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For my media video, I decided I wanted to do something different for dubstep. Therefore, my video is abstract as it has no real story to it, only hints when my actress looks at pictures through her phone.

Svein Carlsson-My music video fits in with Svein carlsson’s theory that a music video either has a narrative and performance or is just abstract. Although mine seems to have all of them, as my artist mimes the words and there is a hint of a narrative when she looks through the photos on her phone, however most the video is just very abstract with no set storyline.

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• Conventions for dubstep are typically a unique narrative or bright colours and videos from the artists concert. I have not conformed to this as I felt the song I chose was more of a light summertime anthem and not a really heavy bass song like dubstep songs usually are. I also took the chance to change dubstep conventions for my video as I had a female artist, which there is not a lot of in dubstep, and females generally would create a different vibe to males.

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I did not make any links between my song and music video apart from when my actress was lip syncing as this made it more obvious she was the artist

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It is common for music videos to use close up shots, long shots and tracking shots in music videos, so I decided to add these all into my work to make it seem like a more realistic music video.

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I did a lot of editing on my music video so each clip was not too long and music videos have very fast moving clips to keep the audience interested.

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Angela’s outfit was very typical of a teens outfit to the beach in winter, I did this so the music video would be more realistic and teenagers may feel more connected to her as she is dressed younger and more like teenagers. This still follows the convention of a dubstep outfit as she is still wearing very simple, dark clothes.

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When I looked at this bassnectar mixtape cover, I really enjoyed the blue and red that reminded me of the 3D effect colours and how they look when a person isn’t wearing 3D glasses. Because I liked it so much I wanted to incorporate it into a piece of my ancillary texts. The picture on the right is not the front cover but the left inside sheet, and I enjoy how I changed the colour of the sand to red with a slight hint of blue, and the sea is round about the same colour.

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Just like in my analysis, I have included the name

of my artist in big letters, and the name of the album underneath

I made the sea a pink/purple colour to

stand out and be different, and to make it

more colourful. I personally really enjoy colours, and I liked how bassnectar and Skrillex

made their CDs eye-catching. Although I didn’t want mine to

have a dark background, because I felt a lighter one would

give happier connotations, and make the album seem more


I decided to make my actress black and white to create a

contrast between the colourful scene and

herself, and I like the outcome.

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I inserted a bar code and price tag to make it

look more realistic

I followed on from my front cover and kept

the theme of a pink/purple sea so it all

fits in well with each other

Just like every CD I included a list of

the songs included on the

CD, in total I made 8

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Both left and right insides are very simple and almost the same, apart from Angela is on the left to give it more personality as the audience will see the left more. I have not included any writing on the as there is no need to.

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• My ancillary texts both conform and do not conform to the dubstep genre digi packs.

• They do conform because my pictures use eye-catching colours and are very fun and different.

• However, on the most part they do not conform because they can be seen as quite ‘girly’ which dubstep CD’s are usually not. This is because I had a female artist and wanted to change the conventions of dubstep to how I think it could look if it was not completely male dominated. Most dubstep artists do not include themselves on the album cover, and on mine she is on there, you just cannot see her face.