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A Look at Important Steps for Successful Event Management

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It could be a small social gathering such as a birthday or a wedding to something more complex like an annual general meeting, product launch function or an award

ceremony. If you are planning to organize an event then managing it the right way will be quite important. In the following sections let us look at some of the steps you

need to take to make the event a success.

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Steps for Successful Event Management:Understand RequirementsPlanning and CoordinationProper TeamworkPermissions and ApprovalsVenue SelectionTools and Technicians

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Understand Requirements

At the onset you need to understand the requirements since every event is different. Like for example, if a

corporate meeting is being held then it will have its own procedures and protocols to follow while in case of

entertainment shows like a concert, you will have to know about supporting resources to be used.

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Planning and Coordination

If you want to make any program successful then it will be necessary to have a proper plan of action as well as

coordination between everyone involved in managing it. It will also be important to set up realistic expectations

which can be achieved.

Planning will also involve analysis of the expenditure and creating a budget. You will have to coordinate with team members for implementation of all the activities within set


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Proper Teamwork

There are a number of people involved in making any event successful which is why it is important to have

good teamwork. In case of large projects the number of people involved can be mind-boggling and managing such a project without proper teamwork is impossible.

Like for example, in case of music concert there are many people involved right from sound technicians to

musicians, stage and light technicians to sponsors and celebrities. Everyone has to play their role to make the

concert a success.

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Permissions and Approvals

Event management also involves getting different permissions, approvals and following various procedures.

These would consist of getting approval from police, arranging environmental clearances as well as

clearances from the civil authorities. You need to make sure all these permissions are obtained well in advance so that there are no unpleasant situations to face later


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Venue Selection

Selecting the right venue can take up a lot of your time. One solution is to create a venue search brief so that agencies which work as venue finders do the work for you. Generally such venue finder agencies earn their

commission from chosen venue, so it means the service is free for you.

The other good thing is that such agencies will be negotiating the rates on your behalf and since they have industry contacts, they would be able to bargain better

rates than you would be able to do yourself.

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Tools and Technicians

Proper management will also require you to have knowledge of various technical aspects. You will have to arrange technical equipment that will be needed as well

as get in touch with skilled technicians so that all the technical aspects can be covered well in advance.

Paying attention to details will be crucial since it can be very embarrassing if any equipment stops functioning

during the program. As an example, if two projectors are set up to beam simultaneously towards two ends of the arena, then you need to ensure that they are in sync.

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