Download - Exercises for the Future the Hybrid Model Emergency Management Institute June 3, 2014.


Exercises for the Future the Hybrid Model

Emergency Management InstituteJune 3, 2014

Where have we been

• Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) has been the benchmark for exercises.

• Workshop, Seminar, Tabletop, Drill, Functional and Full-Scale are the types.

• HSEEP website helps with design and implementation schedule.

Where are we going?

• Boston University Healthcare Emergency Management Graduate Program is looking at a Hybrid Exercise model.

• It combines elements of a workshop, seminar, tabletop and drill.

• Very targeted objectives and short duration (2.5 to 3 hrs long).


• Short time frame is more pallatable for keeping costs down and for attention span.

• Keeping the scenario real is important for buy in and participation.

• You can do more (3) hybrids instead of one full day functional.– Include a functional element in each hybrid


• Exercise written to include maximum participation of agencies.

• Each agency will have to participate in what their role will be.

• The added benefit is agencies learn what others will do and have to integrate their response and plans with others.


• Concept originally developed in Sandwich, MA and moved forward through the Boston University Graduate program.

• The exercise will always include a private sector participant to improve relations with the municipal sector partners.

• Public/Private partnerships are born and maintained after the exercise.

Operation Irene• Conducted in 2009 and 2010 at the

Spaulding Hospital Cape Cod.

• TTX on Hospital Hurricane Plan with a functional piece of actually boarding up windows, credentialing volunteers at the facility and evacuating patients.

• Total exercise length 3 hrs.

• Real “Hurricane Irene” hit in 2011

OperationSilent Angels


Gregory Bond MS EMT-PMarch 21, 2014


• Simulation exercise designed to test the capabilities of both in-hospital and pre-hospital personnel and equipment in the event of a partial or full evacuation of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients.

Silent Angels 1

• The first evolution was conducted in 2012 as a partial NICU Evacuation Drill

• Two “test” NICU patients were evacuated to awaiting ambulances, which were used as temporary NICU beds

Silent Angels 2

• Simulated evacuation of the entire NICU patient census of 18-19 babies

• Streamline both security and tracking of NICU patients by moving them all into a single transport asset

Two Phases

1. In-hospital preparation of patients for transport

2. Out-of-hospital loading and preparation of patients for continuous monitoring/treatment throughout duration of transport



• Hybrid is a new way to get to the finish line, while including education and functionality.

• Time and length of exercise is critical to participation and engagement.

• Allows for more frequency and variety over the fiscal year.

• In the past 2 years, more positives and then negative feedback on the hybrid.

Contact Information

Gregory Bond, MS EMT-P Adjunct Instructor

Boston University Healthcare Emergency Management [email protected]