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Everything You Want To Know About

Preschool Franchise Importance of playtime for toddlers

Page 2: Everything you want to know about preschool franchise

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


End to end Guide on Preschool Franchise

Importance of Playtime for Toddlers

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As the population of a country increases, so do the number of children needing

education. This has made a number of entrepreneurs turn to setting up preschool,

daycare and other types of schools as an entrepreneurial venture. When it comes

to educational institutions, reputation is very important. This makes educational

franchises a more appealing venture as compared to setting up a preschool


What is franchise business ?

A franchise model is one where the franchisors or owners give the rights of using

their business name, logo and models to franchisees or third party retail outlets.

The franchise system works across a wide variety of industries. It is this model

that allows schools such as Little Ville to have branches across the country and to

maintain high quality standards.

End to End Guide on Preschool Franchise

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Eventually, franchising is all about relationships- franchisors must

support franchisees in their endeavor and franchisees must uphold the

standards and values of the franchisor.

How to become a franchisee ?

Franchisees can be described as independent, third party operators. They

must follow the guidelines of the franchisor and meet their standards but

it is the franchisees who are responsible for the day to day running of the


To become a franchisee, an entrepreneur must typically pay an initial fee

or a royalty to use the products, services and trade name. The franchisee

may also receive help on site selection, operating manuals, quality

control, training and the development of a marketing strategy. Thus, a

certain amount of capital is needed.

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Why preschool franchise?

Preschool and playschool franchises have become a lucrative option for

many entrepreneurs. It has benefits for everyone. Entrepreneurs have a

chance to do their bit towards making quality education accessible to

more children. For entrepreneurs who own their own space, this is a low-

risk opportunity to monetize the space. As part of a franchise network

like the Little Ville network, franchisees get the support and guidance

necessary to make the venture successful and minimize the chance of


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How to start a preschool franchise?

Preschool franchise models can work in many different ways. The first

step for franchisees is to pick the best preschool franchise. The

franchisor you choose should offer a good ROI, support with training,

marketing, design and curriculum. Also, look at the preschools already

operating and their reputation. You would typically also have to choose

between a model that involves an initial cost with no royalty and a royalty


Little Ville has over 80 centers spread across 4 states. This is a low

investment model that promises high returns. Little Villa also has a

specialized curriculum called IGNITE that focuses on a student’s holistic

development. When you choose to be a part of this franchise network,

you will also get support for infrastructure, recruitment and training and

marketing. What makes it exceptionally appealing is that this is a royalty

free model.

Once you’ve decided which franchise model you want to be a part of, you

need to find space that adequate for the preschool and put together

capital for the same.

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Cost of preschool franchise

To be a part of the Little Ville Franchise network, you would need an

investment of INR 5 Lac - 10 Lac. You would also need an area of at least

1200sqft. In addition, you should keep in mind costs such as equipment,

recruitment, teacher salaries, etc. Thus, you must also consider the cost

of buying or renting such a space. Since Little Ville is a royalty free

model, you will not have to worry about monthly recurrent costs.

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Benefits of starting a preschool franchise

There are a number of benefits to setting up a preschool franchise. It’s

an opportunity to be your own boss. This preschool will be your

responsibility and you get to decide your timings, your office space, etc.

You also get to be in complete control of all operations. As compared to

setting up your own school from scratch, the financial risk of setting up

a franchise is much lower.

In exchange of the one-time investment your teachers will receive the

support and training necessary to achieve a high standard of education.

That’s not all, you get to go to sleep at night with the satisfaction of

knowing that you’ve done something that will help children take the first

step towards their physical, mental and scholastic development.

Remember, this is the foundation of a child’s educational journey.

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Choosing the best preschool franchise

When it comes to selecting the best preschool franchise and the best

play school franchise, Little Ville is a name to be reckoned with. There’s

more than one reason why educational entrepreneurs pick this franchise


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Little Ville believes in making learning fun and promotes the same

through the IGNITE curriculum. All franchisees get to use this curriculum

in their preschools. The franchisees also get support for recruiting and

training teachers to use this curriculum. The Little Ville training

workshops offer 24 x 7 support to their franchisees and this reflects on

the popularity of the Little Ville franchise network. This support is also

extended towards customized equipment and support for design and

marketing. Franchisees are free to source equipment from the franchise

owners or from other sources that fit their budget better.

So, do you want to start a Little Ville Pre school?


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In a bid to give their children an advantage for their future, many parents

are filling their child’s after-school schedule with music classes, dance

classes, art classes, sports and more. While this does have its

advantages, it takes away precious playtime. Playing isn’t just about

keeping your child entertained for a few hours, it gives your child

physical, emotional, social and cognitive benefits.

Stages of Play

Children play in different ways depending on their age. These can be

categorized as:

Unoccupied Play

Between the age of 0-3 months, babies play by kicking their feet.

Importance of Playtime for Toddlers

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Solitary Play

Between the age of 0-2 years, children play and entertain themselves by

playing with their hands and feet

Spectator Behavior

After the age of 2-years, children start watching the way other children

play. They may not participate in this play.

Parallel Play

At this stage, two or more children may play in the same room but may

not play together.

Associate Play

Between the age of 3 and 4 years, children may play separately but they

may also play together.

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Cooperative Play

After the age of 4 years, all the earlier stages of play come together as

they start playing co-operatively. They share toys and play organized

games with self-made rules.

The Benefits of Play

Playtime is about a lot more than just having fun. It plays a crucial role in

your child’s physical, social and emotional development. Young infants

can learn a lot through play. Here are a few reasons why your child needs

to play.

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Improves Creativity

Children don’t always need toys to play. They can entertain themselves

with simple things lying around them. Cardboard boxes, a spoon, a steel

bowl, a stick, these are some of the most common things children play

with. When children play with these things they use their imagination and

think creatively. Solo playtime is important at all ages for children to

explore their imagination.

Better Coordination

When your child plays with a rattle, he’s watching the rattle move. When

he catches a ball, he’s coordinating eye movements with hand

movements. Similarly, when children play, their nervous system

coordinates sights, hearing and muscle movements while playing. This

also makes the child’s movements easier and more balanced.

Healthier Children

Most games are a form of exercise. Skipping rope involves jumping up

and down, playing catch involves running, hopscotch involves hopping

along defined routes. Each of these games builds muscle strength and

pumps the heart. It keeps the body healthy and aids with weight


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Builds Vocabulary

Children learn how to communicate with their parents through gestures

as well as words. However, they tend to rely more on the former. A child’s

vocabulary builds faster when they play with other children rather than

when they simply interact with their parents. This s because the other

children may not understand their gestures, as well as their parents and

they, have to start using words instead.

Lowers Stress

Children too face stress. A lot of their stress is a result of stressful

actions by the parents. When they play these stress levels are reduced.

As a result, your child will be happier too.

More Sociable Behavior

When children play with each other, they learn important social behavior.

Toddlers learn to share their toys, to take turns while playing, to lead, to

follow and many other such things. During cooperative play, children play

together without adult interference. They learn how to make rules for

their games and how to resolve conflicts through negotiation. These are

all important social skills that will hold the child in good stead in his

adult years.

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Builds self-confidence

As children play their confidence in themselves increases. Playing in

teams develops a sense of belonging somewhere which in turn builds

self-esteem. It also builds leadership skills that can come in use in their

adult years.

Ideas for Constructive Play

As a parent, you need to give your child time and space to play in a safe

space. Pick a space where they can be supervised by you or another

adult. Let your child create his own games and see where his creativity

takes him. Some ideas for creative play are:

Some ideas for parents to set the groundwork for creative play:

• Make an obstacle course using household objects

• Let your children make a fort out of sticks in the local park

• Encourage children to pretend to play “school”, “office”. etc.

• Give them paper and crayons and let them explore their artistic


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