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  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    Examining Independent Study

    High Schools in CaliforniaA Report Completed by the Regional

    Educational Laboratory of WestEd June 2009

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    While added attention has been given to differing learningstyles and attempting to accommodate as many learners aspossible, more opportunities have become available for highschool students to complete their high school studies in non-

    traditional methods.One such opportunity has been the creation of a frameworkof high school students working independently, known as

    Independent Study High Schools. This report asks questionsand discusses answers about these new schools.

    Background to the Report

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    An Independent Study High School recognized by theCalifornia Department of Education is defined as a

    school whose enrollment consists of more than 75%independent study learners. There are many public highschools that accommodate independent study learners

    as well, but this study focuses on schools that qualify asIndependent Study High Schools.

    What defines anIndependent Study High School?

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    The report focused around 6 questions thatmost reflect the independent study

    movement in high schools in California.

    Focus Questions

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    What was the independent study enrollment inCalifornias independent study high schools andother types of high school in 2006/07, and whatwas the enrollment trend between 2001/02 and


    Question 1:

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What was the independent study enrollment in Californias independent study highschools and other types of high school in 2006/07, and what was the enrollment

    trend between 2001/02 and 2006/07?

    Question 1:

    Independent StudyHigh Schools 2006/7

    58,788 studentsenrolled

    Independent Study

    learners in other school types 2006/7

    25,560 studentsenrolled

    Traditional learners in

    other school types


    1,905,857 studentsenrolled

    Independent StudyHigh Schools 2001/2:40,782 students

    Independent StudyHigh Schools 2006/7:58,788 students


  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    Do Californias independent study high schoolstarget specific student populations and, if so,

    which ones?

    Question 2:

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    Do Californias independent study high schools target specific student populationsand, if so, which ones?

    Question 2:

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What were the characteristics of students inindependent study high schools compared with

    those of students in other types of high school in2006/07?

    Question 3:

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What were the characteristics of students in independent study high schoolscompared with those of students in other types of high school in 2006/07?

    Question 3:

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What were the locations of Californiasindependent study high schools and their school

    characteristics compared with those of other typesof high school in 2006/07?

    Question 4:

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    What were the locations of Californias independent study high schools and theirschool characteristics compared with those of other types of high school in 2006/07?

    Question 4:

    However Many Independent StudyHigh Schools are virtualschools, or have manyvirtual students, so anaddress of facilities doesnot accurately portraywhere students are from.

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  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What were the qualifications of teachers of coreclasses in independent study high schools

    compared with those in other types of high schoolin 2006/07?

    Question 5

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What were the qualifications of teachers of core classes in independent study highschools compared with those in other types of high school in 2006/07?

    Question 5

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    What percentage of core classes were taught byhighly qualified teachers in independent study

    high schools compared with other types of highschool in 2006/07?

    Question 6

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What percentage of core classes were taught by highly qualified teachers inindependent study high schools compared with other types of high school in 2006/07?

    Question 6






    Independent StudyHigh Schools

    Non-traditional HighSchools

    Traditional HighSchools

    73.9 80.291.4

    Percentage of Highly Qualified Teachers in CoreSubjects

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    What percentage of core classes were taught by highly qualified teachers inindependent study high schools compared with other types of high school in 2006/07?

    Question 6





    IndependentStudy High Schools

    Non-traditionalHigh Schools

    Traditional HighSchools




    Percentage of Highly Qualified Teachers who met thesubject matter competence requirement on the basisof the High Objective Uniform State Standard ofEvaluation

  • 8/6/2019 Examining Independent Study High Schools in California


    Independent Study High Schools are becomingmore popular, and enrollment continues to rise at avery high rate. There are many advantages to sucha system for many students, even over traditionalhigh schools. Although the traditional high school

    model will stay in place, more schools will probablyavail learners of this opportunity.
