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Community Service quotes are a special category of proverbs and idioms which will help you get

inspired, motivated and set your minds rolling on how to bring about a change in the society. It

trains you to become a natural leader and thus serve the society by helping all those who are a little

unclear in their minds regarding how to lead their lives further. Community service quotes are those

type of quotes which are simple to understand, yet have an effective meaning and make an impact

on the listener. Such quotes are usually said by motivational leaders.

Two types of people become motivational leaders generally. The first ones are those who think that

becoming a motivational speaker is fast becoming a rising business and a lucrative opportunity to

earn some big bucks. The second ones are those who are genuinely interested in serving mankind

and helping those who are depressed and regressed. The latter ones are more genuine since money is

secondary for them. People such as Deepak Chopra and other famous Motivational Gurus have all

worked so that people achieve a state of transcendence just like them. In order to become a good

motivational speaker, one must learn from these people.

The reason a motivational speech and opinion can change our life is because the motivational leader

always mentions the success story of famous personalities, and how they have overcome their

failures to make their life a success. As a result, our mind starts thinking that all individuals have

that capability in them and hence, even we do. At times, when we think that our difficulties are rare

and different from others, and we stop trying, this is only because we don’t want further

disappointments and we want an easy way out.

Some of the famous quotes mentioned by people whose lives are still celebrated largely:

“You gain strength, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the

face…You must do the thing you think you cannot” - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of US

“When I help, I am aware of my strength and of others’ weaknesses…Fixing is a form of judgment.

It implies something is broken and creates a distance, a disconnection. We can only serve that which

we are profoundly connected to” - Sam Daley-Harris, Director of Results, a social change


“If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark and shameful corridors of time

reserved for those who possess power, without compassion, might without morality, and strength

without sight” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., minister, civil rights leader

When you hear about such humor quotes as mentioned above, and that too by famous personalities,

you relate to them because just like you, they faced failures and the urge to quit every night. But

what made them winners is the ability of never giving up, and trying hard despite of all the failures.

That is what winners do. And hearing these stories, you realize that you too have that potential, and

thus, you keep trying harder, and in a better manner. is one of the fastest growing opinion-based social networks around. Got an opinion

about something? Then look no further. Sign up now to