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HOME a FREE Genie® HDDVR upgrad The most advanced HD DVR. EVER.







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Save big with this amazing offer! LIMITED TIME!

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ji_\ 1 U Dl f · D RfCTV MIOf'llliWOO actmltlot Citl[rliysublc(lbQ toii~CI.!(n ll!'li:i!~1th SU!Cl Mage Ill 1\o\1 and add ~plifjfj) stMcef~ 11om a jl'iflil«!prol~lf111•ili11JiomaUtal~ l!teivl tlillollq, "bij crititlon I~!IDIR!C!Vb.U ~ IIMC!llllllliltlld thlii4!01R[CfV $10/ml Iii. I CJ!d1l fo1ll1001'1hS ~~h ICilillron ol H~h spel't! ~let!( I 1rd 01 pi~111Strf~e ~mo ~rhseletl pro~d!lll Alla~nts mJSt llflll~ ~ ·~~ht~"asletelmjifd by OIRECIV m 11S St~ d·Weti~ cr til Clld1tsw,a cme. H gi ~d lnttlfllt S!l\-ct s'b:ect IOMiaMitpe~l! rot ;mlab~e '" ~Ia, en. El~ijljlt basiJ en 111\te atiCI!lSard phcne I nt lnllllllitard/M P~Wl ce pr~~ bra ~el&-ied Dl!!CfV~I~.idelillll ~11UsepaWely PI~I>Yl'! ~0'114eraii.lale~t~llochan]e SEo;,are~•,lmtnt I~ tnterner lftSiallaloolll/bereqiJiroo. [qu plletltmatlle 'elillledit'dii~~Silll'''ell St~hpcosrs.laresard or~e1leesmmp~y ClmtiJieiS1$lem l!(lllillil!e1ts\1~ byprov~e1 lcrms andcood't o1sl~ se!ecled lntemerse1~:e ))10\'ld!IIIPII, Oli!CfVrcle--s~n w~reccffi~llmel!tl~ted 01 ' OND~Yrlcassloavadab!eO:R!ClVOnO!!Ilandp•il'jiifi'OOliSblSedoap~l:agesclechoo li:tualnumltlsilowsandrrmwrllva~.A~dltionll leesa~p~lelnewreleases SomeOIREClVCIN[MAalli01R£Cl'YC4\De~Nndconlentll;um an HODI'II I~q20~1aterl~ ll'lqiR12 cr laler).01RECW CIN[M!Co:mltnK t 'r~h~~~d ~errelmvicev.ilh speedsof7~kbpslif ll<jlef and anelwc1~ loulll'IMihanill<il~:eltte-nltPlfl Vi~l d lectlconfn'lllleslordeta'\s 1 Urg tiltyltilotalchmets t!sedoo:.eroce adlress. Not~lnelwol1isav~lalie111U mrkets.1.P.~~1esaoo fV cunclllllla Genf HOOVRa1daWrielessCerieMI~fol eldilli:it out IV. l1m·t ltm lillilln rArgs ~M Ger.eHD OVRatar me N~ aV!Ilhleoo the ie\!VIIIliiW~och ~comcte1!totheGm HD ~IR AciullilnQ! olwl!lesssignol vatiesatldfMili! alloclllllrjse·-'!all~tmsiOCiui~ lilriiiOili'll!d lo· ~)II'! Cllt\Slll!lllll maier~~. obsi~CI()f~ rl!dro!'kl;l'r!l~ mtl!fftl!nct a!ld oibll elllilllff1!1t31 facloiS Coi'UCMns ofl'flie\ess Gen~ Min• to IVa'd powersoulceille 11\Uittd. fllli!~denll\ IJSI in a ~'IJ[e tousdlild ~~ 1"1Sil dillctv.cCfl/l!dircl~geric llllccm~eredctais Toi!XessOIR1CIVH011fDlliM11~~.HO~jlll1CIItleqj•OO.IlJn'»~H0cl1illrelsil!~ ty iiOC~I'.Itc1mPrqliMli~P~'J9.le'mmlc~lknssut;lcttl~ngeatarylrrtPrtrg leJij)rlill4ll'sllllix1tfdc.i Rll:cptoltmCTV~IIJil11li>J~l lo ~RECfVCiisl«ner.lgiltT£rl.tcyy~~~l trecti.CD~1!1J1I~~IJOCIIOOfirmali, Al&l.theiJ&l~ l!illlt~berAI&liMI~tOitaredt~eii~!V~ksoi Al&llnl~lectll\Pu~~~~~~/orAl&ralf~WW~ lhelllll'eCe'IIIJ)lmkl!ilthe[lii~"'Yl~l!lilleOil!mlil:lciCt1\\lyll•k.~ ~fLthe Nfl~j~n~ndl'le~flSUNOAY1~KETIIVI'r!~l~atelegistelillllldefrail.scll~ifla~~~!ff(~les.@l)"~q[Cr'l ~R[ClVandlneC~tl'e~~~l SElECT. 010 C[ a'IIIG[N[ ¥!llidemail.soiOIR£Cr'l.llC AU olhe!U~Jet11iiksandWl remarkmthl~l~i~oltlilrllesp!Ciiltllii"WS ~ Hometa>1 (!) fm~e111 Cent~~FaflmC«~al~1 AI!R ghlsRese111!0. HBO®,Cinerna>:®a'llrela:edc\anrel.mlselli:elllJI~Me lheiJD~~«tYollillrrelloxOlltel-.: SHQWll-l[llliie\aled ml!ksol!ltiKienillhof Soowtird:iwJ!I:sloc.aCBSC«,xrry •


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Case3:15-cv-01129 Document1-1 Filed03/11/15 Page5 of 5ALL NEW! LIMITED TIME OFFER!


Record 5 shows at once!

Take Cover ... HOMELAND's back Carne Mathison ts calling the shots as the newly appomtcd Station Chtef tn Afghanistan, deploytng every weapon tn the Agency's arsenal to fulfill her mtssion But every drone stnke and tacttcal ratd comes at a cost and she soon learns the true pnce of power. f he SHOWTIME. Ongtnal Sones HOMELAND, starring Clatre Danes and Mandy Pattnkin, returns Sunday, October 5 wtth a spcctal 2-eptsode premtere event starling at 9PM IET/PT)-only on :DI•wnM£. and

:Dl•wnME ANYllME