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In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention of real media product?

Evaluation question 1

Blackout Production

We decided to choose a sub- genre of drama/ education because we thought that it give an impact impression towards a short film as well as deliver a new way of educating teenager of aged 13-18. It is difficult to follow the traditional genre of drama, as we have to consider about the scene that must include slow motion and establishing shot of the location. We have followed the convention of drama genre because we don’t want to confuse the audience. Thus, this short film will be more successful in term of deliver a message and for entertainment.


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We used different type of mise-en-scene to create a symbol and representation to our short film follow the stereotype and convention of media product for instance from the first scene, the audience are able to justify the differences between the characters because of the use mise-en-scene. The person on the right hand side; his outfit is more presentable as he wears full formal clothes such as a stripe navy suit, a black tie, a white shirt and a watch. By wearing a watch it represent that the person has a high skills on time management. Moreover, supporting with his clothes and his glasses, he's fitted into the stereotype of being an educated person because he media are associated a person who is wearing glasses as being a 'geek' or enthusiast person who obsessed with intellectual pursuit. Contrasting to the other guy on the side, he is wearing an outfit that not in a standard for an interview as he wear creased. This is simply suggests that he is not prepare for this interview is not bother to iron his clothes to make it more presentable or on the standard that we would normally expected for the interview.

Additionally, we used a breaking glass scene. The denotation of a bottle of glass breaking it is symbolised how the relationship are breaking apart like a broken glass that now difficult to due to the knocked down effects from being unemployment.

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Cinematography also plays the important elements for different types of genre. In this case we are most focusing on the close up and medium close up shot to presents the actor’s expression, therefore the highlight how the character is feeling toward a certain aspects that displayed.

We decided not to challenge the code and convention of genre and follow the Hollywood. This is because our target audience is teenager of aged 13-18, which knows less about the purpose and convention of short film; thus we narrowed down so in to sub- genre. Therefore, our short film is not too ambiguous. Additionally, The uses and gratification theory (1974) were included in my short film especially ‘personal identity’. This theory is for the audience to reflect from the text as well as learning behaviour and values from text, since my short film is targeted at the teenager aged between 13-18, it is mean this this short film is the great tool to make the audience make a valuable choice for their path.

Overall we would say that our short film is very difficult to define a specific genre. Therefore, our short film can be one of the film that support Buckingham’s saying- ‘ genre is a constant process of negotiation change.’ This simplily highlight that we cannot cram film into different of category due to the fact that they are ‘constantly’ developing; hence, film genre is a continuous type of argument that we cannot exactly define.


In our short film, we followed Todorov theory. He stated that most of the story’s lines follow the same pattern or path which included these 5 steps: Equilibrium, Disruption, Realisation, Restored order and Equilibrium.

Firstly, we started our equilibrium by having two people waiting for their interview at the same time, yet in different places. For this scene, we used a medium shot to emphasises on the expression of each character. During the interview, we used diegetic sound such as a clock ticking to introduced our second stage, which is the disruption.

Tension are now built as one character has got rejected. Where as the other received good news. In the short film we did not clearly stated, yet we’d tried to give an impression though the use of mise- en- scene such as the interviewer’s body-language . The reason of this is because we wanted our audience to express their own interpretation on the narrative. Our disruption does not ended there because we waned to emphasise that fail in education leads failure in life. Therefore, we created another pitfall for this character, which is braking up with his partner. Again, we did not exactly stated the status of the character’s relationship because we think that it would be better to use a glass to symbolised their relationship as this would also fitted into the convention of drama genre.

Following by the realisation. The character (Ben) started to realised his situation, this presented when the character looked at his reflection. The reflection with the over the shoulder shot implying a serious thinking and consideration of how he want to change himself. The restored order comes along when the character try to attempt a new job interview. And lastly, new equilibrium. This is when the short film reveal that every thing that presented are just a person’s dream.

Overall, I think that our short film is best fitted into Todorov theory because we have included all the five steps that he stated. Therefore, we did not challenge any narrative convention. Additionally, I personally think that by following the convention of narrative will bring the success to our short film, since it make sense to and understandable for our target audience.

POSTERSCodes and conventions

Poster is one of the marketing strategy that can promote and draws the audience attention to watch our short film. Before I started to create our own poster, we’d take a look for the codes and convention that used in the real media product.

Main image

Release date

Film title

Tag line

Director and writer



Credit/ Billing block

In our production, we have produced a series of posters, which include character poster, teaser posters and theatrical poster. The reason of this is because we it would allows the audience to see a variety type of posters. Therefore, might enhance the willingness to watch our short film; thus, binging more chance the success of this short film. Additionally, this can create a professional and positive impression towards our audience.

This is a theatrical poster created by Katayon Khosravi

The main image were displayed in the center of the poster to draw the audience attention as well as introduce our characters. As this poster presented a mirror effect, its create a sense of comparison. Therefore enhance the curiosity.

We placed the short film title in the middle of the page, between the two character to set them apart; thus, support the sense of comparison. Moreover, the typography of the title of has displayed in bold and decent size. This title can also identify the short film narrative as it entitled as ‘Decisions’ it gives an impression of making a judgment between the two.

Our tag line has used a different typography from the film title to create a diversity sensation, therefore cancelled out the boredom while visualising the poster. This corresponding to the code and convention of the film poster because from my research film posters are mostly to use numerous of typography.

Codes and conventions of character posters



Film title

Release date

Tag line

Tag line

Character main image



Release date

The character poster is slightly different to the theatrical poster because it is only display one character with the cast name.

According to my short film poster, I have followed all of the character codes and convention. This evidently shows on the image beside.

The main image displayed on the center to emphasise on the importance of the character.

Again we have used numerous type of typography to create a diversity. Furthermore, with black colour it brings the information out against from the background.

This is a character poster created by Chittikan Rujiart

Main image

Minimal information

Release date/ coming soon

Film title

Teaser poster Codes and Conventions

Form my research, I have noticed how the teaser poster are really keep the design minimal. This is because to enhance the audience’s curiosity

There are two types of teaser poster that we produced, which are the following: use graphic image or a body part of the character.

These are teaser posters created by Emanuela Comandini and Zhen Choo Huang

For the poster with the graphic image, we have used a denotation of a train track to create a connotation of choosing path. There also two characters that displayed on the poster, but one in the front, whereas the other positioned at the back.

The reason of create teaser posters to allows the audience to express their own imagination on the narrative as well as the cast. Thus, bring an interest to the short film

We’d only show a minimal body part of the character because we would like our audience to guess of who will be the cast

Rating scale

Page title

Film title

Rating stars

Film information box

Film plot

Main image

Review Text

For the short film review, we would like to follow the film review convention because the real product have a clear structure that draws the audience to read the page. Therefore by following the convention of the film review would be better as it more recognisable; thus bring an ease when they want to fine more information about the short film.