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  • 8/3/2019 Evie Project Plan


    EVIE Project Plan Version 2.1 11.3.05

    JISC Project Plan - EVIE

    Overview of Project

    1. BackgroundResearchers in all disciplines are increasingly expecting to be able to undertake a variety of research-associated tasks online. These range from collaborative activities with colleagues around the globethrough to information-seeking activities in an electronic library environment. Many of the tools whichenable these activities to take place are already available within the local IT infrastructure. However,in many cases, the tools are provided through discrete, bespoke interfaces with few links betweenthem. Researchers face a number of challenges in this environment, including multiple methods ofauthentication and authorisation, finding information and sharing information between applications.The EVIE Project will address these issues by testing the integration and deployment of key existingsoftware components within a portal framework.

    2. Aims and Objectives

    The main objectives of the EVIE Project are to: Establish a prototype VRE infrastructure based on open standards and existing software

    components to support a test group of researchers; including users from the School ofMedicine, School of Geography, and researchers using the White Rose Grid.

    Provide a set of additional resources and services through this environment, includingfacilities for enhanced search and retrieval.

    Deliver simplified-sign-on functionality to enable seamless integration between the identifiedplatforms.

    Provide a set of user validated recommendations identifying effective, scaleable and reusablemechanisms for construction of intuitive search and retrieval tools within this environment.

    Provision of enhanced resource discovery mechanisms with document visualisationtechniques available to indicate relevance.

    Develop best practice for the use of a taxonomy within a VRE. Provide support for search and retrieval mechanisms across disparate information resources

    within a VRE. Identify long-term options and requirements for digital preservation in a VRE. Identify requirements for data integration to provide a seamless flow of information between

    systems integrated through the environment.

    3. Overall ApproachThe University of Leeds has developed and deployed a Virtual Research Environment, known as theVirtual Knowledge Park (VKP). The VKP supports 11 large-scale research programmes whichinclude national research centres, regional research networks, technology institutes and Europeanresearch consortia within which there are over 200 active research networks. We have also

    developed separate systems for our VLE known as the Bodington system and for our e-libraryresources. The Bodington system has been distributed as open source software and is now used byother UK HEIs including Oxford, Manchester and the University of the Highlands and Islands. Wehave thus already gained substantial experience of how a VRE can support the research process, andin dissemination of lessons and outcomes from projects with other institutions. The EVIE Project willbuild on this expertise by integrating our VRE, VLE, e-library and other selected corporate resources.This integration will deliver a range of benefits to researchers, including widening awareness of thetools available, increasing familiarity, uptake and use of tools, aiding ease of use, and improving theability for researchers to share information across disparate systems. By taking this approach webelieve that we can add significant value to the research process by improving the efficiency andeffectiveness with which these tools can be utilised.

    A portal is intended to provide a seamless, web-based interface to a range of university systems and

    services. The key benefit of a portal framework is to bring together disparate resources and systemsinto a single environment, so that end-users can utilise these tools in an integrated fashion, thusaiding efficiency and effectiveness, and improving the overall user experience. The portal framework

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    EVIE ProjectProject Plan Version 2.1 11.3.05

    for EVIE will integrate Bodington and VKP and other tools and services deployed in the project. It willbe based around open standards, and this will enable us to deliver portlets and channels within anextensible framework. The portal will provide a customised and personalisable framework for theVRE. Customisation will enable us to deliver content to users based on their roles for example,researchers would see content pushed to them based on their discipline; this might be mosteffectively utilised in the delivery of e-library resources to researchers through the VRE.

    Personalisation will enable users to tailor content to their own specific needs. One aim of provision ofVRE services through the portal is to simplify authentication and authorisation. A VRE needs to inter-operate with central authentication and authorisation mechanisms across the campus in order toreduce the number of passwords which users have to remember, to enable improved trust relation-ships to be developed between systems and to reduce system administration overheads ofmaintaining multiple accounts and passwords on multiple systems. Routes to simplified-sign-on willdiffer according to the systems being integrated, and the need for security of data.

    Experience of similar initiatives has identified that critical to the success of such activities is the needto provide search and retrieval mechanisms which work across the underlying information systemswhich support the services delivered. The EVIE project therefore also aims to explore tools fortaxonomy development, which can be implemented to support information management within theportal and resource discovery visualisation to support information-seeking activities. The project will

    review long-term preservation requirements in a VRE context including retention of collaborativeoutputs and persistent identifiers for resources used in citations. EVIE will concentrate on the deliveryof a prototype service to support a pilot group of users. The pilot area will be drawn from researchersworking within the White Rose Grid at the University of Leeds, as well as researchers from the Schoolof Geography and the School of Medicine. We will also work with the Research Support Unit at theUniversity of Leeds to gather wider requirements for research needs.

    4. Project OutputsKey project outputs will include:

    A user requirements analysis report with recommendations for service development and keyintegration of the key tools and services.

    A system integration route map, including technical and functional specification, and visualdesign criteria.

    A working demonstrator system.

    A report on digital preservation requirements for VRE systems.

    An implemented JSR168 Portlet that provides access to SRU/SRW services from the BritishLibrary, and others.

    A visual front-end to the resource discovery services provided in the VRE, showing visuallythe relative importance of sources and the correlations between them.

    A report summarizing the applicability of FAST classification for classifying content. A framework for a taxonomy for use within EVIE. The functional integration of key systems utilising simplified-sign-on mechanisms.

    A report on capabilities for back-end integration of systems to provide greater integration atthe data level.

    A final project report, including exit strategy. An evaluation and dissemination strategy.

    A dissemination event (or series of events).

    A set of guidelines for best practice.

    A set of end-user documentation and training activities. A set of recommendations for the transferability of the system to other institutions

    5. Project OutcomesKey project outcomes will include:

    The successful integration of existing and additional tools and services within a seamlessenvironment.

    An improved understanding of user requirements for VREs.

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    A scoping study detailing potential for system integration, and level of integration required (eg:channel or portlet development).

    The implementation of simplified-sign-on functionality across the environment.

    An improved understanding of digital preservation requirements for resources generatedthrough a VRE, and an outline of capabilities required for undertaking preservation.

    A taxonomy framework which is suitable for utilisation in a VRE. An evaluation report of lessons learned, problems overcome, issues identified for further

    development, and of eventual user benefits.

    6. Stakeholder AnalysisStakeholder Interest / stake Importance

    Vice Chancellor and Senior Administration staff Strategy HighAcademic and research staff Users HighResearch students Users MediumAdministrators including Research Support Unit Policy HighInformation Systems Services staff Strategy, Policy, Technical HighLibrary staff Technical, Policy Low consortium Technical MediumVirtual Learning Environment staff Technical, Policy MediumVKP (and PMG as subcontrators) Technical, Policy MediumInternal and external VKP users Users LowSoftware vendors Library management system Technical MediumOther institutions Strategy, Policy, Technical LowJISC Strategy, Policy, Technical Medium

    7. Risk AnalysisRisk Probability


    (1-5)Score(P x S)

    Action to Prevent/Manage Risk

    Staffing is not recruited in

    time for start of the project

    5 4 20 Develop job descriptions and

    advertise as soon as possible.Project Director can co-ordinateinitial project set-up work untilProject Manager appointed.

    Staff members leave duringthe course of the project

    3 5 15 Team members will have 3 monthnotice period so some overlap ofcontracts may be possible. Ensurethat other key staff are closelyinvolved in project, so disruption isminimal. Ensure project welldocumented so new staff couldtake over if required. Developproject knowledge-base using VKPtools.

    Key stakeholders do not buyin to/support the project

    3 3 9 Agree project steering group at anearly stage and ensure all keystakeholders represented. Ensureregular information flow to allstakeholders, and seek feedbackon direction and progress at everyopportunity. Develop acommunication strategy for theproject. Find a senior champion forthe project.

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    Expectations fromstakeholders are higherthan we can deliver.

    3 2 6 Ensure regular information flow,develop communication strategy.Prioritise findings of user needsanalysis and make reasons forprioritisation clear. Feed back tousers on priorities. Set clear

    boundaries on project scope.Portal software not availablewithin our timescales

    3 5 15 Ensure current portal tender movesforward within timescale required.Review work-packages so thatpreliminary work can take place ifportal tools not ready within earlyphases of project.

    Lack of clear institutionalstrategy for technicalintegration options

    3 4 12 Escalate to key technicalstakeholders and seek high-leveldecisions on technical direction.

    Lack of clear institutionalstrategy for standardscompliance

    3 4 12 Escalate to key technicalstakeholders and seek high-leveldecisions on standards

    compliance.Subcontractors not able tomeet our timescales

    3 4 12 Seek agreement on timescales,quality expectations anddeliverables with sub-contractors atearliest opportunity.

    A review of University virtualenvironments is currentlytaking place, which mayimpact on the future forsome of the key servicesthat we intend to integrateas part of the project

    2 5 10 Ensure that we have input into thereview and that the review teamare aware of the project.

    8. StandardsThe project will work with JISC-identified standards in the JISC Information Environment, whereverpossible.

    The project will develop tools utilising the institutional portal framework. Institutional Portalframeworks sit within the JISC IE Technical Architecture at the presentation layer. Portal channels willbe developed utilising the recognised open standards developing in this area.

    The Portal system will support multiple email standards and protocols. The system will supportestablished infrastructure standards and communication protocols, which are likely to include some orall of the following: JMS, XML, IMS, HTTP/HTTPS, LDAP, IMAP, POP, SMTP.

    The Portal API will be able to pass information to other applications in order to seamlessly integratemultiple sources of information.

    WAI the framework will aim to comply with WAI accessibility guidelines at the A or AA level.

    Middleware standards we will aim to utilise the recommended middleware standards forauthentication and authorisation. These include LDAP and Shibboleth, use of Active Directory andKerberos.

    Distributed search and retrieval protocols we aim to utilise some or all of the following: Z39.50version 3, SRW/SRU version 1.1 and OAI PMH. SRW service components will return data in simpleDublin Core record format defined by the SRW DC XML schema. Context-sensitive linking will behandled via the OpenURL protocol.

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    Security and data protection servers will be managed to the JISC security standards, includingregular and timely application of security patches. Any personal data stored on the system ortransferred between systems will be encrypted according to SSO encryption. Data protectionlegislation will be upheld. Secure connections will be handled using standard methods such as SSL.

    Open standards we will endeavour to utilise the appropriate open standards, or where it is not

    possible to utilise these we will work with the de facto industry standards.

    9. Technical DevelopmentThe project will adopt the waterfall software lifecycle model, modifying it where appropriate to includeaspects of rapid prototyping. Where possible there will be constant review of the development processby the project working group, users from our test-base, and peers within the institutional ITinfrastructure.

    An overview of the development approach is as follows:

    User requirements gathering

    Planning and design

    Development and implementation Testing and review

    Each phase will interact with the other phases, and visual mock-ups and usability check points will beused to ensure transparent and effective delivery. Maintaining open communication channels duringthe development will ensure that a usable solution is realised.

    Technologies used in the prototype development are likely to include Java, XML, JSP, and J2EEtechnologies, enabling easy standards-based integration with authentication and security applications,simplified-sign-on, secure access and end-user customisation.

    10. Intellectual Property RightsThe sub-contractor for development work on the Virtual Knowledge Park is PMG the ProgramManagement Group PLC. See for further information about PMG. PMG'sdefault terms and conditions are that PMG owns the IPR of any development work it carries outUNLESS specific, written agreement is made to the contrary. In the case of the EVIE project, PMGwill be providing any development work required to allow the VKP system to be integrated into portalsystems. This activity will encompass changes to the VKP source code to enable integration withportal frameworks. The VKP source code is not one of the EVIE project outputs. The project officerwill develop channels to integrate all of the systems included in the EVIE project. All of thesechannels developed will be a project output and as such will be available to the community free ofcharge. Any channels to the VKP will not be part of the VKP source code.

    Project Resources

    11. Project Partners

    Partner Role Main Contact Consortiumagreementsigned?

    British Library To lead the user requirements analysis, tolead the VRE preservation requirementsanalysis, to lead resource discoveryactivities, to lead on taxonomy design anddevelopment activities

    Dr Adam Farquhar,Head of InformationSystems Architecture.



    To undertake development work on VKPsystem, as a sub-contractor (PMG are the


    Professor ChristineLeigh, Emeritus

    Professor on VirtualWorking Systems

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    To undertake development work onBodington system, as a sub-contractor

    David Gardner, SeniorAssistant Registrar,Learning DevelopmentUnit

    White RoseGrid

    To provide a user test bed for the project,to lead work on document visualisation

    Dr Steve Chidlow, ISSService Manager


    To co-ordinate all project activity, act aslead partner and provide overall directionfor the project

    Brian Clifford, DeputyLibrarian, UniversityLibrary


    To provide infrastructure framework andensure that products are developed in linewith institutional requirements andinstitutional information architecture

    Colin Coghill, Head ofInformation SystemsServices.


    To provide input into technical direction ofproject in relation to capabilities andstrategic direction for VLE.

    Paul Wheatley, VLESTeam Leader.

    12. Project ManagementProject SteeringGroupThe Project Steering Group will provide formal sign-off to the key project documents and outcomes. Itwill act as a high-level champion for the project within the University of Leeds, and will ensure that theproject deliverables are broadly in line with institutional strategy. The Project Steering Groupmembership is identified as follows:

    Brian Clifford, Deputy University Librarian (chair) Tracey Stanley, Head of e-Strategy and Development, Library (Project Director)

    Dr. Derek Sergeant, EVIE Project Manager

    Kathy Brownridge, Deputy Director of the Research Support Unit.

    Dr. Mark Priestley, Pro-Dean for Research, Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law.

    Professor Andrew Bell, Pro-Dean for Research, Engineering Faculty. Bo Middleton, Academic Services Portal Project Manager

    Professor Christine Leigh, Emeritus Professor of Virtual Working Environments.

    Gill Harrison, Research Support Unit Mark Bulmer, Head of Information Systems, Information Systems Services

    Omar Benaddi, Research Systems Service Group Leader, Information Systems Services.

    Representative from the British Library.

    Project Working Group:The Project Working Group is intended to oversee the work of the EVIE Project on a day-to-day basis.The Working Group should include representatives of key stakeholders, including:

    Brian Clifford, University Library (Chair) Dr. Derek Sergeant, EVIE Project Manager Peter Balmforth, EVIE Project Officer

    Bo Middleton, Academic Services Portal Project Manager.

    Dr. Craig Adams, VKP. David Gardner, Learning Development Unit (for

    Paul Wheatley, Virtual Learning Environment Service.

    Dr. Adam Farquhar, British Library Stephen Andrews, British Library

    Tracey Stanley, University Library Nigel Bruce, ISS Infrastructure

    Dr. Steve Chidlow, White Rose Grid.

    EVIE Project Team:The Project Team is intended to co-ordinate and deliver the work packages.

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    Tracey Stanley, Head of e-Strategy and Development, Library (Project Director)

    Dr. Derek Sergeant, EVIE Project Manager Project Officer (to be appointed)

    Dr. Adam Farquhar, British Library Stephen Andrews, British Library

    The Project will follow the JISC project management guidelines alongside the University of LeedsAcademic Services guidelines for project management, and will formally report to the LibraryManagement Team on a monthly basis. It will also provide reports for information to the ISSProgramme Review Meetings. A reporting link to the VKP Steering Group will also be established.The project will also report to the University Research Systems Steering Group, and through this tothe University Research Board. Where training needs arise these will be met by using courses offeredby the University of Leeds SDDU or arranged through the University of Leeds Academic Services staffdevelopment and training.

    13. Programme SupportJISC Programme support assistance would be appreciated for dissemination activities. Training on

    quality assurance methods would also be appreciated.

    14. BudgetAttached in Appendix A.

    Detailed Project Planning

    15. WorkpackagesAttached in Appendix B.

    16. Evaluation Plan

    Timing Factor toEvaluate

    Questions toAddress

    Method(s) Measure of Success

    Months1 24.

    Achievementof objectivesagainsttimescales

    Did the projectachieve its objectiveswithin the timeframesof the project plan?

    Project plan.

    Interim reports toJISC.

    Project issueslog.

    Project lessonslearned log.

    Project reports. Final report.

    Project Planapproved bySteering Group andJISC.

    Interim reportsapproved bySteering Group andJISC.

    All issues on issueslog closed by end ofproject, or includedin a follow-onactions log.

    Project reportsapproved bySteering Group andJISC.

    Final reportapproved bySteering Group andJISC.

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    Months1 6.


    Does the servicemeet with userexpectations

    Focus group togather userrequirements.


    Interviews withstakeholders togatherrequirements.

    Set of user andstakeholderrequirements.

    Technical andfunctionalspecification which

    identifies how userrequirements will bemet in the system.

    Months7 8.

    Performanceof systemagainstexpectations

    Does the systemperform in line withtechnicalexpectations?



    Approval ofstandards documentand authenticationstrategy by SteeringGroup.

    Approval ofprototype system bySteering Group.

    Month 8. Userresponse

    Does the servicemeet with userexpectations

    Circulation oftechnical andfunctional spec toSteering Group

    Approval oftechnical andfunctionalspecification bySteering Group.

    Months10 11.

    Performanceof systemagainstexpectations

    Does the systemperform in line withtechnicalexpectations?

    Authenticationand authorisationstrategydocument.

    Approval ofdocument bySteering Group

    Months12 16.


    Does the servicemeet with userexpectations

    Iterative usabilitytesting.

    Usability testingdemonstratesimprovement in userresponses to system

    over the testingperiod.Months12 16.

    Performanceof systemagainstexpectations

    Does the systemperform in line withtechnicalexpectations?

    Usability testing. System testing

    and bug fixingreports.

    Usability testingdemonstratesimprovement in userresponses to systemover the testingperiod.

    Months22 24.


    Does the servicemeet with userexpectations

    User satisfactionsurvey.

    Interviews withstakeholders atend of project.

    Usage logs.

    Over 60%satisfaction rating onuser satisfactionsurvey.

    Endorsement of final

    system bystakeholders.

    Usage logs show atleast 100 logins infirst month of liveservice.

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    Months22 24.

    Performanceof systemagainstexpectations

    Does the systemperform in line withtechnicalexpectations?

    User satisfactionsurvey.

    Interviews withtechnicalstakeholders atend of project

    Progression plan inplace for fixingidentified bugs.

    Over 60%satisfaction ratingwith technical

    performance onuser satisfactionsurvey.

    Endorsement of finalsystem bystakeholders.

    Months22 24

    Impact ofoutcomes

    What impact has theproject had on theinstitution?What impact has thesystem had onusers?

    Exit strategy andfollow-on actionslog.

    Lessons learnedlog.

    Issues log. User satisfaction


    Guidelines forbest practice.


    Exit strategy andfollow-on actions logapproved bySteering Group.

    Lessons learned logprovides feedbackon impact.

    Issues log providesfeedback onongoing issuesthroughout theproject.

    Disseminationevents attended byat least 50 membersof academic andresearch staff.

    Guidelines for bestpractice approved

    by Steering Group.

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    17. Quality Assurance PlanAll workpackage outputsOutput

    Timing Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality End ofeachworkpackage

    Best practice forprocesses

    Regular highlight reportsfed to key stakeholders

    End stage reportsproduced at the end ofeach workpackage

    Evidence in the end stage reports. Thequality review process is linked to theend stage reports


    All workpackage outputsOutputTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality End ofeachworkpackage

    Adherence tospecifications

    Technical and functionalspecification

    Production of regularhighlight reports

    End stage reports

    Final product meets technical andfunctional specification. Evidence in theend stage reports.


    All workpackage outputsOutputTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality

    End ofeachworkpackage

    Adherence tostandards

    Utilisation of openstandards self-auditdocumentation on QAwebsite

    High score on standards audit DS

    User requirements analysisOutputTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality

    Months5 6

    Fitness for purpose Focus groups User feedback

    Sign off analysis report and set ofproposals

    DS, AF,

    Systems integration requirementsOutputTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months7 8

    Validity Review

    User feedback

    Positive user feedback, sign off byworking group

    DS, Proj

    Months7 8

    Usability Demonstrator

    Stakeholder review

    Acceptance of visual design criteria,scope for enhancement agreed

    DS, Proj

    VRE preservation requirements analysisOutputTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months12 14

    Applicability Publication Paper published and positive feedbackreceived from the community

    AF, SA

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    Output Resource discovery and document visualisationTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months13 17

    Applicability Publication Paper accepted for publication DS, KB

    Months8 10

    Test plan Portlet test Sign off test plan, portlet meetstechnical and functional specification.

    Project O

    Months14 17

    Test plan System test User test

    Sign off test plan DS, Proj

    Output Taxonomy design and developmentTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months10 12

    Fitness for purpose Regular highlight reports tokey stakeholders

    Evidence in the minutes and thedocuments


    Output Simplified-sign-on and channel development and implementationTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months13 16

    Design specification System test Sign off test plan, bugs are fixed orprogression plan put in place for theirresolution

    Project OGroup

    Output Development and deployment

    Timing Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months19 22

    Test plan Usability test

    System test

    Signed off test plan, development logbook updated

    DS, Wor

    Months15 23


    Audit product Compliance with WAI, ensuringalternatives are planned wherecompliance is not possible


    Output Evaluation and disseminationTiming Quality Criteria QA Method(s) Evidence of Compliance Quality Months22 24

    Appropriate projectdocumentation

    Review Sign off exit strategy, final projectreport, agree follow-on actions log

    DS, Stee

    List of initials in Quality Responsibilities:DS Derek Sergeant

    AF Adam FarquharSA Stephen AndrewsKB Ken Brodlie

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    18. Dissemination PlanTiming Dissemination Activity Audience Purpose Key MessageOngoing Attend JISC Programme


    Share project aims,outcomes, issues thatarise during the

    project, contribute toprogramme as a whole

    Learning fromothers andcontributing to

    overall programmeprocess.

    Month 1 Local announcement(s)about the project oninstitutional intranet andinstitutional newsletter, andthrough identified channelsfor the British Library.


    General awareness ofthe project

    Overview of natureof project, generalaims of project,invite contact forfurther information.

    Month 1 Papers describing the projectto be presented at ResearchSystems Steering Group,Research Board, InformationSystems Steering Group andVKP Steering Group and atidentified fora at the BritishLibrary.

    Internalaudiences ofkeystakeholders

    Raise awareness ofthe project, seek highlevel buy-in

    Overview of natureof project, strategicfit, general aims.

    Months1 5

    Undertake focus groups andinitial interviews withstakeholders

    White Rosestaff (forfocusgroups), keystakeholders

    Raise awareness ofproject, seek input intouser requirements.Get stakeholdersinvolved and on-boardat early opportunity

    Overview of natureof project andgeneral aims.Their input soughtinto developing theobjectives of theproject andshaping outcomes.


    1 3andongoing

    Develop document repository

    for project members on theVKP site, to include an onlinediscussion forum

    Key project


    Maintain awareness of

    project, promote activecommunication ofproject working groupto contribute todevelopment ofsuccessful workingrelationships

    Tools for effective

    communicationbetween projectmembers, andsharing outcomesfrom differentworkpackages.

    Months1 3andongoing

    Develop project website. Internalaudience,externalaudience

    Raise awareness ofproject, Keep audienceinformed of progresson an ongoing basis,provide a repository forwork in progress and


    Overview of natureof project, generalaims of project,invite contact forfurther information.

    Months6 7

    Interview users and keystakeholders about digitalpreservation requirements

    White rosestaff, keystakeholders

    Maintain awareness ofproject and provideopportunity to inputrequirements

    Opportunity toinput theirrequirements onpreservation.

    Months7 -8

    Test demonstrator systemwith users and keystakeholders

    White rosestaff, keystakeholders

    Maintain awareness ofproject and opportunityto input into projectdirection.

    Opportunity to giveus feedback on anearly demonstratorand to suggestoptions for furtherdevelopment.

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    Months12 14

    Produce papers forpublication and/orconferences on taxonomywork and digital preservationwork.


    Raise externalawareness of theproject and some ofthe emergingoutcomes, widenprofile of the project

    with the widercommunity, seek todisseminate outcomesat earliest possibleopportunity

    A review ofinnovative aspectsof the project.

    Months12 14

    Update about project and keyoutcomes so far oninstitutional intranets andinstitutional newsletters, andthrough other channelsidentified for the BritishLibrary.


    Maintain awareness ofproject and engagestakeholders byannouncing progress

    Update onprogress towardsmeeting projectobjectives.


    14 20

    Usability testing with users

    and key stakeholders

    White rose

    staff, keystakeholders

    Maintain awareness of

    project and provideopportunity to inputinto project direction

    Opportunity to give

    us feedback atvarious stages ofsystemdevelopment.A review ofinnovative aspectsof the project.

    Months17 20

    Produce paper for publicationand/or conferences ondocument visualisation work.


    Raise externalawareness of theproject and some ofthe emergingoutcomes, widenprofile of the projectwith the widercommunity, seek todisseminate outcomes

    at earliest possibleopportunity

    Months20 24

    Undertake disseminationevents and other activities atLeeds and at British Library to include demonstrations,newsletter articles, emailcirculation etc


    Raise internalawareness of theproject, demonstrateoutcomes, encouragetake-up of services,seek input into exitstrategy and furtherdevelopments

    Opportunity toreview outcomesof the project, hearabout projectsuccesses andhow the workmight be takenforward.

    Months20 24

    Undertake nationaldissemination events toinclude workshops,conferences, newsletterarticles, email circulation etc.


    Raise externalawareness,demonstrateoutcomes.

    Opportunity toreview outcomes,share learningexperiences,discuss bestpractice.

    Months20 24

    Produce papers forpublication and/orconferences on entire project


    Raise externalawareness,demonstrate outcomes

    Opportunity toreview outcomes,share learningexperiences,discuss bestpractice.

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    19. Exit/Sustainability PlanProject Outputs Action for Take-up & Embedding Action for Exit

    Project reports, finalreports, system and userdocumentation

    Disseminate more widely throughpublication of aspects from thereports. Develop best practiceguidelines from reports, summariseand present to key stakeholders andcommittees at Leeds and at BritishLibrary. Use to develop follow-onactions log for further developmentbeyond the end of the project.

    Retain on project website for atleast 3 years beyond end ofproject.

    System Encourage take-up and use throughdissemination events andpresentation to key stakeholders,continue to evaluate usersatisfaction.

    Identify funding requirementsfor further development andseek strategic funding for thesethrough internal fundingmechanisms.

    Project Outputs Why Sustainable Scenarios for TakingForward Issues to Address

    System Will become anelement of theUniversity staff portal,and will continue tobe developed underthis strategic driver.

    Further funding availablethrough internal fundingmechanisms to extendsystem to develop as fullstaff portal.

    Funding will need to beidentified well inadvance of end ofEVIE Project. Long-term staffing issues tobe addressed. Long-term steering issues tobe addressed


    Appendix A. WorkpackagesSeparate document available.

    The EVIE Project will submit the following deliverables from the workpackages to JISC as part of theregular reporting process:

    Workpackage 2. The agreed user requirements analysis report

    Workpackage 4. The preservation requirements publication Workpackage 5. Publication on document visualisation

    Workpackage 6. Paper on taxonomy

    Workpackage 9. The final project report and exit strategy

    D M SergeantEVIE Project11

    thMarch 2005

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