Download - EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

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EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9

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SC Johnson January 31, 2016 Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America Invoice # 2008221589

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01/26/16 BPT Taxi cab: Benjamin Taibleson B. Taibleson taxi.

$ 36.63

01/26/16 BPT Taxi cab: Benjamin Taibleson B. Taibleson taxi.

$ 37.43

01/28/16 BLR WESTLAW --RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 99.46 01/29/16 FGH Taxi cab: Frederick Hall K Ball

Deposition $ 20.44

01/29/16 FGH Airfare: Frederick Hall K Ball Deposition Airfare

$ 840.20

01/29/16 BLR WESTLAW --RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 39.78 01/29/16 SFB Business Meal Charges: Seamless Inv.

#2313948: Roti Catering: Additional platter needed for S. Benz meeting - 1/29/16

$ 104.50

01/29/16 SFB Business Meal Charges: Seamless Inv. #2313948: Roti Catering: Lunch for S. Benz meeting - 1/29/16

$ 263.50

01/29/16 KAB VENDOR: Omega Discovery Solutions; INVOICE#: KH_2016_11; DATE: 1/29/2016

$ 3,355.00

01/30/16 BLR WESTLAW --RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 19.89 01/31/16 BLR WESTLAW --RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 362.07 Photocopies $ 3,061.36 Total Costs $ 71,564.31

Net Amount Due $ 498,192.31

Timekeeper Summary Name______ Hours__ Rate__ Amount____ Steven F. Benz 224.60 850.00 $ 190,910.00 Benjamin P. Taibleson 150.10 550.00 $ 82,555.00 Frederick G. Hall 137.50 395.00 $ 54,312.50 Benjamin L. Rudofsky 92.70 395.00 $ 36,616.50 Kimberly A. Briggs 99.30 350.00 $ 34,755.00 Bernadette M. Murphy 2.00 275.00 $ 550.00 Darlene Hayes 56.10 235.00 $ 13,183.50 James F. Birmingham 16.50 220.00 $ 3,630.00 Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 Carver D. Sinn 3.00 210.00 $ 630.00 Caitlan E. Cook 2.50 200.00 $ 500.00 Carl D. Hevener 10.50 140.00 $ 1,470.00 James M. Thunder 13.00 140.00 $ 1,820.00 James Brennan 22.80 85.00 $ 1,938.00 Ripton A. Marini 1.50 85.00 $ 127.50 Jason J. Tapkas 18.00 85.00 $ 1,530.00

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Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, p.l.l.c. Sumner Square

1615 M Street, N.W Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20036-3215

(202)326-7900 Facsimile


March 14, 2016

Christopher Signorello Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Re: Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America (Matter #: 12137)

Dear Christopher:

Enclosed is the bill for our work regarding the above referenced matter for the month ended February 29, 2016. The total bill comes to $492,045.64, including $481,766.00 for lawyer and paralegal time and $10,279.64 for disbursements.

Please give me a call if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Steven F. Benz


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Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, p.l.l.c

February 29, 2016 Invoice # 2008221810

EIN 52-1811709

Page 2

Christopher Signorello Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Re: Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America (12137)

For Professional Services rendered through February 29, 2016

Timekeeper______ Hours____ Rate___ Amount______ Steven F. Benz 237.20 850.00 $ 201,620.00 William J. Conyngham 1.80 650.00 $ 1,170.00 Benjamin P. Taibleson 141.80 550.00 $ 77,990.00 Benjamin L. Rudofsky 93.90 395.00 $ 37,090.50 Frederick G. Hall 197.90 395.00 $ 78,170.50 Kimberly A. Briggs 119.20 350.00 $ 41,720.00 Mary Ann K. Endo 0.50 350.00 $ 175.00 Bernadette M. Murphy 1.10 275.00 $ 302.50 Darlene Hayes 70.10 235.00 $ 16,473.50 James F. Birmingham 18.00 220.00 $ 3,960.00 Carver D. Sinn 3.50 210.00 $ 735.00 Carl D. Hevener 54.00 140.00 $ 7,560.00 James M. Thunder 86.40 140.00 $ 12,096.00 Jason J. Tapkas 10.00 85.00 $ 850.00 James Brennan 11.30 85.00 $ 960.50 Ripton A. Marini 10.50 85.00 $ 892.50 Total Professional Services $ 481,766.00

Disbursements Business Meals $ 512.73 Consultant $ 3,355.00 Delivery $ 443.06 Deposition Transcripts $ 1,959.24 Hotel $ 1,183.62 Online Research $ 2,017.08 Photocopies $ 243.60 Process Servers $ 125.00 Taxi Cab $ 15.06 Trainfare $ 425.25 Total Disbursements $ 10,279.64

Net Amount Due $ 492,045.64

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Professional Services

Hours 02/01/16 SFB Edit opposition to NAM's motion to

amend the class period and review cases for same; conference and meeting with D. Hayes regarding organizing hot exhibits by witness for order of proof; prepare for pre-trial meet and confer; conference with K. Gallo and J. Southwick regarding settlement; review and make additional edits to proposed jury charge and verdict form; pre-conference call with co-leads regarding the meet and confers, as well as the joint pre-trial order scheduling; check Federal Rules of Evidence 10(b) and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 32(a)(6) rule of completeness cases from the Southern District of New York; review and edit motions in limine; update case calendar.


02/01/16 BPT Correspond with experts regarding

expert declaration on total damages to class given certain class periods; draft and revise motions in limine; review MacKie-Mason declaration; review ConAgra business records declaration; weekly discovery conference call; review and edit jury instructions.


02/01/16 FGH Begin drafting opposition to

statute of limitations motion; discuss current exhibit list responsibilities with D. Hayes and K. Briggs; communicate with R. Pfau regarding a declaration from Dr. MacKie-Mason in support of the statute of limitations opposition; discuss burden of proof obligations regarding retailer contracts; review co-counsel's opposition to Defendants' motion concerning releases.


02/01/16 BLR Research burden of proof 4.90

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concerning retailer contracts; draft motions in limine; confer with S. Benz concerning research findings; participate in meet and confer conference call.

02/01/16 KAB Research and gather production

materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; confer with co-counsel regarding same; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; coordinate with team regarding additional review of plaintiffs' exhibits; review and prepare subpoenaed materials for meet and confer.


02/01/16 DH Review and identify plaintiffs'

trial exhibits to be replaced and update same; review plaintiffs' trial exhibits and identify trial witnesses associated with the exhibits.


02/01/16 JFB Review exhibit list; prepare

write-up of proposed edits. 1.50

02/02/16 SFB Conferences with J. Southwick and

co-counsel regarding mitigation defense and motions in limine; edit opposition to NAM's 23(c)(1)(c) motion to amend the start date of the class period; conference with F. Hall; trial team conference call; meet with associates (B. Rudofsky and B. Taibleson) regarding projects; review and edit the opposition to NAM's motion in limine regarding releases; review Valassis documents on NAM exhibit list; conference with CPG clients regarding dropping state claims; conference with co-counsel regarding trial logistics; conference with A. Woehler and K. Briggs regarding PowerPoint deck for Dr. J. MacKie-Mason direct practice trial testimony; conference with Dr. P. Farris and


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A. Fazzone regarding direct practice trial testimony; update calendar.

02/02/16 BPT Review and annotate defendants'

motion to amend the start date of the class period; draft and revise motions in limine; weekly management committee conference call; review eBooks pleadings; review verdict form.


02/02/16 FGH Continue drafting opposition to

defendants' statute of limitations motion; attend weekly management committee conference call; circulate draft opposition to S. Benz; communicate with K. Denk and K. Briggs regarding providing all exhibits to Kramer Levin; circulate draft opposition to co-counsel; review R. Caughey draft opposition regarding class releases; review co-counsel edits to statute of limitations opposition.


02/02/16 BLR Revise motions in limine;

participate in weekly management committee call.


02/02/16 KAB Research and gather production

materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits.


02/02/16 MKE Draft pie charts to show market

share. 0.50

02/02/16 DH Review plaintiffs' trial exhibits

and identify trial witnesses associated with the exhibits; cite-check plaintiffs' opposition to defendants' motion to amend class period.


02/03/16 SFB Edit opposition memorandum to

News' motion to amend the class period; review cases (Jones v. Goord, et al.) and conference with


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F. Hall; review final edits for filing; review edits to opposition to NAM's motion in limine on releases; second meet and confer with W. Michael (Paul Weiss) regarding motions in limine; help prepare exclusionary conduct timeline and market share pie charts for experts; conferences with J. Recher regarding additional detail on NAM's trial exhibit products; edit and circulate own firm's motions in limine; conferences with CPG class representatives Ross (Hood), Gitkin (Smithfield), and Corsiglia-Keim (Foster); conferences with W. Michael and J. Briody regarding agreement not to bring M. Kowalczyk as a witness; send edits and comments on motion in limine to exclude Carlton's expert report; conference with K. David (Kasowitz partner) regarding Judge Pauley's trial practices (one witness rule and exhibit compilations); circulate DOAR trial budget and options.

02/03/16 WJC Review omnibus motion in limine. 0.80 02/03/16 BPT Review HP Hood documents; revise

and circulate motions in limine; review revised MacKie-Mason declaration; review DOAR proposal; review memorandum in opposition to defendants' statute of limitations motion; review statute of limitations opposition memorandum.


02/03/16 FGH Revise opposition to statute of

limitations motion; discuss opposition with J. Briody and R. Caughey; review MacKie-Mason declaration and communicate with co-counsel and applEcon regard same; finalize opposition; file and serve same on opposing counsel.


02/03/16 BLR Draft comments and suggested edits 2.90

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to opposition motion; coordinate modifications to exhibit list; revise motions in limine.

02/03/16 KAB Research and gather production

materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research production regarding various issues per co-counsel requests; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits.


02/03/16 DH Review, edit, and finalize for

filing plaintiffs' opposition to defendants' motion to amend class period; review and identify plaintiffs' trial exhibits to be replaced and update same.


02/03/16 JPB Convert native Excel files to PDF. 1.30 02/04/16 SFB Make final edits to omnibus

motions in limine for filing; conference with K. Kramer (Paul Weiss) regarding settlement mechanics; review and send C. Ross documents to K. Denk; review Catalina documents sent over by M. Webber with 902(11) declaration; review revised trial procedures, as well as exhibit and witness agreements summary to send to Paul Weiss; conferences with co-counsel regarding revised deposition hours for trial; make final edits to motion in limine regarding Carlton's, "no liability," expert report; hold conferences with co-counsel regarding the same.


02/04/16 BPT Review revised jury instructions;

review Weyerhauser demonstratives; review draft motion to exclude the testimony of D. Carlton; review Catalina custodian of records declaration; review and comment on omnibus motions in limine.


02/04/16 FGH Review D. Carlton motion in

limine; assist S. Sivan with 3.50

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preparing sealing materials; update B. Rudofsky regarding Plaintiffs' opposition to the statute of limitations motion; review defendants' draft summary exhibits of revenues tied to contracts with limitations provisions.

02/04/16 BLR Review final draft motions in

limine; confer with F. Hall concerning opposition motions.


02/04/16 KAB Research and gather production

materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research production regarding various issues per co-counsel requests; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching.


02/04/16 DH Review and identify plaintiffs'

trial exhibits to be replaced and update same; review and update trial exhibits in CaseMap database.


02/04/16 RAM Electronically rename selected in

store Exec Comm minutes. 1.00

02/04/16 JJT Assemble electronic files

regarding executive committee meeting minutes in chronological order and rename files by date.


02/05/16 SFB Conferences with D. Goldman

regarding assignments for motion in limine oppositions; review and circulate NAM's letter to Judge Pauley requesting Valassis and Catalina custodial of depositions; conference with J. Briody regarding response; review NAM's motions in limine; meet with associates regarding the same; review and circulate NAM's reply in support of motion to exclude releases.


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02/05/16 BPT Review defendants' omnibus motions in limine; review deposition designations; review reply memorandum regarding motion to exclude evidence of releases.


02/05/16 FGH Review defendants' statute of

limitations reply; review defendants' motions in limine; split responsibilities for responses to motions in limine with B. Rudofsky and discuss response strategy; communicate with K. Denk about importance of article exhibits; research pejorative language issue and begin drafting opposition brief section on same.


02/05/16 BLR Review Defendants' motions in

limine; confer with F. Hall concerining internal division of labor; draft oppositions to Defense motions in limine.


02/05/16 KAB Review and revise plaintiffs'

exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching; respond to questions regarding same.


02/05/16 DH Review and research plaintiffs'

trial exhibits identified in defendants' motions in limine.


02/05/16 JFB Quality control and Bates check of

defendants' exhibit list; review list for all native files.


02/05/16 JPB Quality check electronic trial

exhibits and note any errors and questionable issues to be corrected.


02/05/16 RAM Locate defendants' exhibit

mistakes and discrepancies; prepare spreadsheet with same.


02/05/16 JJT Verify electronic files of

defendants' exhibits by comparing to exhibit list noting bates


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ranges and presence of native attachments.

02/06/16 SFB Edit response letter to Judge

Pauley regarding NAM's request for additional depositions; conferences with J. Briody regarding the same; review e-mail exchange with K. Gallo, W. Michael, and J. Briody regarding deposition objections and D. Lucidi-Chammas.


02/06/16 FGH Draft motion in limine opposition

regarding articles on plaintiffs' exhibit list; review B. Rudofsky's motions in limine oppositions for edits and suggestions.


02/06/16 BLR Draft opposition to Defendants'

motions in limine; exchange and review drafts with F. Hall.


02/06/16 KAB Review and revise defendants'

exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching; research JPMS subpoenaed production correspondence; research productions to assist with motions in limine.


02/06/16 JFB Quality control and bates check of

defendants' exhibit list; review list for all native files.


02/07/16 SFB Review and edit motion in limine

oppositions (numbers two, nine, and fourteen); conference with B. Michael and co-counsel regarding the February 16th hearing regarding Rebh, Lucidi-Chammas, and Emmel; conference with co-counsel regarding expert testimony on higher ISP prices.


02/07/16 BPT Review and revise draft

oppositions to defendants' motions in limine.


02/07/16 FGH Review co-counsels' motions in

limine opposition sections; legal 1.60

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research regarding when a theory of liability must appear in a complaint; revise motion in limine opposition section regarding admissibility of press articles in light of K. Denk comments; review exhibits identified in W. Michael email regarding compromise.

02/07/16 KAB Review and resolve issues in

plaintiffs' and defendants' exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching.


02/08/16 SFB Review and edit firm's motion in

limine oppositions (numbers three, seven, ten, and thirteen); review cases; telephone call to Ms. Bonelli (Judge Pauley's clerk) regarding response letter to NAM's subpoena request; conference with J. Briody regarding edits to same; conference with J. Briody regarding Pepsi (Davis Polk and Commissioner Liebowitz) questions.


02/08/16 BPT Review and revise draft

oppositions to defendants' motions in limine; review joint Valassis letter.


02/08/16 FGH Compile our firm's motions in

limine opposition sections and circulate to B. Rudofsky; review exhibits mentioned in W. Michael email and circulate explanation of objections to S. Benz, J. Briody, and J. Smith; review defendants' reply regarding CPG releases; review letter to Judge Pauley regarding Valassis subpoena; finalize and file same; review parties' retailer agreement compilations for overlap and circulate report to J. Smith; attend weekly associates' call.


02/08/16 BLR Revise and finalize assigned

oppositions to motions in limine; participate in weekly associates conference call.


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02/08/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching.


02/08/16 DH Review and update both trial

exhibits and hot documents trial exhibits in CaseMap database; cite-check Valassis subpoena response letter to Judge Pauley.


02/08/16 JFB Research Concordance for executive

committee minutes; assist in trial exhibit preparation.


02/09/16 SFB Edit and comment on motions in

limine (numbers one, six, eight, eleven, and fifteen) hold conferences with R. Matsumura regarding the same; complete final review of and comments on motion in limine to exclude Carlton expert testimony and send to co-counsel; review and circulate M. Palizzi letter to Judge Pauley regarding Valassis custodian subpoena request; telephone calls with J. Southwick and J. Briody regarding meeting with absent class member Pepsi's outside counsel (D. Polk); prepare K. Ball excerpts for opposition and NAM motion in limine number six; conferences with P. Nightingale (General Counsel for HP Hood) regarding C. Ross as class representative witness and preparation schedule; conference with J. Ramirez (Kimberly Clark) regarding case status; update case calendar; review and circulate Judge Pauley's Order on NAM's motion to amend the start date of the class period.


02/09/16 BPT Review Kimberly Clarke key points

regarding negotiations; review and 7.80

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revise draft oppositions to defendants' motions in limine; review order regarding revision of class certification order.

02/09/16 FGH Attend weekly management committee

call; review motions in limine opposition; review articles exhibits identified by defendants on plaintiffs' exhibit list for admissibility; correspond with J. Smith and J. Briody regarding motions in limine opposition suggestions; review court order concerning class period; discuss arguments concerning scope of damages and against contractual limitations provisions.


02/09/16 BLR Review omnibus motion in limine

opposition before filing; participate in weekly management committee conference call; review order adjusting class period.


02/09/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and revise defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; prepare exhibits for further review and searching; coordinate with co-counsel regarding same.


02/09/16 DH Review and respond to requests by

co-counsel regarding plaintiffs' trial exhibits; review and identify prior litigation testimony produced by defendants.


02/09/16 JFB Assist in trial exhibit

preparation. 1.00

02/09/16 CDS Update plaintiff's trial exhibit

database for use on Concordance FYI.


02/10/16 SFB Review and circulate NAM's

opposition to plaintiffs' motions in limine; review and circulate NAM's opposition to plaintiffs'


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motion to exclude testimony of D. Carlton; conferences with co-counsel regarding reply points and outline to the Carlton reply brief; conference with J. Southwick and D. Kramer (Paul Weiss) regarding cash settlement; conferences with J. Briody regarding motion in limine reply assignments; meet with associates regarding the same; review defendants' summary charts with contractual limitations; conference with R. Pfau and J. Southwick regarding the same; conference with L. LeClair regarding summaries agreement with News; conference with B. Michael and co-counsel regarding P. Carlucci's trial subpoena; edit portions of the joint pre-trial order; conference with co-counsel to review and comment on the draft motion in limine stipulation; conference with P. Moll (Nestlé outside counsel); review and circulate the first settlement offer from News and D. Kramer; conference with co-counsel.

02/10/16 BPT Revise draft memorandum in

response to defendants' motion in opposition to plaintiffs' motions in limine; review case law regarding Carlucci as managing agent.


02/10/16 FGH Review defendants' opposition to

plaintiffs' motions in limine; discuss important points for reply brief in support of motions in limine; draft reply motions in limine sections regarding class contacts and class members' size, finances, and profitability; review deposition designations to assist B. Rudofsky's motions in limine reply sections; prepare materials for motions in limine hearing; review B. Rudofsky motions in limine reply sections.


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02/10/16 BLR Draft replies to Defendants'

Oppositions to plaintiffs' Motions in limine.


02/10/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel.


02/10/16 DH Review and identify prior

litigation testimony produced by defendants.


02/11/16 SFB Edit, review, and comment on

various motion in limine replies; conferences with co-counsel; conference call with J. Southwick, et al. regarding NAM's settlement offer; conference with L. LeClair and D. Goldman regarding live, adverse witnesses and Carlucci; edit deposition designation letter to Judge Pauley; conference with C. Kelly (Insignia counsel at Holland & Knight); conference with J. Southwick and D. Goldman regarding L. Manzo second round settlement overtures to Unilever, Pepsi, Nestlé, and Rite-Aid; circulate C. Kelly letter to Judge Pauley regarding additional depositions of Catalina and Valassis; edit omnibus motions in limine reply in support thereof; meet with associates regarding the revised joint pre-trial order assignments; prepare offensive and defensive themes for clients and class representative witnesses; telephone call to C. Lovell regarding settlement strategy; telephone call to R. Saveri regarding settlement strategy.


02/11/16 BPT Revise draft memorandum in

response to defendants' motion in opposition to plaintiffs' motions in limine; correspond with contract attorneys to have HP Hood documents reviewed; review draft reply regarding motion to exclude


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the testimony of Carlton. 02/11/16 FGH Review February 10 letter from

opposing counsel and research issues arising from it; review motions in limine reply brief for edits; review contractual limitations summary exhibits and the agreements underlying them for errors and other problems; attend conference call with co-counsel to discuss issues arising from the conference call with the Court regarding non-party subpoenas and the amended joint pre-trial order; review Carlton motion in limine reply brief for edits; review defendants' reply brief in support of their motions in limine.


02/11/16 BLR Respond to email from R. Matsumura

to supply underlying source for citation; participate in conference call with all firms to confer after court conference; review Defendants' reply in support of Defendants' motions in limine.


02/11/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research and gather defendants' conditional exhibits for further review; research and gather HP Hood 30(b)(6) deposition preparation materials for further review and analysis.


02/11/16 DH Review and identify prior

litigation deposition and trial exhibits produced by defendants.


02/11/16 CDH Search for specific Kraft-

Mondelez-NAM agreements; review documents for missed C. Ross (Hood) items.


02/11/16 JMT Identify documents for trial

exhibits for C. Ross. 2.00

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02/12/16 SFB Edit settlement response letter to D. Kramer (Paul Weiss); conferences with co-counsel regarding settlement strategy; review and circulate NAM's replies in support of its motions in limine; conference with J. Briody and co-counsel regarding stipulation as to Valassis and Catalina exhibits; check Rule 703 and Southern District of New York opinions on admissibility of documents that an expert relies upon; edit and finalize revised joint pre-trial order; conference with co-counsel regarding the same; compile Dickson documents for revised exhibit list.


02/12/16 BPT Review K. Dickson documents for

potential inclusion on plaintiffs' exhibit list; review documents and correspond with contract attorneys regarding Hood documents; review defendants' revised exhibit list.


02/12/16 FGH Review exhibit mentioned in W.

Michael email to J. Smith and advise J. Smith regarding the exhibit's issues; prepare materials for motions in limine hearing; make edits to letter to opposing counsel for S. Benz; review HP Hood-produced exhibits for inclusion in final exhibit list; review retailer agreement compilations for duplications and inclusion in amended joint pre-trial order and communicate same to K. Denk; compile list of exhibits referred to in deposition designations for inclusion in final exhibit list and communicate same to K. Denk; review defendants' counterproposal for jury instructions.


02/12/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research and gather defendants'


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exhibits for further review and analysis; research and gather HP Hood 30(b)(6) deposition preparation materials for further review and analysis; review and revise plaintiffs' and defendants' preliminary exhibits.

02/12/16 BMM Meeting with D. Hayes regarding

trial exhibits and trial preparation.


02/12/16 DH Identify exhibits in plaintiffs'

designated deposition testimony and cross check against amended trial exhibit list; proofread and edit correspondence to defendants.


02/12/16 CDS Assist in preparing defendants'

exhibit set for distribution and review.


02/12/16 CDH Review documents for missed C.

Ross (Hood) items. 4.50

02/12/16 JMT Identify documents for trial

exhibits for C. Ross. 5.80

02/12/16 JPB Convert native excels to PDF. 1.50 02/12/16 RAM Convert selected natives to PDF. 1.50 02/12/16 JJT Convert selected native

spreadsheets to PDF. 1.00

02/13/16 SFB Review Biery and Simcox

videotapes; review and circulate NAM's counter-edits to proposed jury instructions and verdict form; review and circulate Valassis and Catalina document stipulation; conference with co-counsel regarding the same; review and circulate NAM's revised and "conditional" exhibit lists; conference with K. Denk and co-counsel regarding the revised joint pre-trial order; conference with K. Denk and D. Goldman regarding C. Ross testimony; conference call with J. Southwick


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and J. Briody regarding D. Polk and Pepsi meeting; edit and comment on the revised joint pre-trial order; meet with F. Hall regarding projects and telephone calls with associates; review template MFN quick pay and clear sailing templates for settlement discussions and Newberg on Class Actions chapters on the same; check Manual for Complex Litigation 313.23 regarding MFN clause; draft rule 41(a)(2) stipulation dismissing state claims.

02/13/16 FGH Review defendants' exhibit list

for new exhibits and for consistency of objections; attend conference call with K. Denk, R. Caughey, and J. Smith regarding joint pretrial order responsibilities; attend meet and confer call with opposing counsel to discuss joint-pretrial order filing and related issues; review new exhibits for objections; compile examples of prior settlement agreements approved by Judge Pauley for S. Benz.


02/13/16 BLR Participate in associates

conference call to discuss finalizing updated exhibit and witness lists; review final drafts before circulation.


02/13/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research and gather defendants' revised exhibits for further review and analysis; prepare copies of defendants' and plaintiffs' revised exhibits for co-counsel.


02/14/16 SFB Review template class settlement

agreements for MFN fixed amount and quick pay provisions; review defendants' objections to


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plaintiffs' shortened exhibit list and objections to new exhibits; conferences with associates regarding the same; revise Rule 41 stipulation dismissing state claims; review as-served plaintiffs' objections defendants' exhibits (including "conditional" and "contracts of data" exhibit lists); comment with J. Briody regarding NAM's edits to the motions in limine stipulation; conference with D. Goldman regarding News' contractual limitations spreadsheet exhibit and revenue analysis, as well as the argument at the hearing.

02/14/16 BPT Draft key points regarding C.

Ross; review amended joint pretrial order and jury questionnaire.


02/14/16 FGH Prepare revised PX-4090, a list of

Defendants' retailer agreements, in light of request from K. Denk; incorporate K. Briggs's document review into PX-4090; circulate talking points for C. Ross interview to K. Denk.


02/14/16 KAB Research and gather selected

production materials and videos for further review and analysis by co-counsel; research and gather defendants' revised exhibits for further review and analysis; confer with co-counsel regarding preparation of trial exhibits; prepare PX-4090 retailer agreements for further review and analysis; coordinate with team regarding same.


02/14/16 CDH Separate retailer ISP agreements

from other documents in NAM Retailer folder.


02/14/16 JMT Identification of NAM-Retailer

agreements for trial exhibit's. 1.50

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02/15/16 SFB Travel to New York; circulate edits to Rule 41 stipulation; dismiss pendant state claims; conference with K. Gallo, D. Goldman, et. al. regarding documents and witnesses; prepare for hearing (motion in limine to exclude the testimony of D. Carlton and omnibus motions in limine); comment on NAM's edits to the omnibus motions in limine stipulation; edit message to corporate clients and class representatives to notify them of a settlement offer; send Rule 41 State count dismissal stipulation to K. Gallo and J. Anderson; hearing preparation with J. Briody, J. Smith, and L. LeClair; telephone call with D. Kramer (Paul Weiss) regarding ongoing settlement negotiations (scheduling and substance); work with R. Pfau and J. Southwick regarding revised damages scenarios (revised statute of limitations, releases, and contractual limitations).


02/15/16 WJC Review plaintiffs motions in

limine. 1.00

02/15/16 BPT Review draft stipulation and order

regarding motions in limine; review updated jury questionnaire.


02/15/16 FGH Prepare materials for oral

argument regarding motions in limine and meeting with C. Ross; travel to New York City for motions in limine oral argument and C. Ross meeting; review C. Ross deposition and transcripts for points of discussion and discuss same with S. Benz; review settlement agreement examples with S. Benz for useful provisions; participate in conference call with co-counsel regarding motions in limine oral argument.


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02/15/16 BLR Participate in conference call to discuss final pre-trial preperations ahead of 2/16/2016 motion hearing.


02/15/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

revised exhibits for further review and analysis; confer with co-counsel and opposing counsel regarding preparation of trial exhibits; coordinate with team regarding review of PX-4090 retailer agreements; review and finalize plaintiffs' exhibits for trial; coordinate with vendor regarding stickering exhibits.


02/15/16 DH Review and update CaseMap trial

exhibits database. 3.50

02/16/16 SFB Prepare for and attend Case

Management Conference hearing before Judge Pauley regarding motions in limine and NAM's motion to preclude releases damages; conferences with C. Ross and P. Nightingale (HP Hood) regarding trial preparation and schedule; settlement conferences with K. Kramer (Paul Weiss) and J. Southwick; conference with J. Ansell (Insignia counsel) regarding use of K. Ball deposition excerpts at trial; circulate Judge Pauley's order regarding Valassis and Catalina 803(b) subpoenas; approve invoices and firm cost fund contribution; circulate revised damages scenarios and figures.


02/16/16 BPT Review order regarding non-party

depositions; review Valassis letter.


02/16/16 FGH Attend oral argument regarding

motions in limine; advise S. Benz and B. Rudofsky regarding the motions in limine oral argument; prepare outline for meeting with C. Ross.


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02/16/16 BLR Confer with F. Hall concerning

events at motion hearing; participate in associate conference call regarding trial assignments.


02/16/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

revised exhibits for further review and analysis; review and finalize plaintiffs' exhibits for trial; coordinate with vendor regarding stickering exhibits; research and gather selected materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and prepare summary judgment briefing for production to Valassis in response to subpoena; draft correspondence regarding same.


02/16/16 DH Review and update CaseMap trial

exhibits database; review and assemble Defendants' conditional exhibits for attorney review; review and prepare for production plaintiffs' and defendants' exhibits requested by co-counsel.


02/17/16 SFB Trial witness preparation with C.

Ross (HP Hood) with D. James at Kramer Levin; settlement strategy conference call with J. Southwick; conference with G. Chepiga and S. Redman regarding pendant state claims dismissal; circulate as final the motion in limine stipulation entered by Judge Pauley; conference with J. Ansell (Insignia outside counsel) regarding K. Ball and case status; review and approve invoices (DOAR and court reporters for depositions); review Southern District of New York cases and templates regarding stipulations, orders, and findings to dismiss pendant state claims; review and circulate NAM's 5% rebate settlement offer to Unilever and 7.5% proposal to Unilever; begin


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outline of emergency motion to stop News' settlements with top twenty-three class members; conference with J. Southwick and R. Hess regarding the same; review and circulate Judge Pauley's orders on motions in limine.

02/17/16 BPT Review judge's order regarding

date upon which claims accrue for purposes of evaluating Heinz and Dial claims; review neutral summary of case; review documents.


02/17/16 FGH Interview C. Ross with S. Benz and

D. James regarding topics that may be discussed at trial; discuss current settlement offers to largest 23 class members and legal analysis of same with S. Benz and B. Rudofsky; travel from New York City to Washington, DC; review the court's order on motions in limine; compile chart of favorable settlement terms.


02/17/16 BLR Review transcript of motion

hearing; research partial dismissals interplay with Rule 23(e); review order on motions in limine.


02/17/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

revised trial exhibits; review and prepare spreadsheet of metadata regarding PX-4090 retailer agreements; review and finalize plaintiffs' exhibits for trial; coordinate with vendor regarding stickering exhibits; research and gather production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; conference with co-counsel regarding trial preparation.


02/17/16 CDH Locate Merchandising and In-Store

Program Terms documents in NAM production.


02/17/16 JPB Compare files in NAM trial 3.00

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exhibits folder to the files in the Data Exhibits folder and log and discrepancies.

02/17/16 RAM Compile an electronic set of data

exhibits. 1.50

02/17/16 JJT Gather and organize a complete set

of defendants' contracts and data exhibits.


02/18/16 SFB Make telephone calls to attorneys

for the top twenty-three CPGs (Whitewave Foods, Kimberly-Clark, Church & Dwight, Nestlé, Pinnacle, and Tysons) regarding the latest NAM settlement offer; review and circulate Judge Pauley's rulings on motions in limine; conference with co-counsel regarding the same; edit the neutral case summary; prepare and edit the outline for and draft a motion for injunctive relief against NAM's proposed absent class member settlements; review cases and conference with J. Southwick and R. Hess regarding the same; conference with L. LeClair regarding paying vendor invoices (ApplEcon, Lighthouse, Spectrum, and TSG); finalize motion to approve stipulation of dismissal; review and circulate order on releases.


02/18/16 BPT Review and revise draft motion to

approve stipulation of dismissal of state law claims, motion to approve the stipulation of dismissal, and the draft proposed order approving the dismissal.


02/18/16 FGH Continue compiling chart of

favorable settlement terms; provide language on similarity of state antitrust laws to federal antitrust laws to B. Rudofsky; review B. Rudofksy's motion to dismiss state antitrust claims; attend conference call with B.


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Rudofsky and co-counsel to discuss preparing deposition designations according to protocol with opposing counsel; review the court's order regarding defendants' releases; prepare K. Ball deposition designations according to protocol for service to opposing counsel.

02/18/16 BLR Research voluntary partial

dismissal requirements under Rule 23(e); draft motion to approve stipulation of partial dismissal and proposed order; circulate drafts to group and incorporate comments; participate in conference call with F. Hall, R. Caughey, K. Denk, and J. Smith to finalize deposition designation internal protocol; confirm assigned final deposition designations for trial.


02/18/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

revised trial exhibits; review and finalize plaintiffs' exhibits for trial; coordinate with vendor regarding stickering exhibits; research production materials regarding prior testimony and video for further review and analysis by co-counsel; confer with co-counsel and opposing counsel regarding service of trial exhibits.


02/18/16 JFB Review and cross-check all video

exhibits against exhibit list. 1.00

02/18/16 CDH Search for prior Dominic Hansa

depositions or testimony. 1.00

02/18/16 JMT Identify prior D. Hansa

depositions; identify use of "Sales Maximization" document in prior depositions.


02/19/16 SFB Prepare matrix of settlement terms

(most favored nations provision, fixed amount, and no blow-up);


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settlement strategy telephone calls with J. Southwick; meet with K. Briggs regarding trial exhibits; revise stipulation, motion, and proposed order for dismissal of pendant state claims; conference with G. Chepiga regarding the same; meet with D. Hayes regarding trial exhibits and trial director; conference with C. Ondeck (Proskauer and Church & Dwight) outside counsel; practice direct with Dr. J. MacKie-Mason (expert); edit emergency motion to enjoin NAM settlements with the top twenty-three class members; conferences with J. Southwick and R. Caughey regarding the same; review cases and 2003 amendments Rule 23 advisory committee notes and annotations.

02/19/16 BPT Review affirmative deposition

designations; review and revise motion to enjoin settlements.


02/19/16 FGH Review opposing counsel's K. Ball

counter designations and correct for misnumbering based on prior circulated designations; finalize Ball and Bevilacqua initial designations for service on opposing counsel and circulate to co-counsel; review and edit letter to the court regarding option settlements with individual class members; review revised contractual limitations summaries and discuss strategies regarding same with B. Rudofsky.


02/19/16 BLR Finalize draft motion to approve

partial dismissal; research for emergency motion to enjoin certain settlement terms; begin research for motion for judgment as a matter of law on contractual limitations provisions.


02/19/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants' and

plaintiffs' revised exhibits for 4.50

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further review and analysis; research and gather selected materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and finalize summary judgment briefing for production to Valassis in response to subpoena; review and provide explanation regarding plaintiffs' trial exhibit video slip sheets.

02/19/16 CDH Search for prior use of exhibit on

"Sales Maximization". 1.50

02/19/16 JMT Identify use of "Sales

Maximization" document in prior depositions.


02/20/16 SFB Make further edits to plaintiffs'

emergency motion to enjoin improper and unenforceable settlement agreements with absent class members; conference with J. Southwick, R. Caughey, D. Goldman, and S. Berry regarding the same; check updated trial exhibit list cross-references with witnesses; review News' revised defense summary exhibits 2292-2295.


02/20/16 BLR Telephone call with S. Benz

concerning emergency motion strategy.


02/20/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

final revised exhibits for further review and analysis; research and gather J. Aversano and other selected materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and prepare PX-4090 retailer agreements for further review and analysis; coordinate with team regarding same; respond to questions regarding same; provide explanation regarding native files in plaintiffs' trial exhibits.


02/20/16 JMT Identify use of "Sales

Maximization" document in prior 3.80

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depositions. 02/21/16 SFB Make final edits for filing to

emergency motion to enjoin improper and unenforceable settlement agreements; conferences with R. Caughey, J. Southwick, and S. Berry regarding the same; conferences with J. Southwick, D. Goldman, and L. LeClair regarding trial proof of retailer commissions; check Dr. J. MacKie-Mason excerpts; telephone call to K. Maggs (Pinnacle Foods' general counsel) to let him know that the team is filing a letter motion regarding improper class settlements; conference with G. Chepiga and S. Redman (Paul Weiss) regarding the notice requirement for dismissal of state claims.


02/21/16 FGH Communicate with K. Denk and K.

Briggs regarding Plaintiffs' retailer contract compilation exhibit control chart.


02/21/16 BLR Review Defendants' response to

emergency motion. 0.10

02/21/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

final revised exhibits for further review and analysis; research and gather J. Aversano and other selected materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and prepare PX-4090 retailer agreements for further review and analysis; respond to questions regarding same.


02/21/16 CDH Find and add retailer agreement

dates to PX-4090. 4.00

02/21/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/22/16 SFB Review and circulate K. Gallo's

response letter to Judge Pauley 10.60

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regarding improper class settlement efforts; prepare for argument during telephonic conference with Judge Pauley; conferences with co-counsel regarding the same; conference with R. Pfau and K. Denk regarding the Heinz and Dial damages; partake in pre-trial conference with Judge Pauley regarding courtroom technology and News' improper attempt to settle with the largest absent class members; send IN CAMERA copies of News' settlement term sheets to J. McCann, Judge Pauley's clerk; conference with A. Dodd (Whitewave Foods) and K. Maggs (Pinnacle Foods); meet and confer with K. Gallo regarding News' improper and unenforceable settlement overtures to CPGs; review cases for motion regarding settlements with the top twenty-three class members; numerous conferences with F. Hall regarding the same; revise motion to dismiss pendant state claims; conference with co-counsel regarding the defendants' jury verdict form.

02/22/16 BPT Read Ollier v Sweetwater; review

Defendants' counter deposition designations and objections; review voir dire questions; review Plaintiffs' rebuttal designations and objections to Defendants' counters.


02/22/16 FGH Prepare talking points for S. Benz

for court conference call regarding individual settlement offers; discuss same with B. Rudofsky; review documents on Plaintiffs' retailer contract compilation exhibit to edit control chart; circulate same to K. Denk; discuss issues with retailer contract compilation exhibit with K. Briggs; attend


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conference call with co-counsel to discuss counter-designations and objections for deposition testimony; review Ball counter-designations for objections and rebuttal designations; review email from opposing counsel regarding individual settlements and draft response email; review Brotherton counter-designations for objections and rebuttal designations.

02/22/16 BLR Research contractual limitations

in antitrust context; review Defendants' counter-designations; conference call with G. Chepiga and S. Benz concerning dismissal of state law claims; draft revised motion to approve dismissal; revise objections to counter-designations.


02/22/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

final revised exhibits for further review and analysis; research and gather selected materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and prepare PX-4090 retailer agreements for further review and analysis; respond to questions regarding same.


02/22/16 DH Review and update CaseMap trial

exhibits database. 1.70

02/22/16 CDH Find and add retailer agreement

dates to PX-4090. 7.00

02/22/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/23/16 SFB Meet and confer with K. Gallo and

co-counsel regarding the live witness issue; conference with R. Pfau and J. Southwick regarding broker and dealer damages; conferences with co-counsel


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regarding client representatives at trial and witness order; review and comment on, and hold telephone call with R. Hess regarding, the jury verdict form (damages); edit motion for dismissal of state claims; begin motion to deem late, post-opt-out settlements unenforceable; conference with P. Nightingale (HP Hood) regarding trial logistics; check verdict forms for damages and research for multi-defendant damages where corporate form is not observed; hold settlement telephone calls with D. Kramer and J. Southwick; finalize and file motion to dismiss pendant state claims; conference call with co-counsel.

02/23/16 BPT Review voir dire questions; review

exhibit list. 1.50

02/23/16 FGH Review Ball counter-designations

for objections and rebuttal designations; review Brotherton counter-designations for objections and rebuttal designations; circulate Ball and Brotherton deposition materials to B. Rudofsky and R. Caughey for review before service; correspond with J. Smith regarding objections to DX-1254; discuss Ball, Bevilacqua, and Brotherton objections and rebuttal designations with B. Rudofsky; attend weekly management committee conference call; legal research regarding court approval of individual settlements; discuss same with B. Rudofsky; update list of meet and confer documents to correspond to current version of exhibit list and circulate same to co-counsel; legal research regarding allocation of damages to multiple defendants in an antitrust case; attend conference call with Dr. MacKie-Mason and R. Pfau regarding potential issues


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with damages for trial. 02/23/16 BLR Finalize and file motion to

dismiss state law claims; review objections to counter-designations; participate in weekly management committee call; begin drafting motion in opposition to approval of settlements.


02/23/16 KAB Review and prepare defendants'

final revised exhibits for further review and analysis; research and gather selected videos and production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel.


02/23/16 DH Cite-check motion to approve

dismissal of state law claims. 0.80

02/23/16 CDH Find and add retailer agreement

dates to PX-4090; Edit entries on PX-4090.


02/23/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/24/16 SFB Prepare outline of argument and

draft a motion to invalidate proposed CPG settlement agreements; conference with B. Rudofsky regarding the same; send Berg Valassis corporate history testimony excerpts to experts; meet with associates regarding exhibit objections; review Johnson & Johnson, General Mills, Dannon, and Rickett settlement agreements; conference with J. Ramirez (Kimberly-Clark) regarding case status; settlement strategy conference calls with co-lead counsel and co-counsel; conduct various telephone calls with J. Briody, L. Le Clair, and D. Goldman regarding pre-trial hearing issues.


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02/24/16 BPT Draft Dickson cross examination outline; draft Bevilacqua cross examination outline.


02/24/16 FGH Review opposing counsel's list of

exhibits with plaintiffs' bates numbers with objections for basis of objection and recommendation and circulate same to co-counsel; discuss PX-4090 documents with K. Briggs and K. Denk; review Ball and Bevilacqua deposition objections for responses and circulate same to co-counsel; legal research regarding how courts consider separate settlement funds; review and edit B. Rudofsky draft of motion to invalidate settlement agreements; draft talking points to assist B. Rudofsky's oral argument outline for S. Benz regarding motion to invalidate settlements.


02/24/16 BLR Draft motion in opposition to

approval of absent class member settlements.


02/24/16 KAB Research production regarding

alternate copies of selected trial exhibits; research and gather selected videos and production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; review and prepare PX-4090 and DX-2253 retailer agreements for further review and analysis; research and prepare additional retailer agreements as trial exhibits.


02/24/16 CDS Update Aversano hot document set

and Aversano - Goldman or Neptune document set to co-counsel, Kramer Levin.


02/24/16 CDH Edit entries on PX-4090; enter

data on additional agreements for PX-4090.


02/24/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial 12.80

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Page 36

exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.

02/25/16 SFB Edit motion to invalidate improper

proposed CPG class member settlements and proposed order; finalize same for e-filing; travel to New York; prepare for pre-trial conference and oral argument on motion to invalidate; conference with B. Taibleson regarding cross examination outline for Bevilacqua, Naze, Dickson, and Aversano; pre-hearing meeting with co-counsel at Kramer Levin; conference with C. Signorello (Henkel) regarding settlements; meet with F. Hall on K. Ball deposition objections; review and comment on supplemental expert report (Dr. J. MacKie-Mason); settlement strategic call with co-counsel (J. Southwick, L. LeClair, and D. Goldman); work on opening argument and slides with D. Goldman.


02/25/16 BPT Draft Dickson cross examination

outline; draft Bevilacqua cross examination outline; review motion in opposition to approval of individual settlements; review affirmative deposition designations for Ball and Bevilacqua.


02/25/16 FGH Legal research regarding group

fairness in class actions; discuss proposed motion to invalidate Equivalent Value Options from certain settlement agreements with B. Ruodfsky; discuss Ball designation objections and responses with B. Taibleson and suggest course of action to S. Benz; circulate email regarding Ball designation objections to co-counsel; distribute Goldman Sachs-Bates-stamped exhibits to associates group for delivery to non-party counsel; communicate


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Page 37

with S. Benz and B. Rudofsky regarding current position concerning individual settlements and trial responsibilities.

02/25/16 BLR Revise motion to invalidate absent

class member settlements; draft oral argument outline; outline motion for judgment as a matter of law on contractual limitations; confer with F. Hall regarding K. Ball deposition testimony.


02/25/16 KAB Coordinate with team regarding

review of PX-4090 and DX-2253 retailer agreements; prepare summary regarding same; respond to questions regarding same; research and prepare additional retailer agreements as trial exhibits.


02/25/16 DH Cite-check, proofread, and enter

edits to Plaintiffs' motion to invalidate proposed settlements; review and update CaseMap trial exhibit database.


02/25/16 CDH Enter data on additional

agreements for PX-4090. 10.50

02/25/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/26/16 SFB Conference with co-counsel and

Paul Weiss regarding admitted exhibit tracking sheet; work on opening and slides with D. Goldman; review and comment on supplemental expert report; participate in settlement discussions with D. Kramer (Paul Weiss) and J. Southwick; conference with J. Ramirez (Kimberly-Clark) regarding case status; revise C. Ross direct outline with D. James; meet with F. Hall regarding DX 4090 list; conference with P. Nightingale (HP Hood General Counsel) regarding


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Page 38

trial schedule; conference with L. LeClair regarding entity issues; run through opening statement with D. Goldman and co-counsel; review NAM supplemental HP Hood documents for C. Ross cross-examination preparation; check HP Hood ROFR agreements for cross-preparation.

02/26/16 BPT Review and revise Ross direct

examination outline; draft Dickson cross examination outline; draft Bevilacqua cross-examination outline.


02/26/16 FGH Communicate with K. Briggs and K.

Denk regarding additions to PX-4090 retailer agreement compilation exhibit; travel to New York to attend trial; discuss PX-4090 additions with K. Denk, J. Smith, K. Briggs, and S. Benz and circulate list to co-counsel; communicate with K. Denk and B. Rudofsky regarding tracking resolved objections to plaintiffs' and defendants' exhibits; assist as needed with updating deposition designations for delivery to court; discuss CPG witness testimony with D. Goldman, S. Benz, and D. James; discuss trial logistics with associates team; review C. Ross witness outline drafted by D. James; circulate added PX-4090 documents to opposing counsel.


02/26/16 BLR Update exhibit lists to remove

cleared objections. 2.50

02/26/16 KAB Coordinate with team regarding

review of PX-4090 and DX-2253 retailer agreements and identification of supplemental exhibits; research production regarding master lease agreements; research issues with trial exhibits identified by co-counsel; prepare replacement and supplemental trial exhibits;


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Page 39

research and gather selected videos and production materials for DOAR Jury Consultants and co-counsel; review and prepare supplemental and replacement trial exhibits for further review and analysis.

02/26/16 DH Update CaseMap with supplemental

exhibits; review plaintiffs' supplemental trial exhibits and identify trial witnesses associated with core exhibits.


02/26/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/27/16 SFB Edit CPG witnesses' direct

examination outlines and cross-examination preparation; meet and confer with B. Michael and J. Briody regarding NAM live CPG witnesses; review and send revised PX 4060 (retailer agreements) to J. Anderson and B. Michael; meet with associates regarding trial tasks; conference with D. Goldman and L. LeClair regarding order of proof; meet with F. Hall regarding order of proof tracking and preparation for directed verdict; conferences with L. LeClair regarding Dr. J. MacKie-Mason benchmark Carlton rebuttal; meet with D. James regarding CPG witnesses' affirmative testimony and cross-preparation; conference with S. Bovine regarding courthouse and witness logistics; revise opening slides; edit Dr. P. Farris expert direct outline.


02/27/16 BPT Review and revise Ross direct

examination outline; revise Dickson cross examination outline; revise Bevilacqua cross examination outline.


02/27/16 FGH Circulate PX list to co-counsel 11.60

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SC Johnson February 29, 2016 Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America Invoice # 2008221810

Page 40

including information regarding planned witnesses; meet with S. Benz regarding trial obligations and circulate notes of meeting to B. Rudofsky and B. Taibleson; meet with K. Denk regarding DX-2253 entries and PX-4090 and general concerns regarding exhibit lists and objections; revise exhibit list for updated Bates numbers and to track resolved objections; legal research regarding directed verdict issues in antitrust cases.

02/27/16 KAB Research issues regarding review

of PX-4090 and DX-2253 retailer agreements; coordinate with team regarding review of additional defendants' exhibits; review and revise summary regarding retailer agreement trial exhibits; research production regarding prior testimony; research and gather production materials for further review and analysis by co-counsel; confer with F. Hall regarding trial exhibits.


02/27/16 DH Review plaintiffs' supplemental

trial exhibits and identify trial witnesses associated with core exhibits.


02/27/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/28/16 SFB Draft and send settlement

conditions letter to D. Kramer (Paul Weiss); review settlement agreements; run settlement value comparison with four CPG settlements; trial preparation with CPG class representative witnesses (C. Ross, et al.); review Dr. P. Farris direct and comment on same; attend settlement conference with D. Kramer and J. Southwick; check escrow account options for class settlements;


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Page 41

settlement status update conference call with P. Nightingale (HP Hood general counsel); meet with R. Boyce (Foster Farms general counsel) to update him on settlement status; conference with K. Rohrbaugh (Kraft Heinz litigation counsel) regarding settlement status; prepare structural relief counter-proposal to D. Kramer (Paul Weiss) and News; settlement status compile "low/conservative model" recovery damages for Heinz and Henkel/Dial; compile template memoranda of understanding.

02/28/16 BPT Revise Dickson cross examination

outline; travel for trial; review opening slide deck.


02/28/16 FGH Revise exhibit list for updated

Bates numbers and to track resolved objections; communicate with co-counsel and opposing counsel regarding objections to retailer agreements on both parties' exhibit lists; create courtroom exhibit tracking sheets and circulate all copies of exhibit lists to co-counsel for tracking; legal research regarding waiving future claims and claims based on past conduct; prepare worksheets to track order of proof by elements; communicate with co-counsel regarding Ball and Bevilacqua deposition designations in preparation for any oral argument.


02/28/16 BLR Review defendants' deposition

designations and mark objections and counters.


02/28/16 KAB Research issues regarding review

of PX-4090 and DX-2253 retailer agreements; coordinate with team regarding additional defendants' exhibits; review and revise summary regarding retailer


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SC Johnson February 29, 2016 Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America Invoice # 2008221810

Page 42

agreement trial exhibits; research production regarding prior testimony; research and gather production materials and videos for DOAR and co-counsel; review and prepare supplemental plaintiffs' exhibits for further review and analysis; review and prepare metadata overlays for defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; review and analyze overlap of Insignia exhibit list with defendants' exhibits.

02/28/16 DH Review and cross-reference

Insignia Systems exhibit list against Defendants' trial exhibit lists and identify duplicates.


02/28/16 JMT Provide details of, and identify

duplicates in, list of trial exhibits consisting of 1200 NAM-retailer agreements.


02/29/16 SFB Conduct settlement negotiations

with News' counsel (D. Kramer [Paul Weiss] and D. Perrovsky [News Corporations' general counsel]) and co-counsel (J. Southwick); conference with co-counsel; edit P. Moll; review and compile template blow-up provisions; settlement meetings with D. Perrovsky (News' general counsel), D. Kramer (Paul Weiss), and J. Southwick; draft terms sheet and finalize settlement agreement; present settlement terms to Judge Pauley for record; conference call with J. Ramirez (Kimberly-Clark assistant general counsel); conference call with K. Rohrbaugh (Kraft-Heinz litigation counsel) regarding settlement terms.


02/29/16 BPT Trial; travel for same. 14.50 02/29/16 FGH Attend trial; assist S. Benz as

necessary during settlement negotiations; identify elements of


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SC Johnson February 29, 2016 Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America Invoice # 2008221810

Page 43

plaintiffs' case satisfied by portions of the C. Gitkin testimony and exhibits.

02/29/16 BLR Compile letters regarding side

agreements for individually settling plaintiffs; review defendants' deposition designations and mark objections and counters.


02/29/16 KAB Review and prepare metadata

overlays for defendants' and plaintiffs' exhibits; prepare supplemental and replacement trial exhibits for further review and searching by team; research and gather prior testimony for further review and analysis by co-counsel.


02/29/16 BMM Meeting with D. Hayes regarding

trial support. 0.30

02/29/16 DH Review and update CaseMap trial

exhibit database. 1.20

For Professional Services 1,057.20 $481,766.00

Additional Charges 01/27/16 BLR Uber Taxi: B. Rudofsky-Travel home from

pre trial conference $ 15.06

02/01/16 BPT Delivery: Federal Express Invoice: 531376196 To: John Briody, McKool Smith, P C

$ 29.54

02/01/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 31.41 02/01/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 78.52 02/02/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 47.11 02/02/16 DH WESTLAW -HAYES DARLENE $ 25.06 02/02/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 31.41 02/03/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 62.82 02/05/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 62.82 02/05/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 31.41 02/06/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 78.52 02/07/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 31.41 02/07/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 65.83 02/08/16 SFB Delivery: Federal Express Invoice:

532138687 To: The Honorable William H Paule, SDNY

$ 15.68


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Page 44

02/08/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 47.11 02/10/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 15.70 02/12/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Acela round trip

tickets to NYC for Case Management Conference hearing before Judge Pauley.

$ 322.00

02/15/16 SFB Business meals: Steven Benz Lunch on Acela train to NYC from Washington DC.

$ 13.75

02/15/16 SFB Business meals: Steven Benz Dinner in NYC the night before the case management conference hearing before Judge Pauley.

$ 18.51

02/15/16 SFB Hotel: Steven Benz - Room for two nights for S. Benz in NYC for hearing.

$ 583.28

02/15/16 SFB Hotel: Steven Benz - Room for two nights booked by S. Benz for F. Hall in NYC for hearing.

$ 583.27

02/15/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Metro ticket in NYC.

$ 2.75

02/16/16 SFB Business meals: Steven Benz Lunch after the case management conference hearing before Judge Pauley.

$ 32.13

02/16/16 SFB Business meals: Steven Benz Trial planning dinner after the case management conference hearing before Judge Pauley.

$ 448.34

02/16/16 SFB Hotel: Steven Benz Pre-Dinner snack and drink at hotel for S. Benz.

$ 17.07

02/16/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Three Metro tickets in NYC.

$ 8.25

02/17/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Acela return trip ticket change to Washington DC after Case Management Conference hearing and client meetings for trial preparation.

$ 84.00

02/17/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Three Metro tickets in NYC.

$ 8.25

02/17/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 511.25 02/18/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 76.14 02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Ed

Tanzer Paul Weiss Rifkind Wha rton 1285 Avenue of the Ame ricas NEW YORK NY 10019

$ 28.20

02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Kurt Denk KRAMER LEVIN 1177 Avenue of the Ame ricas NEW YORK NY 10036

$ 28.20

02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Jill Ranson KRAMER LEVIN 1177 Avenue of the Americas NEW YORK NY 10036

$ 28.20

02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Joanna Stanley Susman Godfrey 1000 Louisiana Houston TX 77002

$ 45.65

02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Denise Lopez McKool Smith One Bryant Park 47th F loor NEW YORK NY 10036

$ 28.20

02/18/16 KAB UPS Inv. #00005107E0086: K. Briggs - Jill $ 3.98

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Page 45

Ranson KRAMER LEVIN NEW YORK NY 10036 02/19/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 109.93 02/22/16 SFB VENDOR: Capitol Process Services, Inc.;

INVOICE#: 15-121240; DATE: 2/22/2016 S Benz process server fee

$ 125.00

02/22/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 166.40 02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#:

00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 K Briggs delivery to Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton on 2/18/2016

$ 28.20

02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#: 00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 K Briggs delivery to Kramer Levin on 2/18/2016

$ 28.20

02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#: 00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 K Briggs delivery to Kramer Levin on 2/18/2016

$ 28.20

02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#: 00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 K Briggs delivery to Susman Godfrey on 2/18/2016

$ 45.65

02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#: 00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 K Briggs delivery to McKool Smith

$ 28.20

02/23/16 KAB VENDOR: United Parcel Service; INVOICE#: 00005107E0086-1; DATE: 2/23/2016 KHHTE delivery to Kramer Levin

$ 3.98

02/23/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 15.70 02/23/16 DH WESTLAW -HAYES DARLENE $ 15.70 02/23/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 188.45 02/24/16 CEC WESTLAW -COOK CAITLAN $ 3.97 02/24/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 15.70 02/24/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 150.54 02/24/16 SFB Delivery: Federal Express Invoice:

533631492 To: Sofitel New York, Guest Steven F Benz

$ 32.56

02/24/16 SFB Delivery: Federal Express Invoice: 533631492 To: Sofitel New York, Guest Steven F Benz

$ 40.42

02/25/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 15.70 02/25/16 DH WESTLAW -HAYES DARLENE $ 9.36 02/25/16 BLR WESTLAW -RUDOFSKY BENJAMIN $ 97.71 02/28/16 FGH WESTLAW -HALL FREDERICK $ 15.70 02/29/16 KAB VENDOR: Omega Discovery Solutions;


$ 3,355.00

02/29/16 KAB VENDOR: TSG Reporting, Inc.; INVOICE#: 120115-444877; DATE: 2/29/2016 K Briggs videography services

$ 687.50

02/29/16 KAB VENDOR: TSG Reporting, Inc.; INVOICE#: 042315-445118; DATE: 2/29/2016 K Briggs videography services

$ 260.00

02/29/16 KAB VENDOR: TSG Reporting, Inc.; INVOICE#: $ 1,011.74

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Page 46

120115-444876; DATE: 2/29/2016 K Briggs transcript services

Photocopies $ 243.60 Total Costs $ 10,279.64

Net Amount Due $ 492,045.64

Timekeeper Summary Name______ Hours__ Rate__ Amount____ Steven F. Benz 237.20 850.00 $ 201,620.00 William J. Conyngham 1.80 650.00 $ 1,170.00 Benjamin P. Taibleson 141.80 550.00 $ 77,990.00 Frederick G. Hall 197.90 395.00 $ 78,170.50 Benjamin L. Rudofsky 93.90 395.00 $ 37,090.50 Kimberly A. Briggs 119.20 350.00 $ 41,720.00 Mary Ann K. Endo 0.50 350.00 $ 175.00 Bernadette M. Murphy 1.10 275.00 $ 302.50 Darlene Hayes 70.10 235.00 $ 16,473.50 James F. Birmingham 18.00 220.00 $ 3,960.00 Carver D. Sinn 3.50 210.00 $ 735.00 Carl D. Hevener 54.00 140.00 $ 7,560.00 James M. Thunder 86.40 140.00 $ 12,096.00 James Brennan 11.30 85.00 $ 960.50 Ripton A. Marini 10.50 85.00 $ 892.50 Jason J. Tapkas 10.00 85.00 $ 850.00

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WASHTNGToN, D.C. 20036-32I 5



April 18, 2016

Christopher SígnorelfoSC JohnsonHenkef CorporationOne HenkeJ- V{ayRocky Hill-, CT 06061

Re: HenkeL/Diaf, et af. v. News America (Matter #: 72737)

Dear Christopher:

Encl-osed ís the bitl for our work regarding the above referencedmatter for the month ended March 31, 2016. The totaf biII comes to$309,694.35, incJ-uding $!49,065.00 for lawyer and paralegaf time and$1-60, 629.35 for disbursements.

Pfease give me a call íf you have any questions.

S incerely,

Steven F. Benz


Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 49 of 71

Page 50: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'


March 31, 2016fnvoice # 2008222080

ErN 52-1811709Christopher Signorelf oSC JohnsonHenkel CorporationOne Henkel WayRocky HiIl, CT 06061

Re: Henkel- /DiaI,For Professionaf

et al- . v. News America (I2I31)

Services rendered t.hrough March 31, 2076

TimekeeperSteven F. BenzWilliam J. ConynghamBenjamin P. TaiblesonBenjamin L. RudofskyFrederick G. HallKimberly A. BriggsCarver D. SinnJames M. Thunder

Total Professional Services

DisbursementsBusiness Meal-sConference Cal-1ConsultantDeliveryOnl-ine ResearchOut.side DuplicationPhotocopiesTaxi CabTrainfare

Total- Disbursements

Net Amount Due

Hours Rate850.00 $6s0.00 $550. 00 $39s.00 $395.00 $3s0.00 $210.00 $140.00 $


44 .1069.3042.r02.304.007. B0


24 , 585 .0021 ,313.5016 | 629 .50


r, 092 .00

$ r49, 065. 00






154, 356. 91)? a7

804.053 , 465 .91


1, 577 .50

160 , 629 .35

$ 309,694.35

Paqe 2

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Page 51: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel/Dial, et al-. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

Professional Services

0L/0't /16 BLR

03/07/16 sFB

03/OI/16 BPT

03/OI/16 FGH

Review defense depositiondesignations andcounLerdesignations forobj ections .

Send settlement updates, casebriefs, and transcripts to C.Ondeck (Proskauer firm), counselto Church c Dwight; update casecalendar; conference with J.Southwick, R. Hess, and co-counsefregarding the motion forpreliminary approval-, settl-ementagreement/ and notice; numeroustelephone caffs with clients;conference cal-l- with P. Ivie (KCC)regarding claíms administratíon;review and approve invoices;teJ-ephone calfs to vendors tocease work; conference with K.Rohrbaugh (Kraft-Heinz) regardingsettfement; Amtrak Lravef from NewYork to office.

Meet with S. Benz to discusssettfement and post-triaf work.Review settlement agreement andsettlement agreements incomparable cases; review trial-transcript.Travel- from New York toV,Iashington.

Numerous telephone cal-l-s wíthcorporate c.Lass representativesand absent class members' counsel-(Nestlé, Henkel /niat; HP Hood, etal. ) , as well- as with media andbackground; conference with R.Pfau regarding single damagesestimated ranges of recovery forclass members; meet wiLh B.Taibleson, B. Rudofsky, and F.HalI regarding preparat.ion of planof all-ocation.

03/02/16 sFB

03/02/16 BPT Read electronic books fee


10. s0



3. B0

Page 3


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SC JohnsonHenkeI/Oiat, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

03/02/16 FGH

03/02/16 BLR

03/03/76 SFB

03/03/16 BPT

petition; research fee petitionsín comparabl-e cases.

Meet with S. Benz, B. Taibleson,and B. Rudofsky regardingresponsibilities for motion forpreliminary approval and motionfor fee award; discuss researchtasks with e. Rudofsky and bestpractices in fee award moLions;research automatic distributionprovisions j-n motíons forsettfement approval.

Begin research for fee petitionand declarations; meet wit.h F.Hall, B. Taibleson, and S. Benz tocoordinate drafting and researchof fee petition; begin draftingfee petition.

Review AppleEcon recoveryestimates for classrepresentatives and members; maketelephone cal-1s to J. Southwickand L. LeCIaír regarding the same;telephone cal-1 with P. Ivie (KCC)regarding class actíonadministration and notice; meeLwith B. Taibfeson regarding classrepresentative incentive fees andmotion; review and circulateAdderly v. NFL application forfees, expenses, and classincentive payments (NorthernDistrict of California) .

Research pleadings filed withmotion for preliminary approval ofsettl-ement; research pleadingsfiled wit.h motion for fees andexpenses; research pleadings filedwith motion for finaf approval;research fee petitions incomparable cases.

Review prior examples of motionsfor preliminary approval and forfee awards; circul-ate sunmary offí1ing reguiremenLs for same to B.Taibleson and B. Rudofsky; d.iscuss



5. 60


03/03/r6 FGH

Page 4


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SC JohnsonHenkel- /DiaI, et aI. v. News America

March 31, 2016fnvoice # 2008222080

03/03/76 BLR

03/04/16 sFB

03/04/16 BPr

03/04/76 FGH

03/04/76 BLR

contents and fiting deadline forfee application with B. Rudofsky;discuss overlapping issues bet\^/eenpreliminary approval and feemotions with R. Caughey.

Research and draft fee Petitionand decl-aration template.

Conference with P. Ivie (KCC)regarding class notice and cl-aimsadministration; review and compiletempJ-ate fee applications andmotions for cfass representativeincentive payments; conferencewíth B. Rosewarne and B. Wojcik(ApplEcon) regarding class memberdamages revised spreadsheet;compile templates for plan ofal-l-ocatíon and payment directly toclass members wíthout having tofile proof of cl-aim; check Manuaffor Complex Litigation cited casesfor preliminary approval requiredpleadings; puJ-I initialHeinzlHenkeÌ Dial engagementagreements.

Research pleadings filed wit.hmotion for preliminary approvaJ- ofsettl-ement; research PJ-eadingsfiled with motíon for fees andexpenses; research pleadings filedwith motion for final approval.

Review prior examples of feepetitíons; discuss same with B.Taibl-eson and B. Rudofsky; discussnexL steps with S. Benz and B.Rudo fs ky .

Research and draft fee Petitionand declaration template; researchno-opt out settfements.

Conference with claimsadministratíon vendors (Rust,InternaLional- Legal Services) ;compile direct payment. to cl-assmembers notices and briefs;compile template plans of

7 .20

5. 60




03/01 /r6 sFB

Page 5

? oaì

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Page 54: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel/Dial, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2076fnvoice # 2008222080

03/01/16 BPr

03/01 /76 FGH

03/01 /16 BLR

03/08/76 SEB

03/OB/16 BPT

03 / 0B / 1,6 FGH

al-l-ocation; review and approveinvoi-ces for cost fund; preparefirm's February time and expensereport; conference with P. Ivie(KCC) (claims administrator)regarding direct payment to cl-assmembers.

Research plans of alfocation;review order of preJ-iminaryapproval and approved notice formsfrom the Chase Check LoanI itigation .

Review setlfement agreements andnotice forms provided by KCC;circufate example of automaticdistribution notice language to S


Research no-opt-out settlements.

Review direct payment to cl-assmember (no opt-out) cfaims; senddirect payment materiafs to J.Southwick and R. Caughey;management committee wit.hD. Goldman, L. LeCl-air, and J.Southwick; review and approveinvoices (trial vendors); sendCAFA notification requirement byNews to J. Southwick and co-counsef ; conferences with cl-aimsadministrators for bids (KCC, P.Ivie; Angeion Group, K. Mason; andAB Data, E. Schachter).

Research plans of all-ocation;review final DOAR invoice.

Meet with S. Benz, B. Taibleson,and B. Rudofsky regardingpreliminary approval- and feemotion responsibil-ities; attendconference calf with co-counseldiscussing issues refated t.o same;legal research regarding theapplicability of CAFA to thissettl-ement; discuss argumentagainst opt-outs and dist.ributj-onprocess with B. Rudofsky.

7. B0




4. B0


Page 6

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Page 55: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC .TohnsonHenkef/Oiat, et af. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice + 2008222080

03/OB/16 BLR

03/09/r6 sFB

03/09/16 BLR

03/IO/16 SFB

03/IO/16 FGH

Meet with S. Benz, F. HaIl, and BTaibleson to discuss status andstrategy of settlement approvalprocess; participate in weeklymanagement call- meeting; researchno opt-out settl-ements.

Conferences with P. Ivie (KCC)regarding budget for claimsadminístraLion; review direct paynotice and templ-ates; meet with B.Conyngham to compile firm carriedcosts; review DOAR jury consul-tantfinal- invoice and sendrecommendation e-mail tomanagement commíttee; reviewdirect. notice examples; check.ludicial- Conference maLerial-s forsupport of pre-populated directnotice.

Research and draft portion ofmotion for approval of settlementconcerning no-opt out cl-ause;draft template decl-aration for feepetition.

Edit stipulation and settl-ementagreement; conference with J.Southwick and co-counsel regardingthe same; circufate cl-ass actionadminist.rator proposals tomanagement commít.tee; conferenceswith F. HaIl regarding edits tosettlement agreement.

Review draft settfement agreementand provide comments to S. Benz;Iegal research regardingenforceabifity of class-widecommiLments, such as arbitrationclauses; discuss issues concerningno-opt-out agreement with B.Rudofsky; draft. suÍtmary of Sectíon1 j-ssue regarding retailercontracts in evidence for S. Benz;legal- research regarding closureof cl-ass period.


4 .20


2 .60

6 .20

03/70/76 BLR Confer with draft settlement

Page 7

2 .50

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 55 of 71

Page 56: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkef/Oiat, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2076Invoice # 2008222080

03/77/76 SFB

03/7I/16 BPT

03/TI/16 FGH

03/17/16 BLR

03/74/16 SFB

language with F. Hafl; researchand draft portion of motj-on forapproval of settlement concerningno-opt out cl-ause; draft templatedeclaration for fee petition.

Conference with L. LeCÌair and co-counsef regarding monthlyassessments and the cost fund;review direct payment cl-ass actionnotices; conference wíth R.Caughey regarding same; approvet.rial- vendor invoices; circufateAB Data and Angeion Group ClaimsAdministration proposals ;conferences with J. Southwickregarding edits to NAM settl-ementagreement; conference with J.Ramirez (Kimberly-Clark) regardingcase status; review Susman edit.sto settl-ement agreement;conference with R. Caugheyregarding the same; work oncarried expenses case total forfirm; send draft settl-ementagreement to D. Kramer and A.Synnott (Paul VJeiss).

Review final DOAR invoice andcompare to proposal.

Review revised settfementagreement; legal researchregarding class rel-eases andclosure of cl-ass period; meet withS. Benz regarding legal research;confer with R. Caughey and .1.Southwick regarding proof of claimform.

Confer with F. Hall concerningplan of al-l-ocation and notícerequirements.

Prepare spreadsheet for classaction settlement administrationproposals (KCC, AB Data, andAngeion Group) and circulate thesame Lo management committee;conferences with A. Synott and D

Kramer (Paul Weiss) regarding

6 .20





Page B

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 56 of 71

Page 57: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkef/Oial, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2076Invoice # 2008222080

03/14/16 FGH

03/r4/16 BLR

03/15/76 SFB

O3/15/16 FGH

03/75/16 KAB

03 / 15 / 1.6 JMr

edits to the settlement agreement;prepare carried and non-carriedcost summary.

Confer with B. Rudofsky regardingfees for individual settl-ements,'draft settlement notice and proofof claim form; review proposa-Isfrom potentiaf settfementadministrators and confer with S.Benz regarding same.

Confer with F. Hall concerningissues of all-ocation of expenses

Conference with P. MolI (Nestlécounsel) regarding class recoveryiedit draft notice of cl-ass aclionsettlement to cfass members andproof of c.Iaim form; meet with F.Halt regarding plan of alfocation;weekly team management conferencecal-l-; work on case total- firm costassessments; conference withclaims administration bidders (K.Mason, AngeJ-on Group; S. Enk, ABData); conference calf with P.Ivie (KCC) regarding notice;conference with L. Taylor and B.Conyngham regarding carried andnon-carried expenses for cost fundtotal-s; review KCC escrowproposal.

Attend management committeeconference cal-l- regarding statusof expenses, preliminary approval-materials, and clientcommunications.

Research Kraft contracts per co-counsef request; coordinate withJ. Thunder regarding same;research and gather productionstatistics.Ident.ify post-2072 RrafLcontracts.

Conferences with P. Ivíe (KCC)regarding plan of al-l-ocation and





0. B0


03/T6/16 SFB

Page 9

4 .60

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 57 of 71

Page 58: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenke] /DiaI, et aI . v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

03/T6/16 BPT

03/16/76 FGH

03/16/76 KAB

03/16/16 JMr

direct distribut.ion; meeL with C.Ondeck (Proskauer) outside counsel-to Church ç Dwight.; circul-ate J.AnseIl- (Insignia counsel aLVüinthrop & Weinstine) regardingthe return of attorneys' eyes onlyInsignia subpoena documents;review settlement distributionshares analysis by ApplEconconf erence with B. Vüo j cikregarding the same; conferencewith S. Berry and managementcommittee regarding carriedexpenses and client fees.

Review settlement distributionchart from Appfecon.

Revi-ew cfass member settlementshare spreadsheet from aPPIEconand circufate thoughts andconcerns t.o S. Benz; review fetterfrom J. Anself regarding thereLurn of materials produced byfnsignia under the protectiveorder; review the protective orderand circul-ate analysis to S. Benz;draft potential response l-etter toJ. Ansel-f .

Research KrafL contracts Per co-counsel request; coordinate withJ. Thunder regarding same; providesummary regarding same.

Identífy post-201-2 contracts withKraft.

Review and conference with co-counsel regarding damage rangesestimates spreadsheet for classmembers; work on firm's carriedcost monthly reports and summary;edit draft preliminary approvaÌorder; conference with .f .

Southwick regarding the same; makeaddit.ionaf edit.s to the classsettfement notice and Proof ofcl-aim.


2 .00

0. 50

3. B0

5.7003/11 /t6 sFB

03/I1 /16 BPT Review proposed Order Granting

Page 10

2 .30

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 58 of 71

Page 59: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel/DiaI, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

03/11 /16 FGH

03/17 /76 BLR

03/11 /76 KAB

03/LB/16 SFB

03/IB/76 FGH

Preliminary Approval-i research feepetition íssues; review Insigniacorrespondence.

Confer with R. Caughey and S. Benzregarding letter from J. Ansefl-regarding return of Insigniadocuments; circulate responsel-etter to co-counsef ; reviewproposed preliminary approvalorder and make comments; conferwith P. Ivie and R. Chrístmanregarding notice and proof ofclaim form; make edits to draftnotice and proof of claim form andcircul-ate to co*counsel; reviewno*opt-out argument drafted bY B.Rudofsky and suggest edits.

Review proposed preliminarYapproval order; draft oPt-outportion for motion.

Research and gather productionstatistics.Edit preliminary approval orderand entry judgment; conferenceswíth co-counsef regarding thesame; send letter to J. Anself(Insignia counsef) regardingInsignia document return;conferences with J. Southwick andco-counsel regarding notice andproof of cl-aim forms; conferenceswith co-counsel- regarding noticeof objections to motion forpreliminary approval-; Preparecheckfist. for fee and expensereporting.

Finalize response l-etter to J.Ansell from S. Benz regardingreturn of Insiqnia discoverY andsend same.

Research notice requirement forpreliminary approval motion;conferences with D. Kramer and A.Synnott (PauI Weiss) regardingedits to the order of final-

4 .40



a 1ì


03/2I/16 SF'B

Page 11

5 .20

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 59 of 71

Page 60: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel- /Oial, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

judgment and class notice;conference with P. Ivie (KCCcfaims administrator) regardingescror^I options for Phase A(treasuries) and Phase B(distribution); review and edit"no opt-out" secLion of motion forpreliminary approvaf; respond toP. .fermyn (Kent Recovery Syst.ems)regarding settlement approvalschedule; conference with C.Ondeck (Proskauer) reqardingChurch & Dwight recovery; meetwith firm controlfer regarding\^/rap-up of trial- vendor payments.

Vendor bilting research; emailsregarding same with S. Benz and LTaylor.

03/2T/16 WJC

03/21,/16 BPr

03/21/76 BLR

03/22/16 SFB

03/22/76 wJC

Review draft opt outpreliminary approval

section oforder.


2 .50


4 .60


Finalize draft portion of moLronfor approvaÌ concerning oPt-outperiods.

Edit "no opt-out" request sectionof the motion for preliminaryapproval; approve vendor invoices;attend management committeeconference cal-l-; audit firm non-carried expenses reports;conference cafl-s with variousclass members regarding expectedrange of overcharge recovery;check .ludicial Conferences Cl-assAction Pocket Guide for motion forpreliminary approvaf citations.

Continue Vendor billing research;email-s regarding same with S. Benzand L. Taylor; prepare for teamtelephone calf.

Revise draft decl-araLion of S.Benz in support of feeapplication; attend weeklYmanagement committee conferencecall; confer with B. RudofskYregarding next steps in

03/22/16 FGH

Page 12


Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 60 of 71

Page 61: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel/Oiat, eL al. v. News America

March 31, 20l-6Invoice + 2008222080

03/22/16 BLR

03/23/16 SFB

03/23/16 BLR

03/23/16 KAB

03/23/16 CDS

03/24/16 SFB

with gathering documentof various productions.

preliminary approval process andfee applícation; research publicfilings from the Defendantsregarding legal- fee expenditures;review and provide commentsregardinq draft declaration byclaims administrator in support ofclass notice.

Review draft decfaration template;research for fee petition;finalize and transmit to co-counsel- proposed Ìanguage forpreliminary approval order.

Edit class action administrator(P . f vie, KCC) decl-aration insupport of motion for preliminaryapprovali conferences with P. Ivieand F. Half regardi-ng the same;review Tysons Eoods (SuPremeCourt) decision regarding classactions and predominance of commonquestj-ons; prepare non-carriedexpense sunìmary and detailedreport for L. LeCl-aj-r and D.Okada; conferences with B.Conyngham regarding the same.

Draft motion to approve at.torney'sfees.

Research and gather Productíonstatistics for co-counsef.








Conference with P. Ivey, R.Christman (KCC), and F. Hallregarding different claimssubmission options; conferencewith K. Rohrbaugh (Heinz)regarding expected Heinz recovery

Conf er wit.h S. Benz regardingcÌaims adminíst.rator proposal forcfaims process; confer with P.Ivie at cfaims administratorregarding claims process proposal;review written proPosal from P.

03/24/1,6 FGH

Page 13


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Page 62: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel- /Oial, et aI. v. News tunerica

March 31, 2076Invoice # 2008222080

03/24/16 BLR

03/25/16 SFB

03/25/76 FGH

03/25/16 BLR

03/29/16 sFB

03/29/16 FGH

03/29/16 BLR

03/37/16 sFB


Draft fee petition.

Conference wj-th A. Synnott (PaulWeíss) regarding edits to ordergranting preliminary approval-;review KCC proposed budget fordirect call campaign and website;conference wíth J. Southwickregardíng same; send ,Judge Rogerspreliminary approval of Sonysettlement order template toSusman.

Confer with S. Benz and P. Iveyregarding response rates to noticeand claim form and pricing ofservices; confer with B. Rudofskyregarding status of feeapplication draft; circul-atesLatus update and recommendationto Susman Godfrey co-counsel-.

Draft fee petition.

Vüeekly management team conferencecal-1; conference with R. Pfau(ApplEcon) regarding purchase dataset for cl-ass member claims;conference with P. Ivie (KCC)regarding claims website;telephone cal-1 regarding plan toboost distributions Lo classmembers; pl-an of allocation.

Participate in weekl-y managementcommittee conference caflregarding form of proof of claimand extent of purchasing data;confirm decision on proof of cfaimform with P. Ivey of KCC; conferwith B. Vlojcik of applEconregarding extent of Defendants'purchasing data; circulateresponse to co-counsel.

Draft fee petition.

Review and circuf ate Pauf Vrleiss(J. Recher, A. SynnoLt, and P.

5. 10



1 .70


7 .40


Page 14


Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 62 of 71

Page 63: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkel- /Oiat, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

03/37/16 BPr

03/3T/T6 FGH

03/3I/16 BLR

Kramer) edits to settlementagreement; conferences with co-counsel regarding the same;circul-at.e Judge Tarnow order toreview Val-assis antitrust cl-aimsto expert panel; meet with F. Hal-Iand B. Rudofsky to discussdefendants' edits; prepare list ofproblem edits (releases, etc.).

Review draft settlement agreementwith co-counsel edit.s.

Review DefendanLs' edits toseLtfement agreement; confer withS. Benz and B. Rudofsky regardingedits to the settlement agreement;draft list of issues withDefendanLs' edit.s for circul-ationto co-counsel-.

Revíew proposed draft settlement.agreement.


2 .30

) )(\

262 .20 ç749 ,0 65 . 0 0For Professional Services

Additional ChargesOI/29/16 SFB Levef 3 Communications - fnv. #9035236195 $O2/02/t6 SFB Level 3 Communications - rnv. #9035236195 $

02/03/76 FGH Business meals: Frederick HalI Complete $Statute of Limit.ations Opposition andFi 1 ing

02/03/16 SFB Level- 3 Communications - Inv. #9035236195 $02/75/16 EGH Trainfare: Frederick Ha]1 Oral Arguments $

in NYC02/75/16 FGH Taxi cab: Frederick Hal] Oral Arguments $

in NYCO2/I1/16 FGH Taxi cab: Frederick HalI OraJ- Arguments $

in NYC02/I7 /16 SEB Level 3 Communications - Inv. +9035236195 $

02/I8/76 SFB Level- 3 Communications - Inv. #9035236195 $02/25/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz One-way Acela $

ticket to NYC for Pre-Trial- Hearing andto prepare for News Trial-' beginningMonday, February 291.h.

02/25/16 SFB Taxi cab: Steven Benz Cab ride from New $

York Penn Station to co-counsef offices.02/25/16 SFB Trainfare: Steven Benz Metro ride in $

Washington DC to Vüashington's Union







6 n?439.00




Page 15

a '1 t

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 63 of 71

Page 64: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC JohnsonHenkef/niat, et al. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice # 2008222080

02/26/16 SFB

02/26/16 FGH

02 / 26 / 1,6 FGH

02/21 /76 SFB

Station.Business meal-s: Steven Benz Dinner at $Xi'an Famous Foods after Pre-TrialHearing.Trainfare: Frederick Hall Oral ArgumenLs $in NYCUber Taxi: Frederick HaIl -Taxi fare to $Union Station from home for travel t.o NYCfor triaf.Business meal-s: Steven Benz Dinner at $Cafe 45 after meetíngs and trialpreparation with co-counsel.Trainfare: Benjamin Taibfeson B. $TaibÌeson round trip to NYC.Business mea1s: Benjamin Taibleson B. $

Taibfeson dínner.Business meafs: Benjamin Taibleson B. $Taibfeson Amtrak l-unch.Business meal-s: Steven Benz Lunch at $Courthouse during first day of trial-.Taxi cab: SLeven Benz Taxi to Courthouse $for first day of trial-.Business meal-s: Benjamin Taibleson B. $

Taibleson Amtrak meal.Taxi cab: Benjamin Taibfeson B. Taibleson $taxi.Business meals: Benjamin Taibleson B. $Taibleson dinner.Taxi cab: Benjamin Taibleson B. Taibfeson $taxi.Trainfare: Steven Benz One-way Acela $ticket to Vüashington DC settl-ementof News Trial-.Taxi cab: St.even Benz Uber ride f rom $VrTashington D.C.'s Union Station LoKelJ-ogg, Huber, Hansen offices afterreturn from NYC upon settfement of case.Taxi cab: Steven Benz Cab ride from hoLel $to New York Penn Stat.ion upon sett.l-ementof case.Business meals: Steven Benz Dinner on the $Acefa train during return triP toVüashington, D.C. from NYC.Business meals: Steven Benz Lunch at $Xi'an Famous foods before packing up toleave NYC upon settlement of case.Trainfare: SLeven Benz Nine New York MTA $Trips from February 24 to March 1, 2016.VüESTLAW _-RUDOFSKY BENJAM]N $


VENDOR: TransPerfect Document Management, $

27 .50







9 .45


12 .15

24 .93




1 .36

o ?n

2r .25


24 .15

18.2012 .71

3 , 465 .91


02/28 /16







02 /29 / 16


03/04/L603 / 05 /7603/06/16

03/07/76 SFB

03/07/76 SFB

03/OI/16 SFB

03/07/76 SEB

03/0r/16 sFB












Page 76

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Page 65: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC .TohnsonHenkel-/niat, et af. v. News America

March 31, 2016Invoice + 2008222080


03/01 /7603/08/7603/09/1603/10/7603 /71. / 7603 /75 / 16

295.9486.4537 .4L15.7040.1123 .41

87. BB17.339.36

45 .28Total Costs

Net Amounf Due

NameSteven F. BenzWilliam J. ConynghamBenjamin P. TaiblesonFrederick G. HallBen¡amin L. RudofskyKimberly A. BriggsCarver D. SinnJames M. Thunder


Timekeeper SummaryHours Rate







25 .0643.78

r40 t'777 .6r

03/24/16 SFB $ 13, 639.30




$ê l-60 , 629 .35


44 .1042.r069.30


4.007. B0

8s0.00 $6s0.00 $s50.00 $395.00 $395.00 $3s0.00 $210.00 $140.00 $

$ 309,694.35


24 , 585 .0076,629 .502't , 313 .50


L,092 .00

Paqe 71

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 65 of 71

Page 66: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, p.l.l.c. Sumner Square

1615 M Street, N.W Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20036-3215

(202)326-7900 Facsimile


May 12, 2016

Christopher Signorello Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Re: Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America (Matter #: 12137)

Dear Christopher:

Enclosed is the bill for our work regarding the above referenced matter for the month ended April 30, 2016. The total bill comes to $61,389.01, including $61,129.50 for lawyer and paralegal time and $259.51 for disbursements.

Please give me a call if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Steven F. Benz


Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 66 of 71

Page 67: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, p.l.l.c

April 30, 2016 Invoice # 2008222226

EIN 52-1811709

Page 2

Christopher Signorello Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Re: Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America (12137)

For Professional Services rendered through April 30, 2016

Timekeeper______ Hours____ Rate___ Amount______ Steven F. Benz 49.10 850.00 $ 41,735.00 Benjamin L. Rudofsky 16.70 395.00 $ 6,596.50 Frederick G. Hall 32.40 395.00 $ 12,798.00 Total Professional Services $ 61,129.50

Disbursements Delivery $ 34.90 Online Research $ 56.53 Outside Duplication $ 146.96 Photocopies $ 21.12 Total Disbursements $ 259.51

Net Amount Due $ 61,389.01

Case 1:13-cv-06802-WHP Document 576-14 Filed 07/13/16 Page 67 of 71

Page 68: EXHIBIT 7 Part 8 of 9 - KCC Class - Benz... · 2016-07-14 · Gary E. Lazar 10.00 210.00 $ 2,100.00 ... update same; review plaintiffs'

SC Johnson April 30, 2016 Henkel/Dial, et al. v. News America Invoice # 2008222226

Page 3

Professional Services

Hours 04/01/16 SFB Conferences with SPG company class

members General Counsels (K. Maggs, Pinnacle Foods; C. Ondeck, Church & Dwight; J. Ramirez, Kimberly-Clark) regarding case status; meet with J. Southwick to prepare response to Paul Weiss edits to settlement agreement; meet with F. Hall and B. Rudofsky; review and circulate secondary edits to settlement agreement from J. Recher regarding Paragraph Sixteen of the Qualified Settlement Fund.


04/01/16 FGH Confer with S. Benz regarding

strategy for responding to Defendants' edits to the Settlement Agreement; review additional comments to Settlement Agreement provided by Defendants.


04/01/16 BLR Confer with F. Hall and S. Benz

concerning settlement agreement revisions.


04/04/16 SFB Review and approve cost fund

Twenty-Sixth assessment; conference with D. Okada and co-counsel regarding the same; circulate, edit, and annotate the draft motion for preliminary approval; hold conferences with D. Goldman and L. LeClair regarding issues with News and Paul Weiss' edits to the settlement agreement.


04/04/16 BLR Research and draft fee petition. 1.30 04/05/16 SFB Review and edit motion for

preliminary approval; conferences with J. Southwick and D. Goldman regarding defendants' requested edits to the settlement agreement; circulate defendants' joint pre-trial order reference to "not trying" FAC counter-claims; conference with A. Dodd (WhiteWave


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Foods) regarding case status. 04/05/16 FGH Review draft motion for

preliminary approval; attend weekly management committee call.


04/05/16 BLR Participate in weekly management

committee conference call; confer with F. Hall concerning draft settlement revisions; review draft motion for preliminary approval.


04/06/16 SFB Edit and comment on draft motion

for preliminary approval; conference with F. Hall and B. Rudofsky regarding the same; conferences with R. Christman (KCC) regarding administrative budget for claims administration.


04/06/16 FGH Attend conference call with J.

Southwick and defense counsel regarding disagreements concerning language of the settlement agreement; review S. Benz draft declaration; confer with R. Christman regarding information and documents needed by KCC to begin preparing notice and claims forms.


04/06/16 BLR Draft model declaration for fee

petition; conference call with Paul Weiss concerning draft settlement agreement mark up.


04/08/16 SFB Review and annotate the IPP motion

for preliminary approval of Sony's settlement in case; review and edit motion for preliminary approval.


04/10/16 SFB Edit motion for preliminary

approval of settlement and CAFA section.


04/11/16 SFB Circulate edits to motion for

preliminary approval with CAFA section; conferences with A. Dodd (WhiteWave Foods) regarding case status; conferences with R.


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Caughey regarding edits to motion for preliminary approval.

04/11/16 FGH Review S. Benz comments on draft

motion for preliminary approval; circulate same to Susman Godfrey co-counsel.


04/11/16 BLR Review email and attachments from

S. Benz. 0.10

04/12/16 SFB Weekly management team meeting;

conference with D. Kramer, J. Southwick, A. Synnott, and J. Recher regarding edits to the settlement agreement; review judge Pauley's preliminary approval of class action settlements.


04/12/16 FGH Review revised draft motion for

preliminary approval and J. Briody comments on same; confer with R. Christman of KCC regarding status of settlement documents.


04/12/16 BLR Review email and attachments from

S. Benz. 0.10

04/13/16 SFB Conference call with K. Kappes

(Kimberly-Clark general counsel) and J. Ramirez (same) regarding case status; prepare cash and injunctive relief bullet summary memorandum for Kimberly-Clark; conferences with associates regarding the same.


04/13/16 FGH Draft summary for Kimberly-Clark

regarding benefits of settlement agreement as compared to individual settlements.


04/13/16 BLR Review and draft materials to

transmit to Kimberly Clark concerning share of settlement.


04/14/16 SFB Review Judge Pauley's order

regarding the Bank of America settlement class notice; conferences with J. Southwick, F. Hall, and B. Rudofsky regarding


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the use of FJC form for the same; revise case status memorandum for Kimberly-Clark; review and revise McKool Smith and Briody edits to motion for preliminary approval; review and compile Kimberly-Clark letters of commitment with contractual limitations provisions.

04/14/16 FGH Review article regarding Judge

Pauley's preliminary approval hearing in Bank of America securities case; review Bank of America notice, FJC sample notice, and draft notice; edit draft notice and draft proof of claim form; circulate response to Bank of America article to S. Benz; review Kimberly-Clark contractual limitations materials and edit memo to Kimberly-Clark to reflect contractual limitations issue.


04/14/16 BLR Review recent Judge Pauley order

concerning approval of class notice.


04/15/16 SFB Edit case summary memorandum for

Kimberly-Clark and clients; conferences with F. Hall regarding the same; review master agreements with twelve-month contractual limitations clauses; conferences with J. Ramirez (Kimberly-Clark) regarding contractual limitations clause.


04/15/16 FGH Confer with S. Benz regarding

Kimberly-Clark contractual limitations issues; circulate revised memorandum and Kimberly-Clark master agreement to S. Benz.


04/15/16 BLR Revise draft template declaration

in support of fee application pursuant to S. Benz suggestions.


04/17/16 SFB Review Paul Weiss (J. Recher and

A. Synnott) second round edits to settlement agreement, proposed


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