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Evaluation question 2

By Peter Lockett

Page 2: Evaluation question 2

Is the product coherent?

• With my product I wanted to make sure that I was able to make a good quality but as well as this that the whole promotional package was very well branded and is good at drawing the audience in to promote the band.

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House style/Theme• The colours have picked for my print work and video were a mixture of

blue and green. This was chosen because we wanted it to stand out from the rest of the crowd and draw the customers into the product. Also because if you think about someone being upset or feeling down then this can link to the blue because someone will say they feel blue. Also with this it is relevant because it is a pop rock band and they want to stand out from the crowd which is the look we went for. Also as you can see during the video we use green led lights to try and make the star itself stand out from the rest of the band.

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• These were the two many fonts I used in my print work:

• With the use of the two fonts it means that I will be able to make sure that the band name and album are standing out from the rest. But the other font is very simple and will keep the reader engaged. I chose these fonts as well because they are like my genre research as they are not too in your face but are enough to stand out from the rest as they are similar to many pop rock fonts I found from my research such as the paramore print work.

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• The lighting in our music video is primarily bright but not so bright it is in your face. With this it means that everyone can focus on the band well they are performing. Also during the solo part where the singer is on the screen by herself she has a back light which is LED lights so they draw the attention on to the singer herself. This is great for building an image for the band and from my research I found that one of the videos did also use the LED lights to draw in the audience as that is the first thing I noticed and it made them stand out.

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Props and costumes

• When we come up with the ideas for the costumes we decided that it was best to be as normal as possible so we could relate to our target audience. And we done this because it meant that they didn’t feel undermined during the film. The idea of our costumes was to look like we belonged to the teenager young adult style of cloths with the t-shirts and jeans. Also when I carried out my research I found that a lot of the genre wear just t-shirts and jeans and this meant that we were also staying with the genre characteristics. So we have used the Mise-en-scene to match with the target audience due to wearing the cloths they would wear.

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Visual themes

• The main theme of our music video was to be happy even when things go wrong and this was portrayed thought the use the colour scheme but also thought the strong postures we used well taking our pictures for the print work. Also because of this I had to add some brightness and contrast to make them pop a little better as they were a little dark. But from the feedback I got everyone was happy with the theme I gave. Also during our feedback we asked the target audience if our promotional package was coherent and we got that it is very professional and that it draws in the target audience to support the band.

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• The shot types I used were close ups of the band members. Also because we done this to build star image we also made sure that the other shot types we used concentrated on the band in the music video. This is because we done have any long shots of the band only close ups and mid shots. This is because we found that this is a convention from our research.