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Examination guide for guest students

2020/2021 Spring Semester

Dear Students,

Hereby we wish to inform you about the examination period of the SPRING semester of the academic year 2020/21.

We would like to notify you that the examination process of the 2020/21 spring semester will take place

within the frames of distance learning, i.e. online.

You will find further details about the end-of-semester examination period and about the exams in Chapter

III., Section D, points 428-466. of the Student Requirement System (SRS), which you can download from our

website at the following link:

Please find the Academic Calendar for Erasmus students 2020-2021 Spring on Coospace.

If you require any further information, please do contact the Student Information Centre in any of the

following address:

In electronic form:

You can submit your questions here:

By phone:

+36 1 273 2467/ Option 1 for English menu – during opening hours

We wish you best of luck with your exams!



Examination period schedule .......................................................................................................................3 Method of examination ................................................................................................................................3

Attendance of online written examination ..........................................................................................3 Attendance of online oral examination ................................................................................................4

The structure of the examination period and terms used ...........................................................................4

Terms used ...........................................................................................................................................5

Exam registration ..........................................................................................................................................5

Conditions of exam registration ...........................................................................................................5 How to register for exams – illustrated guide ......................................................................................6 How to modify the registered exams – illustrated guide .....................................................................7

Relevant rules regarding examination and fulfilment ..................................................................................8

Number of organized exam dates ........................................................................................................8 Recording grades in the Neptun system ..............................................................................................9

Missed Exams ...............................................................................................................................................9

Justification of missed exams ...............................................................................................................9

Unfulfilled Subject ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Finances ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Library debts ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Transcribing Exam Fees ..................................................................................................................... 10 List of Exam fees ................................................................................................................................ 11

Certificates at the end of the mobility semester ....................................................................................... 11



Exam registration period from 4th May 2021, 10.00

Registration for exams of two element courses from 26th May 2021, 13:00

Examination period 25th May 2021 – 26th June 2021

Registration for retake/repeat retake/grade improvement exams on the resit examination week

21st June 2021 – 2nd July 2021, 10:00

Resit examination week 28th June – 3rd July 2021


Please consider that due to the distance examination method, students are required to ensure all technical

devices necessary for their examination and turn up on their exam on time in accordance with the exam


In case the student is more than 15 minutes late for the exam, the examiner is entitled to deny the opportunity

to take the exam. In that case, the exam will be considered a missed exam and it shall be retaken in accordance

with the rules pertaining to missed exams.

The method of examination is going to be determined by the teacher of each course.

Such methods can be the following:

Home assignment

Written exam on the Coospace platform

Written exam on a different online platform

Oral exam on Zoom, Teams etc.

The exam descriptions and method of each courses are going to be uploaded to the Newsboards of the

related Coospace scenes, at the latest by the start of the exam registration period.

Please check the Coospace scenes of the courses before registering for the exams.

We suggest checking our Examination procedure in case technical problems occur presentation uploaded to

Coospace. In case of technical problems, arise please contact the examiner and the Student Information


Attendance of online written examination

In case of Coospace written exam students can only start the test within the given time frame (20 minutes).

After the 20 minutes, students will not be allowed to start the test and the exam will be a missed exam.

The instructors in the case of each course will determine the exact duration of the test. We suggest preparing

according to the information provided by the instructors.


Attendance of online oral examination

Before the start of an oral exam, students need to ensure that their correct image and sound transmission

equipment (i.e. web camera) work properly.

In addition, they are required to verify their identity by audio and video transmission before the start of the


For ID verification, the following documents are accepted:

identity card (such as ID card, residence permit)


drivers licence

student identity card (plastic ID)

In case students cannot verify their identity by presenting one of the documents above, they cannot take part in the examination. In case of technical problem occurs, please contact the tutor.


Students may take their first regular exam, exclusively during the normal examination period, 25th May 2021 – 26th June 2021.

Students can take maximum 3 exams in each subject within the same examination period.

It is the students’ responsibility and interest to evenly schedule the exams that they have to take during the examination period. In case they register for their first exam date scheduled for the end of the examination period and they do not pass, they may only be able to register for a retake examination date. Or, they cannot register at all in case other exams take place at the same time. In these cases, METU cannot offer them another exam date.

During the resit examination period 28th June – 3rd July 2021 exams can be scheduled exclusively for grade improvement exams, retake exams and repeat retake exams. First exams cannot be taken during this week.

Retake exams are exams taken after the first exam.

In addition to the regular (first) examination, students may take one grade improvement exam and two retake exams during the examination period.

Guest students can take 1 first exam and 1 retake/grade improvement exam/course for free, but the following 1 repeat retake exam have a fee of 6000 HUF/exam, which has to be settled preliminary in Neptun in order to be able to register for the exam.

During the resit examination week, students with an unjustified missed exam cannot take an exam of the given course.

Practical information:

When planning their examination schedule, students need to take note of the fact that retake exams can only

be taken earliest after the third calendar day following the unsuccessful regular exam.

Students can only register their retake exam after the previous exam grade is recorded is Neptun!

According to our experience, those students can make use of the retake and repeat retake exams options who

take their first exam at the beginning of the exam period.


Please note that grade improvement exams can only be taken in the same semester when the first (successful)

exam has been taken.

Terms used

Practical grade - The knowledge acquired in the course of practical classes is assessed in the term-time by practical grades. Which does not require exam registration and examination during the exam period.

First exam - the first exam taken of a given subject

Exams in case of two element courses

- exam to be taken from the lecture part of a two element course after receiving the grade/points from the seminar part

Grade improvement exam - retake of a successful exam for better results, the grade improvement exam’s grade will be recorded

Retake exam - retake of an unsuccessful exam

Repeat retake exam - second attempt to pass an unsuccessful exam

Missed exam - in case the student does not deregister from an examination in due time in the electronic study administration system and they are more than 15 minutes late or not present at all on such examination

Unsuccessful exam - an exam with a fail mark

Unfulfilled course - a course with a fail mark or no mark obtained by the end of the semester


It is the student’s own responsibility to register for each of their exams during the exam registration period.

Exam registration starts from 4th May 2021, 10 AM.

Students of the Faculty of the Communication, Business and Tourism, as well as students on art programmes can register for the two-element courses from 26th May 2021. 13:00.

In case of two element courses (i.e. lectures and practical classes to be completed together), only those students can register for the exam who have successfully completed the practical part, i.e. they earned enough points / grade for the assessment of their seminar course). Students can only register for the exam once the result of the seminar part is recorded in Neptun and when it is at least satisfactory (at least 25 points/grade 2).

Registration for exam dates for the resit examination week takes place between 21st June 2021 and 2nd July 2021, 10 AM.

Please note, that registration and modification will be possible during the entire examination period, up until 24 hours before the actual exam, however it is recommended to register earlier due to the limited number of places!

Conditions of exam registration

Only those students may register for their exams, who:


1. have an active student status ,

2. be registered for the given subject for the term concerned,

3. payment of all financial obligations towards the University (read the Finances subchapter), have no ACTIVE and OVERDUE financial item in Neptun under Finances/Payments,

4. In case of two element courses, the registration for the exam of the lecture part is only possible if the student has successfully completed the practical part (i.e. earned at least 25 points / pass (2) mark) in the same semester and this grade earned for the practical part is recorded in the Neptun system. See further information on the registration of two element courses above.

How to register for exams – illustrated guide

Exam registration takes place in Neptun. Please go to Exams menu and choose Exam registration and list the available exams of every subjects for the 2020/21/2 semester.

Click on the + sign at the end of the row, under Exam details option.

In the pop-up window the particular details about the exam of a given course will appear:


Please note that the method of the examination will be published by the tutor of the course on the Coospace

Newsboard platform. (See Chapter 2.)

Exam registration is regulated by Chapter III., Section D, points 428-466 of the Student Requirement System.

In accordance with the above-mentioned rules, each student shall register for an exam date in each lecture

course which has an end-of-term examination. It is highly recommended to register for all exams early on

during the exam registration period otherwise; the selection of the required dates will not be possible due to

the lack of places.

Practical information:

In order to receive messages about any potential errors in Neptun it is advisable to allow pop-up windows to be

displayed, by removing the pop-up block under Tools / Internet options / Privacy menu point.

In Chrome browser: at the top right corner click More (three small dots) then select Settings. Under Privacy and security

click Site settings. Click Pop-ups and redirects, turn the setting to Allowed.

How to modify the registered exams – illustrated guide

In case students wish to modify their exam date in a given subject, they can withdraw (i.e. drop) or alter (i.e. switch) their previous registration and register for an alternative exam date not later than 24 hours before the start of the exam.

Practical information:

Since the number of students for each exam date is limited, we suggest that instead of selecting the option Drop at the

previous exam registration, choose the Switch the exam date option. Make sure that a place at a new exam date can still

be booked. In case students drop the registered exam date and they are not able to sign up for an alternative date, the

University cannot offer them any further exam dates.

You may drop ow switch your exam date also in Neptun under Exams/ Exam registration.


Practical information:

In case students fall ill and cannot register for a new date, but will be able to provide a doctor’s note do not deregister

from their original registration. For further information, please read Chapter 6.


Number of organized exam dates

In accordance with Chapter III., Section D, point 417 of the Student Requirement System, the University shall provide at least 2 REGULAR (first) exam dates and 1 RETAKE exam date for each subject.

- For courses under 40 participating students the University shall provide at least 2 normal and one retake exam date.

- For courses over 40 participating students, the University shall provide at least 3 normal and one retake exam date.

On the 2nd and the 3rd exam date it is possible to take a retake exam as well, during the normal exam period.


Recording grades in the Neptun system

Grades earned for practical courses (seminars), trainings and workshops are recorded in Neptun by the course instructors by the end of the study period:

Non-art programmes - 21st May, 2021.

Art programmes - 7th May, 2021.

The grades earned on exams are recorded in the electronic study administration system by the University administration within 5+2 working days in case of written exams, and within 2 days in the case of oral exams.

Please note that the official end date of the examination period that is also the end date of the spring semester is: 3rd July.


In case the student remains registered for the exam (i.e. fails to deregister from it on time) and does not turn up at the exam, this exam occasion is considered to be a missed exam.

Students may take maximum 3 exams/subjects during the exam period; in case they have had a missed exam, they only have 2 more exam opportunities left in the current semester.

In the case of missed exams, the student may register for a new examination date in the given subject

- only during the regular examination period of 25th May 2021 – 26th June 2021,

- only upon transcribing the missed exam fee in Neptun and having paid the cost to the University.

Missed exam fee is 16 000 HUF as stated in the 9_2020_Procedural Rates of Administration and Further Services.

Regarding payment methods, please read Chapter 8.

Justification of missed exams

The student may be granted exemption from paying the above fee if their absence is justified within 5 working

days following the missed exam date.

The document (medical certificate of illness from a doctor, etc.) shall be presented to the Student Information

Centre by submitting the request form called Justification of missed exam under Administration / Requests

menu points in Neptun.

Student Information Centre will then lift the prohibition on the registration for the exam.

We suggest to settle the missed exam fee with SimplePay in Neptun under Finances / Payment as it is the

easiest and fastest payment method.

The absence from an examination (without justification) means that the student has already taken one exam

opportunity from its allowance (see section Number of organized exam dates).

In case the student does not register for a new exam date following a missed exam, the subject may be graded

not completed.



An exam is unsuccessful if it is

failed – i.e. a fail mark (1) is recorded

not completed – i.e. the student has a missed exam or a missed exam with justification, or has not registered for the exam at all during the exam period.

in both cases the lecture subject is considered as unfulfilled

A practical course is also unfulfilled if:

a fail mark (1) is recorded for semester assignments

not completed.

Please note that the University cannot certify any unfulfilled subject’s credit points on the Credit certificates (Transcript of records) issued at the end of the semester, as unfulfilled subject do not appear on our certificates generated from the Neptun system.


Please bear in mind that with any overdue payment the system does not allow students to register for exams in accordance with the relevant rules. As the SimplePay is the easiest payment option, we suggest our students to use it. Please find more details on payment methods in the document Payment Methods at METU uploaded to Coospace.

Library debts

By the time students want to register for their exams, they shall not have any overdue payments to the library. Overdue payments include fees for loans exceeding HUF 2,000. Payments shall be made in the library where they have been generated; about the details of the payment methods please contact the library. The prohibition on exam registration is lifted by the library once the fees have been fully paid.

Please find further information on the Library’s scene on Coospace: Könyvtár Info / Library Info.

For further information, contact either of the following libraries:

Nagy Lajos király útja: Tel: +36 1 273 30 98; E-mail: [email protected]

Rózsa utca: Tel: +36 1 766 53 95; E-mail: [email protected]

Transcribing Exam Fees

Students have to transcribe their exam-fees, i.e. their retake exam fee and/or missed exam fee.

Please find our detailed guides on Coospace: Documents/Information for Students/ERASMUS/ERAMUS

Incoming Students/Examination Period.

Students can register for their exam after the payment, once the item is recorded as Fulfilled in Neptun. In

case they transcribed an item, but they do not attend the exam, they can delete the item. Only students can

delete those financial items, which were created by the student.


List of Exam fees

Financial obligations for guest students


First (regular) exam No fee applies

Retake exam

The first retake of an unsuccessful exam during the given examination period No fee applies

Repeat retake exam

The second retake of an unsuccessful exam during the given examination period 6 000 HUF

Missed exam fee

The student registered for the exam but did not turn up and wishes to register again 16.000 HUF

Missed exam with justification

The student registered for the exam but did not turn up and justified its absence with an official note

No fee applies

Grade improvement exam

The retake of a successful end-of-term exam during the given examination period in order to get better results

No fee applies


After finishing all your exams, you may request your Credit certificate (Transcript of Records) via the Neptun system by submitting a request called Certificates regarding the end of the Erasmus+ semester for guest students under Administration/Requests. The request is made primarily for the Erasmus+ end of semester administration and will be available for submission between 1st June until 9th July 2021.

It is important that Credit certificates can only be generated from the system, once all the grades are recorded and the student statuses are closed for the 2020/21 spring semester. As the official end date of the examination period and the semester is 3rd July 2021 we suggest you to wait with your request’s submission until all of your grades are recorded. Once a Credit certificate is generated, also the semester at METU will be closed, however the guest students’ statuses will be terminated with 3rd July 2021 uniformly.

In the mentioned request, you will be able to request the certification of your Learning Agreement During the Mobility, but we suggest you not to wait until the examination period to finalize your Learning Agreement. In case you still need a signature on your Learning Agreement, submit our renewed request Certificates regarding the Erasmus+ semester for guest students as soon as you can.

Please also note that due to the regulations announced by the Hungarian Government and the online education system, our office can issue study related documents without the official stamp and signature. A statement has been added to the bottom of the pages referring to the government decree. This way, the certificate is official without the original stamp and signature. However, in case your university requires any document with original stamp and signature, please write it in your comment when submitting the requests.