Download - Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-04-08 [p 7] kI JjI r 44 r J 1ISH4 1 G 1- 1h IIImi1 NI 1 I THE EVENING WORLD

Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-04-08 [p 7] kI JjI r 44 r J 1ISH4 1 G 1- 1h IIImi1 NI 1 I THE EVENING WORLD

JlJ kI JjI r 44 r J 1ISH41 G 1-



1 I


A Tooo THEfT



c Nsme of Victim Not Dis

cloicd by Police Hunt-ii ins Former Butler


7op tftr William MrtAUshlln hu1-r 1 rptelP nurrnu hu Usurdr-

pVA r r P rtns 11000 jrnrtt fnr-

I f tit K4gr llrtl pia-


ArthurArthur Iu The crJ L i V

tfkll I tr th-

rt1tfulT Itrf E3SD worth nt j Wlry tram

f r tr a Lml X ew Vorkrt-I


Clvh Hi-

h t 1 i lt thf jlrtlm fsnnt r

tjl L 1 vndirMeod t at tlill-mt he man ahou eIhtr-

LI> mt pinn >

n MtiUf Uf i tO1Infl-tappiui1

nuUileily liii TIt totlr vanWi t the-

m thn-

nvMI t U1P fttfrIP torn wrre


tieklA with twndnt ul with11t I lx diamond worth IIWI an-

si TW amtJlUmoml rim worth h IlW-Ot dlimni horwuhoc bro ch worth JW

a ilUmimil MnrtpJn worth lJA andTmvtMicT p r vMii l at HA

thp rlrrular 1111 la 1ur1 tl ILl bo-

l5u lhrlvsav n year old ftvfc fwt lx-

nri 1 finequarter lnch In hrlclit weig-hty


IW pound ufwjlum dnrk com> a ilimiiut hair gray orrr ar-

jffiM ItIOtVP ryca hluh chetk bonta-

am a r cvtir right itda ot thk anbVr aJ II hit Inng= krU MH n Oljn d1neirianb-tilnIut M1 Lsuphlln say he will jirob-

luiirdbt flllmi the rp iltl<m ofSC7ir rr i0011 In motne wmllhy mina

bL 1I4


LRSEBLAtKEIEDti r r fll Ejuinc 011 fortI c i c At ci1 n of ihsI S P C A1 f

f i 1 r Ib V A ftl Iher r lira tVe frlm ti-



f i tcr Tlit1lhtl h-


IIn r t bThft t h n a

vfptry m 111 cia V IIS-



IJMJI op bjr tii r CIt lit Jie PitAa tion otCrw t to AnImali The 1 ll h P af4 in

IIJi seESrrVn o t bizf rcndj-

TO Jlrltrr Illatirtrt yonr-orI rn Irolrpt tjirin Iron-

iii > = hI niiil rl >i4 jiiidlgui-df i f ndini sire mfkjrel to nrrml-lml iri > rnlliil lor fnlturr u-

jrnlritV irlP phnrcp Ironi un

T S IirrVsnrj iirfrrtnc4 tn c iif n1 tJlnnl siliiie or UPS

I rJ ITTIT1i1flirI 4Iftq Wdf11 II11 iiitl si ofCrur1jr In Anltnil-


1 I t > j mrnut An-dTlTII11tIh irrcl >x YorkA fllf prniiOInK that florin toon he-

loj t iu4 niut In Um nzwIa onn iTvbontJ tnuihlnc thU rlty ba-alw rIs nhd IntifxIniKl by thn

t4 of Aloany Thu fr lhr hu-T fpo Uui to tier meniur and

1 fl 11M1 it wit1 pa ConO-ITtUidlngi to 2iiirua thtt re-

II tpr r i llr llnxiklyi ami WillI iW > rj iirilf ale nlo to wef mal2ttmtli ir S ral milftltitpj Cur-


au luniK tarrlera w1Ii ufuc petti nU IIIIT ln ra are brlnjr ton4 f44tH 4t IHlp uL-

I rk tvhlri i tlfpKirt ti rh rk fran-tic


hnrai f wltl jut eumtni and maimIRQ tIm JI Ii ofttn the raIW nlifiithey iilung RKBintt the prcient mervcr Rti-



Pretty Girl Who Looks to the

Needs of Dapper Prisoner Keeps

Her Intity Secrclr ltr u T-

WHJTKTvnaf wJPItIN N V April

LIi i uuttary nurroundi the identity of

J pftt IUIIJ womn who il4li tHei VhU IHInt jail rgutarly every w eit-

to eilbct Curtly cullfd by th1 iwlioen burglar and who m under

indlttmtnt crtarifil wlUV robbing th-ailUn lockwood Heatnoou itall Sntfiary at Rtartdale-

TI young woman who mm tn-

prl on oillcUIn have not tarn U bellevrd 10 tiM lh wtheai of Curln-ttb e provide for all his new and II i-

CiifluIflt Io lavy r to defend himWtitn hi l a placed on trial furlnc < h-

My term of tin WutDheaUr CountyCourt

JMrll denlr that ti robbed th-

P4hnol but Mvorat of lb tu4anU froe-n3aItsuIa Bcmlnar will bel prnMat Intuet to VMT that thy eaw him cornIpg down tie Miff from Ihe dorml-tacl on Ihdar Die itudnU warrobbed or their lewrlry

The jfUonrr I well dre4 and de-n< < rf lIt parents ar fo1fln1 Neir-


York enaa a-

tLO1R d-









Woman Will Try to Raise on Bottle Tiny LionCub Whose Mother in Zoo Has

Cast It Off

itrj John fcr tpli m wfc nf R keeperat the It ran x Zoo ii trtnvlnc up n lioneui on a boitl The mother of the Ut-

ile navMr llrdnuln 3lIti l audi an unniliinl txwt limt eii wilt not pay anyMtnitlon 101l < tollrlnc end when herLIM <uhf arrived Bilunlay the castthem ofCto dIe John I llunecy of-

Uayonne N J the owner of e KnlltI ring wai onllnl on to loan hU cinfle-

for n nar t Sir th whti tus t bfnrpthe Us jat her 111 tt thO lipr r-

4u4 and it tiul jlidnt takr It theSlIz Xri Scrateit heanl of themQthrlss little cut iml offered to tryto rear it gI han fuoceiijfully broucht-lt nln elilldrrti and feuts nil 10 K vetie ynunc I cxn n start In Hie iorld Pttfftiir llirn iKy nnd Dr Illlilr ent theC > u her III one aii era watcIng-4h rtfi rimetvt vith Int rrJt


WIO a oroVn toi of the Xrny amithe dnmatirip t LonJin mnn nt 1

ly end acruntrly The niovlTK pitttireii-of th bumin h1ft nnl shr ortTIn mottoa Th wSo a 11 at Ia rttO11 rpf i J r r ie Cfl larI-v and a iit < ilv T vir p-

glrdv nuiV ce il f ii r fi < r In bo-

lUve they will I n 11 I r1y li-the illof flIi r llctur are< o b mule or 1 t r rrin Io a ttinyi t1 way of A po-utezes ileb diMu a came


Buck ie tir o Ctll or the-w114 T TTTV V l S l lnrtmriVUto h p3r t In tP ral Vt H4

I bI brfi i hv pmtn And fitol-iaurrrur liav rrN1uJ on rurnnz-

ittmm d c 11 to-

ICu f4f1 turn In Ins rv ft-wiy If rived Km rr >m hftrm H-

iredI 1M 31t1 trrl r of ai inl-HaUtiil a ijhVer away n itxitand tiu rvenn Itr > Klrt Titr ts-

Kpnl1 tMI Qri rf o-ftl

iI buM iMj tral i adow o

tL 1OI tI n1 1 > M not tirci HrIn


JDQLS TO CVKKA-rr fnrnJoh gods itnd Vol for th Cor-

ni Ia the n xrr bq n fINI 13

j Amerlmn la rt U J lBvaraiiKli whowit cnijilnyeil for a Ii ii in for tI nttu that tli I ci ai2 1iln1-

wreni made out of 1 a fomjtlon-fjunil In rim and I id iln Tw-

ifirmnii paid It rnm frn i1ie hv butKnvannnKh Iwrnwl rv i mti liinoryi Ill It rouUl he foi r i In UI M > iirl lie-hptenpd to Jopln n lt Tn rtl trtu-ml In noW faihlo nK rn eceIknt Cnrftll trill nt II pitr wlhln the reachof nil


WflJ ilofi at hay HlilKr lire l FroinlnK-ta nneroui nnd iliini roun that tlir-conununlty U In alarm Mr Anna I

I Hummr ntu Mix Drlln Page lmv bn1-1III1kJ ami Injured b > llini The dolleeem tn h I in n trnita of ln-damenilMi1 itnlnml anil eec navaRc us

wolvea One park In lsd by a treat BtIternard Who win to centU and kind doguntil the outlaws rallnl nt his Rate on-nlEht and nlTcred to make him their

Hhlef lie Htr ttted anti thenceforth reoI fused to even notice Ida former muterfour packa err nt larK and they arelank wildeyed nnd ferocloua creaturestho nay


Judge JlrBivoi rio unHf 11

ort court li Chi en is or of thepopular lnkltuUoL of that city of In

jnovatloni has rcacJ the causes of Ui

vorte bk to 9a parenta of the CT-

iitatlantd couple itperUiy jrutlty arej the 4rcnU ef the man In the ease

Men prO more hyjlerlwil thanwomen says the Iud > Wlien thewife ta complaining the husband oughtto put on hi hat and walk around Iheblock Hut he doe not He hat n ntoficttjuloii onl anger and little rflffl-cultl which should 110 pAMed outof tliMiiory ar tironrit Into court1auall came menu Infirmity Ihalti-fan with birth In the 4aUp e of familyllH4sreinent 1arrnin only think ofMJgpmit a hlIia 1rain and neniectrtltt a mnmarti TTi ettin brain on frv with piallrd-


I mid then evpe t jmmon humanlwlngu to mi < f jowl huataindi andum It in i work



I When Mr IJanlim tue Jien of flnr-nhl Gorman at llelievlilc X J l-

ltrsii poumm i > l inclve chlclu alljliTimpty turned six ef them over t-oTr Tij T ar5 iieThe > oVerflbwe herllttlr vlnr lie aricpinl the charge

a Vcmn Ctid now ukr car orti rm ant K 1s tiiim urJer his wins

Jiut j n1U LILQlh b4uairn flu nfK ic ji insll llly ha madhim cv t snort of a tighter vhan heused to tic i



1Sgu jwuMnic Into NVi Vacle bythe miiji jinii wwk ftijonai ar-

lftved Hir VUiHn the last rive weeksalioui J iuOOiv 1 nave come anil iice

1 t iitlai aa e reo IIi Iy


iioil UurU al fire IInn > tlen-1ltl

> ti la Mnu 5lnir Irlxinrr-i

r 1

1 O ill to The KV entn5 W0H1IVTMOI VB11XOS N YI April t-

leeaa u f the god nark done by JMiySneene n life coiiVlot In HUvs RInk1iaon ho IM a corp of-


a blue that threatened prUon build-IYS wften the cable rop was bun M4iortIIflieeZfriaug-

rirreo r r

wilt present a x tHoi lo JOtHuk irn aching rtlr tiKvtntyM pardon

SivKfUey fIt was a renklent Ofiluunt Vernoi murdered lili wife trnyinrn ago l>yi now he pj he nun o j

drunk liat tv n ncuiiMrn nothingiwhfiit tie rnr fe lIfIeri rifllclalaill elate tit the mjn DAI been an L >t ronv t aril it itntit north iniie t ipiclty aa T V ibr n tIt Iniitutlon


HEALTH F WOMENI-n thlnnlnetccnUi century tqkeap-

tipwith the rannh of eretypower of woman in ntrainttd to Itsutmwttand tlte1ttx upon lieJ hystenl Bjjstpin Is far prcntcr than eror

In tlm fo xl oluliionc days ofL our praniltnolhcra fow drugs were

used In medicines They rolled uponroots anti hurl to euro TcalinesMtned dliciuc and their Unonrledge of-

t root end hurl was far greaterthan tlml of women todDY

It urna In thts Btud of roots nod Id lierba that ln E Plnltliam ofLynn Hits dlsoorcrrd nod gaveto the Inmen of the world remedymoro potent and oOlcncious than I

I MRS CE FINK any combination of drugs

Lydia E Pinkharas Vegetable CompoundU nn tioncat tried and true retnudyof unquestionable IherapcutlaTsJueJ-

lilKtKiHtlelne made from ua tiro roots aud liorbs euntitnh no narcoUct I

or other Imrm ful dniK nnd today liolda tlmrcoord for lie larprnt number-of actual cures of female dUua ea of any medicine the world hnA overknown anti thounnrU of voluntary tcitlmonluls are on file in thelaboratory nt Lynn Masj which testify to Its wonderful Talue i

Mrs C E FfnUi Carnegie PH writes Dear Mr Ilnkhnmf IwUh every autTerinff wotcan would take Lydia K Pluldiaws Vegetable

no and write to you for ndrlqe It bus dinc me a worM of roodana what it baa accomplished for too I know It wilt do for othersWhisuvrnmcii aro with nisploccmcnU Tlcer

atlou Inflammation Jlnckache Nerrous Prostration they should re-


there Is oae tried and true remedy Lydia K Plukuama Vegatabta Compound

Mrs Plnkhams Standing Invitation to WomenWomea utrennr from any form of female weakness are Infled to

write Mr Plnkham at Mam Out of her nIt rolumo if PX-

pericnca ah probably baa tn0 Vaowlcdffe that r ill help your c-


S S S THE BLO OUThere U DO other ol oar physical ayitesn upon Which to much I

dtpeads M upon t1t 6 blood The nerrts bones alnewi akin andQtl ct rtl nl ftbtbo11Me mUfoed l1Ift1opeda4 eaiblld perionJi itheir different thy sic applied with vdhealthful propertlee tkrough the vwloue ny the bloodbeoonee eoataalsMed polluted A sluf elih latctlve condition of thojrrtea end torpid Ute el the ann of ute will leave the Tcuse

and WaIte Better of the tod to safer and Jom uric and other acids vhichare absorbed iota the Mood aid XttiKatim oe aeoie itching dtsfigurln I

kln dlsu U the reiiilt Muddy 11011 coapluioao eru eplotebejsic sit Aow fLat ome BHsaor bai taken root In the circulation

and reaer4 It wmr tad at for sourlsklar tke body There litllIHM kIck eelwei tie Uaced to the blood OfLea the dlseaaeUlnted-

blood ol partati handed down to chudrsji aa4 thtlr tim an R continualbattle tlnst U lOCI fwwu uuallrJII i soafuloHJ jiatufe Khtm-sustltm Catarrh SVla Dl ts Ulctn Blood Pe ceaetc arV all 4piut4 Wood trouble and until tkU vital Hull i parlftedthey cannot For all blood dUetaee 86 B Ii the but rentedrerwhap the Market TkU frwtMidldBeUmadeal root her arid barksof recopiUed btoodpriLyIo a lttOSdOWUtl2tO-

3iumoitue rirc i Ue mud TSjwr e all > UirarKle ad tipplteethe Wocd with the beaKbfal pnpettie It s4 e tIIWtt iloo4

I t vrerr kW C4i1 iei W t fcUnh fk1wf1ltaAI Dketme e4 tteew en4t We 4 hkM ec i-

u411a the WH 4 Yw M the iloo4 aW Mtdlctl dyke tre-4ucwTwpacIc0 0 AZLATj-

< w 1 1Tt Flr tI i



nOME April tH U report thatthis new oyllainrt being prermrrd by theII lv Otric will contain II solemn condamnation of the works of the AbeHoutln and of Fonaziare In additionto condemnatIon of the wrltlnca nf theAbbe Loliy hay Dr William Parryend the formrr Jrnult print Trrrlll

AeconlmK to Inormallon riKelvrJhere the Abbe Lola Khum hooka wereplaced upon Ute I ilaL tlxpurtatorlui10 1901 m lOtr owlnc to the fffort ofCJwdltuJ Rktetd th ArchbUhop ofran fm nffarlnx from an Incurabletteak b but b for dying he-bco to Oatih hU mptt Importantwerk nn 1IxMI > or xpanatloK of-



WTLLEi5TAD IiUnd of CuracoaApril According 11 Information re-

caLVed here froih Jaractbo Cipltrl ofthe Stale of Zulla Veneiuela therevolutionary movement In that liepublic Is ipreadlnK anti the Oovernmenta reirutt men with the view of

minirriBlnic a poiilbla extensive outbrnk 1


Mlilater to I Nethei anile tu 7 to ISddillnl at hlK PiiIfli estefday of pleurey compiknird with asthma



Elections There Cause Fear of

Fresh Outrages and


IT nrmnanuno April The-O U ia JnKi dread fresh outrage unit

ire certain they will be attacked If

the Uum U dissolvedTh OJni1 municipal elections have

resulted In a tremendoUs victory for thkUntrue of the HUIllan 1icplr the mostviolent oppOnent Of all Ilbrrall

Of ovcntylwo mnnb of the Odeaez-



Seeing Two Men Brtak trIoHouse She Summons Aid I

ff Y 1 <

A Tnlophono Is thehost aid In amorgcndes Have you ono

Inrw YOII mtrnoM COM is Ory SId


i ONeillAdams Co11Stores Occupying Two BlocksSixth Avc 20th to 22d StNY


Special Sales for Tuesdayf-ull Particutrs in Lvriin Telegram frThc QlobJ-

25002YLJlILDJf Cjt VJjlfB J ll6JNrW-

onlens Minnlili Cst Womens Gibson Ties Oxor1 and I

Suits ot ChIffon Vininw 5197-


PUmr regular Jioo 300 ant5J50 grades at Sl0

Marie Antoinette VatJ solid II

colors and blick it J495 ins 1000 Cfivenette Runcoatspure worsteds in ilark prays S750 I

Clothes Wringers warranted for Boys > 259 dsslmere and Cheviot I

oneyean value 538 atJ325S1-


Suits aRes 9 to 16 5 159American Porcelain Dinner 400 pairs Mens regular J3CQ-

Tfousersi I

Sels 100 piees to the SetSi 450 special it S 175

J7iL3Th IlUIIniXG lloar I

New Spring DfiiioiiflGreatly Reduced I

54inch 5100 and Si 25 New Tailor Suiting49Scven thousand yards in this great otfctJII this sea-sons

Cexceptional quality Grays Tans Browns Bltus

Greens etc Stripes Checks Plaids Mixtures and Shadow J

Checks You will find the same goods on sale elsewhere at S1Oand St25 Note tlu width54 inches

JOc to 75c Drc Goods and Suitings 25cAnother lot of even greater merit than the one we-

Ioffered last week Kea thePlain allwool Alrutrosses plain allwool BalisLs allwoolmixed Cheviots ifain and fancy Mohairs handsome fancy tailorsuiting Shepherd Checks in Uhck and White gray fancy SuitIngs36 to 46 Inches wide No mail orders i

79c AllWool 5100 AllWoolJ Nuns Veiling 39c Chiffon Panamas 59c

f Inchesjridr with x rfthII1 tT1nilrtJ Vo161f11fp lTYliI1TSTliJfinish CRtAM lILACK navy rIiY popular stylIsh and itrvlct-



c det Trendt blue tan golden22 slrablt Sprlnc and Sum-

mer¬brown gray green red and

twenty other shiMs shadet also BLACK antiNo Mall Orders


I 69c Mohair 39c S 150 French Voiles 88Sicilians H Inches wide superiorSo Incites wide bright and silky quality and finIsh tins grassbuck brown gray tans ireen i browns cadet champatne royalparntl royal and navy j nay etc alto PUCK

65c AllWool Henriettas UIe title flnuh quaity1In BLACK cream and full line of Colors 39 C

No Mill CIders

Black Dress Goods Almost Half Price j

65c Black AllWool 7Pc flIck ImportedCheviot 4 < inch Silt Mohair Brilliantincprice O7C I 54 Inch t7C79c AllWoolChiffon 1100 Black Imported i


44 inch San 49c All Wool Voile 43 in 59cS125 Black Superiori 3130 Black ImportedTrench Voile 4 j inch 70-S

AllWool Panama 79cl price J4 Inch

5175 Black Broad-cloth

I 5300 Black Sponged and I

Rich ulln linlih QQ-TT


Broad-cloth Price i79-

r1 r


The But S ofrteig Sop Ma e

Boa-pAMcurioliO f

A GUci Clef11ijlLt

=> 1r lh L

Worrn Council alxtyuev new arerrmmben of the league

The prevIous Council trtilch was tlbfral clone protected the Jews nctlmtitO 11 kick hundreds anil tile mllllft-rauthnrltUiTn ChouMrxl tory hanrt At Stuiya

Vladimir Oovfrnttiont hvft nirlt worSeand demand thn release at AUfO tnoted revolutIonIst WttMn th policehave arrr lo < l ihrrr


SAX I riiAxriBro Cal April iConcut Ivrno Who procMiln Jipnn In thUcity ha ben mlird horn by ForeignXllnlntfr llnynKtil In Slelt In framing a-

new polliy for the future relations ofthe empire with Slur rilird NtntMi Tl-irnn ul will riil nil oiliirni1ny nn tilIner ilngMu-

1hII ho I > iwnv hIs pi wll rnilSI hv MlllKM Ilnril t III IIMIFI l

who wda ivpntli trnn fMi it ri frcllunululii



Bingham Hunting Good Man

to Take Place ofMcLaughlin

Commissioner Illnthxm under the nwInw will hovr t right to uppolnt nrltiirn nr Hilict r> t> lan bovl of th-

OM cllvp buimu lo uced XViHam WHlnushlm HI a inUry of f3I i II vt

l inv iij iutr ilrtiituo cc fi sek II

job but It In thought the Commiaittcr-wtI veitdt a Titer are four nrfive nftlBen who It U Tpd will i

mke Rood Ir the positIon Theyexiwet the Commlriloner to give thema tML-

Ttttat icai it rumor retterdar thatformer Ohl f Thoma may beKikdl to take tM position but It Hiyraid he would 1 unlirlljriio the detenttr hurMu mi themost tfTcltnt of anT In the countrylie wits rxcemllnnly ttrlet with hI-menand jinside ii un do their rctkup to the handle It mr Mb pontver-nc that made the detcUye omen what-It was in tno <> day

There mill be a lively slinking up ofthe defective ofttcf when the new tIlLsees Into rffert About one hundred In-

efficient¬ Jdetective Mrseantu lire to b-

ent In do dulr In pre lnntl J


i iituflEd< dull tnday Irlcrs werenk ant the general list at noon was- 1

4 brio SstuiMaji j w VorkIOtIiI i1






I i JIf the unpleasant weather is keeping you indoors ioday come to Blcomingdafes-

tomorrcw Tuesday We will continue tile sale of all the bargains advertised iI

yesterday for tcdtfvt

i 7Si Imported Voile Silk 2 00j


Lined Suits Like Picture for v-




r that tomorrowI t4i Tuesday only Jill the price be 25



I Iri That by way of preface because is im-


= J t IV


U 1 These suits are simply Jittfn beautieslltl a > I

Dainty as a flower Made of very fine Frencht Mesh Crisp V6mfH1Qbl cK ri vy 15rovi gray no i

4 and champagne

i 4iai iA Natty Gibson Model Eton Jacket beautifully fin-


Ii I I II with silk raid and lined with hcaby importedI 4t taffeta All sizes trom 32 to 44



IThe GracefulSkirt is one of the newest side and box i

I pleated mofcls cut with a very full swcp over a fittedI

ii II 1 t taffeta drop skirt

I J lI


j The identical Suit Is-


J1 1 advertised by others 4

1 for 3750 Toinor 25001

1 ouresdayaonwulIt tour price be

4iInnaInzdala 31 lloor Mill 81 Sectionl iII A Special Offering of Alligator Leather


Goods Novelties I

i A wonderful collection of AlUalor Leather JI Pocketbooks Baps Belts Furies Watch Fobs

Inkstands Match Holders and Novelties with lrAllicator Heads and Claws e I

r l-

ItlrcKnetl Allljntor Hltle forwill dec Alllsalor Tfccrraoinsicra 169 I Genuine Alligator laivelope Bagsorillpn C with htidt and 11c WIi Alligator Card Cases t horn luck etrccts claw mountlnji-

S8e12 Sect 2 felt 4 teI 5 len I

i 791 JtW JI94SJ2 75 J39845Jf-S95


SZAlligator lokgtard fiisojiJu50 ml75 S90 JHSO-

Allljalqr9 SJ 9J J J

i CiOCkIflICrtedInAlIigntorflcd593 Jewel Cues SSEO I-I

PocketbnoksAlligator with ind fl I iAIIIrilorcell ne Satchelswithout elm tops i

Genuine Alligator nilLFolds 93c12 nh 13lneJi 14Inch lilnch j28c 691298 J373 and 1385 SJiO SMS 395395 Allijalor Cir Caste SI95 to JSCO-



Alligator Daz horn luck effecttome with claw mountings


Alligator Kit Bajj l nhe-


Wallet leather HneJ Sfl-


48c P8c 198 295 375 395 i1incl Cud Cascg Jttrtlnf m < f-

mounllnrJi 1IAlligator Match Holders s 165 101200 I 9c 169

111 ud JJin Il Will Ht hc

Lace Curtains 1 Cleaned Nottingham Lace Cl1rtamslI

and Blankets f A Coupon Sale ofI From cne of the largest mills in the coun ¬

We do the most extensive Lace Curtain and try came thiz bg lot of Nottingham tactI

Curtains at an unusually low price even for iBlanket business theI Cleaning city If you a stock clean up iI

I are not one of our patrons we invite you to wItieTg mIJ



pretty KeniUtincc effect 54 Inches 1

Join lie rant Curtl1insactuallyworlh j b I

Tht Inducement U our 11 urine of the moll tails 200 a pair Ibiik this 1 139I factory KMtce ponlDc ird the most moJtnte ciut-


Coupon only r-S

I IHunilncUM Sri i v r Mia Xi S dion jI

Lace Curtains CleanedI JS1 pair SOc Waist Patterns j

I Other Pincr Curtains pr pair 65 jnd 7 fiei Very Vtttty 100 Stamped

I Blankets Canned aorfrfntStred tot Huffy Tid-


Lingerie Shirt Waist Pdlletm i

IAt an fxljDfdiiuiuy low pre Tit palKrn un iti ol

I to new at per pair 75C 3 yardi ol very good Ierjljn Lawn tutlKtnt lor nl-

tnliftii Phone 5300 Plaza wild sill lurtrt lot enough for jJLM tm-

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Iwanted nut Autumn IheOlijoitd1Ofl outfit i s only

H nlinUM Mali Kt r fain Bi

I Continuing the Drug Toilet Goods Salet We guarantee all our Dtuyi and Toilet Goods remember so absolutely sure are we that they

arc exactly right and we know that nowhere else will such sharply cut prices be encountered j

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