at your meetings and please ask Margarita and the tean1 and to present the findings of the University of Guam and give you a play book, if you will, just a guideline. Mr. Sablan, I want to just say because I know many Arteros I have spent many times at your property, to barbeque, play and have fun with my family so I understand where you are coming from. I meet with a lot of your family members in terms of the ongoing issues in terms of Route 3A and so I know when you say to this panel and Committee that truly in your blood understand in the plight of landowners the value of land to our people that emulates from your heart. I just want all of you to know right now that 1 feel very comfortable placing my vote for your nomination and 1 will raise both hands. I know there are strict rules with our session but I wonder if we could do a notwithstanding but I will talk to the Speaker about that later. For today's session maybe we can get this done at today's session maybe not but if we can do a notwithstanding because the Governor cal led us in on


for another issue if we can't do it I am sure we can get you on the next session but if we could do it that would sure be a blessing. I will close with that, I just want to say I am deeply humbled by this panel and Mr. Sablan I hope we can make time to have coffee or something and just go over your ideas but 1 can tell from your testimony you are going to be a great addition. Thank you Mr. Chairman.

Senator Morrison: Thank you Mr. Chair I just want to say that although sometimes we struggle to get commissioners and board members throughout our agencies I just want to say throughout my experience today has highlighted that we brought the best of the best for our island to serve our people and I am very encouraged with the leadership that is going to be put in place to serve at Department of land management at this very critical agency. I thank you for serving our island.

I also want to point out that Senator Yamashita and I have been seeing the same thing Mrs. Santos, I/we have been looking at you daughter, she is right behind you and as you spoke she was really amazed she was really amazed. So you starting her civic involvement very, very early. I just want to thank you al I. Thank you Mr. Cruz and Mr. Sablan and thank you Mr. Chairman.

Senator Tony Ada: Thank you Mr. Chairman. Thank Mr. Cruz and Mr. Sablan and Mrs. Santos. I want to thank you for your service to the community and you all have my vole for your confirmation to the Chamorro Land Trust. Thank you Mr. Chairman.

Acting Chairman Cruz: I want to thank Senator Yamashita and Mr. Bmja for calming me down and having me understand and that Senator ben was very. very passionate about Chamorro Land Trust and even in his illness the one thing he wanted done was to make sure that this board was fully staffed so it can continue its work. He has been an absolute watchdog as it relates to the Commission and the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. That was the second thing he wanted to be Committee Chair of~ Committee Chair for Land afier First being Committee Chair for Appropriations because he believed that these were integral to this community. Though we may have lost him today, I think we honored him by meeting today and moving forward with this confirmation. Hopefully. Chamorro Land Trust will continue with its work and I may join Senator Duenas in making the motion to have the confirmations without having the committee reports. But I want to thank everybody for the willingness to step forward and assist in the memory of one ot: probably. the best senator I have known and the most intelligent man, I don't know who will fill in his shoes. I want to thank you all for coming today if we could just end with a moment of silence and maybe I can ask Tan Amanda to just say a prayer for us "kao sina un taitaiyi" (will you pray for him).

Mrs. Amanda Santos: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. May the blessing of the Blessed Mother bless us all and may the power of the Holy Spirit come over us, St. Jude. San Roque and all the Saints and Jesus, Divine Mercy, guide us in this confirmation in Jesus' name. Amen.

Acting Acting Chairman Cruz: The committee will stand adjourned.

Ill. FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs. Retirement. Public Parks, Recreation. Historic Preservation and Land hereby reports out the nomination of Mrs. Amanda L.G. Santos to serve as a member to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for a


term of three (3) years as defined by §75102, Chapter 75, of Title 21 Guam Code Annotated beginning on April 11, 2014 to April IO, 2017 with the recommendation TO DO CONFIRM.


ry;:.,,, ///,," 9·,,,,,,,,,,,p f 9,,,,,,,

EDDIE: BAZA CALVO (Jovt.•rtll.#r

RAYTP<ORIO {1t1Jte1u1nt (;(n--ernor

)Q; 14,tt:,(,,2_

"AY 2 2 2014

Honorable Judith 'L Won Pat, EdD, Speaker I Mina' frenlai Dos Na Lihes/atumn G11iil11111 155 Hesler Street Hagatf\a, Guam 96910

RE: Board Appointment

Dear Madame Speaker: "O

By virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Organic Act of Guam and;: the local laws applicable to the following position, I am pleased to transmit the ;:,,, following appointment and supporting documents for: o-

APPOINTEE: Amanda LG, Santos

POSITION: Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

TERM LENGTH: Three (3) years

TERM SERVED: April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2017

The appointment is subject to the consent of I Liltes/aturnn G111ilu111. Please schedule a hearing at your earliest convenience.



I Mnga'/ii/wn Guillum, para pa'go Acting Governor of Guam

PJ)_ Bo\ .2Q)0" Hagatn~t, (fuarn 9nlJ3~ T1:l: (t)/! ~ -t72-X4-\I •Fa\: {671) ·t77--J.826 • go\l..'\ • t:ak11d.;_1r_~uani,go\

U hJd11J Ba:a C~l110 !l'j: ieMdu~ba1m::!:lf\IO () 4:fgov.:i:-noru'ffvo ~ gc·,,.1~rnc.tolg.i<11n

HAY 2 2 2D~4 Ms. Amanda L.G. Santos PO BOX 21806 BARRIGADA GU %921-1806

Dear M~. Santos:

EDlm: BAZA CALVO (;on?rnor

RAY TENORIO l h:utenant C/ot T?rnor

Thank you for your commitment to serve the people of Guam. The Calvo­Tenorio administration continues to face unprecedented challenges, both near and long-term. The task ahead of us will require the collective efforts of the best minds who will have the courage to make tough decisions for the good of all our people. I hereby reappoint you to serve in the Calvo-Tenorio administration, for the remainder of the unexpired term indicated below as follows:

Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission Term length: Three (3) years

Term served: April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2017

This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of I Lihes/alumn Cwllum. Please contact the Office of the Governor at 472-8931 for further processing.


I Maga'lilhen Guiilum, para pa'go Acting Governor of Guam

Pf>. Bo:>. 2950 • Hat?atna. <Juan1 969 3'2 fd: (671) 47."':'.-~431 •Fax: (671) 477--1826 • gn\ • cal1!11dr:ir.guan1,go\


Boards & Commissions Nomination Information

The following information is required for submission to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guahan in accordance with Title 4, Guam Code Annotated Section 2103.5 and Section 13104. l:

NOMINEE INFORMATION c /',.+I<; Last Name __ :; C\l..J , .~·




Posrtion to which Appointment 1s Made

Are you a crtizen of the United States?


High School

From To

College i)

From i 1 { /

Rev 04-2013_y.2_scm

F. t ;, ( {1\'·( /. ' •rs rn n /. - :l - M.I. L b Date L+ I



Did you graduate?

Did you graduate?

Apartment/Unit #


If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S?


YES V NO Degree


YES i/ NO Degree


r·. } .4 [</ /I


EDUCATION Graduate School

From /'f73 To } ,~ 7 Ii' Did you . f 1 graduate?

Other Degree




EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (1) Present Employer


(2) Previous Employer


(3) Previous Employer


(4) Previous Employer


( 5) Previous Employer


{( )'\ t' f ' /

Did you graduate?




Job Title From

City/State 1\ , ft ,I\ ' j / ._,,


YES/ NO_• Degree

f"l c (( iY\ , I





Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


NO Degree

' rt'i_cl:t'\'


Al! other versions obsolete

. I !J, '

Agency Phone


Job Trtle From: To



Job Title From: To

Agency Phone


Job TIUe From: To


lnstitute/SeminaN!IOn-the-Job Training: Date { q 7 {J

'[tii:.,dt er .. [r-c1_f AJ ~ \ ,scJ1u far-- 6t1 rp .. SAY b'ehlicc rTro)lAJt!ra r<t73 -~rf7f

er~ tl-Ct·1 c.,J J

AWAtu:>$ ·.· list all educational, professional, civic awards, and recognition for public service:

cl1a1n.orro 'U~t{' c{_tJ d L,u_ l+u. v-e... - TA0~1 h+ d-c y ~ r:s I

PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT List involvement on a local/national/international level, list organization, activities participated in, offices held:

,r ~ ~

COMMUNITY I CIVIC INVOLVEMENT List organizations, activities, participated in, offices hefd

PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS List any published articles, papers delivered at professional meetings, etc.:


Branch From To Rank at Discharge

Type of Discharge

Rev O•L?013_v 2 scm A!! other versions obsolete 4:

·otttf;R INFORMATION (1) Have you ever been found guilty of a felony in any court, whether within or without the United States?

If so, please specify in detail:


Address of the court:--------------------------------


Date of Conviction:--------------------------------

Specific infraction committed:-----------------------------

(2) Have you ever been declared mentally incompetent by any court, whether within or without the United States?

If so, please specify in detail the reasons and facts related to such declaration:

(3) Have you ever been found not guilty or not punishable in any criminal proceedings by reason of insanity?

(4) Have you ever been confined to a mental institution for any reason?



If so. please specify in why the appointing authority believes you that you are not suffering from any mental illness or affliction:

Rev_ 04·L013_ v 2scrn NI other versions obsO!ete



Statement of Financial Interests (Rt!'{llirul by 4G.C.A.§13104.J)

Governor Eddie Baza Calvo Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor's Complex Adelup, Guam 96910

_Jh'\fJJJ d t(_ N 6- r; ~ :f, I have no fmancial interest in any business

flYldo have interest(s) in the following business( es):

r J,~7/ ft/ ____ 1::LJ __ ~,,_,,,J_L ______________ _ Date


I, the undersigned, do hereby depose and say that: ( 1) I have read and reviewed the information contained In

the attached Appointment/Nomination Jetter from the Governor of Guam; (2) that the matters contained In the

Appointment/Nomination letter, together with all attachments thereto, are true and correct and that I am

competent to testify to said matters; and (3) that this Declaration is made for the purpose of complying with

the requirements of 4 G.C.A. Section 2103.5.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Jaws of Guam (4 G.C.A. Section 4308) that the foregoing is true

and correct.



Guam Main focdity, Guam 96921

April 29, 20!4


fNAl\1E:/ Am~~d~-l:~~~Gu~;~·SANTOS ··1 ~ ATEOFBIRTH:f - ··~··· . FI.~GERPRINT#: JNONE 1


• frhe individual has no record of criminal conviction(s) in GPD files that are subjec~ ~o Guam law and rules and r~gtllati()l}S()f the Department. .. J

****************NOTHING FOLLO\VS*****************

l/llS INFORMA /ION .!!Ar JI/ 11\//Ilj) TO,\ /DC"\/. CR/Al/NA/ OFF!VSF UVU AND IS VO! IVILNDUI FOii /.'\! ltJR A•vY UKAI., ) /Arr, (JR /- /-f)f}?Af I ~4 H-' f,,VF(jf{(_ 1:Jf FNI ;t(;f-:X('i" Ff//_)' ('/ .f:ARAVC/; f)tJFS .V(/[ REF!_f~('I r\RRESTt SJ PF.Vn/:VC AIJJl.'f)/( .-i TH):V

75· fhe ah£ence of an original Gt.A\f f!()f JCE St'ttl invalldtitc" this police dear;HKt>, !H \l~fll '!!1'!!

Hy Direction : lisa


SUPERIOR COURT OF GUAM Guam Judicial Center ; 120 West O'Brien Drive • Hagatiia, Guam 96910

OANIEL1E T. ROSETE Clerk of Court

Telephone (671) 475-3370/475-3449



SS#: to# GUAM ID: Date of Blrth:


The undersigned Clerk hereby certifies the following results of a eliligent search of the records of this Court: ·.

Criminal Cases: . . Civil Cases: ,. '}

A. txl No Case Found A. [ l No Case Found r;;

B. I. Criminal Case No. 13. t. Civil Case No.

' 2. Criminal Case No. \ 2. Civil Case No.

I 3. Criminal Case No. 3. Civil Case No. !

' I 4. Criminal Case No.

l 4. Civil Case No.

5. Criminal Case No. "ti 5. Clvil Case No.

Criminal Record: Page 1 of 1 Civil Record: Page of

Request for further information may be addressed at the Records Division of the Superior Court of Guam, Guam Judicial Center. 120 West O'Brien Drive, Hagatfta, Guam. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Closed Saturday, Sunday and local/federal holidays.· Court Q!earances are Non-Refundable.

Dated: 04/29/2014

The absence of an original Court Seal

invalidates this document


Prepared By:

Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guahan 32ND GUAM LEG/SLA TURE

Senator Vicente "hen" Cabrera Pangelinan


July 8, 2014 Amanda L.G. Santos, Member to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission




i I 1U1cµA£l. ?:>af<J/\ bL/v\ \~---·- -···-


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/\ I ~ 1 I fl I Hr11 c\. AJ Oitc, SAJJ1'~sr1cf «,t?&:.I' t'(g":ic/A7i


:---·····-·--!- -·-···-r I

324 W. Soledad Ave. Hagatna, Guam %910 Ph. 473-4236 Fax. 473-4238

Email: [email protected]


I I IV v


I Dt I

COM1\:1ITTEE ON RULES :/ Minr1"tret1tai Dos nu Lilieslatt1ra11 Gudl1a11 • The 32nd Guan1 Legislature 15 5 Hesler Place, Hagin:fu. Gurun 969 l 0 • MVU'{{!wnlegisluu:ru:om

...... ~~~~_:£=· ·.m~=a=il: ... ron .. ~~o •• iftlrguarn@,_~fffiZilrtHff Ii Td: {671 )472~7679 • Fa.x: (671)472~3547

Senator I Rory]. Respicio




Senator ThomasCAda



Senator Vicente (Ben) C Pangelinan


Speaker Judith T.P Won Pat, Ed.D.


Senator Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.


Vice-Speaker Benjamin J,E Cruz


Legislative Secretary Tina Rose Mum Barnes


Senator Frank Blas Aguon, Jr,


Senator Michael EQ. San Nicolas


Senator V Anthony Ada


f Senator Ali~ Yamashita



May 23, 2014


To: Rennae Meno


Clerk of the Legislature

Senator Rory J. Respicio /'!/"/-­Majority Leader & Rules Ch/

Subject: Referral of Appointment

As Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, l am forwardh-ig my referral of the following appointment:

Appointee: Amanda LG. Santos Position: Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

For a copy of Ms. Santos' appointment packet, please visit the Guam Legislature's website at www.i:; Under the "Reports" menu select the "Messages & Communications" option and refer to:

"Doc. 32GL-14-1662: Governor's message transmitting the appointment of Ms. Amanda LG. Santos, to serve as a Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission."

Please ensure that the subject appointment is referred, in my name, to Senator Ben C. Pangelinan, Chairperson of the Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land. I also request that the same be forwarded to all Senators of I Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Gutman.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 472-7679.

Si Yu"'os ma'dse'!

Guam Leglstature Mall - Publfc Hearing - FIRST NOTICE 6/30/14 11:46 AM

Lisa Dames <[email protected]>

Public Hearing - FIRST NOTICE

Lisa Dames <[email protected]> Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11 :20 AM To: PHrg Notice <[email protected]>

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday. July 8, 2014 at 9:00am and 11 :OOam at the Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room. The following is the on the agenda:

Confirmation Hearing at 9:00am:

Amanda LG Santos, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Pascual V.A. Sablan, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Joseph I. Cruz, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Michael J. B. Borja, Director for the Department of Land Management

Confirmation Hearing at 11 :OOam:

David R. Jimenez, Member, Board of Equalization

Yanggen un nfsisita espesiat na setbision, put fabot i'.l:gang i lfisfnan Sinadot Vlcente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan gi 473-423617. Yanggen un nfsisrta kopian

i priniponi siha ginen este na tareha, hatom gi i uepsait i Llhestaturan Guahan gi Yanggen para un na'h.31om testigu-mu, chule'

para i ifisinan-nIBmf gi 324 West Soledad Avenue gt iya Hagatria, pat guatto gi i Kuatton Katta gi i Liheslatura, pat faks gi 473-4238, patsino imel

gi [email protected] Este na nutisiu inap3si nu i tendon gubetnamento

ff you require any special accommodations, auxiliary aids or other special services or for further information, please call the Office of Senator Vicente

(ben) Cabrera Pangelinan at 473-423617, For copies of any of the Bills listed on this agenda, you may log on to the Guam Legtslature's website

at www_guamlegis! Testimonies may be submitted directly to our office at 324 West Soledad Avenue in Hagatria or at the Mail Room of the

Guam Legislature, via fax at 473-4238, or via email at [email protected]

Thank you.

https: //mail .goog I mail/ u / 0 /?u i = 2&ik = ld 2cc8c6 54&view"' pt&search = sent&ms-g ""- l46ea S b9c 546 5 fOd&s-!ml = l 46ea5 b9c5 46 S fOd Page 1 of 2

Guam Legislature Maii Public Hearing FIRST NOTICE

Lisa Dames Chief of Staff I MINA'TRENTAI DOS NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN Senator Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan Committee on Appropriations. Public Debt Legal Affairs. Retirement Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Land.

473-4236 (office) (fax)

Agenda_July 8.doc 49K

https: / ! mai I .goog !e .com! mail I u / 0 /?u i= 2&ik-"' Id Zcc8c6 54&view= pt&search""' :.e nt&msg = l 46ea5 b9c546 5 fOd&sim!"" l 46ea 5 b9c546 S fOd

6/30/14 11:46 AM

Page 2 of 2

Guam legislature Mal! - Public Hearing - FIRST NOTICE 6/30/14 11A9 AM

Lisa Dames <[email protected]>

Public Hearing - FIRST NOTICE

Lisa Dames <[email protected]> Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11 :19 AM To: [email protected], [email protected], Sabrina Salas <[email protected]>, Jason Salas <[email protected]>, Mindy Aguon <[email protected]>, Ken Quintanilla <[email protected]>, Krystal Paco <[email protected]>, [email protected], Betsy Brown <[email protected]>, Kevin Kerrigan <[email protected]>, [email protected], Jon Anderson <[email protected]>, "Gerardo R.Partido"<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Jerick Sablan <[email protected]>, Steve Limtiaco <[email protected]>, "Dalene, Gaynor D" <[email protected]>, Gaynor Dalene <[email protected]>, [email protected], Ufestyles_PDN <[email protected]>

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 8. 2014 at 9:00am and 11 :OOam at the Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room. The following is the on the agenda:

Confirmation Hearing at 9:00am:

Amanda LG Santos, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Pascual V.A. Sablan, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Joseph I. Cruz, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Michael J. B. Borja, Director for the Department of Land Management

Confirmation Hearing at 11 :OOam:

David R. Jimenez, Member, Board of Equalization

Yanggen un nisislta espesrat na setbfsion, put fabot agang i lfisinan Sinadot Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan gi 473-4236/7. Yanggen un nisisita kopian

i priniponi siha ginen este na tareha, h31om gi i uepsait i liheslaturan Gu3han gi Yanggen para un na'h~lom tesbgu~mu, chule'

para i ifisinan-rMmi gi 324 West Sofedad Avenue gi fya HagAtfta, pat guatto gi i Kuatton Katta gl i Liheslatura, pat faks gl 473-4238, patsino imet

gi [email protected] Este na nutlslu inapAsi nu I tendon gubetnamento.

ff you require any special accommodations. auxiliary aids or other special services or for further Information, piease call the Office of Senator Vicente

(ben) Cabrera Pangelinan at 473-4236!7. For copies of any of the Bills listed on this agenda, you may log on to the Guam Legisfature's website

at Testimonies may be submitted directly to our office at 324 West Soledad Avenue in Hag8tt\a or at the Mail Room of the

Guam Legislature, via fax at 473-4238, or via email at [email protected]

https: / ( /mall I u /0 /?ui""' 2&1k"' ld2cc8c6 54-&vi~""' pt&s~arch"" s:e nt&msg"' l 46eaSafb2a8 7 ab2&s!ml"" l 46ea5afb2a8 7ab2 Page 1 of 2

Guam Legislature Mail Public Hearing FIRST NOTICE

Lisa Dames Chief of Staff I MINA'TRENTAI DOS NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN Senator Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan Committee on Appropriations. Public Debt, Legal Affairs. Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preser1ation. and land.

473-4236 (office) ) 4 73·4238 (fax}

Agenda_July 8.doc 49K

https:; ! mail .google .com! mail! u f 0 j?ui = 2&ik = 1 d2cc8c6 S4&view"'" pt&search = se nt&msg = l 46ea 5 b9c 546 S fOd&siml= l 46ea 5 b9c546 5 fOd

6/30/14 11:46 AM

Page 2 of 2

Guam legislature Mail - Public H~arlng ~SECOND Notice 7/10/14 11:57 AM

Lisa Dames <[email protected]:>

Public Hearing - SECOND Notice

Lisa Dames <[email protected]> Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 6:47 PM To: PHrg Notice <[email protected]>

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land will conduct a public hearing on Tuesc!ay, July 8, 2014 at 9:00am and 11 :OOam at the Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room. The following is the on the agenda:

Confirmation Hearing at 9:00am:

Amanda LG Santos, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Pascual V.A. Sablan, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Joseph I. Cruz, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Michael J. B. Borja, Director for the Department of Land Management

Confirmation Hearing at 11 :OOam:

David R. Jimenez, Member, Board of Equalization

Yanggen un nisisita espesiAt na setbision, put fabot Agang i ffisinan Sinadot Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan gi 473-4236(7_ Yanggen un nisisita kopian

i priniponi siha ginen este na tareha, h<lllom gi i uepsait i Uheslaturan Guahan gt Yanggen para un na'h81om testigu-mu, chule'

para i ifisinan-m8rni gi 324 West Soledad Avenue gi iya HagBtf\a, pat guatto gi i Kuatton Katta gi i Uheslatura. pat faks gi 473-4238, patsino imel

gi office@senbenp_com Este na nutisiu inapasi nu i tendon gubetnamento

tf you require any special acmrnmodatfons, auxiliary aids or other special services or for further information. please call the Office of Senator Vicente

(ben) Cabrera Pangelinan at 473-4236/7_ For copies of any of the Bills listed on this agenda, you may log on to the Guam Legislature's website

at www_guamieQis! Testimonies may be submitted directly to our office at 324 West Soledad Avenue in Hag~tfla or at the Mail Room of the

Guam Legislature, via fax at 473-4238, or via email at office@senbenp com

Lisa Dames Chief of Staff I MINATRENTAI DOS NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN Senator Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan Committee on Appropriations. Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation. Historic Preservation. and Land. (671) 473-4236 (office)

https: / / rnaiLgoog!e ,corn I mail/ u I 0 /?ui ""2&ik"' 1d2cc8c654&view= pt&search = sent&rnsg= 14 70adb la 184eff2&sirnl""" 14 70adb la 184eff2 Page 1 of 2

Guam Legislature Mai! Public Hearing - SECOND Notice

Agenda_July 8.doc 49K

https::/ /mail,!/u/0/7ui"'·2&ik= ld2cc8c654&view=pt&search""s:ent&msg= 14 70adb lil 184eff2&sim!= 14 70adblal84eff2

7/10/1'4 11:57 AM

Page 2 of 2

Guam Legislature Mall - Public Hear~ng - SECOND Notice 7/10/14 1158 ~M

Lisa Dames <[email protected]>

Public Hearing - SECOND Notice

Lisa Dames <[email protected]> Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 6:46 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], Sabrina Salas <[email protected]>, Jason Salas <[email protected]>, Mindy Aguon <[email protected]>, Ken Quintanilla <[email protected]>, Krystal Paco <[email protected]>, [email protected], Betsy Brown <[email protected]>, Kevin Kerrigan <[email protected]>, Jon Anderson <[email protected]>, "Gerardo R Partido" <[email protected]>, Mar-Vic Cagurangan <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Jerick Sablan <[email protected]>, Steve Umtiaco <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Dalene, Gaynor D" <[email protected]>, Gaynor Dalene <[email protected]>, Lifestyles_PDN <[email protected]>

The Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation and Land will conduct a public hearing on Tue5day. July 8. 2014 at 9:00am and 11 :OOam at the Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room. The following is the on the agenda:

Confirmation Hearing at 9:00am:

Amanda LG Santos, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Pascual V.A. Sablan, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Joseph I. Cruz, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Michael J. B. Borja, Director for the Department of Land Management

Confirmation Hearing at 11 :OOam:

David R. Jimenez, Member, Board of Equalization

Yanggen un nis·1sita espesiflt na setbision, put fabot agang i lfisinan Sinadot Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan gi 473-4236/7_ Yanggen un nisisita kopian

i priniponl siha ginen este na tareha, hfllom gi i uepsait i Liheslaturan Gu3han gi Yanggen para un na'h31om testigu-mu, chule'

para i ifisinan-~mi gl 324 West Soledad Avenue gi fya Hagiltfla, pat guatto gl i Kuatton Katta gi i Uheslatura, pat faks gi 473-4238, patsino irnel

gi office@senbenp com Este na nutisiu inapflsi nu i fendon gubetnamento

If you require any special accommodations, auxiliary aids or other special services or for further information, please call the Office of Senator Vicente

(ben) Cabrera Pangelinan at 473-4236/7_ For copies of any of the Bills listed on thfs agenda, you may tog on to the Guam Legislature's website

at Testimonies may be submitted directly to our office at 324 West Soledad Avenue in Hagatna or at the Mail Room of the

Guam Legislature, via fax at 473-4238, or via email at office@senbenp com

Lisa Dames

https: / /malLgoo-g le .com I mail I u I 0 /?u I"'" 2&fk = ld2cc8c6 54-&view= pt&search""'sent&msg = 1470adaafe12 ef4a&slm lo= 14 70adaafe l 2ef4a Page 1 of 2

Guam legislature Mai! - Public Hearing SECOND Notice

Chief of Staff I MINA'TRENTAI DOS NA LIHESLATURAN GUAHAN Senator Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs. Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Land.

) 473-4236 (office) ) 473-4236 (fax)

~ Agenda_July 8.doc 49K

https: / f maiLgoog!e .com I mail/ u / 0 ;tui= 2&ik= ld2cc8c6 54&view"" pt&search = se nt&msg"' 14 70adaafe l 2ef4a&slm!""' 14 70adaafe l 2ef 4a

7/10/14 11:58 AM

Page 2 of 2

Listserv: phnotice\({ guan1!cglsla! As of June 19. 2014

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PUBLICATION NOTICE In accordance with the proviSiOn5 of Guam Code Annotated. Trtle X!, Chapter IJI, $ection 3315, hereby given that


uctNSE said premises l:l€lrig marked es Lot 5110...2 P-dcitlca Plaza Unll 108, UpperTumon

PUBLICATION NOTICE In accordance wtt:l1 the provisiOns of Guam COOe Annotated, Trtl€ XI, Chapter HI, Section 3315, notice Is hereby given that


has appll€d for a Class: {5) GENEML OFF SALE, AlCOHOtlC BfVERAG€ UCENSE sakl premises belr.g marl;ed as Lot: 10 BU< 2 ~108 ADAfNj AVE ROUTE ll, Blf!A!GAOA.

PUBLICATION NOTICE In accordance with the provisions ot Guam C'.ode Annotat€d, Trtle XI, Chapter JI!, Section 3315. hereby given that

Con100s F&B Corporation

dba:Corridos has applied fOf a Dass: (J;) GENERAL ON SALE, Af_COH(ILJC BEVERAGf LICENSE said prtmises bemg rnan<td SOW--1-1-3R PIA MAP##.: HOil, Uffffi TUMON

In <Jccordance pruvi:slons of Guam Co:!e Annotal:ed, Title XI, Chapter Ill, Section 3315, hereby given t:h<lt


r+as app~d for a Qas:<;: (4) ON SALE BEER & ON SALE WINE.

ALCOHOLIC BE~RAGf LICENSE said PfHllifies lif!ng mBliled as Lot 5116-1-5 Sari Vrtores P.d., Tl1fllon.

Mu'3'!rt>nt~; [l,><; '"' Whf..ilotut~n GuJNn 31,-,d GUAM LEGISLAl Uf.:£ S,..,.,A\nf V!ce<ol~ (l'><"nl c~r,,-,,.~ P;;r,;:~1.,-,~n t °'"""""' '"' 'f'l""I'""'""''-- fW,, 1:i-_+,, Upol All•= lknn.'n>-><•1- !'ubl<C Pm~ kecn·o(H.n ll18"Jf>C1'""""'o<H;,<•f'<l L..>M

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I Mina'trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guahan 32°d GUAM LEGISLATURE Senator Vicente (ben) Cabrera Pangelinan Committee on j\ppropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, I .. Iistoric Preservation, and Land


gi Mattes, gi diha B gi Hulio, 2014 Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kuatton lnekungok Pupbleko gi I Liheslaturan Guahan (Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room)

Para Komfitmasion: (Confirmation Hearing)


alas nuebl g/ egga'an (9:00AM)

Amanda LG Santos, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission Pascual V.A. Sablan, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission Joseph I. Cruz, Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

Michael J.B. Borja, Director for the Department of Land Management

Para Komfitmasion: (Confirmation Hearing)

alas onse gl egga'an (11 :OOAM)

David R. Jimenez, Member, Board of Equalization

Yanggen un nisisita espe:..itit na setbJSion, put fah<Jl iigang 1 !fisinan Sinadot Vicente (hen) Cabrera Pangelinan gi 473-4236/7 Yanggcn un nisisita kopian i priniponi siha gincn c,q;; na tardi<L hii!om gi i i Lihcslatman Guithan g:i ww\v.guamlegisl;iture,um1 Yanggen para un na'h;l!om tcstigu-mu. ehuk·- para i ifisinan-m<lm1 324 West Soledad Avenue gi iya !lag!tti'ia, pat guatt(J gi i Kuatton Katta gi i Liheslatura, pat faks: gi 473-4231( patsino imd gi Este m1 nutis!u inap3-si nu i fendon gubetnamemo

if you require any special au.:ommndations< auxiliary aids or other special services or for further infrirmation. please call the Office of Sen;itor Vicenk (hen) Cabrcrn Pangelinan at 473-4236/7_ For copies .:1( any of the Bills listed on this agenda, you may log on to the Guam Legislature·«, wcb~ik at Testimomcs may be submitted directly to our oHkc at 324 We;;t Soledad A venue m !fagfttfia 0r at the !\-1ail Room Guam Legislature, virt fax at 473~-t238, or via etnml at officc'.:i><

This ad paid with govcrnnient funds.

324 \Vest Soledad Avenue Suite JO!, Hagi'!Hh1. CilJ 96910 Td: (671) 473-4236 473-42J7

Fax: (67!)473-4238 E-mail: olticc(



2014 (SECOND) Regular Session Show of Hands Voting Sheet

Appointment of: Amanda L.G. Santos to serve as a Member of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission.

Speaker Antonio R. Uniplngco Legislative Session Hall July 10, 2014

NAME Not Voting/ Out During

Absent m ~ Ahstain~d Roll Call

Senator Thomas "Tom" C. ADA v

Senator V. Anthony "Tony" ADA '--,_

Senator Frank Blas AGUON Jr. . j

Vice-Speaker Beniamin J.F. CRUZ v

Senator Christopher M. DUENAS

Senator Michael LIMTIACO

Senator Brant McCREADIE , F•<

Senator Thomas "Tommv" MORRISON --y

Senator Tina Rose MUNA BARNES "-

Senator Rory J. RESPICIO v [)(

Senator Dennis G. RODRIGUEZ, Jr. \~

Senator Michael F. Q.SAN NICOLAS ~

Speaker Judith T. WON PAT, Ed.D.

Senator Aline A. YAMASHITA, Ph.D.


Yea Nay Not Voting/ Out During Abstained Roll Call



! C hkloVt e Legislature I v I · \~~~-/·/

May 23, 2014


To: Rennae Meno

Clerk of the Legislature

From: Senator Rory J. Respicio

Majority Leader & Rules Chair

Subject: Referral of Appointment

As Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, I am forwarding my referral of the

following appointment:

Appointee: Amanda L.G. Santos

Position: Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

For a copy of Ms. Santos’ appointment packet, please visit the Guam

Legislature’s website at Under the “Reports”

menu select the “Messages & Communications” option and refer to:

“Doc. 32GL-14-1662: Governor’s message transmitting the appointment of

Ms. Amanda L.G. Santos, to serve as a Member, Chamorro Land Trust


Please ensure that the subject appointment is referred, in my name, to Senator

Ben C. Pangelinan, Chairperson of the Committee on Appropriations, Public Debt, Legal Affairs, Retirement, Public Parks, Recreation, Historic

Preservation and Land. I also request that the same be forwarded to all

Senators of I Mina’trentai Dos na Liheslaturan Guåhan.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at


Si Yu’os ma’åse’!

~"' (//,," fJ''''<"l/l<U' / Y"""'


RAY TENORIO Lieutcnanz (foi'f!n1or

3 Q" ( 4 . ! (o(p 2_

HAY 2 2 2014

Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I Mina'trentai Dos Na Liheslatzmm Guiihan 155 Hesler Street Hagatfia, Guam 96910

RE: Board Appointment

Dear Madame Speaker: .... :')

By virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Organic Act of Guam and~ the local laws applicable to the following position, l am pleased to transmit the ;.:, following appointment and supporting documents for: °'

APPOINTEE: Amanda L.G. Santos

POSITION: Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission

TERM LENGTFI: Three (3) years

TERM SERVED: April 11, 2014 to April HJ, 2017

The appointment is subject to the consent of I Liheslaturan Gllillzmz. Please schedule a hearing at your earliest convenience.



I Maga'ldhen Gudlum, para pa'go Acting Governor of Guam

PJ)_ Bo'\ 2Q)(l .. 1-Iagatna, Ciuairi 9643~ Tc·!: (67!) -47:2-X9_1] •Fa\: (671) ·t77.---l-826 • go\(\ • ca!\

U Eddie Baza Calvo ~ go»1er11orotgumn

HAY 2 2 20~4 Ms. Amanda L.G. Santos PO BOX 21806 BARRIGADA GU 96921-1806

Dear Ms. Santos:


RAV TENORIO Lieutenanr (Jovernor

Thank you for your commitment to serve the people of Guam. The Calvo­Tenorio administration continues to face unprecedented challenges, both near and long-term. The task ahead of us will require the collective efforts of the best minds who will have the courage to make tough decisions for the good of all our people. I hereby reappoint you to serve in the Calvo-Tenorio administration, for the remainder of the unexpired tenn indicated below as follows:

Member, Chamorro Land Trust Commission Term length: Three (3) years

Term served: April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2017

This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of I Lihes/aturan Guiihan. Please contact the Office of the Governor at 472-8931 for further processing.

Se nseramen le,

I Maga'lilhen Guiihrm, para pa' go Acting Governor of Guam

P.<). Bnx 2950 • Hagatna, Ciuan1 96932 Tc!: (67!) 472-8931 "Fax: (671) 477-+1826 .. • C<ilendar.guarn.go\

U Eddie Raz:_~ Calvo ~ qovernorofguarn

SUPERIOR CpURT OF GUAM Guam Judicial Center ~ 120 West O'Brien Drive • Hagatfia, Guam 96910


Telephone (671) 475-3370/475-3449

Fax (671) 472-2856


SS#: ID# GUAM ID: Date of Birth:


The undersigned Clerk hereby certifies the following results oh 'cliJigent search of the records of this Court: '•

Criminal Cases: . Civil Cases:

A. i><l No Case Found A. [ l No Case Found

B. I. Criminal Case No. I. Civil Case No.

2. Criminal Case No. 2. Civil Case No.

3. Criminal Case No. 3. Civil Case No.

4. Criminal Case No. 4. Civil Case No.

5. Criminal Case No. »j ! ' 5. Civil Case No.

Criminal Record: Page 1 of 1 Civil Record: Page of

Request for further information may be addressed at the Records Division of the Superior Court of Guam, Guam Judicial Center, 120 West O'Brien Drive, Hagatfla, Guam. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturday, Sunday and local/federal holidays.· Court Q\earances are Non-Refundable.

Dated: 04/29/2014

The absence of an original Court Seal

invalidates this document

DANIELLE T. ROSETE tlerk of Court


Prepared By:


Boards & Commissions Nomination Information

The following information is required for submission to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guahan in accordance with Title 4, Guam Code Annotated Section 2103.5 and Section 13104.1:


Last Name




Position to which Appointment is Made

Are you a citizen of the United States?


High School

From To


From To

Rev. 04-2013~v.2.scm


/ YES / NO

Did you graduate?

Did you graduate?

M.L Date



If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.?


YES NO Degree


YES NO Degree


AU other versions obso!ete



Graduate School \;\, (). {;--, From

Other Degree


I / d; 1'I1 . To



(1) Present cf:) D C Employer "-·

Add fl /' , t' /i-"" ress /'C"i. (' .. !\, c'-­


(2) Previous Employer

) q. 7 /,·, Did you 't graduate?

Did you graduate?

Address . ,. N (,,.._ (>:: t\ l' )

( /

(3) Previous Employer


(4) Previous Employer


(5) Previous Employer





Job Title From:




Dates Held

Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


Rev. 04-2013_v.2.scm AH other versions obsolete

NO Degree

/~~(f1 e1/ 1[=

1 l


Agency Phone


Job Title From: To


Agency Phone


Job Title From: To

Agency Phone


Job Title From: To

TRAINING•· .. ·· lnstitute/Seminarg/On-the-Job Training: Date [ q 7 () ~[etedt Er T Yc'-f N!: ('~ ~Sdtu (a r sf1 0p . ~ Ge~c.c iT~ctJt1r4. M73 -rf7f c <e_[{_,Ch r.:_JJ J

AWARDS·. List all educational, professional, civic awards, and recognition for public service:

clrtar11,orro. 'L:~-4' ttrJ ci C:uf+u. ~ - TAl\1 h+ :J.c y~~I

Rev. 04~2013_v.2.scm AJI other versions obsolete 3)f>ag&

PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT List involvement on a local/national/international level, list organization, activities participated in, offices held:

i '

COMMUNITY I CIVIC INVOLVEMENT List organizations, activities, participated in, offices held

PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS List any published articles, papers delivered at professional meetings, etc.:


Branch From To

Rank at Discharge Type of Discharge

Rev. 04·2013~v.2.scm All other versions obsolete 41

OTHER INFORMATION ( 1) Have you ever been found guilty of a felony in any court, whether within or without the United States?

If so, please specify in detail:


Date of Conviction:----------------------------------

Specific infraction committed:------------------------------

(2) Have you ever been declared mentally incompetent by any court, whether within or without the United States?

If so, please specify in detail the reasons and facts related to such declaration:

(3) Have you ever been found not guilty or not punishable in any criminal proceedings by reason of insanity?

(4) Have you ever been confined to a mental institution for any reason?


YES NO~ If so, please specify in why the appointing authority believes you that you are not suffering from any mental illness or affiction:

Rev. 04-2013_v.2.scm All other versions obsolete



Statement of Financial Interests (Required by 4G.C.A.§13104.J)

Governor Eddie Baza Calvo Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor's Complex Adelup, Guam 96910

_Jhv\(JJJ c£ A_ ~ 6 ,~ 4Jus 1' I have no financial interest in any business

crido have interest(s) in the following business( es):

I <J-7( It/ -------~------~--------·--· Date

Rev_ 04-2013_v.2.scm All other versions obsolete 61Page

AFFIDAVIT I DECLARATION UNDER ·PENALTY OF PERJURY. ·· .. > . I, the undersigned, do hereby depose and say that: (1) I have read and reviewed the information contained in

the attached AppointmenUNomination Jetter from the Governor of Guam; (2) that the matters contained in the

AppointmenUNomination letter, together with all attachments thereto, are true and correct and that I am

competent to testify to said matters; and (3) that this Declaration is made for the purpose of complying with

the requirements of 4 G.C.A. Section 2103.5.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Jaws of Guam (4 G.C.A. Section 4308) that the foregoing is true

and correct.

Rev. 04~2013~v.2.scm AJI other versions obsolete



Guam Main Facility, Guam 96921

April 29, 2014


NA1\1E: Amanda Leon Guerrero SANTOS


, • lThe individual has no record of criminal conviction(s) in GPD files that are subjec~I 1

[to Guam law and rules and regulations of the Department. 1 I - j

****************NOTHING FOLLOWS**********~~******


~ u The ahscnce of an original GC A\'t P<)LICE seal invalidates this police dcarance. llE\l'•fhfi!.Ull

Uy Direction : lisa