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Our target audience would primarily be people between the ages of 12 and 20 due to the age certification we gave the film. Even though this seems like a small age group, the age rating for the film was a 12, therefore people above the age of 20 are unlikely to watch it frequently because of the content.

An audience like ours are likely to be interested in similar genres of film, which is why we feel that our film is aimed at this age group. They are likely to have watched films like ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ because it is similar in that it is a murder mystery with mistaken accusations.

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The reason for the age rating is because of the brief scenes of violence which are included in the flashbacks, therefore it could be uncomfortable for children under the age of 12 to watch it.

We think that our work is consistent with other products with the same audience, this is because films with this age rating don’t have a lot of inappropriate scenes of uncomforting scenes.