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Sample the all-new NFL SUNDAY TICKET mobile experience. ThiS year. we're tal!.wlg n up a tf:Wnokhes tiOWwnlle yo41re lllllf:O Into tM li'lf: Nrl. aenon on your rnoillle <MY~te you can get hiQhhgtd 31tns Crack your NFl com Foatlla$y ICIJSJW st<: real-~ $lM$ Cllf'l(l tn(lf'O You QCIII a1 al no txtra cMrge n, the new .tpp ,

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- 1!1 Save up to $180 wh•n you bundle with DIRECTVI 9JIIdl ~· uiDrnate lVtx;lttltMt 'o\1ln lllttM.ItM 11Mnt 11'01'1\ ~IIVI'If'S ,. ....... r,u. v-!'tM. *'IOC.ntut)t.ll'lllilt ~,....,."',off) $1'almoni'IJOron•M ,... on bel ofOVI t\lntf!l n-(\IStof!'IOI tO'MQI

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#1 In customer satisfaction over all other cable and satellite providers ~ OIRECTV wtlh table~ DISH and~ Joe' )'OUI'$elf why 30 mllkln people asrrot--1f you wanl ttlC be$l cok:rl4lf)(l)l(fll cxptrloencc k1r yow ITKHlCy you net.<2 OIRCCTV '

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Jump to: Channel Uneup FOI' the ultimate entertainment experience. )'OU need OIRECTV 1 Get OIRECTV and erloY anazing entertainment on aD ollhese devKles in addition to your TV.

English Packages spaM~> Pockages


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may apf'(y)

150+ cbgibl channets

FREE for 3 months - ·lll:a· c.-·~ 2013 NFLSUNDAV • TICKET This season • included at no extra cha<ge. [?)

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Watch movies and shooNs anyoM'lere. on your laptop, tab&et.. or cell phone. [?)

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FREE Genie Upgrade. The most advanced HO OVR. Connect up to 4 rooms. {?]

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FREE professional installation p~s save $20 with FREE ha:1Cii1'1!Q. Online Onty! l?J NO extra charge for local channels(?}

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Get DIRECTV and enjoy amazing entertainment on all of these devices in addition to your TV.

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Stream On Demand shows check check

Coming check

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Stream live 1V (?) check check check check

• Bact. to TOP

Android Phone



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Watch your DVR playlist on the go with GenieGOTM 1?1

Computer (Mac& PC)




Android Tablet




Android Phone


Jump 10: Engi sh Packages ! Channel Uneup For the uftimate entertar~ment expeneoce. you need OIRECTV I Get OIRECTV aod en.JO)' amaztng entertainment on an of these devices in adclaion to your TV.

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99% WORRY-FREE SIGNAL RELIABILITY' •Based on N,Jtlon'Ntle Study at tepresertative d lles •

.H..l OFF£RS REQUIRE 2A4M>NTH NiREEMEHT. Offlers end 100Jt3 and are based en ;wrowd credt, credit card requftd. exoept il M\& PA. New cus.!Of'J'tEn only (lease re<J,~i"ed). Applicable ow tax ad~ may~ to the retail Que d lhe nstalation. Progartwning. pricing and ctrers are sltject to change and mayvaryil certait markets. CU'.>tcrners activating !he C~ Package or afxlwot theWS ll.TRAPacb9e wilbe atiomaticalyerrolled in the 20t3 se3SOO d IIEl stKlAY

'OCKET al: no additicnll CO$t and wil recei.w a free l.W3cie ro t.Fl SfJCJAY TCKET &MX for the 2013 season. -olot!orDo!>is

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RECEIVER PAGE ~ ·\ ' 4 -


Yoo'W selected a Genie HD DVR. To add anoth« TV to your Genie setup. select a Genie Mini.

Choose Your Own Receivers Need help?

Choose from the HO receivers below. HO receivers are compatible with either HO or standard defin~ion (SO) televisions. If you'd like to see so options. click here

My Receiver Selections (Up to 6)

1:::1 Genie HO OVR

- Genie Mini t .'h!ltj 'li:J ij@II!Hil

~llllE Eliilr::l1Elltl

Select one Genie Mini for each additional TV to be included in your Genie HD DVR setup. You'll et1oy full HD DVR se<Vice on evef'j TV included in this setup. [more)

- HDDVR Ell!:l!!!!l!:l!llEII!ri:l!:!m

watch and recoo1 in aystal-clear HD. Pause and rewind live TV. [more)

- TiVo HD DVR from DIRECTV ~l!il1ii' Eiltl

Enjoy HD DVR service with TiVo's search features. [more)

- HD Receiver lllil !llil r;:OI

watch TV in breathtal<ing HD. Does not include DVR functionality. [more)

In Cart

~ fREE tll"'th CHOKE""


$199 tll"'th CHOKE""



$99 oMlthCHOKE-


Due at Checkout

5299 rn sovlngs j?] t.>• Cl~oCr

~"'-'ltlll"llds:a~V~c"' ~-c:l an

t.elec:* 19f!e ... its I>Oenced Rr.tu .. ...,.rS•..-~• S.1E.'"orc.-

z.;~Ot'l'tc ... 1M~oSIPa-t 41'4 1-'<lpt"ftS tilling ft~ ptce :S.25mo)

A r"tOI'lthl} lee d ~ a.p¢-es fa e.tC-hiiOC!Cinll •ec:lt1"W'or


lt.l OFFERS REQUIRE U-MONTH AGREEMENT. Offers end 1012/13 ald .;n b3sed on~ credit; creda card~ exOE$lt in Mil.& PA. New custtmers My (lease nq,~ired).Aw!icatlle use w actJstmens may apply 10 the recai \l3lle d the mtalali:ln. Pnvamm~ prici"lg and oftets a:e sttlject

to chang!!~ m<qV¥Yi'l mar11ets. Cus«mers ~the CHOICE Pactage or above rx the MAS tl.TRAPackage wit be a.rtomaticaly eYOied in the 2013 season oft-Fl. SlN)AYTCKET at m additional cost and wl receiw a free lW3tde 110 11Ft SlNlAYTI:KET W.X for the 2013

season. Ml*:n.-Ot'"eriJrlelai:s

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Thanks for your selections! X

You have added the CHOICE"' Package and yol.l" receiver(s) to your new cart. Your selections are automaticaUy saved. If you need to make any changes, just dick the "Change" buttons below. If you're already a DIREClY customer, please sign in if you want to change your programming or add equipment.

~--NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX has been added to your cart H is included at NO extra charge with your selected base TV package.

Zip code. change

Package & Programming

1V Package

CHOICE What is my ageemen!?

$30 BiU Credit for Months 1-12 (?) insllri rebale

Extra $5 Bill Credit for Months 1-12 [?] instant savings

_ J Premium Channels



STARZ Super Pack [?J

Cinemax [?J

FREE for 3 months: HBO, SHOWTIME, STARZ, and Cinemax (?] instlnt S8'lings

watch More Save More [?) instart savings

AUDIENCE Network [?J

_ J Sports

NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX 2013 Season: lnduded with your base package


Advanced Receiver Service [?)

$10 discount on AdVanoed Receiver Service for 24 months [?J instant savings

Primary TV [?J

Primary TV Discount [?) inseam savmgs

Regional Sports Fee [?J

Add Spanish I International Packages

Add Protection Plan

Receivers & Equipment

v Receivers

Genie HD DVR !?J

Total receiver discounts [?J

Standard with Every Package

Satellite Dish(es) Where will tm be located?

Professional Installation What~ lliw in on ~en~condo?

Shipping & Handling ($20 value }-FREE for ONLINE ORDERS ONLY


remove I



$64 99



$17 99

$12 99


















l 1st Month Cost

$10196 tn savings (?J Your esllmated Pacl\age &

Progre:Ttm nJ cos.ts

Due at Checkout

S299 tn savmgs 1?1 YOY one-11me cos110f rece,ve•s

and other equ.,.me1t

CheckOut -

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.... Add GenieGOTM View

ALL OffERS REQUIRE 24-MOHTH AGREEMENT. Offefs end 10/2113 and are based on appi'O\'Od credit; credl cord req<Rd, except in MO.& PA New customers cri( (lease req.lred). ~ use lax aqustment may apply to the retail valued the ils~ l'lo!J'amming, IJiclng and offers are subject to clalge ard may VBrJ in cec1ain mar1<eCs. CUslenl<n acfiwllng the CHOICE Pacl<age or abcM! or the W.S lURA Pacl<age wil be au1omaticaly erroled il the 21113 season d !fl. st.t-IDAY

TICKET at no-cost and will receiw a free upgrade to !fl. SUIIDAYTICKET MtV< lor the 21113 season. Addi!Jonal 011\!r Oelails

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Payment Page


1 Addfess 2 Acco.1nllnlo 3 Payment

Installation Address

"' last Name·

Apann~ent Ackteu Une 2

cay. ZlpC@

Credit Check

P.'ease enter your Soeial Security Nwri>er &;>we tan vtrifyyoure~iblrttyforow oll1tl$..

a Yes,.checllmycrecfil .tU'ISSafti

No. contnut without~ cre:Sit ehtc:k

Bac:k to Cart

Phone N.Jmber •

Sod al SeCtXlty tol.lmber

s ... b mh

Schedule lnstalla§on

Whafs this for?

T he aocsress 1swntrt Olf'(E.C1V

will be Installed.

The c:ted~ chtdc Is t~ecessary to verifyyoureigblilybrourotfer!. It take& ;m a fe.., seCQnds. Your social sea.Jrity n~r is protected

by our ~ri•igfloC.CUtod notwork

a~ w11 te used only to obtalO y~;ur

eridll se<~re .

I Norton v ~ECUUL

S107.961n S<l'tlng:s. {?J

'1V.11 1)'\ln'*'<JPno::~ & Ptocpmmmo costs

Due at Checkout

t2G.9 n u~n9s 1~ YovrO'to-TmOCo~

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t Adcfret.s

Account Info


Pas!MOtd • {8·1St l'lara<ters)

Seeurjy Out stlon wt'le:'s ti'vl7

PS$it$9 &efec;l <'I $9CI)rit)l CU.18$1q,

Payment Page

2 ACCGunt lnta

Conftm E-:nall

1 Yts, send me the latest DIRECTV news and special offeiS by email.

Back to Cart

Schedule lnstaU3tion

Wh1t'~ this for?

Yolfll use your emeil eddtess arxt pMswmf to acceN your DRECTV O~QUNOI'I.ftwl.

With yOJr ontiloe ectool'lt. you'll be

abfe view and pay yow bll.

Y.hed\le OVR Ot<l«

Pay Per View, t.\'9rade your &lp.Jiprrenl ard prog1'11Tltllng olld


1 Norton ...,. Sl tUAEC ·-,

I st Month Cost

$107.9611l SotYIIlgS I'TJ 'lb.ltCI!OitTIIItociPoclc-oot

Pr(JIJammllQ costs

Duo "t Ch..:kout

E·quipment: •o.oo

Totll Due Now:

$2Si1n sawngsm 't'c>IIOn$--rmt C~

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Payment Page


1 Address 2 Account Info 3 Paymeot!on

ByeNol:ing in Auto Sill PDyandPaperle» Billing. you're eligible forS10d$court on Advai'Qd Rtc:eNer Servce fot2-4 monlht

Billing Address 1 s.,. ... """"' ..,.., FhltNane •

A6d~N1 •

Ctv State ZIP co6e Pho,. Number •

Payment Info Enroll In ~ AltO 5h Pay loll Pfl;:>tl1e$5. suttng

Clrd T)'J)e • 1s th:S u!a"?

v ...

v ...

Whafs this for?

tr your biling address is di~rent

from yoU! !nstailatlon a«tre-n.

deselect !he dlee~ neld to "8itinQ Addi8Ss·.

EniOitment in /!do 8 1 Pay~~t~dltY

P•oerkla Bi~ is r~qulrwd fof some di!l:.ount offers, so thue cploons ,.....,. bte" p•-ltoctod.

W#\ Auto Bil P;,y, you haw lhe

cotwent8"1ce of automatiC:

~)menb of yror bll from you ereci1 c:atd or bank aeeourL Pa;~ertus Bi.,o trees you from

e>4ptr bdls and let.s you view yout ~terJomertsoni:no .

1 Norton '(" ' S CURED

'st Month Cost

SI0/.91Sm sa~1ngs f?J Volt estma':ecl h!::ka!Jl & Pf~mqcosl!l

01Je at Ch•ckout

r EquiP"'ent •o.oo

Total Oue Now:

so $.299 11t "-3vngs r 1 V01,1: Qnf Til1oC~

B•ck to Cart Sy cJkkh1g "SubmU Ordef" l agret to these::f•:"":s~&~C~o=n~dl:Uo:ns:...~~~~~~~~~~~J

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CONFIRMATION PAGE - ,_, ' .... I ~ "" I • V' - ' L..~ - v I = .... I ' -


" Upgrade;> HQlp My Account

Why DIRECTV? Packages Equipment ft Feature$

Congratulations! Your order is complete. An email conflmabon will be sent to 'fOJ shortly. You can review your purchase-befow.

Your installation has been scheduled.

Installation Information

Installation Appoinlment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I xxxxxxxxxxx

Your instal ation checklist •• •

Installation Address

MD.e Sift to do the fo(low'ln§ prior to vour ;nstal~tion .appo~ntment your installation Professional Installation VIdeo

RoomS~· Picllle roorn(s) ~ )'OU·d 6k.e to watch OIRECTV programming.

1V Access - Mow your tele\fision il'lfit'J from the wall to hfdp the mstaler rNd't 1he connections.

Appointme-nt Duration • Set aside 2 IJo 4 hours to be at home so fie 1nstJIIer has to comea )'OUt system and gN.e you a simple demonslration.

Presence of an Adult- Make sure someone avw 18 is home to •lhe 1nstalation documents when lhe 11\Sbller IS finlshecl.

CleM Roof Access- Make swe )'OIJf roof« balcony kas easy access for the installer.

Broadband In berne-t Access- If you haw ordered f)e OIRECTV ~BAA N CoMec::t!On K"ll make su-e you t\awe an lntemet connedion of speeds 750 1<llps or higher, and a rou1er wilh ao~aaabJe 8hernet put For-WII"eeess lntanet Comedian ~its.. make Sl.ft you have a WU'eless rout«, and an available wall outlet nearby.

Property Management ApprovaJ- tf you live in an apanment or are part of a homeowners' association. ched: with your 1anc1ont or management COII'Ipany about ~tions for mtaAng television serwice. You rnayneed to fiU OU( a UnCionl Permission form.

Billing and Payment

Billing Address

You are enrolled for Auto Bill Pay.

You are enroned in Paperless Bililg.

You are signed '4l for email updates.

Payment Type Card Type: XXXX Card#:. XXXX-XIOOt-XlOOt·XIOOl

Eltpiration: XXJXXXX

Amw1t charged lo your credit card:


Auto BiD Pay/ Paperless Billing. Because you enrolled in Auto S.ll Pay and Papertess Bi!fing. yodre eigible for $10 disocun

on Advanced Reoefver SeMoe for 24 months .

Account Info

Accoont Nwnber Email XXXXXXXX [email protected]

Package & Programming



$30 Bin Credit for Months 1-12

Extn $5 BiD Credit for Months 1-12

Premium Channels



STARZ Super Pad


FREE for 3 months: HBO, SHOWOME. STARZ, and Cine-max

Watch More Save- More





Advanced Receiver Service

$10 discount on Advanced Receiver SeMce foe 24 months

Prinury TV Discount

Receivers & Equipment


Genie HD DVR

Total receiYer discounts

Standard with Every Package

Check status of your order Update your profite

Refer a Friend Offer

Estimated First Month Bilr-




















Satellte Dish Free

ProfessionallnSialation free

Sales Tax $0.00

Total $0.00

News 'l'h,cch !JI EG

Important Things You Need to Know

How do I start receiving my roonthly


Is it too late to malte d'langes

10my order?

Can 1 resdlecMe my

instalation date?


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Why DIRECTV? Packages Equipment ft Feature$

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