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Once I had cropped Sarah, I needed to transfer her onto a new document so that I could work with her and Harry I pasted her onto a new document and then used ‘Free

Transform’ to make her bigger because she was tiny and I needed her to be much bigger then what she was.

I then had re-sized her so that she fitted nicely on the page and looked like I had imagined her to look on the poster

I had to use the magic wand tool to crop out the excess background from the photo of harry. I knew that I was only used the right side of Harry so I wasn’t too worried with how the left side looked. I then also used the eraser tool to get ride of the big lumps of the image that I did not want.

This is the finished product after I had cut and erased all of the excess bits out of the image that I wanted to.

This is the original text on Indesign but from feedback on my first poster it was evident that I needed to change the font of the text

I then changed this to a much more conventional one that fitted with the channel theme of BBC Three

This is the final one where the text is much more conventional to the channel of BBC Three