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DOUBLE PAGE SPREADQuestion 1 part 3

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Research into double page spreads

Before designing our double page spread we had to carry out research into what other double page spreads looked like. Of course, we had a pretty good idea and understanding of the conventions because of the extensive research we had to do in our AS media course where we went on to produce a double page spread of our own.

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Our title is very similar to those found in other double page spreads: it is bold and very eye catching. The black contrasts with the yellow background makings it stand out and one of the first things you notice.

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Our article has followed the three column convention found in most magazines, it has a consistent font type and is easy and clear to read. It isn't as long as it could have been though, and I feel that this is one of the drawbacks with this ancillary task.

By Line

Just like the professional spreads, our article also features a by line.

Drop CapFollowing the conventions again, we made sure our text had a drop cap at the beginning.

QuotesWe didn’t have as many quotes as a professional double page spread might have, but we made sure to include at least one.

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Conventions and how we applied them

Main Image

The main image was an image we had taken on a camera which was then edited in photoshop. It takes up Most of the double page spreads, something that we noticed a few other magazines did. We challenged the conventions because we made the image into a silhouette whereas usual double page spreads have a clear image in which you can see the subjects face, clothes and props.

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Additional images

We both stuck to and challenged the conventions found in a professional double page spread when it came to the additional images. This is because although we do include some, we only include 2 whereas many are found in other spreads.