Download - Evaluation question 7


1. Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned from the progression of it to the full product? Evaluation 2. Comparing preliminary task to latest version Looking at my preliminary task I find my Rock magazine looks much cleaner and professional than the school magazine. Reasons for this are the writing and title which look more professional. The whole picture appears in a clearer and organised way. At the beginning of the year I had no idea how to insert simple images or edit fonts. My rock magazine shows that I have improved over the year. 3. Comparison After looking at my preliminary contents page I can see a huge difference. The school magazine contents page looks less organised and slightly messy. the fonts appear in an unprofessional way and are hard to read, whereas the writing on the rock magazine contents is very clear and easy to read. I personally found the contents page the most difficult part of the whole magazine because I personally underestimated the difficulty of creating a professional looking contents page. 4. Front Cover Before After The title is not big enough and appears invisible The title is big enough and the frame puts it in focus and creates an eye catcher 5. Front cover The colour choice is wrong As the main image is not in focus and the writing is white and therefore it is hard to identify the writing on the cover. The barcode is missing And the cover line looks better On top of the page I have learned that colour choice is the most important factor and a barcode makes a magazine appear in a professional way 6. Double page spread The title looks boring As it does not have a specific colour or form Two columns are usually nicer on a double page spread, however the writing is not perfect yet. The white space does not look nice The photograph was the only factor I was happy with from the beginning and didnt apply any changes or corrections. 7. Double page spread I changed the colour and writing of The main title. I have learned that red is always a Great colour for titles. The professional photographs Make the double page spread look more Interesting and exciting. This sentence is darker in order to provocate The reader with The statement. I have learned that a double page spread needs to include different types and styles of writings and colours. A double page spread should always include as many exciting photographs as possible. 8. Contents page Before After 9. Contents page This was my first draft of a contents page. I personally believe that the structure and choice of photographs is not bad, however the writing and style is not perfect. The writing is too big and the style of it looks too simple and unprofessional. The title contents seems to disappear behind the black box. The contents page looks too wild and messy. 10. Contents page This is a complete different example of a contents page. I learned to use a different structure by looking at other examples of contents pages. I inserted a small F on the top left and bottom right which relates to my title Flammable. The box with the page number inside of the photograph makes the contents look professional. The two sections on the bottom create a structured effect. It was an idea of mine to insert official tour dates of the magazine star on the bottom right. I continued using my usual style and colour of the Rock genre. 11. Summary From the examples shown I have learned how to create a professional looking contents page, double page spread and front cover. I have learned how to use different editing programmes and their facilities. I have learned how to take professional looking photographs I have learned that creating a magazine is very time-consuming and needs a big time investment. 12. Photographs I have learned that a good photograph needs good lighting, an extraordinary make up and a very good editing program.